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1Discover the Pervert: The Price we Pay. Empty Discover the Pervert: The Price we Pay. Thu Sep 05, 2013 7:42 am


Zanko sat in front of the register in a small market store, his eyes half asleep as exhaustion had slowly begun to set in on his body. Part of him wondered why he took a mission that required him to be awake at three in the morning to “cover a shift for Becky” which in reality meant he was here to seek out the truth behind allegations that the Store Manager had been making sexual advances towards his staff, unwanted sexual advances. While this store had been investigated several times in the past, the evidence had come back as inconclusive, so either this man was either, really lucky, really good, or just plain innocent. However, Zanko had predetermined that the man was not innocent, and even if he was, he still wouldn’t be.

“Hey you! New guy, I need some help restocking the Vending Machine in the employee break room.” The husky voice of the store manager called out

Zanko rolled his eyes at the man as he stood up from his register, being sure to flick the light out to signify his register was closed before he followed the manager into the back room where the employee break room was found.

“This could be our chance.” Odaya’s voice whispered in their joint mind

“I am perfectly aware.” Zanko thought in reply

“Just don’t kill him if he makes a move alright?” Odaya asked as a reminder of their mission parameters.

“No promises.” Zanko whispered in reply.

The manager suddenly turned his head; he had a quizzical expression on his face as he addressed Zanko. “Did you say something?” He asked

“Hmm? Me? No, you must be hearing things.” Zanko replied calmly.

The manager didn’t give a verbal reply; he simply nodded his head before rubbing the back of his head and continuing onwards. Zanko had spent a few hours in the store and while he couldn’t PROVE the manager had been soliciting his employees, he could feel the man’s gaze on him at all times. Unlike a normal supervisor this gaze held a more ominous quality, as if the beholder was less a Shepard and more a wolf in wait. Zanko despised that cold chill that crawled up his spine even as he walked just a mere few feet behind the man, punishment would be doled out in his own respective manner.

“So…” The manager said addressing Zanko nervously. “I bet you want to know how to stay here in the long term.” He continued.

“Of course I do.” Zanko lied between gritted teeth.

“Oh, well that is a good thing.” The manager muttered with a half hopeful tone in his voice.

Zanko felt a mixture of nausea and hatred boiling just underneath the surface of his skin. “What is he up to?” Zanko wondered, already fully knowing the answer before the manager even continued. If a sexual advanced was going to be made towards Zanko, it would be met by brutal and unrelenting violence that was the only thing Zanko knew for sure. Images of a dead, broken, and tattered body flashed through the joint mind of the brothers, it caused a small smile to appear on Zanko’s cold lips.

“You are sick, you know that right?” Odaya asked.

“He’s a walking dead man, you know that right?” Zanko replied.

“Need I remind you, he has to be left alive for us not to be branded Missing Ninja and get paid.” Odaya reminded his brother.

“I wish you didn’t remind me of the particulars sometimes.” Zanko replied.

The two brothers were drawn out of their conversation as the manager addressed Zanko. “Well, why don’t you come in and sit down, we can have a little lunch and get to know one another a bit better. Does that sound good?” He asked in a poorly attempted seductive voice.

“Yeah, sure whatever you say boss man.” Zanko replied half-heartedly and completely uninterested.

After a few moments of sitting across the table from one another and eating with the Manager’s uncomfortable gaze bearing down on Zanko the man stood up and made his way to the other side of the room. He walked up behind Zanko and began to slowly rub his shoulders, bringing his face down to Zanko’s ear he whispered. “How’s about you get out of these pesky clothes and I show you how to stick around, yeah?” Even as he whispered those words his right hand ran down Zanko’s chest.

That was the moment Zanko snapped, he only saw red as he grabbed the metal fork he had been eating with and jabbed it into the perverts wandering hand. Crimson blood flowed from the wound on top of his hand as the Manager fell backwards reeling and yowling from pure agony. Zanko picked up another piece of chicken and gently popped the tasty morsel into his mouth before standing up and turning to face the manager.

“You are disgusting man; I wanted to let you know this. Oh, and this is going to hurt you a lot more then it will me…actually it won’t hurt me at all.” Zanko whispered with a slight chuckle into the man’s ear.

Zanko grabbed the Manager by his hair and dragged him over to the now open vending machine that they had failed to fill. After a few moments of breaking various bones to ensure he fit properly into the machine Zanko slammed the door on the vending machine and locked the pervert inside. After taking a moment to admire his handiwork Zanko turned to leave the Break Room. As he exited the back room he passed someone on their way to the break room.

“You may want to call some Medical Attention.” He casually explained as they crossed paths.

Shortly after he passed along there was a horrified scream as the woman found the bloody manager locked inside the clear Plexiglas prison. “Something is really wrong with you.” Odaya whispered unapprovingly.

Word Count: 1008/600

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