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1Dissidents in the Ranks [C-Rank | Solo] Empty Dissidents in the Ranks [C-Rank | Solo] Fri Feb 12, 2016 5:39 pm



Having returned to the village from Tsuchi no Kuni the previous night, Issei woke up in the morning and went straight to the administration building so he could get a mission. He needed the extra ryo after taking such a long vacation without any income throughout its duration. The first assignment that caught his eye was one concerning a gang of lower ranking ninja, presumably around the same rank as Issei. They were forming a potential threat with socialist ideals and rebellious behavior, and so the Mizukage was offering a ryo reward for anyone who could split them up somehow and dissuade their leader, “Hisao”. They had recently been spotted near the tourist district of Kirigakure, harassing visitors and locals alike. Now, there was nothing that specifically said how the ninja in the gang were to be dealt with, meaning by omission that killing them was a viable option. Issei preferred to avoid that conclusion, if he could, mostly because he didn’t like to kill people unnecessarily anyway. Although he didn’t have the best people skills around, he was determined to convince the gang to stop doing what they were doing without the use of violent force (especially considering they outnumbered him and they were likely capable of killing him if they wanted to). After officially accepting the mission, he headed out to the location provided wearing a hooded cloak to keep his face obscured and his body covered. There was a big commotion at the scene, as six people wearing nearly identical outfits were yelling and following people around. Issei paid close attention to the differences between them; some seemed younger than others, ranging between what he assumed was twelve to fourteen years old. The oldest was significantly taller than the rest, Issei assumed him to be around eighteen. He wore a Kirigakure flak jacket and his headband had a straight line scratched through its symbol, a common identifier for missing ninja. It was obvious that this had to have been Hisao.

Issei kept his head low as he made his way to the leader, who was threatening a visibly afraid woman. ”This village is corrupt and misguided. You need to join us so that we can take it down together and rebuild from the rubble; otherwise, you’re in the way, and I’ll have no choice but to leave you to die in the revolution.” There was a kunai in his opposite hand, but he didn’t touch her or point the knife at her. Issei lowered his hood and stood between the gangster and the woman. ”....” he looked at his new enemy with cold eyes, extending an arm to keep the woman behind him. She didn’t say anything, but she didn’t risk running away, either. ”Get out of my way.” the man said, challenging Issei. His underlings gathered around him but he stepped ahead, gesturing for them to stay back and let him handle it. Issei lowered his hand to the pouch strapped to his leg to grab a kunai of his own, all underneath his cloak so that his movement couldn’t be seen. ”Break up your little gang. This is your only warning.” Issei said in a booming voice. The two stood within a meter of one another, face to face. The leader gave him a smile and shook his head “no”.

Issei immediately threw a punch, launching his arm into a right jab aimed towards Hisao’s face. The hoodlum dodged the blow and caught Issei’s fist with his left hand, squeezing tight in an attempt to crush it. Issei activated his Shikotsumyaku, causing his eyes to go black and his irises to glow red. Hisao’s eyes widened in surprise but he didn’t let the hesitation affect combat as he went to thrust the kunai into Issei’s chest. Issei deflected it with his own kunai, then taking advantage of Hisao’s grip on his opposite arm, used his brute strength to overpower his foe and lift his arm into the air. He dragged Hisao with it, wrenching his fist free and catching the man’s wrist with both hands to carry the man helplessly off the ground before slamming him back down onto his back. Issei got on top of him, sitting on his chest and pointing two fingers at his skull. ”Surrender.”

”Never! I’ll never let this injustice continue, Kirigakure will fall!” Issei’s beastly red eyes bore into the boy’s soul with his gaze. ”Then you choose defeat.” He replied as he launched two bone bullets from the tips of his fingers directly into Hisao’s forehead, knocking him unconscious and causing some bleeding. He then heaved the unconscious man over his shoulder and turned to the rest of the gang. ”Leave. This group has officially disbanded and if I see any of you trying anything like this again, I won’t hesitate to beat you down.” All of the little genin fled the premises in terror, and the woman thanked Issei for his help. He responded with a subtle nod and delivered Hisao to the administration building for arrest. The bleeding wasn’t too bad, but his wrist was fractured and the injury from Issei’s digital shrapnel had potentially given him a concussion. True enough to his merciless behavior, Issei felt no remorse for the man, as he had given him a fair warning and ample opportunity to surrender and avoid a fight or an arrest altogether. In battle, he saw no reason to hold back because he always did whatever he could to avoid battle in the first place. He was never one to instigate conflict and he only ever participated as a last resort. Nonetheless, the medics handcuffed Hisao and took him in for treatment promptly, while Issei returned to the mission office to collect his reward. Another task, completed for his village. He felt a certain sense of honor and loyalty to his nation and he was happy to help, but his primary motivation was monetary because being a shinobi was his only job, now.

[ Mission Complete, Exit Thread ]



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