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76Best Chatbox Moments - Page 4 Empty Re: Best Chatbox Moments Tue Nov 29, 2016 10:07 pm

Shisu Kansen-Suru

Shisu Kansen-Suru

[21:09:46] * Shisu Kansen-Suru did fourth page of best Chatbox moments \o/
[21:10:36] Hao : Jean, ban him for putting my name on the page. I didn't request for it nor did I gave it my approval.
[21:10:45] @ Bokuden : ok
[21:11:03] Hao : Did I give it*
[21:11:03] Ryuto : haha
[21:11:04] Shisu Kansen-Suru has been banned by Bokuden

77Best Chatbox Moments - Page 4 Empty Re: Best Chatbox Moments Wed Nov 30, 2016 8:29 pm




[21:25:48] * Kashizudoto tries to c-box summon Andrea
[21:25:59] Ano : ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
[21:26:02] Ano : FEED HER THE COMMAS
[21:26:09] Ano : ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
[21:26:10] * Daiko burns candles and puts them in a circle around Kashizudoto
[21:26:15] * Daiko forms a pentagram
[21:26:19] Daiko : Oh sweet comma eater
[21:26:21] Hanataka Shuzo : You should steal national monuments instead
[21:26:23] Hanataka Shuzo : And stack them
[21:26:27] Daiko : oh
[21:26:28] Daiko : good idea
[21:26:39] Ano : Monuments as in?
[21:26:44] Hanataka Shuzo : Or drop them on people's heads
[21:26:58] * Daiko steals the great wall of china, washington monument, Eiffel tower, leaning tower of piza, and the world trade center and stacks them all up
[21:27:08] Daiko : ok where is shhe
[21:27:29] Ano : "Okay, which one of you motherfuckers didn't believe hard enough."

EDIT --- Lmao

[21:32:17] Gin joined the chat on Wed Nov 30, 2016 9:32 pm
[21:32:25] @ Gin : was I summoned?
[21:32:28] Razan : GIN!
[21:32:32] Daiko : works every time
[21:32:32] Ano : MY COMMAS WORKED
[21:32:37] Chiaki : Yo Gin
[21:32:37] Daiko : ;)
[21:32:41] @ Gin : it was the candles, actually
[21:32:45] Daiko : SEee
[21:32:47] * Gin eats the wax
[21:32:47] Daiko : i told you.
[21:32:50] Daiko : xD
[21:32:52] Ano : commas....
[21:32:57] * Ano sheds a tear.
[21:32:59] @ Gin : they were not strong enough
[21:33:01] Daiko : it's ok
[21:33:03] @ Gin : you lack faith

78Best Chatbox Moments - Page 4 Empty Re: Best Chatbox Moments Sat Dec 03, 2016 7:43 pm


[18:30:13] Hantā joined the chat on Sat Dec 03, 2016 6:30 pm
[18:30:19] Hantā : Once upon a time
[18:30:30] Hantā : There were 8 goat kids and a goat mother
[18:30:45] Hantā : The goat mother decided to go out and buy food for her children
[18:31:00] Hantā : She told them not to let anyone in the house, and left to shop
[18:31:05] Oreiko : aloha
[18:31:10] Alwen Sangotatsu : How goes it?
[18:31:15] Hanataka Shuzo : Oh boy
[18:31:18] Hantā : Soon after, a hungry wolf came to the door and asked to come in
[18:31:29] Hantā : The goats said no, and refused
[18:31:44] Hantā : After many tries, one of the goats finally let in the wolf
[18:31:51] Kashizudoto joined the chat on Sat Dec 03, 2016 6:31 pm
[18:31:56] Alwen Sangotatsu : Yo Kash money
[18:32:01] Kashizudoto : hey
[18:32:05] Hantā : And he ate all but one, for he was hiding like a little b*tch
[18:32:12] Kashizudoto : It's been slow past few days, I see
[18:32:32] Hantā : When the goat mother came, the little goat told his mother, who became angry
[18:32:43] Hantā : So she got her gun
[18:32:46] Hantā : FOund the wolf
[18:32:54] Hantā : And popped caps into that a**
[18:33:10] Hantā : Then she ripped him open and helped her children out
[18:33:20] Hantā : The end
[18:35:53] Kashizudoto : Hanta
[18:35:58] Kashizudoto : That story was so bad
[18:36:13] Kashizudoto : That I need to do the following:
[18:36:15] Kashizudoto has logged off the chat on Sat Dec 03, 2016 6:36 pm

79Best Chatbox Moments - Page 4 Empty Re: Best Chatbox Moments Sun Dec 04, 2016 7:34 am



[07:15:45] Takoma : Who's Tenmei?
[07:15:48] Takoma : Is she new?

80Best Chatbox Moments - Page 4 Empty Re: Best Chatbox Moments Thu Dec 15, 2016 10:03 pm



Just monkeying around with the boys xDD

[08:46:58] Kino joined the chat on Fri Dec 16, 2016 8:46 am
[08:47:48] Kino : Yo, yo, yo.
[08:48:35] Kino : Yeah, Kash is right.
[08:49:42] Tsuneo : bout o.o?
[08:49:55] Kino : The deviantart user.
[08:50:02] Kino : My bad. I probably should have clarified that. xD
[08:50:39] Shisu Kansen-Suru : .
[08:51:01] Kino : I finally replied to my mission thread!
[08:51:43] Kino : Only took me 10 days. xD
[08:52:21] Tsuneo : xD its kool bro
[08:52:26] Tsuneo : Kino XD
[08:52:26] Shisu Kansen-Suru : It's lit
[08:52:31] Shisu Kansen-Suru : Facts
[08:52:34] Tsuneo : if you're feeling bad about replying late
[08:52:36] Shisu Kansen-Suru : Post up
[08:52:40] Tsuneo : Remember my ass xDDDD
[08:52:43] Tsuneo : Shisu
[08:52:45] Shisu Kansen-Suru : Word to my Tims
[08:52:47] Tsuneo : that was mean >:o
[08:52:53] Tsuneo : why'd you have to hit me with a bat
[08:52:54] Kino : Lmfaooo
[08:52:56] Tsuneo : my joke was badass
[08:53:03] Tsuneo : and funny
[08:53:08] Kino : I guess it's not that bad, since I'm in that thread by myself.
[08:53:17] Kino : But damn... it took me 10 days to reply to myself. xD
[08:53:17] Tsuneo : xDDDDDD
[08:53:23] Tsuneo : BRO
[08:53:27] Tsuneo : I WOULD NEVER REPLY TO ME
[08:53:38] Tsuneo : FUCK ME MAN XD
[08:53:42] Kino : xDDDDDDDD
[08:53:42] Tsuneo : not literally
[08:53:46] Tsuneo : but yeah fuck me
[08:53:50] Shisu Kansen-Suru : It's brick as heck
[08:53:53] Tsuneo : don't actually do it
[08:53:56] Kino : Lmfao
[08:54:00] Kino : That's how I felt.
[08:54:05] Tsuneo : xD
[08:54:14] Kino : Like... meh... you can wait.. stop being so impatient you fucker.
[08:54:14] Tsuneo : Okay here shisu
[08:54:15] Kino : xD
[08:54:22] Tsuneo : let's test my joke on Kino
[08:54:38] Tsuneo : Kino
[08:54:39] Shisu Kansen-Suru : I wasn't really paying attention
[08:54:50] Tsuneo : If Nanashi made an Aburame alt
[08:54:54] Shisu Kansen-Suru : I was repeating the stupid shit lower classman be saying
[08:55:10] Tsuneo : his aburame character would look "fly"
[08:55:19] Tsuneo : O_O
[08:55:28] Kino : Lol
[08:55:35] * Shisu Kansen-Suru takes out his chainsaw
[08:55:43] Shisu Kansen-Suru : You son of a
[08:55:46] Tsuneo : IM OUT THIS BITCH
[08:55:49] * Tsuneo RUNS
[08:55:50] Kino : I feel like there's deeper meaning to this but I don't know who Nanashi is
[08:55:53] * Shisu Kansen-Suru slashes at Tsueno
[08:56:05] Tsuneo : xDDDDD
[08:56:05] Kino : But still... I laughed.
[08:56:06] Ashiko has been disconnected on Fri Dec 16, 2016 8:56 am (session timeout)
[08:56:51] Kino : Aww... now I feel like one of those guys that tries to join in on sports convo's but doesn't actually watch sports.
[08:57:08] Tsuneo : xD
[08:57:10] Tsuneo : poor kino
[08:57:11] Kino : So then you're all like... Maaaaan Lebron was a monster last night... and their all... Yeah, he stole the fuck out of that base.
[08:57:12] Kino : xD
[08:57:16] Shisu Kansen-Suru : Those guys are the worst
[08:57:20] Tsuneo : dun worry there's no deeper meaning
[08:57:21] Kino : they're*
[08:57:34] Tsuneo : who is lebron
[08:57:39] Kino : xD
[08:57:46] Tsuneo : xD
[08:57:47] Kino : I think he's a soccer player or something.
[08:57:53] Kino : Idk. I watch Boxing.
[08:57:53] Kino : xD
[08:58:07] Ashiko joined the chat on Fri Dec 16, 2016 8:58 am
[08:58:09] Tsuneo : OH I LOVE THAT IRISH WANKER!
[08:58:13] Kino : LMFAO
[08:58:17] Tsuneo : What's his name
[08:58:21] Tsuneo : mc-something
[08:58:28] Ashiko : I
[08:58:34] Lee Yagami has been disconnected on Fri Dec 16, 2016 8:58 am (session timeout)
[08:58:34] Kino : McIrishman.
[08:58:34] Tsuneo : Defo a Mac in his name
[08:58:37] Ashiko : I'm not an Irish wanker. . .
[08:58:40] Kashizudoto has been disconnected on Fri Dec 16, 2016 8:58 am (session timeout)
[08:58:47] Tsuneo : No not you ASHIKO XDDDD
[08:59:04] Lee Yagami joined the chat on Fri Dec 16, 2016 8:59 am
[08:59:14] Shisu Kansen-Suru : Panda panda panda
[08:59:39] Kino : black x6!
[08:59:41] Kino : phantom
[08:59:42] Shisu Kansen-Suru : Dead ass
[08:59:45] Kino : white x6!
[08:59:48] Kino : look like a panda
[08:59:57] Shisu Kansen-Suru : Get turnt
[09:00:12] Shisu Kansen-Suru : Word to my Tims
[09:00:21] Kashizudoto joined the chat on Fri Dec 16, 2016 9:00 am
[09:00:22] Tsuneo : OH CONOR MCGREGOR
[09:00:28] Kino : xD
[09:00:35] Tsuneo : Told you there was a mac in there
[09:00:45] Tsuneo : though with his ego
[09:00:48] Tsuneo : its a big mac
[09:00:57] Kino : Lmfao
[09:01:02] Tsuneo : I'm lovin' it

81Best Chatbox Moments - Page 4 Empty Re: Best Chatbox Moments Sat Dec 17, 2016 12:02 pm

Shisu Kansen-Suru

Shisu Kansen-Suru

[10:54:03] Shisu Kansen-Suru : Hey look
[10:54:16] Shisu Kansen-Suru : I found a white nationalist chatroom
[10:54:29] * Shisu Kansen-Suru heads in "They'll love me"
[10:54:39] Kino : LMFAO
[10:55:04] Chiaki : Pfft
[10:55:56] Shisu Kansen-Suru : Welp
[10:56:01] Shisu Kansen-Suru : They banned me
[10:56:17] Kino : Damn, that was quick
[10:56:19] Chiaki : Gasp. I'd have never seen that coming
[10:56:39] Kino : lol
[10:57:17] Shisu Kansen-Suru : Well
[10:57:47] Shisu Kansen-Suru : I guess I was in the wrong just barging in screaming "WHAT UP MY N*****S"

82Best Chatbox Moments - Page 4 Empty Re: Best Chatbox Moments Wed Dec 21, 2016 7:16 pm



[17:13:17] P. : I assume Ayakashi is still around?
[17:13:24] P. : I'll get around to updating it in a moment, thank you.
[17:13:27] Kashizudoto : yes
[17:14:16] Kenta Inuzuka has been disconnected on Wed Dec 21, 2016 5:14 pm (session timeout)
[17:14:16] Ayakashi joined the chat on Wed Dec 21, 2016 5:14 pm
[17:14:28] @ Ayakashi : Aloha
[17:14:34] Kashizudoto : speak of the devil
[17:14:48] Alwen Sangotatsu : Yo Aya
[17:14:55] Kashizudoto : That c-box summon, XD
[17:14:59] P. : Well that answers that one.

83Best Chatbox Moments - Page 4 Empty Re: Best Chatbox Moments Mon Jan 09, 2017 3:19 am



[00:17:14] @ Tré : There are certain things in this world I don't share.
[00:17:24] Illiana : I did to the square root of infinity.
[00:17:27] @ Suutei : Me being one
[00:17:35] Illiana : I hope STD's are one of them

84Best Chatbox Moments - Page 4 Empty Re: Best Chatbox Moments Mon Jan 16, 2017 8:10 pm



[00:06:16] Messages cleared by Kenta Inuzuka
[00:06:19] @ Kenta Inuzuka : fixed.
[00:06:20] Robin Umino : First
[00:06:22] Kojin : Yay!
[00:06:23] Robin Umino : Fuck
[00:06:30] @ Kenta Inuzuka : >_>
[00:06:33] Kojin : xD
[00:06:42] @ Kenta Inuzuka : I will clear/kick anyone that does that first bullshit.
[00:06:43] * Tré drags Kenta away for said word.
[00:06:45] @ Kenta Inuzuka : >_>
[00:06:46] @ Kenta Inuzuka : <_<
[00:06:52] Kojin : o-o
[00:06:54] @ Kenta Inuzuka : o_o -Dragged-
[00:07:06] * Kojin olds a stick out to Kenta
[00:07:10] Kojin : *holds
[00:07:30] * Kenta Inuzuka notes that Tre and I are roughly 6 feet away from each other.
[00:07:42] Kojin : That is one long arm
[00:07:50] Robin Umino : Indeed

85Best Chatbox Moments - Page 4 Empty Re: Best Chatbox Moments Sat Feb 04, 2017 7:46 pm

Oki Kuma

Oki Kuma

Remember kids. Don't talk about not being able to kick yourself: Someone else will do it for you.

[23:38:14] Shigeki : Mitsuo doesn't have an @ and therefore can't kick me!.

[23:38:14] Shigeki : haha.

[23:38:18] Burittsu : xDD.

[23:38:42] Nakajima Naho has been disconnected on Sat Feb 04, 2017 11:38 pm (session timeout).

[23:39:25] Kaekio joined the chat on Sat Feb 04, 2017 11:39 pm.

[23:39:25] Oki Kuma : Yep.

[23:39:32] Shigeki has been kicked by Kaekio.

[23:39:34] Oki Kuma : So safe

86Best Chatbox Moments - Page 4 Empty Re: Best Chatbox Moments Wed Feb 08, 2017 7:36 pm



[15:34:33] * Sero licks his elbows
[15:34:35] Sero has logged off the chat on Wed Feb 08, 2017 3:34 pm
[15:34:35] Sero joined the chat on Wed Feb 08, 2017 3:34 pm
[15:34:35] @ Sero : I lie butts
[15:34:37] @ Sero : I like big butts
[15:34:37] Sero has logged off the chat on Wed Feb 08, 2017 3:34 pm

87Best Chatbox Moments - Page 4 Empty Re: Best Chatbox Moments Mon Mar 13, 2017 11:13 pm

Magetsu Fukitsuna

Magetsu Fukitsuna

[23:03:04] Magetsu Fukitsuna : Gimme some money for my poor ass self (;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`)
[23:04:13] Magetsu Fukitsuna : Well?
[23:04:33] Enma has been disconnected on Mon Mar 13, 2017 11:04 pm (session timeout)
[23:04:41] Magetsu Fukitsuna : Where the fuck the money at? (;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`)
[23:05:14] * Magetsu Fukitsuna steals everyone's shoes and runs away
[23:05:27] Magetsu Fukitsuna : Society made me do this (;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`)

88Best Chatbox Moments - Page 4 Empty Re: Best Chatbox Moments Fri Mar 17, 2017 3:37 am

Uchiha Teru

Uchiha Teru

[01:33:12 17/03/2017] Burittsu : If that Ice village or anything is up
[01:33:14 17/03/2017] Uchiha Teru : *theme
[01:33:23 17/03/2017] Burittsu : I'll be glad to use it as a base to start off with
[01:33:41 17/03/2017] Uchiha Teru : Are you going to play Elsa?
[01:33:42 17/03/2017] Uchiha Teru : :D
[01:33:51 17/03/2017] Uchiha Teru : Can I be Marshmallow?
[01:33:56 17/03/2017] Burittsu : xD
[01:34:09 17/03/2017] * Burittsu waves a wand around
[01:34:18 17/03/2017] Uchiha Teru : I like the idea of an ice castle in the mountains
[01:34:21 17/03/2017] Uchiha Teru : So magical!
[01:34:26 17/03/2017] Burittsu : LET IT GO
[01:34:32 17/03/2017] Burittsu : LETTTTTT IT GOOOOOOO
[01:34:42 17/03/2017] Tsuneo : Oh raishi!
[01:34:44 17/03/2017] Uchiha Teru : The cold never bothered me anyway
[01:34:51 17/03/2017] Burittsu : YEAAAh
[01:34:58 17/03/2017] * Burittsu freezes Kiri in one post

89Best Chatbox Moments - Page 4 Empty Re: Best Chatbox Moments Sat Mar 18, 2017 10:41 pm

Uchiha Teru

Uchiha Teru

[20:35:45] @ Tré : Teru.
[20:35:47] @ Tré : Do the thing.
[20:35:53] Uchiha Teru : Thing?
[20:36:00] @ Tré : "You will never get Tre to Spec. Jounin".
[20:36:01] Uchiha Teru : I don't read minds!
[20:36:05] Karumo : Don't do i
[20:36:07] Karumo : DONT
[20:36:10] Karumo : CHibi
[20:36:13] Karumo : Look at me...
[20:36:14] Karumo : :I
[20:36:15] Uchiha Teru : Is that in my script?
[20:36:17] Karumo : Don't you dar
[20:36:20] Uchiha Teru : :I
[20:36:20] @ Tré : Chris is a hater.
[20:36:22] Karumo : dare*
[20:36:23] @ Tré : And yes, it is.
[20:36:25] @ Tré : Say it.
[20:36:26] Karumo : Don't do it...
[20:36:27] @ Tré : SAY
[20:36:30] * Uchiha Teru looks at script
[20:36:33] Uchiha Teru : But...
[20:36:34] @ Tré : IT
[20:36:34] Karumo : Listen, I may be a mess
[20:36:36] Uchiha Teru : I don't see it
[20:36:39] @ Tré : Du et.
[20:36:39] Karumo : But I'm telling the truth here
[20:36:44] @ Tré : SAY IT
[20:36:45] Uchiha Teru : >:I
[20:36:47] Karumo : Don't.. do it
[20:36:51] Uchiha Teru : I can't!
[20:36:51] @ Tré : SAY IT.
[20:36:57] @ Tré : YOU CAN
[20:36:57] Uchiha Teru : It's not in my real script!
[20:37:01] @ Tré : SA IT
[20:37:04] Karumo : >:D
[20:37:10] Taeru has logged off the chat on Sat Mar 18, 2017 8:37 pm
[20:37:11] Uchiha Teru : I can't say anything that's not on it!
[20:37:11] @ Tré : SAY MY NAME, SAY MY NAME
[20:37:21] @ Tré : WHEN NO ONE IS AROU-- wait
[20:37:21] Uchiha Teru : I don't know your name!
[20:37:24] @ Tré : wrong song.
[20:37:43] Uchiha Teru : :I
[20:37:46] @ Tré : "You will never get Tre to Spec. Jounin".
[20:37:47] Karumo : :I
[20:37:55] @ Tré : Thats all you gotta say.
[20:37:56] Karumo : It's not worth it, trust me
[20:37:59] @ Tré : Du et.
[20:38:03] Uchiha Teru : It's not in my script :I
[20:38:06] Karumo : You don't know what you'd be buying into to
[20:38:06] @ Tré : Its sooo worth ti.
[20:38:09] Karumo : into*
[20:38:09] Uchiha Teru : Do I get an @?
[20:38:10] @ Tré : SAY IT
[20:38:13] @ Tré : MAYBE
[20:38:16] Karumo : You don't get an @, trust
[20:38:17] Uchiha Teru : :I
[20:38:19] @ Tré : YOU NEVER KNOW
[20:38:24] Uchiha Teru : Hm
[20:38:24] @ Tré : YOU MIGHT
[20:38:25] Karumo : I know
[20:38:28] Uchiha Teru : Write in on here
[20:38:30] @ Tré : WHAT DO YOU GOT TO LOSE?!
[20:38:33] Karumo : I'm on the inside, I know the secrets
[20:38:33] * Uchiha Teru scoots the script to Tre
[20:38:48] * Tré scribbles "You will never get Tre to Spec. Jounin". into the script.
[20:38:57] Karumo : Chibi...
[20:39:02] Uchiha Teru : You will never get Tre to Spec. Jounin
[20:39:08] Karumo : You're walking a dangerous pa--
[20:39:11] * Tré cackles.
[20:39:12] Alwen Sangotatsu : Welp
[20:39:13] Karumo has logged off the chat on Sat Mar 18, 2017 8:39 pm (You're dead to me)

90Best Chatbox Moments - Page 4 Empty Re: Best Chatbox Moments Sun Mar 19, 2017 7:15 pm



[18:07:47] @ Mitsuo : Uh
[18:07:53] @ Mitsuo : Chris
[18:07:57] @ Maigo : Calvin
[18:08:09] @ Mitsuo : You slandered me
[18:08:10] @ Jet : Neko
[18:08:15] Uchiha Teru : o-o
[18:08:16] @ Maigo : You don't know that
[18:08:18] @ Mitsuo : and therefore I have to remove you
[18:08:25] @ Maigo : Wait!
[18:08:25] * Uchiha Teru sloths on someone
[18:08:29] @ Maigo : Can I say one thing?
[18:08:32] MAIGO has been kicked by Mitsuo

91Best Chatbox Moments - Page 4 Empty Re: Best Chatbox Moments Mon Mar 20, 2017 5:08 pm

Kokai Tsumi

Kokai Tsumi

Some harsh love there Chris

92Best Chatbox Moments - Page 4 Empty Re: Best Chatbox Moments Sat Mar 25, 2017 5:20 am

Otter Aiden

Otter Aiden

Watch out, it's a long one:

Over 10,000 words of just pure chatbox story, GG Maigo

93Best Chatbox Moments - Page 4 Empty Re: Best Chatbox Moments Sun Mar 26, 2017 1:09 am

Piero Chi

Piero Chi

[01:04:41] Piero Chi : Since Mikage is here we should say something worthy of best chatbox moments
[01:04:58] Uchiha Teru : Pigs in a blanket
[01:05:01] @ Mitsuo : Yeah I have it saved to my computer
[01:05:07] Mikage has logged off the chat on Sun Mar 26, 2017 1:05 am
[01:05:13] Uchiha Teru : D:
[01:05:14] @ Maigo : lol
[01:05:21] @ Mitsuo : Noo!

And then later

[01:35:11] Sutaka : chris
[01:35:12] Sutaka : fuck me
[01:35:13] * Maigo is pounced, catches and pats
[01:35:14] Sutaka : i mean kick me
[01:35:26] @ Maigo : Drake...
[01:35:31] Piero Chi : Ahahahahhahahahshshhshshshshshhshfhfhfhrhr
[01:35:32] Sutaka : i said kick me
[01:35:48] Piero Chi : Sutaka X Maigo

94Best Chatbox Moments - Page 4 Empty Re: Best Chatbox Moments Sun Mar 26, 2017 2:59 pm



[01:28:32] * Sayuri tackles Mitsuo
[01:28:32] Uchiha Teru : .
[01:28:38] Sayuri : ....
[01:28:41] Sayuri : oh...
[01:28:46] Sayuri : oh dear...
[01:28:49] Nanashi : Kay.
[01:29:05] * Sayuri backs up slowly
[01:29:44] Piero Chi : You ded
[01:29:46] Sayuri : You're not Precious....
[01:30:07] Nanashi : o-o
[01:30:18] * Sayuri dusts off Mitsuo's clothes
[01:30:40] Piero Chi : You Ded bruh
[01:31:00] Sayuri : O.o
[01:31:02] Mikage joined the chat on Sun Mar 26, 2017 1:31 am
[01:31:02] @ Mikage : -
[01:31:21] Nanashi : >.>
[01:31:27] Nanashi : welcome back
[01:31:41] * Sayuri points at Mikage
[01:32:01] Ginza : o.o
[01:32:04] * Piero Chi
[01:32:34] Maigo has been disconnected on Sun Mar 26, 2017 1:32 am (session timeout)
[01:32:34] Sutaka has been disconnected on Sun Mar 26, 2017 1:32 am (session timeout)
[01:32:34] * Sayuri shrugs
[01:32:36] Piero Chi : >_>
[01:32:51] Piero Chi : ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
[01:32:56] Sayuri : safe
[01:33:10] Piero Chi : You got lucky
[01:33:16] * Sayuri curls up on the floor and eats a cookie
[01:33:18] Sayuri has been kicked by Mitsuo
[01:33:24] Sayuri joined the chat on Sun Mar 26, 2017 1:33 am
[01:33:29] Piero Chi : XD
[01:33:30] Sutaka joined the chat on Sun Mar 26, 2017 1:33 am
[01:33:31] Sayuri : goddammit
[01:33:34] @ Mitsuo : Hm, it appears someone has tripped over my kick function

95Best Chatbox Moments - Page 4 Empty Re: Best Chatbox Moments Sun Mar 26, 2017 3:12 pm



You know that chat spam rule? Well, enforced.

[16:08:26 26/03/2017] @ Maigo : What do you mean hasn't been done in a while?
[16:08:26 26/03/2017] Kaiji Kyudoka : O.o
[16:08:39 26/03/2017] @ Maigo : It happened literally seconds before you did so...
[16:08:42 26/03/2017] Suutei : I haven't kicked you from chat in forever
[16:08:54 26/03/2017] Suutei has been kicked by Maigo
[16:08:58 26/03/2017] Suutei has been kicked by Maigo
[16:09:03 26/03/2017] Suutei has been kicked by Maigo
[16:09:03 26/03/2017] Piero Chi : Haaaha
[16:09:08 26/03/2017] Suutei has been kicked by Maigo
[16:09:09 26/03/2017] @ Kenta Inuzuka : xD
[16:09:13 26/03/2017] Suutei has been kicked by Maigo
[16:09:16 26/03/2017] Moderator status withdrawn from maigo by Mitsuo
[16:09:16 26/03/2017] Santaku Nariko : It's like a yoyo
[16:09:17 26/03/2017] @ Maigo : /kick Suutei
[16:09:18 26/03/2017] Kaiji Kyudoka : What is..?
[16:09:18 26/03/2017] maigo has been banned by Mitsuo
[16:09:22 26/03/2017] Suutei : BRUTE FORCE

96Best Chatbox Moments - Page 4 Empty Re: Best Chatbox Moments Mon Mar 27, 2017 11:49 am

Uchiha Teru

Uchiha Teru

09:48:49] Nanashi : Jaycee what are you going to school for?
[09:49:03] Keiko : Education

97Best Chatbox Moments - Page 4 Empty Re: Best Chatbox Moments Thu Mar 30, 2017 9:41 pm



[18:35:45] Taeru : "making him moan slightly"
[18:35:51] Burittsu : >_>
[18:35:53] @ Karumo : :I
[18:35:55] Burittsu : Waht XD
[18:36:00] @ Karumo : Is this happening here?
[18:36:03] * Karumo looks around
[18:36:08] Taeru : I'm so glad I joined this site
[18:36:12] Burittsu : Tae what
[18:36:15] Burittsu : >_>
[18:36:18] Piero Chi : Wouldn't be the first time
[18:36:21] Taeru : It's nothing
[18:36:21] Burittsu : No you cant play that off
[18:36:24] @ Karumo : Don't worry about ir Buri, don't worry about it
[18:36:25] Alucard : xD
[18:36:26] Burittsu : >_> XD
[18:36:28] @ Karumo : it*
[18:36:33] Taeru : I stalk the hell out of some peoples writing XD
[18:36:38] Burittsu : LMAOOOO
[18:36:41] @ Karumo : 'some peoples' >..
[18:36:43] Taeru : like
[18:36:44] @ Karumo : >.>*
[18:36:49] Burittsu : Did chris write that
[18:36:56] Taeru : wow My day is made sometimes reading peoples posts
[18:36:56] Burittsu : >_>
[18:36:56] @ Karumo : No, I did not xD
[18:37:01] Burittsu : XD
[18:37:07] Alucard : xD
[18:37:38] Piero Chi : XD(?)
[18:37:55] Burittsu : Weak
[18:37:59] Burittsu : I laughed to hard
[18:38:02] @ Karumo : Buri, Alucard, and Piero remind me of like a modern day, weed obsessed three stooges
[18:38:04] Taeru : What was it again Tsuchikage Sama -Swoons.- ouh yeah...
[18:38:13] Burittsu : XD
[18:38:15] @ Karumo : I will kick you xD
[18:38:22] Burittsu : LMAOOOO
[18:38:23] Taeru : ' alone in the office with their Senpai'
[18:38:24] Taeru : XD
[18:38:25] Tré joined the chat on Thu Mar 30, 2017 6:38 pm
[18:38:29] Burittsu : WHHOAAA
[18:38:31] Burittsu : XDD

98Best Chatbox Moments - Page 4 Empty Re: Best Chatbox Moments Sat Apr 01, 2017 4:23 am

Uchiha Teru

Uchiha Teru

[01:57:32] @ Sero : Why not have a house sized spider?
[01:57:33] Uchiha Teru : spiiiders
[01:57:36] Uchiha Teru : O_O
[01:57:43] * Uchiha Teru coughs
[01:58:40] @ Sero : And when i say house I don't mean duplex
[01:58:44] @ Sero : I mean three story Manor
[01:58:55] Uchiha Teru : I think I'm goign to faint
[01:58:56] Uchiha Teru : *going
[01:59:18] @ Sero : I should make it a jumping spider
[01:59:32] @ Sero : See if i can get it to clear foot ball fields in the time it takes me to leap
[01:59:41] Uchiha Teru : Please no ;-;
[01:59:50] Uchiha Teru : Make it a funnel web spider
[01:59:55] Uchiha Teru : ....
[01:59:59] Uchiha Teru : The heck am I saying?
[02:00:02] Uchiha Teru : <_<
[02:00:15] Uchiha Teru : Make it a wiiiiiiiittle baby jumping spider
[02:00:26] @ Sero : Or one of those spiders that burrows underground and pops up randomly
[02:00:34] Uchiha Teru : Tarantulas?
[02:00:35] @ Sero : I can see it now
[02:00:45] Uchiha Teru : No
[02:00:46] Uchiha Teru : Wait
[02:00:47] @ Sero : its three stories tall, it hunting you, but you can't see it
[02:00:51] Uchiha Teru : Trapdoor spiders
[02:01:08] Uchiha Teru : ;-;
[02:01:14] Uchiha Teru : ;;;--;;;;
[02:01:47] @ Sero : Is it worse than the puppy sized spider sleeping on your chest while you rest?
[02:02:30] Uchiha Teru : O_O'''''
[02:02:44] Uchiha Teru : I.... I have no idea what to say
[02:02:53] @ Sero : It likes you
[02:02:56] @ Sero : like a loyal pet
[02:03:21] Uchiha Teru : Can I pet it without it biting off my hand?
[02:03:46] Uchiha Teru : S-Sensei?
[02:04:03] Uchiha Teru : Your silence scares me
[02:04:21] Uchiha Teru : I'm going to die, aren't I?
[02:04:30] Uchiha Teru : ....
[02:04:34] Uchiha Teru : ;-;
[02:04:55] Uchiha Teru : I never thought I'd lose my limbs to a spider
[02:04:56] * Sero returns with cookies
[02:04:58] @ Sero : hmm?
[02:05:00] Uchiha Teru : At such a young age too
[02:05:04] Uchiha Teru : <_<
[02:05:21] * Uchiha Teru rocks back and forth in the corner
[02:05:28] Uchiha Teru : ;-;
[02:05:31] @ Sero : Oh heavens no
[02:05:46] Uchiha Teru : Phew....
[02:05:49] @ Sero : I doubt that one would do anything worse than bring you something still alive wrapped in webbing
[02:05:58] Uchiha Teru : I thought I w---
[02:06:04] @ Sero : Its the four foot tall ones and bigger that don't like you
[02:06:07] Uchiha Teru : That's...
[02:06:14] Uchiha Teru : I...
[02:06:21] * Uchiha Teru explodes
[02:07:10] Burittsu joined the chat on Sat Apr 01, 2017 2:07 am
[02:07:19] * Burittsu been arching for some time
[02:07:20] Burittsu : >_>
[02:07:23] @ Sero : Really should give you a job at the manor Teru
[02:07:32] Burittsu : <_<
[02:07:37] Uchiha Teru : What kind of job?
[02:07:41] Uchiha Teru : >_>
[02:07:49] @ Sero : Likely a runner
[02:07:57] Uchiha Teru : ....Runner....
[02:08:18] @ Sero : Deliver any outgoing corespondence from the manor into the village and restock supplies
[02:08:28] Uchiha Teru : Oh, that's actually not bad
[02:08:37] @ Sero : You even get your own wagon
[02:08:46] Uchiha Teru : What pulls it?
[02:08:49] @ Sero : attached to a horse sized spider...would of been a horse but they ate it
[02:09:00] Uchiha Teru : Oh my...
[02:09:08] @ Sero : Imagine the fun of that
[02:09:13] Uchiha Teru : I think I'll just run on foot
[02:09:18] @ Sero : Going into the market with a giant spider
[02:09:28] @ Sero : How ever would you get all the supplies back?
[02:09:36] Uchiha Teru : Um...
[02:09:37] Uchiha Teru : <_<
[02:09:38] Uchiha Teru : >_>
[02:09:40] @ Sero : We have several mouths to feed and such
[02:09:47] Uchiha Teru : Oh man
[02:09:56] Uchiha Teru : I feel like a young mother
[02:10:05] Uchiha Teru : Give me the wagon and the spider
[02:10:11] Uchiha Teru : I'll feed those spider babies
[02:10:18] @ Sero : I meant the humans
[02:10:23] Uchiha Teru : Oh...
[02:10:36] Uchiha Teru : <_<
[02:10:46] Uchiha Teru : I'll treat them like spider babies anyway
[02:10:49] @ Sero : You, Hanta, Yasuo and myself as well as guests.
[02:11:07] @ Sero : Alwen when they are home as well
[02:11:10] Uchiha Teru : Well, chut
[02:11:23] Uchiha Teru : I get human interaction!
[02:11:38] @ Sero : Feel free to do a market thread with the wagon and spider
[02:11:47] @ Sero : though it might be wise to cover it in a tarp
[02:11:47] Uchiha Teru : I think I will, lol
[02:11:56] Uchiha Teru : The spider?
[02:12:12] @ Sero : Or figure out how to deal with a frightened mob
[02:12:23] Uchiha Teru : >.<'''
[02:12:23] * Burittsu watches
[02:12:30] Uchiha Teru : I'll bring the tarp
[02:12:44] Uchiha Teru : Bur, you put the tarp on the spider
[02:13:01] Burittsu : Im working now?
[02:13:09] Uchiha Teru : You got a new job
[02:13:23] Burittsu : Really now a new job
[02:13:32] Burittsu : Buri is not at the manor right now
[02:13:33] Uchiha Teru : Do we get paid sensei?
[02:13:39] Uchiha Teru : >_>

99Best Chatbox Moments - Page 4 Empty Re: Best Chatbox Moments Mon Apr 03, 2017 4:16 pm



[13:14:00] @ Atsuhiro : Hush Ashes, just look away and pretend I'm not here
[13:14:01] * Burittsu crawls in pain
[13:14:11] Burittsu : Who is Atsu?
[13:14:13] Burittsu : >_>
[13:14:18] Burittsu : Is that Rob?
[13:14:19] Hantā : .-.
[13:14:22] Burittsu : Or Ashi?
[13:14:23] Burittsu : >_>
[13:14:24] Hantā : Who the hell is Atsu?
[13:14:27] Alwen Sangotatsu : It's Calvin
[13:14:31] Burittsu : Oh
[13:14:35] Burittsu : Its calvin
[13:14:36] Burittsu : xDD
[13:14:38] @ Atsuhiro : It's more fun when PEOPLE DON'T RUIN IT FOR ME
[13:14:42] Hantā : XD
[13:14:45] Burittsu : XD
[13:14:49] Alwen Sangotatsu : Look, there's enough alt confusion without secret alts
[13:14:53] Burittsu : XD
[13:14:57] @ Atsuhiro : Well have fun for the rest of the day
[13:14:58] @ Atsuhiro : I'm out
[13:15:01] Atsuhiro has logged off the chat on Mon Apr 03, 2017 1:15 pm
[13:15:05] Burittsu : XD

100Best Chatbox Moments - Page 4 Empty Re: Best Chatbox Moments Mon Apr 03, 2017 8:42 pm



[19:32:53 03/04/2017] @ Lin : Alright, I am getting on to Kick Maigo here since I can't do it in skype
[19:33:01 03/04/2017] @ Lin : XD
[19:33:08 03/04/2017] @ Maigo : No you don't!
[19:33:12 03/04/2017] Maigo has been kicked by Lin
[19:33:16 03/04/2017] @ Lin : Did it
[19:33:16 03/04/2017] @ Lin : XD
[19:33:27 03/04/2017] Sayuri : O.o
[19:33:31 03/04/2017] * Maigo inhales
[19:33:36 03/04/2017] Sayuri : what...
[19:33:48 03/04/2017] @ Maigo : I won, kick me all you want... xD
[19:33:53 03/04/2017] Taeru : o.o I look away and people come in
[19:33:58 03/04/2017] * Lin crosses arms and sticks tongue out
[19:33:59 03/04/2017] Taeru : Hello's :D
[19:34:00 03/04/2017] Sayuri : hi Tae
[19:34:02 03/04/2017] @ Lin : Hi Tae
[19:34:06 03/04/2017] @ Lin : Hi Say
[19:34:09 03/04/2017] Sayuri : hey lin
[19:34:14 03/04/2017] @ Lin : Hi Hantay!
[19:34:14 03/04/2017] Sayuri : hi precious
[19:34:24 03/04/2017] * Lin pokes Maigo
[19:34:29 03/04/2017] @ Lin : The sayuri is talking to the preciosu
[19:34:32 03/04/2017] @ Lin : precious*
[19:34:39 03/04/2017] @ Maigo : Hihi~
[19:34:41 03/04/2017] @ Maigo : I saw it xD
[19:34:47 03/04/2017] @ Lin : did not!
[19:34:51 03/04/2017] * Sayuri pounces on the precious
[19:34:55 03/04/2017] @ Lin : Right, off to reply.
[19:35:00 03/04/2017] * Maigo is pounced on, catches and pets
[19:35:02 03/04/2017] * Lin is alarmed at the pouncing
[19:35:06 03/04/2017] @ Maigo : Oh, you're replying?
[19:35:07 03/04/2017] * Lin backs away slowly
[19:35:07 03/04/2017] * Sayuri purrs
[19:35:09 03/04/2017] @ Maigo : Right now?
[19:35:12 03/04/2017] Lin is away : has backed away slowly
[19:35:14 03/04/2017] Hantā : Okay
[19:35:19 03/04/2017] @ Maigo : O.o
[19:35:27 03/04/2017] Hantā : I'm bout ready to see anything that can emulate being drunk
[19:35:28 03/04/2017] Lin has been kicked by Maigo
[19:35:34 03/04/2017] @ Lin : BINT!
[19:35:39 03/04/2017] Hantā : So I can write what is being considered drunk
[19:35:48 03/04/2017] Hantā : And revise it when not 'drunk'
[19:35:50 03/04/2017] @ Maigo : HOSER!
[19:35:51 03/04/2017] @ Lin : Type in youtube: Drunken dance
[19:35:56 03/04/2017] @ Maigo : No?
[19:35:59 03/04/2017] @ Lin : Yes
[19:36:01 03/04/2017] @ Maigo : Why?
[19:36:02 03/04/2017] @ Lin : dew it
[19:36:07 03/04/2017] @ Maigo : O.o
[19:36:12 03/04/2017] Sayuri : O.o
[19:36:14 03/04/2017] @ Maigo : Explain yourself?
[19:36:29 03/04/2017] @ Lin : Emulating being drunk is watching drunk people dance
[19:36:31 03/04/2017] @ Lin : contact-drunk
[19:36:35 03/04/2017] * Lin nods
[19:36:38 03/04/2017] Hantā : .-.
[19:36:43 03/04/2017] @ Maigo : O.o
[19:36:44 03/04/2017] * Hantā grabs Lin
[19:36:52 03/04/2017] * Hantā puts next to Maigo
[19:36:52 03/04/2017] * Lin is apparently grabbed
[19:36:53 03/04/2017] @ Maigo : Is that how that works?
[19:36:56 03/04/2017] Hantā : I ship it
[19:36:59 03/04/2017] Hantā : Lingo
[19:37:00 03/04/2017] * Lin is put next to Maigo
[19:37:04 03/04/2017] @ Maigo : No
[19:37:07 03/04/2017] Hantā : Main
[19:37:07 03/04/2017] @ Maigo : Main
[19:37:07 03/04/2017] @ Lin : Hah, we're our own Lingo
[19:37:11 03/04/2017] @ Lin : Main what?
[19:37:23 03/04/2017] Hantā : That moment when you both has the same idea
[19:37:24 03/04/2017] @ Lin : Difference between Ship and Main..
[19:37:25 03/04/2017] @ Lin : Essplain
[19:37:27 03/04/2017] @ Maigo : Mai (go) + (L) in
[19:37:29 03/04/2017] Hantā : Mai+n
[19:37:34 03/04/2017] @ Maigo : Maigo + Lin = Main
[19:37:34 03/04/2017] @ Lin : Ohhhhh
[19:37:38 03/04/2017] @ Maigo : DO THE MATH
[19:37:42 03/04/2017] Hantā : XD
[19:37:43 03/04/2017] @ Lin : It's the Main ship
[19:37:46 03/04/2017] Hantā : THIS IS HARDLY MATH
[19:37:50 03/04/2017] @ Maigo : I suppose so
[19:37:53 03/04/2017] @ Lin : It's science!
[19:38:00 03/04/2017] @ Maigo : And it has it's own Lingo?
[19:38:03 03/04/2017] @ Lin : Pheremones+Proximity+time
[19:38:11 03/04/2017] @ Maigo : That being Noun-Verb
[19:38:12 03/04/2017] @ Lin : It's the Main Lingo of Saga
[19:38:12 03/04/2017] @ Lin : XD
[19:38:18 03/04/2017] @ Maigo : Eyyy xD
[19:38:25 03/04/2017] @ Maigo : The Main Lingo of Saga, I can get behind it
[19:38:29 03/04/2017] @ Lin : Oh my god, please don't put this in the chat's funniest moments
[19:38:38 03/04/2017] Sayuri : o.o
[19:38:40 03/04/2017] @ Maigo : You do it
[19:38:41 03/04/2017] @ Lin : #imberrazzed
[19:38:47 03/04/2017] @ Lin : I'm not going to?
[19:38:51 03/04/2017] @ Lin : I asked you NOT to?
[19:38:53 03/04/2017] @ Maigo : Fine, then I will
[19:38:56 03/04/2017] * Lin gives Maigo glasses
[19:39:01 03/04/2017] @ Maigo : I SAID FINE, I WILL
[19:39:01 03/04/2017] @ Lin : you need these

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