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1Dissidents in the Ranks 1061 word count Empty Dissidents in the Ranks 1061 word count Tue Sep 03, 2013 1:16 am



Alright now it was on to a bit of a tougher mission. Abel stood looking at himself in the mirror. He was all geared up but he was not so sure of himself with this one. There was a report of a gang of thugs moving in Kiri. One was reported to be fairly strong. A rank higher then himself. He bit his lip to keep it from trembling. He was anything but scared. His green eye glinted in the dim light of the room with excitement. This was his moment to move forward. He could no longer be standing still but moving forward in leaps and bounds. He tightened his grip on the hilt of his sword. It had no blade but it held more then an edge. It held his training. His dreams and goals. It was time now for him to move. After all reports had it that they moved at the night and the district they where in was near his home. Elitists is how he would classify them. Still he had to be the one to put this down. Kiri was anything but settled. A death of a Kage and a power show by the new one. Hearts where still broken for the man that had rebuilt their home. For the man who had brought hope and stability. Who had paid for it with his life. Abel only hoped he could be so noble. He refused to let his new home fall to some thugs.

Abel turned to the window and undid the latch. She could feel it in the moon light. there was an urge out there for violence. And he would be the musician that held the solo in this orchestra. He grinned as he launched out the moon outlining his black coat as it fluttered in the night breeze as a graceful raven descended sword in hand down towards the group below. three genin heading to meet up with the rest. He would capture them with one stroke and decipher the location of the leader. Taking out his back up was the plan here. However stealth wasn't going to happen he realized as his flapping coat brought the gaze of one upwards. However he only had a moment to scream before Abel spin in mid drop breaking his fall with a swing to the top of the boys head. he heard the resounding crack and watched blood spurt out her targets nose. He had to move while the others where unaware of what was going on. Before the first hit the ground he felt his heels touch which was enough for him to lean his weight forward. As his feet rolled forward the toes planted down and he launched forward bringing his sword up in a thrust. The dull edge cracking across his targets chin and lifting him in the air. Another spin and he brought the back of the hilt into the mans stomach. and then there was one. This one he needed to talk. Or did he?


It was quietly spoken but the boy responded in kind as only fear would create such obedience. Abel sheathed his sword in his belt loop and followed at an easy pace. This dark terror was following the genin. A demon woman stalking him in the night. He could smell his fear mixed with the sweat and piss from him. it was a quick chase through the allys before Abel backed off a bit. Give him a chance to think he had escaped and go right to the leader. Which was apparently near the edge of town. Still it brought a smile to his face as he followed. He was not close enough to hear but the interaction with a cloaked boy in a chair was short. And ended with a back hand that sent the genin sprawling. it seemed the taijutsu rumors where true enough. Perhaps if he could simply sneak up on the no that was definitely not going to happen where his thoughts as the target looked right at him. He was being watched so there would be no sneaking to be had on such a beautiful night for it. Still he felt pretty fired up.

Abel jumped down at the same time as clouds seemed to blot out the moon light. it did wonderful things for his approach. His body seemed to slip back and forth like a snake in the shadows as the man watched him. Only two other genin where standing but all they did was reach for some Kunai. And stood there. It was then that the man spoke. "You have power. You can take and control what you want. Why waste it getting defeated here by me?" His voice was quiet but dark.

"How about you fuck your self and we let our skills determine if my loyalties are stronger."

Abel watched the man tighten up and knew the combat was about to begin and he was ready for it. He shifted his feet apart and grabbed the hilt of his sword in a quick draw stance. he wanted to decide this in one move if he could. The pressure was building as the targets fist tightened. His opponent was faster but perhaps not smarter. Abel just had to time his quick draw While the other had a large distance to cross. It happened suddenly though. The target launched forward! Abel stepped forward with his right foot to add power to the swing and with his teeth gritted brought the sword up at the same time as the opponent swung his fist. The draw was perfect as he watched it catch the target across the knuckles forcing him to jump back as his fingers gushed out blood. But Abel wasn't done. Abel launched straight up in the air and began to spin in circles coming down with a spinning strike across the mans face. Sending him flying back with a cut across his face through his thin chair. Abel finally landed and announced in a clear voice trying to pretend that didn't take everything he had.

"Thats it kiddo's. Now disperse or my back up will arrest you."

The rest left which meant Abel got to spend the better part of the night dragging the leader to jail. Damn lack of upper body strength.

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