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1Dissidents in the Ranks (C-Rank) Empty Dissidents in the Ranks (C-Rank) Wed Oct 02, 2013 1:53 am



One of her neighbors had allowed Iyata to convert their old gardening shed into a makeshift workshop where she was allowed to tool and create at her hearts content. She stood among the woodcraft tools and gazed at one of her puppets currently in progress and smiled gently. There was a soft knock on the door to her workshop and she turned her attention to the door. “Enter…”she replied softly and turned rubbing the wood sealant off her hands with a spare rag, before tossing it back onto the workbench. The door creaked open casting light into the dark corners of the room. She immediately recognized the Nin standing in the doorway as the same Shinobi that had given her the last mission she had undertaken, quite successfully she may add.

“Another one I take it?” She asked. Before he had the chance to offer out the scroll, she extended her open hand out to him and motioned him to hand it over. The Shinobi obliged and retrieved the scroll from within his garments and placed it delicately in Iya’s hand. Iyata’s brow raised slightly, “Do you ever speak?” She asked gently. The Shinobi merely looked at her expectantly, sighing softly she unrolled the scroll and gazed at the writing from within. She cleared her throat softly as she read the details of her mission and she once again rolled the scroll up and looked to the Shinobi waiting for her response to which she nodded her head. That was all that the shinobi had needed before slipping back out the door in which he had came and once again disappearing.

Iyata made a mental note that at all cost she would eventually get that shinobi to say something, if it killed her she would get him to talk. She stowed away the scroll and looked at the puppet sitting on the bench a few moments longer before retreating out of the shop and locking it up behind her stowing away the key. She proceeded to thank her neighbors in passing as they tended to the garden on her way out of the property. She walked down the road heading back to her house to retrieve her personal effects for the mission.
Some time later that evening….

Iyata was able to track down the group of socialist ninja that were causing issues among the masses. She was able to tail a young genin to what she would gather as their main base of operations and gathering, outside an abandoned warehouse near the outskirts of the city walls. She jumped down from her perch high above the warehouse and landed on the roof of the warehouse she was investigating. She was able to locate a sunroof panel that had not been secured appropriately and lifted it up on the hinges gently and embarked into the dark warehouse. Her feet touched the rafters above as she gently laid the window back down into place. She look a moment kneeling perfectly still to get the lay of the land, she noticed faint lights moving in the distance behind overturned shelving unites piled high to the rafters.

She slowly moved forward towards the light giving chance glances behind her to make sure she was still unnoticed or at the very least was not being followed.  She reached a point where she would need to go down onto the ground below in order for her to continue. She clapped her hands together softly weaving the signs and whispering softly “Mizu Bunshin no Jutsu!” slowly a likeness of herself materialized in a flush of water and took a solid form beside her. She looked at her clone and motioned forward to head into the room where the light was coming from.

The clone accepted the assignment and jumped down onto the ground below silently and stalked towards the room. Iya jumped down behind her clone and slowly followed staying just far enough back that should her clone be spotted she would not be, allowing her time to hide should the need arise. It was one thing she did not like was going into a fight not knowing if the odds were in her favor or not. Iyata took up base at the base of the doorway and peered inside to see her clone duck behind some abandoned crates. The clone slowly looked over the crates took a quick survey of the room and ducked back down looking over to Iyata motioning six. Meaning there was six people in the room, Iya sighed silently as this was not ending up to be a very good mission.

She looked around and saw that there was miscellaneous  items strewn about the warehouse and she suddenly got an idea.

Moments Later…

A heavy mist enveloped the room and the Shinobi startled as the saw a tall figure cloaked in the mist walking towards them slowly as it got closer the form grew larger and larger. The Genin gasped and jumped back in fear, the Chuunin Leader however was not as afraid as his underlings but was noticeably shaken. “You lookin for trouble?” the leader called out. A deep voice called out to the young Shinobi “I am Katazaki Noshita, The blood blade of the sand. You have defiled my very resting place, and for that you will all suffer a most excruciating torture” Iya was able to say her voice deepend and amplified by a metal funnel she had found lying around. She maintained her control of the Chakra strings she had set to work on random items that was making up the body of the “killer”.

“Oh yeah, why should we do that!”The gutsy chuunin replied, Iya frowned and responded in kind. “If you do not leave and stop you gang activities I will hunt each and every one of you down and slice your throats while you sleep at home. For I am not limited to this place alone…However it would seem you need a demonstration of my resolve.” A figure moved out of the corner of the room and in the mist it was truly hard to see who it was. Katazaki spun around and impaled it with a elongated object. The figure cried out and fell to the ground. “Doubt me nooow?”Katazaki called turning his attention back to the gathering. They immediately Chuunin and all let out a tremendous scream and go running for the doors. Iyata waited a few extra moments and laughed softly as she looked at her water clone holding the handle end of a broom to her chest smiling to Iya. “Well this is one of the more humerous missions I have been on…”Iya chuckled and released her strings and dismissed her clone before walking back through the warehouse and out the door closing it behind her.

[wc: 1142/1000]

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