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1Dissidents in the Ranks (Kai) Empty Dissidents in the Ranks (Kai) Sat May 17, 2014 3:56 am

Kai Shibetake

Kai Shibetake

The things in Kiri got to be very awry these few days because of some dumb ninja who keep on causing troubles to the nearby district in Kirigakure.They have been reported that the rebels actually forming sosialist gang among themself in Kirigakure and this is not a good sign for the village as it can cause and brought up many fight that eventually can lead to civil war . These moment of time was usually the time where then an higher war will be erupted between the villages because Kiri would be much exposed to other villages attack. To avoid this the leaderships in Kirigakure has hired Kai to investigate deeper into this matter and hope that Kai be able to solve this matter into his own hands.Kai was a bit worried when he first received this job cause even he is not quite sure if he will be able to stop them but in order to get avoid any conflict he is determined to try his best to stop them.
Kai was informed that they resided in the jungle near the entrance of Kiri village since they always disturb traveler who travel into the Kiri.Kai not sure what to expect when he got there, perhaps a brute ninja surrounded by his minions or just simply poor ninja who try to make a living out of stealing from traveler. After reaching there, Kai was surprise that the gang is already on their usual routine and is threatening the merchant from the neighborhood village for his supplies. " I've got to stop this before the man get hurt by them." thought Kai as he quickly intercept them and ask them to stop whatever things that they were doing.

WC: 289

Last edited by Kai Shibetake on Sat May 17, 2014 5:41 am; edited 2 times in total

2Dissidents in the Ranks (Kai) Empty Re: Dissidents in the Ranks (Kai) Sat May 17, 2014 4:36 am

Kai Shibetake

Kai Shibetake

* a few hour before the present *

" The mission required full completion regardless of anything happened with anything that you can whether by losing blood or not. If blood will not be spill, many more will be because of the resultant war" ordered the man who hired Kai this mission.
" Yes sir!!" said Kai with determination in his voice even though deep inside he still cannot deny the uneasy feeling he feels. The feeling of guilt and horror in taking one life, The feeling that made him hesitant to kill someone but he knows that if by talk it cannot be avoided then killing them might be the only way to prevent any war from erupting.

* Time flew back in the present*

" Stop this, this can be talk about. There's no one for any blood to be spill here and now." demand Kai who is trying to get them to settle down. As Kai was trying to reason with them to stop the activity they have done to run amok among the travelers who came to Kiri, suddenly a fist just came flying ahead of Kai and Kai having barely dodged it is partially hit. " Shut up you scum kid. You ninja are no match for me and we've outnumbered you clearly." said the man as he grin a little laugh on his face.
" You better don't wanna messed with me" grunt Kai as he recover himself from the earlier attack.As Kai try to get his hand in his pocket to reach some kunai from it suddenly two ninja who come out of nowhere appear and pointing their kunai at Kai from behind demanding Kai not to do anything stupid that could cause him to lost his life. " Better not try anything funny kiddo!!" demand one of the ninja behind Kai. The ninjas then proceed to tied Kai to bound him from using any jutsu and take Kai with them as hostage.

WC: 614

3Dissidents in the Ranks (Kai) Empty Re: Dissidents in the Ranks (Kai) Sat May 17, 2014 6:25 am

Kai Shibetake

Kai Shibetake

Kai is taken to the place where they settle down when they are not doing these crime activities. Their hideout look quite simple and shady looking as it only got a pair of bed on the ground and even so it is torn apart. He could see the items and supplies they took by force from some traveler lying there in the corner of the place. They have a very limited supply of food. " So you guys are all just collecting food for the poor?" ask Kai in a sad tone as he never thought of it like that. In the other corner, Kai can see a group of kids in a pair of torn out clothes watching him. Seeing these kids made Kai realized about who they are. They are stealing to help these poor kids their food. " Shut up! Stranger don't belong to know!!" answer one of the ninja. They seems to be working in group of five with one of them a Chunnin, acting as a leader of the group.

Kai get to know them a bit longer when he was captured as hostage by them. About why they do it and about the real situation. " We only steal from those merchant whose never show any pity toward these kids,instead they treated them like trash." said one of the ninja to Kai. Kai is paused by that. Kai never thought that the people that is being labelled as a criminal is the one who would gave out their hands to help others who needed.

WC: 873

4Dissidents in the Ranks (Kai) Empty Re: Dissidents in the Ranks (Kai) Sat May 17, 2014 6:39 am

Kai Shibetake

Kai Shibetake

Kai had a little laugh and banter with them, the ninja even though they got him tied and bound to the chair. They exchanged stories and talk about their experiences. " You know what, you seems like a very cool guy" said the leader ninja. " Aye, aye, nice bro." said one of the poor kid who sit beside both of Kai and the leader. " I can trust you, we will  let you go." said the leader but one of ninja under him does not seems to like the idea. " We can't trust him bro, He's probably faking it and right now maybe he has already calling out for backup about our location." said one of the ninja who is totally against his leader's idea of letting Kai go.

" Silence!, We can trust him." demand the leader who then proceed to loose off the knot on Kai but then suddenly a explosion happened near the hideout. Dust has completely obscured the Kai's vision. He barely seen anyone in front of him. " We've been attacked bro!" said one of the guy as they immediately fight off against 3 intruder ninjas. " This is your doing!!" said the leader as he glare towards Kai believing that it is Kai who had called for them. The ninja instantly killed a few of them in battle but is intercepted by the leader who fought them to avenge his comrade.

WC: 1110

5Dissidents in the Ranks (Kai) Empty Re: Dissidents in the Ranks (Kai) Sat May 17, 2014 7:09 am

Kai Shibetake

Kai Shibetake

" No, how come they find this place. I must help them" thought Kai having still bound to the chair as then he sees a jutsu on his left leg." Darn it, When did they plant it there." said Kai as he try to shake off the rope that bind him. The leader was quite strong but for one man to go against three ninja would be impossible. Kai could see that his fight has already taken toll on the leader as the ninjas completely overwhelmed him and all he can do is just focusing on defensive. As Kai try hard to let go of himself, suddenly the kid earlier come by running towards Kai and unleash the binding on Kai. " Please, you've got to help us. Please show me your resolve." plead the kid while crying. " No crying kiddo! I'll end this" said Kai as he rushes to the battle and quickly dispatch one of the three ninjas with a kick from the back quickly decapitated him. Kai then get to the leader side to fight beside him. " You??I have thought that you..." before he can finish his talking the ninjas quickly attack. Kai intercept the attack with his Invisible String technique which bind the enemies. " Sorry. they come after they detected my wherebout through the jutsu they planted on me." reply Kai. "Uhh I'm sorry for not trusting you" reply the leader. " So we're good now?" ask Kai with a smile. " Yeah we're good, now lets take this scumbags." reply the leader as he and Kai both jumped off  toward the ninja with a kick. Kai quickly use his numbing needles he conjured to paralyzed the enemy before render them unconscious.

WC: 1398

6Dissidents in the Ranks (Kai) Empty Re: Dissidents in the Ranks (Kai) Sat May 17, 2014 7:21 am

Kai Shibetake

Kai Shibetake

The battle is finally over even though some ninja has died that day, to the very least Kai could save the kids and prevent any more blood to be shed that day. " Thank you ninja.You're truly a ninja of high caliber and also very kind." said the leader of the ninja group. " Yea,bro" said the kid. "Ermmm no haha but so what's our plan now?" ask Kai as he is a bit blushing over the compliment he been given. " We'll probably will be travelling up north away from the village and stop our stealing activities. We planned on opening a village and settle down and become a farmer." reply the leader. " Sorry, that I can make any bettt..." said Kai as he is sad that he could not do anything to prevent that." No you have done your best. If it's not because of you, I would probably would not be here right now." said the man in a joke manner trying to cheer up the situation. As the part ways, Kai wave back as they leave on their carriage to begin a  new life. The three ninjas earlier is alive and they memories has been erased by some kind of jutsu by the leader in order to fake their own death and making as if they are killed by them. The three ninjas as ninjas hired by the same person who hired Kai much to his dismay. Kai returned to the village to collect his reward. The trouble has been settle now that they have move on and the three ninjas memories has been erased making no one knows about the situation. " I've done your mission." said Kai to the guy who hired him. "Good job, now here is your reward." reply the guy as he give Kai his reward.

WC: 1706
Mission: 1000/1000
Training Reaction Time : E-3 to D-0 300/300
Training Perception : E-3 to D-0 300/300
Leftover: 106

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