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1Discover the Pervert 645 word count Empty Discover the Pervert 645 word count Tue Sep 03, 2013 12:04 am



Here was the last mission of the week. Another D rank but it was his fourth. That meant he was fairly close to achieving his goal of becoming a better warrior. They would recognize his power and allow him to go onto harder missions. He just had this mission and one other to do and he would reach all new heights. For now he simply read the file as he meandered towards the district. He was to be an undercover cashier in a store to discover why so many where quitting the job at that location. it wasn't a hero's work but it was work that needed doing. So he took a step forward into the crowd. He had left his sword behind so he looked like just another hotty today. He giggled as some men looked after him and made some cat calls. Oh if they only knew he was a man. He approached the market with some caution though as he contemplated what kind of things could make people quit? He certainly hoped it was just something simple to fix like the AC smelling bad or something and nothing out of his comfort zone. After all it was a professional business. no way could things go awry and he would lose his temper. It just couldn't happen.

He sighed as he approached the store just as it was opening. The manager seemed kind of nice. He looked Abel over with a friendly smile as he opened the door and held it open for Abel. Well at least the manager was polite. Abel had no idea that the guy was checking out dat ass. He escorted Abel behind the counter and seemed to get awfully close while showing him how the till worked. But Abel just took it as harmless flirting. He was in all appearance a really hot chick after all. So he listened and obeyed for the time being. What else was there to do? Still he watched the man leave him alone with a little bit of unease about the experience. The guy had practically brushed his whole body against him with no need to do so in the wide space. That just seemed a little too forward. Either way he set it aside and began his investigation through out the work day. Finding very little wrong in the shop. sure it was kind of boring but working in a store had that tendency.

It wasn't until the closing time came around that anything interesting happened. Abel was finishing inventory and checking out the last customer when the manager of all people came up behind him. Pressing against his back he whispered that the doors where locked and they finally had some time to themselves. Abel pushed him off with a what the fuck look before shaking his head and turning to walk out. The manager however grabbed his arm and tugged him back. glaring at him like he had done something wrong. "Bitch you listen up. You tell anyone about this and you ain't ever gonna work in this town again. Not to mention you wont be able to walk ." He then smirked and undid his zipper as if to finish what he had implied. That just sent Abel's temper into overdrive. His temple begins to pulse as his left hand reaches out for the broom while his right knee goes into the guys nuts. Forcing the guy to double over right before the broom came crashing over his head snapping in half. Able formed up into a stabbing stance holding the broken end of the broom and waiting while the guy stood up before driving it into his chest with a yell. Sending him flying through the locked door into the street unconscious before Abel walked out stepping on his crotch on the way. The nerve of some people.

~exit thread~

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