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26Best Chatbox Moments - Page 2 Empty Re: Best Chatbox Moments Thu Apr 14, 2016 12:01 am

Uchiha Teru

Uchiha Teru

[22:29:13] Izon : So, are you going to bring Shitai in "I picked this one special" whwnever you show us the mansion or?
[22:29:21] Izon : Do you have a plan for that yet?
[22:29:37] @ Sero : She hasn't decided to join yet
[22:29:49] @ Sero : If she does its more
[22:29:56] Sukoshi Kemono joined the chat on Wed Apr 13, 2016 10:29 pm
[22:29:58] @ Sero : I found another medic...don't die
[22:29:59] Kaguza : Whats this merc group your making now?
[22:30:03] Izon : xD
[22:30:07] Shitai : o_o Kinda sitting right here, folks.

27Best Chatbox Moments - Page 2 Empty Re: Best Chatbox Moments Mon Apr 18, 2016 5:32 pm

Uchiha Teru

Uchiha Teru

[15:54:40] Uchiha Teru : What would follow the temporary healing? o.o
[15:55:05] @ Sero : Do you have the numb characteristic?
[15:55:13] Uchiha Teru : I don't o_o
[15:55:22] @ Sero : Screaming I assume.
[15:55:28] Uchiha Teru : ~.~
[15:55:49] Jagi : Oh.
[15:55:50] Uchiha Teru : ;-;
[15:55:54] Jagi : Chemical burn cauterization.
[15:56:09] Ryouichi : It wont hurt!
[15:56:11] Kiritsu has been disconnected on Mon Apr 18, 2016 3:56 pm (session timeout)
[15:56:11] Uchiha Teru : Please just take me to the hospital ;-;
[15:56:23] @ Sero : Can't.
[15:56:28] @ Sero : Not allowed in town
[15:56:34] Uchiha Teru : D:
[15:56:39] @ Sero : Will have to let you take yourself
[15:56:56] Aozame : I'll take her, then.
[15:57:22] @ Sero : Still need to stop the bleeding when the water Senbon fades
[15:57:22] Uchiha Teru : Lol thank you Ao ;-;
[15:57:29] @ Sero : temporary healing
[15:57:30] .iggidy joined the chat on Mon Apr 18, 2016 3:57 pm
[15:57:51] Ryouichi : Just accept his healing
[15:57:58] Uchiha Teru : That can be easily done with a ripped sleeve
[15:58:04] Moumoku : \o/
[15:58:06] Uchiha Teru : But...
[15:58:10] @ Sero : You won't have time.
[15:58:17] Uchiha Teru : Yeah ;-;
[15:58:51] @ Sero : Imma very fast
[15:59:20] Uchiha Teru : Can you knock me out and then do it? ;-;
[15:59:41] @ Sero : Why would I do that?
[16:00:04] Uchiha Teru : To spare me a moment of pain?
[16:00:13] @ Sero : Builds character
[16:00:24] Neko Ran : K.O
[16:00:36] Uchiha Teru : I wish I would have deflected that last senbon ;-;

28Best Chatbox Moments - Page 2 Empty Re: Best Chatbox Moments Thu May 05, 2016 4:13 pm

Neko Ran

[16:03:46] Neko Ran : What happened is that we were playing with a giant a** beach ball
[16:03:58] @ Sero : they call it that
[16:03:58] Takao : .
[16:04:02] Neko Ran : I charged for it and didn't see him
[16:04:03] * Jūgo, Makuro
[16:04:17] Neko Ran : Then as soon I hit the ball
[16:04:30] Neko Ran : He knocked into me and we fell backwards
[16:04:38] Neko Ran : We had a good laugh though
[16:04:42] @ Sero : He held her close as they fell
[16:04:46] @ Sero : taking the brunt of the force
[16:04:48] Neko Ran : XD
[16:04:53] Neko Ran : No he didn't
[16:04:56] @ Sero : There on the cold floor they layed
[16:05:05] @ Sero : her staring at his pain stricken face
[16:05:10] Takao : he held her close as they fell
[16:05:11] @ Sero : her cheeks flaring red
[16:05:14] Takao : then he turned around, grabbed her neck, and RKO'd her
[16:05:23] Neko Ran : He's like 5 inches shorter than me
[16:05:29] @ Sero : Her hand raised and she sacrificed him to the dark lord
[16:05:32] Takao : outta nowhere
[16:05:33] Neko Ran : XD


[16:11:14] @ Jet : seriously tho i was close to fall off my bed just now
[16:11:15] Seiryū : No.
[16:11:17] Neko Ran : Or is that a thing where you live?
[16:11:18] Seiryū : Corn pops
[16:11:22] Kensei joined the chat on Thu May 05, 2016 4:11 pm
[16:11:25] Seiryū : They are my childhood!
[16:11:28] @ Sero : Want me to help keep you on your bed?
[16:11:37] Neko Ran : ...
[16:11:38] Neko Ran : XD
[16:11:45] @ Jet : forget i am a insignificant teenager t-what
[16:11:48] * Neko Ran has a dirty mind
[16:11:50] * Sero grabs the metal bars
[16:11:56] Neko Ran : XD
[16:11:58] * Sero collects a roll of barbed wire
[16:12:00] @ Jet : neko we are the same
[16:12:05] Neko Ran : NEVERMIND I WAS RIGHT
[16:12:11] Karumo : Very innocent! You don't even know all the words that are also euphemisms!
[16:12:11] Neko Ran : WHAT THE WIRE FOR
[16:12:14] * Kensei rolls in.
[16:12:26] @ Kensei : I'm... about me kicked out the skype chat. Weeee
[16:12:31] @ Jet : wha....
[16:12:31] @ Sero : Pain is an incentive to stay away from the edge of the bed
[16:12:31] * Jūgo, Makuro
[16:12:41] @ Sero : I help
[16:12:44] @ Kensei : about to be*
[16:12:46] @ Jet : im already in pain from coughing

29Best Chatbox Moments - Page 2 Empty Re: Best Chatbox Moments Thu Jul 07, 2016 4:59 pm



[15:44:53 07/07/2016] Nanashi : ugh ugh
[15:45:04 07/07/2016] Nanashi : what all have I miss? Just curious.
[15:45:32 07/07/2016] Maigo : Well, there are new Kages! But that's pretty much it...
[15:45:38 07/07/2016] * Maigo sloths on Mych
[15:46:47 07/07/2016] Nanashi : oh?
[15:47:00 07/07/2016] Nanashi : Did Fukai become Kage?
[15:47:33 07/07/2016] Maigo : Nah it was some other weirdo with purple eyes though xD
[15:47:52 07/07/2016] Maigo : Probably just a mix up though... but we haven't wanted to break the news to that other guy yet
[15:48:13 07/07/2016] * Ryoka facepalm.
[15:50:37 07/07/2016] Nanashi : ewww
[15:50:58 07/07/2016] Nanashi : <-< I feel sorry for Iwa.
[15:51:38 07/07/2016] @ Nozomi : .
[15:52:01 07/07/2016] @ Nozomi : >_>
[15:52:03 07/07/2016] Maigo : Same :p
[15:52:03 07/07/2016] @ Nozomi : XD
[15:53:55 07/07/2016] Atsuya : Wait, so, Karumo isn't the Tsuchikage? :v
[15:54:27 07/07/2016] Nanashi : Naw
[15:54:37 07/07/2016] Nanashi : Karumo is being mind controlled by Fukai
[15:54:39 07/07/2016] Weiss Schnee : .
[15:54:43 07/07/2016] Maigo : He won't be for long...
[15:54:46 07/07/2016] Maigo : xD
[15:54:54 07/07/2016] Maigo : Now I know why he chose the same clan as I!

30Best Chatbox Moments - Page 2 Empty Re: Best Chatbox Moments Mon Jul 18, 2016 7:55 am



Best Chatbox Moments - Page 2 Screen10

31Best Chatbox Moments - Page 2 Empty Re: Best Chatbox Moments Tue Jul 19, 2016 10:23 pm



[14:20:19] Hantā : lul
[14:20:31] @ Fukai : we bold now boys and girls
[14:20:32] [b]* Hantā rolls[/b]
[14:20:38] Hantā : I ship it
[14:20:43] Hantā : Fukai X Bokuden
[14:20:47] @ Fukai : better get used to it, this our life from now on
[14:20:49] Hantā : Bokai
[14:21:04] @ Fukai : :I I'm not even going to acknowledge that
[14:21:05] Hantā : Fukuden
[14:21:12] Hantā : Omg
[14:21:22] Hantā : Best name for people who just don't care
[14:21:30] @ Fukai : lmap
[14:21:38] Hantā : "Like my hair?"
[14:21:42] Hantā : "No,"
[14:21:58] Hantā : "Okay, Fukuden."

32Best Chatbox Moments - Page 2 Empty Re: Best Chatbox Moments Sun Jul 24, 2016 2:58 pm



[14:48:34] Genbu joined the chat on Sun Jul 24, 2016 2:48 pm
[14:49:16] Magetsu Fukitsuna : Genbu returns
[14:49:27] Magetsu Fukitsuna : Got that gas money?
[14:49:38] Genbu : i got tree fiddy
[14:50:41] Ashura : .
[14:50:55] Magetsu Fukitsuna : .....
[14:51:00] Ashiko joined the chat on Sun Jul 24, 2016 2:51 pm
[14:51:08] * Magetsu Fukitsuna throws Genbu out the car
[14:51:12] Ashiko : Awwwwwww
[14:51:14] Magetsu Fukitsuna : You can walk
[14:51:17] Tadashi : are you a loch ness monster?
[14:51:17] Ashiko : Thats so cold
[14:51:19] Ashiko : XD
[14:51:20] * Magetsu Fukitsuna speeds off
[14:51:45] * Ashiko sits on the car
[14:51:49] Genbu : yup
[14:53:13] Magetsu Fukitsuna : Jenny, got that gas money?
[14:53:57] * Ashiko throws 80 bucks through the window
[14:54:20] * Magetsu Fukitsuna speeds off with Jenny on the car
[14:54:31] Ashiko : I actually have roughly that much money on me irl
[14:54:35] * Magetsu Fukitsuna makes a sudden stop throwing Jenny off
[14:54:44] * Magetsu Fukitsuna runs Jenny over
[14:54:44] * Ashiko is flung
[14:54:50] Magetsu Fukitsuna : Thanks for the cash
[14:54:56] * Magetsu Fukitsuna speeds off
[14:54:57] Ashiko : D:<
[14:55:05] * Ashiko is betrayed
[14:55:24] Magetsu Fukitsuna : Dayum straight

33Best Chatbox Moments - Page 2 Empty Re: Best Chatbox Moments Mon Jul 25, 2016 9:16 am

Magetsu Fukitsuna

Magetsu Fukitsuna

Thought it was a video game

[09:07:15] EpicEshaan : His weird rituals,make him seem like a devil worshipper
[09:07:39] Magetsu Fukitsuna : .............
[09:07:56] EpicEshaan : what village is Jashin
[09:08:00] Magetsu Fukitsuna : This is your character...not Hidan
[09:08:06] Magetsu Fukitsuna : Any
[09:08:11] EpicEshaan : true
[09:08:13] Magetsu Fukitsuna : They are scattered
[09:08:44] Magetsu Fukitsuna : And you won't be a devil worshiper
[09:08:54] Magetsu Fukitsuna : Just a Jashin Worshiper
[09:10:42] EpicEshaan : so how do i pick it,
[09:11:20] EpicEshaan : im on the clan page but when i click a clan it just tells me their info.
[09:12:19] Magetsu Fukitsuna : You don't...have this site confused with an actual video game do you?
[09:12:51] EpicEshaan : oops

34Best Chatbox Moments - Page 2 Empty Re: Best Chatbox Moments Mon Jul 25, 2016 2:13 pm



[14:05:08 25/07/2016] Tadashi : hey what stat should a little frail boy focus on?
[14:05:15 25/07/2016] Yasuo : REA
[14:05:20 25/07/2016] Otter Aiden : ^
[14:05:25 25/07/2016] Otter Aiden : And Speed
[14:05:29 25/07/2016] Tadashi : k
[14:05:29 25/07/2016] Yasuo : and PER
[14:05:42 25/07/2016] Otter Aiden : Do drugs
[14:05:44 25/07/2016] Otter Aiden : Get Speed
[14:05:50 25/07/2016] Yasuo : nooo
[14:06:00 25/07/2016] Yasuo : what happened to my innocent lil aiden
[14:06:00 25/07/2016] Otter Aiden : xD
[14:06:05 25/07/2016] Tadashi : going endurance wouldn't do anything for me since i -3 endurance from drawbacks
[14:06:14 25/07/2016] Otter Aiden : I'm sorry ;w;
[14:06:22 25/07/2016] Yasuo : Q. Q
[14:06:30 25/07/2016] Yasuo : NO CANDY 4 CHU
[14:06:39 25/07/2016] Otter Aiden : D :
[14:06:56 25/07/2016] Niidashi Hana/Mika : Will ya'll adopt me? I
[14:07:02 25/07/2016] Niidashi Hana/Mika : no likes my family
[14:07:20 25/07/2016] Otter Aiden : It's okay Hana, I'm an orphan too
[14:07:26 25/07/2016] Otter Aiden : Just find a large Oni to latch on
[14:07:48 25/07/2016] Yasuo : are they serial killers too?
[14:08:33 25/07/2016] Yasuo : omg
[14:08:41 25/07/2016] Yasuo : aiden is alien abduction
[14:08:48 25/07/2016] Tadashi : does anyone know off the top of their head if its 750 words to go from E-0 > D-0?
[14:08:56 25/07/2016] Otter Aiden : Lol wat XD
[14:09:02 25/07/2016] Niidashi Hana/Mika : Attach to Al-kun? Can he be my daddy and Ai-chan my mommy? No serial killers just drog dealers and theifs though my dad tried to burn someones house down one
[14:09:08 25/07/2016] Otter Aiden : Around 750 yup
[14:09:35 25/07/2016] Yasuo : aiden is a face hugger
[14:09:41 25/07/2016] Otter Aiden : xDDDDD
[14:09:47 25/07/2016] Yasuo : it is 750 yes
[14:10:04 25/07/2016] Otter Aiden : "Ai-Chan my mommy"
[14:10:05 25/07/2016] Niidashi Hana/Mika : I accept the hugs of the face
[14:10:22 25/07/2016] Niidashi Hana/Mika : Chu is Ai-chan
[14:10:26 25/07/2016] Otter Aiden : WELP, I always knew I wouldn't hide my estrogen
[14:10:28 25/07/2016] Yasuo : lol
[14:10:49 25/07/2016] Yasuo : NAUGHTY AIDEN
[14:10:52 25/07/2016] Yasuo : [14:10:58 25/07/2016] Otter Aiden : PFFFFFFT XDDDDDDDDDD
[14:11:00 25/07/2016] Yasuo : look at what you spawned
[14:11:09 25/07/2016] Yasuo : zai take responsibility
[14:11:18 25/07/2016] Otter Aiden : I swear! The dna test is a lie!
[14:11:19 25/07/2016] Niidashi Hana/Mika : YAY AI-CHAN IS MY MOMMY!!!!
[14:11:24 25/07/2016] Otter Aiden : XD
[14:11:25 25/07/2016] Alexei Chikamatsu : o3o...
[14:11:30 25/07/2016] Otter Aiden : What is this chat anymore xD
[14:11:45 25/07/2016] Yasuo : THE TEST DONT LIE
[14:12:04] * Niidashi Hana/Mika hugs mommy Ai-chan
[14:12:09] Otter Aiden : I don't even have ovaries!
[14:12:11] * Otter Aiden hugs
[14:12:56] Niidashi Hana/Mika : That is irrelevant mommy because you are my mommy and I your child~

35Best Chatbox Moments - Page 2 Empty Re: Best Chatbox Moments Tue Jul 26, 2016 8:10 pm



[20:03:35] Ashiko : Synonyms for dry?
[20:03:46] Otter Aiden : Not wet
[20:03:50] Ashiko : XD
[20:03:58] Otter Aiden : ;P
[20:04:09] Ashiko : My taste in men
[20:04:23] Otter Aiden : XD
[20:04:35] Kui : Did someone say tasting and men?
[20:04:45] Ashiko : No eating them
[20:04:50] Magetsu Fukitsuna : Sorry Kui
[20:04:51] Ashiko : Unless its out
[20:04:57] Magetsu Fukitsuna : Been busy
[20:04:59] Otter Aiden : Oh god xD
[20:05:13] Kui : Don't discriminate. I eat women too
[20:05:20] Ashiko : XD
[20:05:28] Kui : When Kui goes down
[20:05:38] Kui : It's going to be a once in a lifetime experience
[20:05:41] Kui : Literally
[20:05:47] Alexei Chikamatsu joined the chat on Tue Jul 26, 2016 8:05 pm
[20:05:52] Magetsu Fukitsuna : XD
[20:05:54] Otter Aiden : Heya hon <3
[20:05:58] Alexei Chikamatsu : <3
[20:06:02] Ashiko : Cause they will be dead
[20:06:09] Kui : all the ladies say it's to die for
[20:06:10] Alexei Chikamatsu : Hey Ashi Maik, Nana
[20:06:11] Otter Aiden : We're just talking about how Kui gives out blowjobs
[20:06:21] Ashiko : XD
[20:06:27] Kui : Just kidding, they don't say that because they die
[20:06:35] Alexei Chikamatsu : You're never subtle, are ya Aiden?
[20:06:45] Otter Aiden : Sorry
[20:07:02] Kui : Kui is Pansexual. He doesn't care about your body. Because he's going to eat it anyway
[20:07:02] Alexei Chikamatsu : No ya not -w-
[20:07:06] Otter Aiden : We were just talking about Kui's needing to be satisfied by phallic objects
[20:07:09] Ashiko : XD
[20:07:14] * Otter Aiden is now subtle
[20:07:16] Alexei Chikamatsu : xD
[20:07:23] Ashiko : Sagas chat moments
[20:07:26] Ashiko : This is worthy
[20:07:30] Otter Aiden : xD
[20:07:38] Alexei Chikamatsu : Post it there
[20:07:40] Alexei Chikamatsu : Please
[20:07:44] Nanashi : what th --
[20:07:58] Kui : You can say Kui is an ass man, for sure
[20:08:09] * Nanashi exit stage left.


[20:10:21] Magetsu Fukitsuna : No Jenny bleeps her stuff cause she 13
[20:10:35] * Gen puts his face firmly in his palm.
[20:10:42] Magetsu Fukitsuna : Though I don't know why
[20:10:46] Ashiko : Hey
[20:10:50] Ashiko : Fine!
[20:10:57] Ashiko : Cock
[20:10:58] Gen : b...but what if she needs to describe a mule without seeming redundant and using the same word!?
[20:10:59] Ashiko : ._.
[20:11:05] Ashiko : XD
[20:11:07] Magetsu Fukitsuna : Just the other day a five year old called me a bitch
[20:11:17] Tré has been disconnected on Tue Jul 26, 2016 8:11 pm (session timeout)
[20:11:17] Gen : wow
[20:11:21] Gen : unoriginal much.
[20:11:27] Gen : at least when kids are mean to me
[20:11:37] Gen : they have tact and creativity.

Five seconds later

36Best Chatbox Moments - Page 2 Empty Re: Best Chatbox Moments Tue Jul 26, 2016 8:16 pm



[18:15:16] Ashiko : Synonym for dry

[18:15:19] Kui : Kui is just a crazy man. Imagine the song "Living in the sunlight" by tiny Tim playing in his head when he's doing anything

[18:15:26] Gen : arid, ashiko.

[18:15:31] Kui : This is someone you ass in a crowd and you notice

[18:15:31] Gen : if you're talking about the weather.

[18:15:34] Kui : Immediately

[18:16:00] Gen : you ass in a crowd?

[18:16:03] Gen : no i don't

[18:16:05] Gen : not very often.

[18:16:12] Kui : See*

[18:16:13] Maigo : Help with what? o3o

[18:16:16] Kui : How did that even

A bit more from just now.

37Best Chatbox Moments - Page 2 Empty Re: Best Chatbox Moments Sat Aug 13, 2016 2:46 pm


[14:42:50 13/08/2016] Aozame : Javon, your Hatake clan?
[14:42:50 13/08/2016] @ Tré : Natake @ Yoshino
[14:43:02 13/08/2016] @ Jet : wells...............goddamn
[14:43:06 13/08/2016] Aozame : Natake*
[14:43:10 13/08/2016] @ Tré : <_< Call it 'Hatake' again and I'll gut you, kay?
[14:43:19 13/08/2016] @ Jet : if i could i would go to nyc since its a short drive
[14:43:20 13/08/2016] Shinako : Pokemon are everywhere in DC.
[14:43:20 13/08/2016] Wells : live*
[14:43:22 13/08/2016] Aozame : HONEST MISTAKE PLS SENPAI NO GUTERINO
[14:43:28 13/08/2016] @ Jet : just the parking is hel
[14:43:42 13/08/2016] Aozame : H IS SO CLOSE TO H
[14:43:43 13/08/2016] Aozame : I MEAN N
[14:43:44 13/08/2016] Shinako : Your character, Tré, is under Hatake in the character board.
[14:43:50 13/08/2016] @ Tré : @
[14:44:00 13/08/2016] @ Tré : Jet.
[14:44:15 13/08/2016] @ Tré : Can I change my character name?
[14:44:17 13/08/2016] * Seiryū yawns
[14:44:21 13/08/2016] @ Tré : I need to change one letter
[14:44:22 13/08/2016] @ Tré : ONE
[14:44:24 13/08/2016] @ Tré : LETTER
[14:44:25 13/08/2016] @ Jet : XD
[14:44:27 13/08/2016] * Aozame laughs in the corner.
[14:44:28 13/08/2016] Hantā : XD
[14:44:38 13/08/2016] Seiryū : Just say no
[14:44:38 13/08/2016] Hantā : I call dibs on Saga moments
[14:44:42 13/08/2016] @ Jet : dude just link me ill change it myself
[14:44:57 13/08/2016] @ Tré :
[14:45:00 13/08/2016] @ Tré : Yay
[14:45:05 13/08/2016] @ Jet : seriously one damn letter

38Best Chatbox Moments - Page 2 Empty Re: Best Chatbox Moments Mon Aug 22, 2016 11:15 pm


[23:08:10] Gen : what are we even guessing.
[23:08:28] Hantā : Nope
[23:08:38] Starfire : Soichi's crush
[23:08:47] Starfire : In canon
[23:08:47] Shinako : We are trying to guess the canon love interest of Jenny's Fanfiction character. It's a Fanfiction I have not read.
[23:09:20] Shinako : It's gonna be someone weird like Kin or Dosu.
[23:09:21] Starfire : Sai
[23:09:35] Hantā : Two more guesses each
[23:09:38] Gen : this seems like a delightfully fruitless effort!
[23:09:44] Starfire : Orochimaru
[23:09:48] Shinako : You have no idea.
[23:10:13] Hantā : Nah bro
[23:10:17] Shinako : Haku
[23:10:21] Hantā : Nope
[23:10:28] Hantā : One more each
[23:10:35] Shinako : Last one, I have to make it count.
[23:10:42] Starfire : Hiruzen
[23:10:48] Hantā : Nope
[23:10:50] Shinako : I'm going to guess Yamato.
[23:10:54] Hantā : Nope
[23:11:07] Hantā : Soichi: "Just me, myself, and I."
[23:11:22] Hantā : No crushes
[23:11:29] Shinako has logged off the chat on Mon Aug 22, 2016 11:11 pm
[23:11:30] Hantā : I is ultimate troll

39Best Chatbox Moments - Page 2 Empty Re: Best Chatbox Moments Wed Aug 24, 2016 3:08 am



[01:56:32] Kokai Tsumi : I am calling Bear man Smokey
[01:56:39] Karumo : I think that is a character of his, or his brothers?
[01:56:53] Karumo : And Kokai, a monolith and medical division member, huh?
[01:56:54] TheRedRibbon : Incredible
[01:57:03] Kokai Tsumi : Either Smokey or Yogi
[01:57:05] Kokai Tsumi : your choice
[01:57:12] Kokai Tsumi : wait wait
[01:57:17] Kokai Tsumi : Definetly Yogi
[01:57:38] TheRedRibbon : In that case, congrats on being Booboo
[01:57:41] Karumo : lmao
[01:57:48] Kokai Tsumi : Nope
[01:57:52] Kokai Tsumi : your bear is Booboo
[01:58:27] Kokai Tsumi : I am more of a ranger smith
[01:58:50] @ Kuroame : all this iwa talk.
[01:58:51] TheRedRibbon : I can work with that. IC I now need to constantly steal your picnic baskets
[01:58:54] @ Kuroame : i need to get on this alt.
[01:59:09] Kokai Tsumi : Imma get my milkshake back
[01:59:27] @ Kuroame : "picnic baskets"
[01:59:32] @ Kuroame : first yaoi thread?
[01:59:44] Kokai Tsumi : I'm down for it.
[01:59:57] * Kuroame spits out drink all over keyboard
[02:00:09] TheRedRibbon : Rip
[02:00:10] Karumo : O.o
[02:00:16] Kokai Tsumi : As the bear slept nearby comforted by Kokai's aura...Yogi slipped his arm around Kokai's waist as they slept side by side
[02:00:30] @ Kuroame : oh god not in chat.
[02:01:09] Kokai Tsumi : Won't be the lightsaber battles you remember
[02:01:16] Karumo : :I
[02:01:21] @ Kuroame : XD staph
[02:01:24] @ Kuroame : your killing me
[02:01:28] TheRedRibbon : Well, it is with a bear
[02:01:41] TheRedRibbon : So it meets the stereotypes
[02:01:43] Kokai Tsumi : Hammer time
[02:01:58] TheRedRibbon : And just like that, chatbox has become like, 20% gayer
[02:02:14] @ Kuroame : this thread gonna be like
[02:02:15] @ Kuroame :
[02:02:19] Kokai Tsumi : Dude
[02:02:25] Kokai Tsumi : my shirts already off in my avatar
[02:02:34] Karumo : lmao
[02:02:35] TheRedRibbon : Omfg
[02:02:46] TheRedRibbon : I should not be audibly laughing people are asleep
[02:02:49] Kokai Tsumi : that adds another 10% at least

40Best Chatbox Moments - Page 2 Empty Re: Best Chatbox Moments Wed Aug 24, 2016 5:11 pm



[16:02:41 24/08/2016] Ashiko : Will you read my first chapter
[16:02:46 24/08/2016] @ Kuroame : ;-;
[16:02:49 24/08/2016] Ren Sabaku : Sure?
[16:02:51 24/08/2016] @ Kuroame : 400 personality here i come
[16:02:58 24/08/2016] Kokai Tsumi : I just want to learn every taijutsu and medical technique people will teach me. C rank and under
[16:03:03 24/08/2016] Ashiko : And maybe take be a character on my larger fanfiction
[16:03:03 24/08/2016] @ Kuroame : #theworst part about uchiha apps
[16:03:09 24/08/2016] Ashiko : You can be a teacher
[16:03:12 24/08/2016] Ren Sabaku : It's not smut, is it?
[16:03:19 24/08/2016] Ashiko : No!
[16:03:23 24/08/2016] @ Kuroame : if your the teacher
[16:03:25 24/08/2016] Ashiko : Not yet!
[16:03:26 24/08/2016] Ashiko : XD
[16:03:29 24/08/2016] @ Kuroame : it's definitely smut
[16:03:31 24/08/2016] Ren Sabaku : :I
[16:03:31 24/08/2016] * Champ whistles
[16:03:37 24/08/2016] Ren Sabaku : definitely is...
[16:03:37 24/08/2016] Ashiko : But really
[16:03:41 24/08/2016] Ashiko : It's not
[16:03:50 24/08/2016] @ Kuroame : :I jenny has bad grades and would do aaannnyyyytthhiinngggg to fix it
[16:03:53 24/08/2016] Ashiko : Just a academy styled fanfiction
[16:04:03 24/08/2016] Ashiko : Sounds like Hiro
[16:04:08 24/08/2016] * Ren Sabaku walks away from this before it gets messed up
[16:04:09 24/08/2016] Kokai Tsumi : ...
[16:04:17 24/08/2016] Kokai Tsumi : Aren't academy students like 12
[16:04:23 24/08/2016] Ashiko : No
[16:04:25 24/08/2016] @ Kuroame : shhhh
[16:04:26 24/08/2016] @ Kuroame : kokai
[16:04:34 24/08/2016] @ Kuroame : don't add fuel to the fire
[16:04:35 24/08/2016] Ashiko : I mean't as it like an academy with teenagers
[16:04:42 24/08/2016] Ashiko : Like 15-18
[16:04:49 24/08/2016] Kokai Tsumi : ...
[16:05:02 24/08/2016] @ Kuroame : you'll just gve chris more motivation for this teacher character.
[16:05:03 24/08/2016] Ashiko : No one's f*cking!!
[16:05:06 24/08/2016] Ashiko : Yet!
[16:05:10 24/08/2016] Kokai Tsumi : So Kuroame thinks that Ren is into underage girls?
[16:05:15 24/08/2016] Ren Sabaku : Wait wait wait
[16:05:17 24/08/2016] Ren Sabaku : Wut? O.o
[16:05:25 24/08/2016] Ashiko : Bruh
[16:05:28 24/08/2016] Ashiko : I'm choking
[16:05:29 24/08/2016] Champ : o.0
[16:05:47 24/08/2016] Kokai Tsumi : Not yet your not
[16:06:02 24/08/2016] Ashiko : But seriously
[16:06:09 24/08/2016] * Kuroame spits out drink again
[16:06:13 24/08/2016] Ashiko : I'd make Karumo like a Gym teacher
[16:06:20 24/08/2016] Ashiko : Nah not athletic enough
[16:06:28 24/08/2016] Ashiko : . . .Literature?
[16:06:31 24/08/2016] @ Kuroame : so he can't throw balls at your face?
[16:06:35 24/08/2016] Ren Sabaku : :I
[16:06:36 24/08/2016] Ashiko : XD
[16:06:37 24/08/2016] @ Kuroame : can*
[16:06:42 24/08/2016] Ren Sabaku : That or history, I would say
[16:06:42 24/08/2016] Ashiko : Damn it Kuro
[16:07:02 24/08/2016] * Ren Sabaku shoves Ash to that app she hasn't finished yet
[16:07:06 24/08/2016] Ashiko : Science
[16:07:11 24/08/2016] Ashiko : nah
[16:07:19 24/08/2016] Kokai Tsumi : this is how the male sex organ works
[16:07:39 24/08/2016] @ Kuroame : Sex ed teacher most def fits him
[16:07:40 24/08/2016] @ Kuroame : tbh
[16:07:43 24/08/2016] Kokai Tsumi : SEX ED TEACHER
[16:08:20 24/08/2016] Ren Sabaku : ._.
[16:08:24 24/08/2016] Kokai Tsumi : I can't wait to rp with Karumo
[16:08:32 24/08/2016] @ Kuroame : *chris standing in front of the class puting his finger through a hole he made with his index and thumb while making a weird face and saying nothing all class
[16:08:36 24/08/2016] Kokai Tsumi : Gonna try and steal his credit card and buy soooo many milkshakes
[16:08:53 24/08/2016] Ashiko : Nah
[16:08:58 24/08/2016] Kokai Tsumi : His tongue needs to press to the inside of his cheek a lot too
[16:09:08 24/08/2016] Ashiko : lul
[16:09:23 24/08/2016] Kokai Tsumi : Lunch is provided. bannana's and cucumbers
[16:09:26 24/08/2016] @ Kuroame : Banana's are common to appear in this class.
[16:09:30 24/08/2016] @ Kuroame : ^^^^
[16:09:38 24/08/2016] Ren Sabaku : I'm gonna just... leave now

41Best Chatbox Moments - Page 2 Empty Re: Best Chatbox Moments Sat Sep 03, 2016 8:13 pm

Neko Ran

[20:07:45] Neko Ran : And f*ck the travel threads
[20:07:46] Yuuki Svartálf : And everyone
[20:07:52] Neko Ran : Han did that to me
[20:07:57] Neko Ran : Came back, and did nothing
[20:08:01] Yuuki Svartálf : No
[20:08:02] Yuuki Svartálf : You did it to yourself
[20:08:05] Seiryū : .
[20:08:08] Neko Ran : I lost motivation for Hiro
[20:08:08] Yuuki Svartálf : You must embrace your mistakes
[20:08:16] Neko Ran : K
[20:08:22] Karumo : lol
[20:08:27] * Neko Ran embraces Yuuki
[20:08:37] Yuuki Svartálf : Savage
[20:08:38] @ Tré : ....Shots Fired.
[20:08:40] * Neko Ran pulls in Karu
[20:08:42] Karumo : Damn...
[20:08:48] Karumo : #rekt
[20:08:57] * Tré hugs the website.
[20:08:58] Yuuki Svartálf : #2rekt4me
[20:09:03] Neko Ran : XD

42Best Chatbox Moments - Page 2 Empty Re: Best Chatbox Moments Sun Sep 04, 2016 5:24 pm

Neko Ran

[16:40:10 04/09/2016] Suwako-sama : where is everyone?!
[16:44:03 04/09/2016] Neko Ran : Turn around~
[16:45:19 04/09/2016] Suwako-sama : Ah
[16:45:25 04/09/2016] Suwako-sama : hello, Ran-kun
[16:45:31 04/09/2016] Neko Ran : .-.
[16:45:32 04/09/2016] Suwako-sama : I thought I was alone here ^_^"
[16:45:34 04/09/2016] Neko Ran : Kun?
[16:45:36 04/09/2016] Neko Ran : Kun?
[16:45:38 04/09/2016] Alwen Sangotatsu : Poof
[16:45:51 04/09/2016] * Neko Ran takes Alwen and throws at Suwako
[16:46:06 04/09/2016] * Alwen Sangotatsu flies like a majestic fish through the air
[16:46:09 04/09/2016] Suwako-sama : *is hit by a flying Alwen*
[16:46:20 04/09/2016] Alwen Sangotatsu : Yo Mikasa
[16:46:29 04/09/2016] Mikasa Ackerman : Hello.
[16:46:34 04/09/2016] Suwako-sama : Mikasa has appeared!
[16:48:42 04/09/2016] Suwako-sama : Help me, Ran is mad at me because I affixed "-kun" as an honorific to her name.
[16:49:51 04/09/2016] Alwen Sangotatsu : Got it, I'll help get your grave ready
[16:50:11 04/09/2016] Suwako-sama : That's not very reassuring -_-"

43Best Chatbox Moments - Page 2 Empty Re: Best Chatbox Moments Sun Sep 04, 2016 8:03 pm



[19:01:52] * Arashi bumps the snoozing Karumo with his elbow
[19:02:01] Karumo has been disconnected on Sun Sep 04, 2016 7:02 pm (session timeout)
[19:02:01] Arashi : "Tellem Kage-chan"
[19:02:09] Arashi : damn, there he goes
[19:02:10] Kashizudoto : lol
[19:02:18] Arashi : Bumped him out of the CB, lol.

[20:01:15] Cinderella : Fukai's FC isn't shit
[20:01:20] Cinderella : Shit actually has redeeming qualities
[20:01:24] Cinderella : Like being fertiliser

44Best Chatbox Moments - Page 2 Empty Re: Best Chatbox Moments Mon Sep 05, 2016 12:01 pm



[21:33:56] Neko Ran : Let's ban the thought of banning
[21:34:03] Yuuki Svartálf : Let's ban Neko Ran.
[21:34:08] Karumo : Ban Ran, confirmed
[21:34:11] Yuuki Svartálf : And her 42 alts.
[21:34:14] @ Tré : I second this motion
[21:34:14] Seiryū : I agree.
[21:34:23] Neko Ran : Bruh

45Best Chatbox Moments - Page 2 Empty Re: Best Chatbox Moments Wed Sep 07, 2016 8:53 pm

Neko Ran

[20:51:07] Neko Ran : lol
[20:51:10] Haruka Ichinomiya : He was the biggest bad guy player Saga ever had.
[20:51:17] Neko Ran : Yup
[20:51:22] Haruka Ichinomiya : Like, legitimate EMS sharingan, plot villan god haxs, etc.
[20:51:22] Neko Ran : Guess what killed 'em
[20:51:26] Bikou : :I
[20:51:29] Bikou : what?
[20:51:32] Neko Ran : INACTIVITY
[20:51:38] Weiss Schnee : The same thing that killed Hiroyuki
[20:51:39] Neko Ran : MUHAHAHAHA
[20:51:42] Bikou : goddamn
[20:51:44] Weiss Schnee : :P
[20:51:44] Neko Ran : .-.
[20:51:54] Neko Ran : No chil Ice Queen
[20:52:02] Neko Ran : *Princess

46Best Chatbox Moments - Page 2 Empty Re: Best Chatbox Moments Thu Sep 08, 2016 10:13 am



He's only going to say this one fucking time, so I thought I'd archive it here.

[14:09:39] Sanosuke : okay im just going to say this one fucking time so everyone is clear
[14:09:47] Taro : I finished the fight for now, just need to see if I did anything poorly during it
[14:10:07] Ashi : Oh, hi Sano. lol
[14:10:11] Nanashi : . . .people giving kumo a bad name. . .

[14:11:53] Sanosuke : do not come at me asking about a god damn war that was illegally started by Ayakashi just because he once more is drunk with power and planning large scale plot events without consulting staff or the story development team. I have been gone in 2 months because my computer was fried so i had to replace it and me being in toxic bad relationship that i was just not getting out of. I havent even given a month to breath to collect myself without being sent a flurry of responses by saga members about rumors of this war

47Best Chatbox Moments - Page 2 Empty Re: Best Chatbox Moments Wed Sep 14, 2016 2:48 am



[03:43:59] Claire Lightning : I don't claire who my character gets shipped with so long as I can at least injure someone a rank higher xD
[03:44:07] @ Nozomi : Naw, if Aya gets in the way of Gin and Nozo's love, Nozo'a kill a kage,
[03:44:09] @ Nozomi : ....
[03:44:12] Jiroubou : ...
[03:44:15] @ Nozomi : I love you Wendy
[03:44:27] @ Nozomi : "I don't claire"
[03:44:27] Claire Lightning : <3
[03:44:34] @ Gin : XD
[03:44:55] @ Nozomi : Homo intended
[03:45:00] @ Nozomi : all teh homo
[03:45:05] @ Nozomi : just....
[03:45:11] @ Nozomi : I'm really gay

48Best Chatbox Moments - Page 2 Empty Re: Best Chatbox Moments Wed Sep 14, 2016 4:01 am



Just wanna say this goes down as the GOAT moment

Fukai wrote:[14:20:19] Hantā : lul
[14:20:31] @ Fukai : we bold now boys and girls
[14:20:32] [b]* Hantā rolls[/b]
[14:20:38] Hantā : I ship it
[14:20:43] Hantā : Fukai X Bokuden
[14:20:47] @ Fukai : better get used to it, this our life from now on
[14:20:49] Hantā : Bokai
[14:21:04] @ Fukai : :I I'm not even going to acknowledge that
[14:21:05] Hantā : Fukuden
[14:21:12] Hantā : Omg
[14:21:22] Hantā : Best name for people who just don't care
[14:21:30] @ Fukai : lmap
[14:21:38] Hantā : "Like my hair?"
[14:21:42] Hantā : "No,"
[14:21:58] Hantā : "Okay, Fukuden."

49Best Chatbox Moments - Page 2 Empty Re: Best Chatbox Moments Fri Sep 16, 2016 8:12 pm

Inuzuka Makoto

Inuzuka Makoto

[20:07:43] Inuzuka Makoto : This post is weak.
[20:07:53] Inuzuka Makoto : Just like Karumo's bed game.
[20:07:58] Seiryū : No Iwa.
[20:08:02] Maigo : Ouch...
[20:08:05] Seiryū : damn

50Best Chatbox Moments - Page 2 Empty Re: Best Chatbox Moments Sun Sep 18, 2016 1:27 am



[00:19:17 18/09/2016] Karumo : Alright, I'll make you a deal
[00:19:22 18/09/2016] Karumo : I'll take it back
[00:19:24 18/09/2016] Karumo : but!
[00:19:31 18/09/2016] Karumo : You have to give me the event point prize list
[00:20:08 18/09/2016] Karumo : And I mean give as in give me all the items
[00:20:23 18/09/2016] @ Bokuden : Same
[00:20:35 18/09/2016] Karumo : Deal? Deal.
[00:20:39 18/09/2016] @ Bokuden : Same
[00:20:56 18/09/2016] Karumo : It's confirmed! Sonu, you're a witness

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