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51Best Chatbox Moments - Page 3 Empty Re: Best Chatbox Moments Sun Sep 18, 2016 6:30 am



[05:24:07] Yuzu Ren : well Tre vs Yuzu would not be any good right now but in the future maybe he can at least fight one of Yuzu's normal water clones

[05:24:28] * Tré head tilt.

[05:24:56] Mikasa Ackerman : This sounds oddly amusing, from an individual whose character's statistics are not even maxed for his rank.

[05:25:25] Yuzu Ren : you expect me to work hard to train my speed from S to S1?

[05:25:55] Mikasa Ackerman : No, I expect you to work hard to avoid having your Seven Swordsmen blade confiscated in the future.

[05:26:28] @ Tré : And it is now suddenly 20 degrees cooler thanks to the shade that Juliette is throwing.

[05:26:35] Mikasa Ackerman : Shade?

52Best Chatbox Moments - Page 3 Empty Re: Best Chatbox Moments Sun Sep 25, 2016 7:18 am



[00:14:29] @ Fukai : pro tip rite dere
[00:15:29] Oki Kuma : All the MLG strats
[00:15:55] * Mikōri lays down
[00:15:59] Madara896 : That moment when you look how much of a complex vocabulary other people have
[00:16:07] @ Fukai : all faze and air horns
[00:16:09] Madara896 : and how stylish they are
[00:16:20] Madara896 : and then you look at yourself and realise you are so basic
[00:16:21] Madara896 : and boring
[00:16:25] Mikōri : who are you looking @, @ Madara?
[00:16:31] @ Fukai : lmao ima have to go save that
[00:16:33] Madara896 : bokuden

53Best Chatbox Moments - Page 3 Empty Re: Best Chatbox Moments Tue Sep 27, 2016 4:27 pm



[15:15:51] * Jiroubou falls from the ceiling
[15:16:11] * Sero provides Jirou a nice cloud to land into
[15:16:20] Jiroubou : yay
[15:16:40] @ Sero : Note. The only cloud I make consists of an acidic mist
[15:17:26] * Jiroubou melts into a puddle
[15:17:46] * Sero gives Hanta a Jiroubou slurpee
[15:20:08] * Hantā takes it and drinks it
[15:20:31] @ Sero : woot
[15:21:15] * Jiroubou slurpee gurgles as it disappears
[15:21:56] Kuroka Yemon : o.0
[15:22:36] Jiroubou : ya dont mind the crazy people
[15:22:57] Kuroka Yemon : kay
[15:23:02] Jiroubou : XD
[15:23:21] @ Sero : Who is crazy?
[15:24:15] Takamura has been disconnected on Tue Sep 27, 2016 3:24 pm (session timeout)
[15:24:15] Jiroubou : idk maybe the three peple talking bout dude smoothies
[15:25:28] @ Sero : that just sounds porny
[15:25:38] @ Sero : We should call them cannibal smoothies
[15:25:40] Hantā : lol
[15:25:54] Hantā : Still man meat in my mouth
[15:25:56] Hantā : XD
[15:26:06] Jiroubou : and there it is
[15:26:11] Jiroubou : XD
[15:26:38] @ Sero : la sigh

54Best Chatbox Moments - Page 3 Empty Re: Best Chatbox Moments Thu Sep 29, 2016 7:49 pm


[19:14:04 29/09/2016] Yasuo : ima cook try to cook
[19:14:09 29/09/2016] Yasuo : and not burn myself too much
[19:14:12 29/09/2016] Yasuo : adios
[19:14:15 29/09/2016] Yasuo : <3
[19:14:40 29/09/2016] Hantā : K
[19:14:48 29/09/2016] Hantā : Who wants to call the fire department?
[19:14:59 29/09/2016] Karumo : lol
[19:15:47 29/09/2016] Burittsu : lol

55Best Chatbox Moments - Page 3 Empty Re: Best Chatbox Moments Sun Oct 02, 2016 12:41 pm



[07:38:17] Alwen Sangotatsu : Iwa is for pervs and brawlers, Kiri is for violence and bragging, Konoha for stereo-typical protagonists, Suna and Kumo if you don't like getting anything done

56Best Chatbox Moments - Page 3 Empty Re: Best Chatbox Moments Mon Oct 03, 2016 6:11 pm


Student Struggles

[18:01:13] Hantā :
[18:01:25] Hantā : FFS
[18:01:41] Sutaka : NO
[18:01:46] Sutaka : FAILING IS BELOW 50
[18:01:51] Sutaka : I MEAN
[18:01:53] Sutaka : BELOW 60
[18:01:57] Hantā : THAT A D
[18:01:59] Yasuo : XD
[18:02:00] Hantā : YOU HAVE A D
[18:02:03] Sutaka : YEAH
[18:02:04] Sutaka : YEAH
[18:02:07] Yasuo : he like the D
[18:02:07] Sutaka : YOU HAVE A c
[18:02:10] Hantā : WHY DO YOU HAVE A D
[18:02:10] Sutaka : IN MATH
[18:02:13] Sutaka : YOU HAVE A C
[18:02:15] Hantā : DONT BE A P*SSY
[18:02:18] Hantā : GET A D
[18:02:21] Sutaka : WHY DO YOU HAVE A C
[18:02:23] Tashima has been disconnected on Mon Oct 03, 2016 6:02 pm (session timeout)
[18:02:23] Hantā : I GOT A C+
[18:02:26] Hantā : SHUSH
[18:02:27] Sutaka : YOU FUCKING SUCK ASS
[18:02:31] Hantā : BECAUSE MATH IS HARD
[18:02:31] Sutaka : IN MATH
[18:02:34] Hantā : YOU SUCK D
[18:02:35] Sutaka : IN
[18:02:39] Sutaka : EIGHTH
[18:02:40] Sutaka : GRADE
[18:02:41] Sutaka : MATH
[18:02:43] Hantā : WHICH IS WHY YOU HAVE ONE
[18:02:55] Hantā : THEN DIVIDE THAT S*IT
[18:02:56] Yasuo : someone document this chat
[18:03:00] Sutaka : YOU HAVE A C
[18:03:04] Hantā : LIKE TRYING TO PAY TAXES
[18:03:20] Nanashi has logged off the chat on Mon Oct 03, 2016 6:03 pm
[18:03:33] Sutaka : LIKE
[18:03:34] Sutaka : WHAT
[18:03:41] Hantā : SHUT UP
[18:03:45] Hantā : MY TEACHERS HARD CORE
[18:04:19] Yasuo : wait
[18:04:21] Yasuo : drake
[18:04:25] Hantā : TAXES ARE DUE FOR YOU CHILD
[18:04:26] Yasuo : how old are you
[18:04:31] Burittsu : What rank are the snakes
[18:04:34] Yasuo : i need to check something
[18:04:34] Burittsu : >_>
[18:04:38] Yasuo : they are C-rank
[18:04:42] Burittsu : Ok
[18:04:55] Hantā : F*CK YOU MEAN
[18:04:56] Sutaka : i'm 16, ashes
[18:05:04] Yasuo : you serious?
[18:05:06] Hantā : THERE THEIR AND THEY"RE?!

57Best Chatbox Moments - Page 3 Empty Re: Best Chatbox Moments Sat Oct 08, 2016 3:15 pm



Hanta is being an ass to my browser 

Best Chatbox Moments - Page 3 Naruto11

Best Chatbox Moments - Page 3 Roses_10

58Best Chatbox Moments - Page 3 Empty Re: Best Chatbox Moments Sun Oct 09, 2016 5:04 pm


[17:01:58] Hantā : [16:35:4]Yosuke : then maybe we can do it here in kumo
[17:02:04] Ryuto : do what?
[17:02:12] Hantā : [16:37:05]Yosuke : ^^^^I swear if hanta read that she would've totally made it sexual
[17:02:20] Hantā : XD
[17:02:26] Hantā : Do it which way?
[17:02:29] Hantā : Doggy style?
[17:02:30] Kenta Inuzuka joined the chat on Sun Oct 09, 2016 5:02 pm
[17:02:32] Hantā : Cowgirl?
[17:02:40] Ryuto : is it a coincidence
[17:02:47] Hantā : Kenta comes in when I say doggy style
[17:02:49] Ryuto : that you said Doggystyle, and the dogkage walked in?
[17:02:52] Kenta Inuzuka : ...?
[17:02:52] Hantā : Coincidence
[17:02:54] Hantā : I THINK NOT
[17:02:58] Kenta Inuzuka : Jesus, that is one.
[17:03:07] Kenta Inuzuka : I was literally just coming in to tell Kashi I was almost done posting xD
[17:03:11] Ryuto : I call that a chatbox summon
[17:03:16] Ryuto : like the good ol' days
[17:03:17] Kenta Inuzuka : All I see is cowgirl and doggy style.
[17:03:21] Kenta Inuzuka : Right?

59Best Chatbox Moments - Page 3 Empty Re: Best Chatbox Moments Thu Oct 13, 2016 4:28 pm



How long did it take for Yosuke to figure out I'm Mitsuo? (It's a long one, I apologize)

It's a long one:

60Best Chatbox Moments - Page 3 Empty Re: Best Chatbox Moments Thu Oct 13, 2016 4:32 pm



No comment.

61Best Chatbox Moments - Page 3 Empty Re: Best Chatbox Moments Sat Oct 15, 2016 9:56 pm



[20:50:55] Kashizudoto : How come Karumo is eating a pillow in your avatar
[20:51:10] Karumo : O.o
[20:51:18] Karumo : Do you mean his glove? xD
[20:51:40] Kashizudoto : wait, he's eating his glove? XD
[20:52:28] Kashizudoto : Karumo, is Iwa really starving that bad?
[20:52:39] Kashizudoto : That you must subsist on gloves?
[20:52:43] Karumo : He's not eating it!
[20:52:52] Tsumimaru : he's pulling it on further i assume
[20:52:54] Karumo : But I have to say, if anything, it would be the most delicious glove?

62Best Chatbox Moments - Page 3 Empty Re: Best Chatbox Moments Tue Oct 18, 2016 4:45 pm



Chin ruined the moment...

[13:39:40 18/10/2016] Burittsu : I love the people on this site
[13:39:45 18/10/2016] Yasuo : doesnt everyone
[13:39:57 18/10/2016] Zinan : i hate you all <3
[13:40:00 18/10/2016] Hantā : We fight sometimes~
[13:40:06 18/10/2016] Hantā : And leave each other~
[13:40:07 18/10/2016] @ Nozomi : .
[13:40:10 18/10/2016] Yasuo : the feeling is mutual baby <3
[13:40:12 18/10/2016] Hantā : But the memories remain~
[13:40:18 18/10/2016] Sutaka : I love everyone but myself
[13:40:18 18/10/2016] @ Gin : Saga loves you all
[13:40:19 18/10/2016] Burittsu : Especially when I mess up xD
[13:40:21 18/10/2016] Chinatsu : There's a wet spot on the couch and I'm not sure what it is .-.
[13:40:22 18/10/2016] Hantā : Because with will forever be with one another~
[13:40:28 18/10/2016] Zinan : Yasuo, you know the feelings in my heart
[13:40:31 18/10/2016] Hantā : Chinatsu
[13:40:33 18/10/2016] Burittsu : XD HAHAHAH CHIN NOOO!!!!
[13:40:34 18/10/2016] Zinan : my waffle heart <#
[13:40:35 18/10/2016] @ Gin : particularly the Saga Devil, long may she reign
[13:40:36 18/10/2016] Hantā : You messed up the moment

63Best Chatbox Moments - Page 3 Empty Re: Best Chatbox Moments Sat Oct 29, 2016 4:07 pm



[14:53:05 29/10/2016] @ Gin : PINK
[14:53:06 29/10/2016] Karumo : Gin is mad tyrant/Satan admin right now
[14:53:09 29/10/2016] @ Gin : PINK IS LAW
[14:53:09 29/10/2016] Izuru Kurohebi : Who issued such an order x)
[14:53:14 29/10/2016] @ Gin : ONLY LAW IS PINK
[14:53:14 29/10/2016] Izuru Kurohebi : Oh gin
[14:53:19 29/10/2016] Karumo : The demands are to type in pink forever
[14:53:21 29/10/2016] Ena : ... I love this image. I've used it before elsewhere...
[14:53:28 29/10/2016] @ Gin : KICK WAR
[14:53:32 29/10/2016] Moderator status given to Ena by Gin
[14:53:33 29/10/2016] Kashizudoto : .
[14:53:35 29/10/2016] Moderator status given to Sutaka by Gin
[14:53:40 29/10/2016] Karumo : O.o
[14:53:42 29/10/2016] Izuru Kurohebi : This is a rebellion
[14:53:42 29/10/2016] Moderator status given to Izayoi H by Gin
[14:53:42 29/10/2016] Ena :
I think I'mma go with this:
[14:53:43 29/10/2016] Izayoi H : Oh dear
[14:53:46 29/10/2016] Moderator status given to Karumo by Gin
[14:53:48 29/10/2016] Karumo : rip
[14:53:52 29/10/2016] Kashizudoto : gimme :P
[14:53:53 29/10/2016] Sutaka : #unbanSeito2016
[14:53:58 29/10/2016] Izuru Kurohebi : I rebel
[14:53:59 29/10/2016] Karumo : DONT GIVE TO KASHI
[14:54:00 29/10/2016] Moderator status given to Kashizudoto by Gin
[14:54:01 29/10/2016] Seito has been unbanned by Sutaka
[14:54:04 29/10/2016] Kashizudoto : XD
[14:54:07 29/10/2016] Karumo : WHATEVER YOU DO!! NOOOOOOOOOO
[14:54:08 29/10/2016] Aura Yukimenoko : What
[14:54:08 29/10/2016] Izuru Kurohebi : Against the tyrannical rule
[14:54:08 29/10/2016] Sutaka : I DID IT SEITO
[14:54:10 29/10/2016] Sutaka : COME BACK
[14:54:13 29/10/2016] Aura Yukimenoko : What the hell
[14:54:16 29/10/2016] Kashizudoto has been kicked by Karumo
[14:54:17 29/10/2016] @ Gin : ANARCHY
[14:54:21 29/10/2016] Aura Yukimenoko : Why is a lot of people a mod now
[14:54:22 29/10/2016] Karumo : Excellent
[14:54:24 29/10/2016] Izayoi H : Incredible
[14:54:27 29/10/2016] Karumo has been kicked by Kashizudoto
[14:54:28 29/10/2016] Izuru Kurohebi : I SHALL REBEL AND FIGHT THE PINK
[14:54:28 29/10/2016] Karumo : Hey Shawn!~
[14:54:31 29/10/2016] Moderator status given to Kenta Inuzuka by Gin
[14:54:32 29/10/2016] Kashizudoto : XD
[14:54:34 29/10/2016] Karumo : D:
[14:54:35 29/10/2016] Izuru Kurohebi has been kicked by Sutaka
[14:54:37 29/10/2016] @ Kenta Inuzuka : Kick wars? :3
[14:54:37 29/10/2016] Aura Yukimenoko : Can I join the Bandwagon?
[14:54:39 29/10/2016] Izayoi H : #themodproblems
[14:54:41 29/10/2016] Karumo : Now he can really assassinate me :(
[14:54:47 29/10/2016] Izuru Kurohebi : ....
[14:54:48 29/10/2016] Kashizudoto : :P
[14:54:49 29/10/2016] Kenta Inuzuka has been kicked by Sutaka
[14:54:49 29/10/2016] Izuru Kurohebi : I surrender
[14:54:51 29/10/2016] Moderator status given to Aura Yukimenoko by Gin
[14:55:00 29/10/2016] @ Kenta Inuzuka : I missed my @
[14:55:00 29/10/2016] Aura Yukimenoko : *Inserts Roundabout music
[14:55:00 29/10/2016] Izayoi H : This is madness!
[14:55:03 29/10/2016] Moderator status given to Izuru Kurohebi by Gin
[14:55:07 29/10/2016] Aura Yukimenoko : To be continued ---->
[14:55:11 29/10/2016] @ Gin : THIS IS SPARTA
[14:55:15 29/10/2016] Izuru Kurohebi : Oh !
[14:55:20 29/10/2016] Izuru Kurohebi : /unmod Aura Yukimenoko
[14:55:21 29/10/2016] Izuru Kurohebi : /unmod Ena
[14:55:23 29/10/2016] Izuru Kurohebi : /unmod Izayoi H
[14:55:24 29/10/2016] * Karumo spits shines his shiny new @
[14:55:24 29/10/2016] Izayoi H has been kicked by Sutaka
[14:55:26 29/10/2016] Aura Yukimenoko : So why is everyone a mod
[14:55:28 29/10/2016] Aura Yukimenoko has been kicked by Sutaka
[14:55:32 29/10/2016] Izuru Kurohebi has been kicked by Sutaka
[14:55:36 29/10/2016] Ena has been kicked by Sutaka
[14:55:38 29/10/2016] @ Gin : KICK WAR
[14:55:38 29/10/2016] Aura Yukimenoko : Wow ok
[14:55:40 29/10/2016] Izuru Kurohebi : I was a spy
[14:55:41 29/10/2016] @ Gin : ANARCHY
[14:55:43 29/10/2016] Sutaka has been kicked by Kashizudoto
[14:55:49 29/10/2016] Kenta Inuzuka has been kicked by Sutaka
[14:55:50 29/10/2016] Izuru Kurohebi : /unmod Kenta Inuzuka
[14:55:51 29/10/2016] Karumo : I think it's funny that even I not as a mod got my @ faster than Fukai got his :I
[14:55:53 29/10/2016] Kashizudoto has been kicked by Sutaka
[14:55:56 29/10/2016] Izayoi H : /chatban Izayoi H
[14:55:58 29/10/2016] Karumo has been kicked by Sutaka
[14:55:59 29/10/2016] Izuru Kurohebi : Mwahahaha
[14:56:01 29/10/2016] Izayoi H : /chatban Izayoi_H
[14:56:02 29/10/2016] Aura Yukimenoko : /unmod Aura Yukimenoko
[14:56:04 29/10/2016] Izuru Kurohebi : /unmod Izayoi H
[14:56:06 29/10/2016] Izayoi H : Dang it how does this work
[14:56:06 29/10/2016] Izuru Kurohebi : /unmod Izayoi H
[14:56:17 29/10/2016] Izuru Kurohebi : This is not working
[14:56:18 29/10/2016] Sutaka : it's ,/ban
[14:56:18 29/10/2016] @ Gin : ONLY I GIVE POWER
[14:56:21 29/10/2016] @ Gin : ONLY I TAKE IT AWAY
[14:56:22 29/10/2016] Sutaka has been kicked by Karumo
[14:56:26 29/10/2016] Izuru Kurohebi : I can't remove the status from anyone
[14:56:27 29/10/2016] Sutaka has been kicked by Karumo
[14:56:33 29/10/2016] Sutaka has been kicked by Karumo
[14:56:38 29/10/2016] Sutaka has been kicked by Karumo
[14:56:42 29/10/2016] Aura Yukimenoko : Okay this is out of hand
[14:56:43 29/10/2016] @ Gin : MWAHAHAHAHAHA
[14:56:43 29/10/2016] Izayoi H : This is insaneness
[14:56:44 29/10/2016] Sutaka has been kicked by Karumo
[14:56:49 29/10/2016] Sutaka has been kicked by Karumo
[14:56:54 29/10/2016] Sutaka has been kicked by Kashizudoto
[14:56:58 29/10/2016] Izayoi H has been kicked by Izayoi H
[14:57:00 29/10/2016] Karumo has been kicked by Sutaka
[14:57:01 29/10/2016] Karumo : YESSS! :D
[14:57:01 29/10/2016] Sutaka has been kicked by Kashizudoto
[14:57:04 29/10/2016] Moderator status withdrawn from Izuru Kurohebi by Gin
[14:57:06 29/10/2016] Izuru Kurohebi : /kick Tsuneo
[14:57:07 29/10/2016] Sutaka has been kicked by Kashizudoto
[14:57:08 29/10/2016] Moderator status withdrawn from Karumo by Gin
[14:57:08 29/10/2016] Aura Yukimenoko : GOD HELP US ALL
[14:57:10 29/10/2016] Karumo : Dammit...
[14:57:14 29/10/2016] Karumo : /kick Sutaka
[14:57:15 29/10/2016] Ena : /m clings to her status.
[14:57:17 29/10/2016] Karumo has been kicked by Sutaka
[14:57:19 29/10/2016] Aura Yukimenoko : Gin remove my mod status pls
[14:57:19 29/10/2016] Moderator status withdrawn from Sutaka by Gin
[14:57:22 29/10/2016] Sutaka : /kick Karumo
[14:57:22 29/10/2016] Tsuneo : @_@
[14:57:25 29/10/2016] Karumo : ;-;
[14:57:26 29/10/2016] Tsuneo : SO MANY MODS
[14:57:27 29/10/2016] Sutaka : WHY
[14:57:27 29/10/2016] Moderator status withdrawn from Aura Yukimenoko by Gin
[14:57:29 29/10/2016] Karumo : HA!
[14:57:31 29/10/2016] Aura Yukimenoko : Thank you
[14:57:34 29/10/2016] Moderator status withdrawn from Izayoi H by Gin
[14:57:37 29/10/2016] Izuru Kurohebi : Tsuneo
[14:57:38 29/10/2016] Karumo : Oh wait, my @ is gone... ;-;
[14:57:41 29/10/2016] Moderator status withdrawn from Kashizudoto by Gin
[14:57:46 29/10/2016] Kashizudoto : noooooo
[14:57:48 29/10/2016] Moderator status withdrawn from Ena by Gin
[14:57:52 29/10/2016] @ Gin : there
[14:57:54 29/10/2016] Izuru Kurohebi : I was a mod and I joined the site a couple of days ago
[14:57:55 29/10/2016] * Karumo falls down and dies
[14:58:00 29/10/2016] @ Gin : WHAT THE DEVIL GIVETH
[14:58:01 29/10/2016] Izuru Kurohebi : what did you become here
[14:58:03 29/10/2016] Aura Yukimenoko : Same Izuru
[14:58:06 29/10/2016] @ Gin : THE DEVIL TAKETH AWAY
[14:58:07 29/10/2016] Sutaka : OK GIN
[14:58:08 29/10/2016] Sutaka : Seito has been unbanned by Sutaka
[14:58:10 29/10/2016] Tsuneo : I'M A NOTHING ;-;
[14:58:14 29/10/2016] Sutaka : you might wanna undo that
[14:58:16 29/10/2016] Aura Yukimenoko : Tsuneo
[14:58:16 29/10/2016] Sutaka : idk tho
[14:58:18 29/10/2016] @ Gin : XD
[14:58:19 29/10/2016] Aura Yukimenoko : You're a cinnamon roll
[14:58:23 29/10/2016] Seito has been banned by Gin
[14:58:25 29/10/2016] Sutaka : he's been banned for like a year
[14:58:31 29/10/2016] Tsuneo : I agree with Aura
[14:58:39 29/10/2016] Karumo : It hasn't been a year... but Koonta was a whole conundrum xD
[14:58:40 29/10/2016] * Aura Yukimenoko hugs Tsuneo
[14:58:43 29/10/2016] Izayoi H : If that doesn't make it into chat best moments, nothing will
[14:58:47 29/10/2016] Izayoi H : Also yo Tsun
[14:58:50 29/10/2016] * Tsuneo hugs back
[14:58:51 29/10/2016] Karumo : I'll add it in

64Best Chatbox Moments - Page 3 Empty Re: Best Chatbox Moments Sat Oct 29, 2016 9:09 pm



Andrea's trolling makes the list yet again, XD.

[19:58:35] Kashizudoto : holy shiz this is insane
[19:59:13] Kashizudoto : someone edited my plot tracker to change "the Land of Earth" into "Mexico" XD
[19:59:16] Kashizudoto : I blame Gin
[19:59:21] Aura Yukimenoko : What the fuck
[19:59:30] Sutaka : it was probably gin
[19:59:47] Kashizudoto : I just noticed that as I was about to add in a new chapter to the plot tracker XD
[19:59:53] Kashizudoto : I wonder how long that's been there XD
[20:00:19] Sutaka : who knows?
[20:00:24] Kashizudoto : "Kashizudoto, the front runner for the diplomatic mission to Mexico, successfully delivers the message to the Tsuchikage"
[20:00:26] Sutaka : the saga devil is sneaky.
[20:00:35] Sutaka : lmao
[20:01:37] Kashizudoto : "the Hokage invites him to have a meeting, where he assigns him to a high-profile diplomatic mission to escort him to Mexico"
[20:01:42] Kashizudoto : Goodness gracious
[20:02:01] Kashizudoto : "Afterwards, he heads back to Konohagakure before travelling to Mexico to alert the Tsuchikage of the Hokage's upcoming arrival"
[20:02:13] Sutaka : i like how she didn't change konoha
[20:02:19] Kashizudoto : "He then, in the interest of bettering himself as a shinobi, embarks on numerous adventures in Mexico where he fights annoying girls, bandits, beasts, monsters, and even the elements"
[20:02:30] Aura Yukimenoko : Oh yeah, who remembers Messenger Ninja
[20:02:43] Kashizudoto : url=]Don't Shoot the Messenger[/url
[20:02:44] Aura Yukimenoko : Pepperidge Farm remembers
[20:02:51] Kashizudoto : omfg she even changed the urls
[20:03:52] Kashizudoto : "Escort the Merchants Out of Mexico (B-rank Mission)"
[20:04:02] Aura Yukimenoko : Why
[20:04:04] Sutaka : LOL
[20:05:24] Sutaka : it's funny
[20:05:34] Sutaka : didn't do any harm either
[20:05:39] Sutaka : nice clean joke
[20:05:52] Kashizudoto : Wait a second, I just realized something
[20:06:02] Kashizudoto : No matter how many times I edit it out
[20:06:07] Kashizudoto : Mexico becomes Mexico
[20:06:11] Kashizudoto : Holy shiz
[20:06:14] Kashizudoto : I w a
[20:06:17] Kashizudoto : has been censored
[20:06:20] Kashizudoto : into Mexico
[20:06:24] Sutaka : Mexico
[20:06:28] Sutaka : Mexico
[20:06:30] Sutaka : LOL

65Best Chatbox Moments - Page 3 Empty Re: Best Chatbox Moments Sun Oct 30, 2016 4:25 pm

Kenta Inuzuka

Kenta Inuzuka

[15:18:44] Amaya Uchiha joined the chat on Sun Oct 30, 2016 3:18 pm
[15:18:52] @ Kenta Inuzuka : <3
[15:19:01] Amaya Uchiha : <3
[15:19:05] Nanashi : <3
[15:19:36] Amaya Uchiha : I... have this urge to go to Mexico.
[15:19:40] Amaya Uchiha : Because activity. x3
[15:19:45] Amaya Uchiha : And I have a mountain of training to do on Amaya.
[15:20:46] @ Kenta Inuzuka : xD
[15:20:51] Amaya Uchiha : ....
[15:20:55] Amaya Uchiha : I.Wa
[15:20:58] Amaya Uchiha : Not Mexico. :|
[15:21:01] Amaya Uchiha : Though..
[15:21:03] @ Kenta Inuzuka : xD
[15:21:05] Amaya Uchiha : I DO have an urge to go to Texas.
[15:21:14] Amaya Uchiha : And that's close to Mexico... so... yeah.
[15:21:18] Amaya Uchiha : That's kind of legit. =/
[15:21:18] @ Kenta Inuzuka : xD
[15:21:21] @ Kenta Inuzuka : Soon.
[15:21:25] Amaya Uchiha : <3
[15:21:53] Amaya Uchiha : I'd have a legit reason for Amaya showing up there too.
[15:21:59] Amaya Uchiha : "I had a dream Kenta... a very bad fucking dream."
[15:22:17] @ Kenta Inuzuka : >_> "I'm not drowning in blood yet. The village 'wasn't' burning when I left.'
[15:23:15] @ Kenta Inuzuka : Weeeeee
[15:23:35] Amaya Uchiha : "Wasn't... it still isn't. Kinda... sort-- well I DID train some shit... and yeah... pretty fire..."
[15:23:54] @ Kenta Inuzuka : "-Siiiiiigh- This is why I built new shit out of rock, not wood.'
[15:23:54] * Nanashi inches away
[15:24:04] Amaya Uchiha : DONT RUN FROM ME
[15:24:14] * Amaya Uchiha grabs Nanashi and clings to.
[15:24:16] Amaya Uchiha : You are mine now.
[15:24:21] Nanashi : I'm not running. I'm inching away. . .

66Best Chatbox Moments - Page 3 Empty Re: Best Chatbox Moments Mon Nov 07, 2016 4:34 pm


[21:28:29] Lin : Taka
[21:28:36] Lin : Taka are you the Kage?
[21:28:40] Gen : it causes you to be stabbed from multiple angles. pretty basic.
[21:28:41] Takamura : Nah
[21:28:46] Lin : bleh
[21:28:49] Satoshi Kazuhiko : Takakage
[21:28:54] Takamura : Thats me
[21:28:58] * Lin is still on Gen's face as of right now though.
[21:28:59] Takamura : Im the Kage of Perverts
[21:29:02] Takamura : I would be
[21:29:08] Takamura : if it wasnt for the master of Genjutsu
[21:29:09] Takamura : Maigo

67Best Chatbox Moments - Page 3 Empty Re: Best Chatbox Moments Tue Nov 08, 2016 6:44 am



[04:38:45] * Syn does pussy eyes.. Fukai.. can you pls re-mod.. i ffixed it all..

[04:38:49] Kikisu :

[04:38:54] Kikisu : dis badboy

[04:39:00] Morrigi : I'm going to go check if his clan is still legit

[04:39:04] Ikiryō : did you turn your eyes into vagina?

[04:39:18] Ikiryō : What medical sorcery is this?!

68Best Chatbox Moments - Page 3 Empty Re: Best Chatbox Moments Wed Nov 09, 2016 10:45 am


[15:33:07] Alwen Sangotatsu : Iwa is for pervs and brawlers, Kiri is for violence and bragging, Konoha for stereotypical protagonists or for becoming a rogue Hyuuga, Kumo for being the quirky person in the wrong crowd, and Suna if you don't like getting anything done

69Best Chatbox Moments - Page 3 Empty Re: Best Chatbox Moments Thu Nov 10, 2016 5:13 pm


[22:12:32] Alwen Sangotatsu : Nobody needs to kill off the Uchiha, they'll kill themselves off trying to have a "Who's edgier" contest.

70Best Chatbox Moments - Page 3 Empty Re: Best Chatbox Moments Fri Nov 11, 2016 3:41 pm



Tsueno is dense as you all know. He didnt realize mure was robert till later even when robert told him

[14:22:50 11/11/2016] Ano : Kinda cluttered in here, kek.
[14:22:51 11/11/2016] @ Jet : yayy
[14:22:56 11/11/2016] @ Jet : haha yea
[14:23:00 11/11/2016] Morrigi : Hey Jet, quick question for ya
[14:23:01 11/11/2016] @ Jet : waiting for the pm
[14:23:04 11/11/2016] @ Jet : ooooh
[14:23:05 11/11/2016] Tsuneo : Aside from that no worries Jet
[14:23:08 11/11/2016] @ Jet : ask
[14:23:23 11/11/2016] Tsuneo : One bad thing about me is I just can't hurt my friends
[14:23:33 11/11/2016] Aura Yukimenoko : Jet, honestly do you like me ;v;
[14:23:33 11/11/2016] Tsuneo : wait
[14:23:36 11/11/2016] Tsuneo : THAT'S GOOD
[14:23:41 11/11/2016] Morrigi : If I make a C rank jutsu, but it requires the target to do nothing to fight it for an entire post(IE the have to be knocked out and physical contact the entire time) would it be possible for the jutsu to kill them
[14:23:48 11/11/2016] Tsuneo : One good thing about me is I can't hurt my friends
[14:23:49 11/11/2016] Mure : replied Toraika
[14:24:00 11/11/2016] Tsuneo : this is why I don't fight and why this tournament is perfect
[14:24:02 11/11/2016] @ Jet : no
[14:24:06 11/11/2016] @ Jet : c-rank cannot ever kill
[14:24:08 11/11/2016] Tsuneo : I can kill all I want but no one will be murdered
[14:24:10 11/11/2016] @ Jet : b-rank could tho
[14:24:19 11/11/2016] Morrigi : So just stab them in the neck several times with a Kunai instead?
[14:24:24 11/11/2016] @ Jet : mhm
[14:24:28 11/11/2016] Mure : You don't know that IC Tsuneo
[14:24:33 11/11/2016] Tsuneo : A c-rank blade can kill thoug right ?
[14:24:42 11/11/2016] Aura Yukimenoko : Do you like me Jet ;v;
[14:24:42 11/11/2016] @ Jet : ahoy shawn
[14:24:50 11/11/2016] Aura Yukimenoko : Kenta-san~
[14:24:51 11/11/2016] * Jet kisses aura's forehead
[14:24:51 11/11/2016] Tsuneo : I do Mure
[14:24:55 11/11/2016] @ Jet : i like cuties
[14:24:59 11/11/2016] * Aura Yukimenoko mewls
[14:25:01 11/11/2016] Aura Yukimenoko : >w<
[14:25:01 11/11/2016] Tsuneo : it says in the even rules
[14:25:08 11/11/2016] Toraika : Wait, I better not be dying..
[14:25:09 11/11/2016] Mure : How do you know that people won't stay dead IC Tsuneo?
[14:25:11 11/11/2016] @ Jet : um
[14:25:11 11/11/2016] Tsuneo : no one dies permanently
[14:25:16 11/11/2016] @ Kenta Inuzuka : <3
[14:25:22 11/11/2016] * Aura Yukimenoko huggles Kanta
[14:25:24 11/11/2016] @ Jet : nobody knows ic that its not perma death
[14:25:34 11/11/2016] Mure : I am not arguing OOC knowledge Tsuneo
[14:25:35 11/11/2016] Alwen Sangotatsu : Poof
[14:25:39 11/11/2016] * Jet is really okay with murdering dozens
[14:25:42 11/11/2016] Toraika : I know I replied too Mure
[14:25:44 11/11/2016] Morrigi : What if I have a D rank jutsu that lets me cut half an inch into a target, Would a neck shot kill them anyways? after bleeding out of course
[14:25:45 11/11/2016] Aura Yukimenoko : *Gasp*
[14:25:47 11/11/2016] Tsuneo : Nonononono
[14:25:48 11/11/2016] Aura Yukimenoko : Maigo-san~
[14:25:49 11/11/2016] Tsuneo : I don't kill ;-;
[14:25:54 11/11/2016] Tsuneo : most of the times
[14:25:58 11/11/2016] Tsuneo : am not mean
[14:26:10 11/11/2016] Mure : You said you were going to kill Sero
[14:27:23 11/11/2016] Tsuneo : Sero?
[14:27:29 11/11/2016] Tsuneo : Oh when I get my jutsu
[14:27:44 11/11/2016] Tsuneo : Sero is well developed Mure
[14:27:45 11/11/2016] Toraika : Isn't Tsuneo coming to save Toraika? I mean all these ninjas aren't coldblooded normally [maybe Jet is] but we don't know IC that when we die, we don't really die. So how do the hunters know the people will be okay after they're dead? Like I don't see Tsuneo coming down and wiping us all out for fun T~T
[14:27:53 11/11/2016] Tsuneo : And I am not that well developed
[14:27:57 11/11/2016] Tsuneo : Besides we're talking about akira's alt
[14:28:00 11/11/2016] @ Jet : mm
[14:28:00 11/11/2016] Alwen Sangotatsu : Torai, if Tsundere is a Hunter, he can't invade
[14:28:00 11/11/2016] Mure : Replied back Toraika
[14:28:07 11/11/2016] @ Jet : death rules are being changed
[14:28:11 11/11/2016] Tsuneo : Akira is not one you should underestimate
[14:28:13 11/11/2016] @ Jet : so you will have to wait
[14:28:27 11/11/2016] @ Jet : i honestly cant give you a good answer mori
[14:28:28 11/11/2016] Mure : Jet
[14:28:35 11/11/2016] Mure : You want to tell Tsuneo or should I?
[14:28:36 11/11/2016] @ Jet : hm?
[14:28:46 11/11/2016] @ Jet : about?
[14:28:53 11/11/2016] @ Jet : its really hard to follow the chat
[14:28:55 11/11/2016] Raishi Kanetsu : lol
[14:29:01 11/11/2016] @ Kenta Inuzuka : .
[14:29:02 11/11/2016] Mure : He is telling me about not underestimating Akira
[14:29:09 11/11/2016] @ Jet : 10 folks in chat
[14:29:17 11/11/2016] @ Jet : ahoy sanochan
[14:29:18 11/11/2016] Sanosuke : quick i need a partner to be a hunter with
[14:29:23 11/11/2016] @ Jet : XD
[14:29:25 11/11/2016] @ Jet : OH
[14:29:26 11/11/2016] @ Jet : I GET IT
[14:29:29 11/11/2016] @ Jet : XD
[14:29:29 11/11/2016] Mure : Partner up with Sero
[14:29:30 11/11/2016] Raishi Kanetsu : yeahh
[14:29:32 11/11/2016] Aura Yukimenoko : Alwen, get on Skep
[14:29:42 11/11/2016] Tsuneo : Yeah
[14:29:47 11/11/2016] @ Jet : you tell him
[14:29:49 11/11/2016] Tsuneo : Mure
[14:29:58 11/11/2016] Mure : Tsuneo
[14:30:00 11/11/2016] @ Jet : lololol
[14:30:01 11/11/2016] Mure : I am Robert
[14:30:05 11/11/2016] Tsuneo : Akira believe it or not despite not fighting a lot
[14:30:05 11/11/2016] Raishi Kanetsu : Tsuneo look at Mure's sig
[14:30:08 11/11/2016] Raishi Kanetsu : and look at Akira's
[14:30:15 11/11/2016] Tsuneo : Is a badass
[14:30:15 11/11/2016] Tsuneo : He was the tsuchikage
[14:30:19 11/11/2016] Tsuneo : he tames gin and mitsuo and tsuneo
[14:30:22 11/11/2016] @ Jet : omg
[14:30:27 11/11/2016] @ Jet : zayn stop and think
[14:30:29 11/11/2016] @ Jet : please
[14:30:30 11/11/2016] Tsuneo : did you read our thread
[14:30:32 11/11/2016] Mure : no no
[14:30:36 11/11/2016] Sanosuke : who else are hunters?
[14:30:40 11/11/2016] Mure : let him keep buttering me up
[14:30:45 11/11/2016] Raishi Kanetsu : lool
[14:30:47 11/11/2016] @ Jet : XD
[14:30:49 11/11/2016] Mure : Sero is a hunter Sanosuke
[14:30:50 11/11/2016] Tsuneo : When he said enough
[14:30:56 11/11/2016] Sanosuke : oh swag
[14:31:01 11/11/2016] Sanosuke : i need someone to invade threads with
[14:31:09 11/11/2016] Tsuneo : Everyone was like akira said enough
[14:31:11 11/11/2016] Mure : Like I said
[14:31:11 11/11/2016] Sanosuke : and we split the treasure 50/50
[14:31:13 11/11/2016] Mure : Use Sero
[14:31:14 11/11/2016] Sanosuke : game?
[14:31:17 11/11/2016] Tsuneo : that means enough
[14:31:23 11/11/2016] * Jet sips water
[14:31:30 11/11/2016] @ Jet : are you dying like i am raishi
[14:31:30 11/11/2016] Sanosuke : ok
[14:31:32 11/11/2016] Mure : Uh Hunters don't get treasure I don't think
[14:31:45 11/11/2016] Raishi Kanetsu : you know I am jet
[14:31:49 11/11/2016] Mure : We get EP based on kills within 2 ranks of us
[14:31:58 11/11/2016] Raishi Kanetsu : I can't believe it still hasn't clicked for him
[14:32:10 11/11/2016] @ Jet : oh dear
[14:32:19 11/11/2016] @ Jet : zayn
[14:32:26 11/11/2016] Toraika : I need a Survivor partner and in turn I will contribute by making sure all wounds are constantly being healed~
[14:32:48 11/11/2016] Toraika : I could do that for a hunter as long as he/she doesn't backstab me too tbh lol
[14:33:04 11/11/2016] Mure : Honestly
[14:33:10 11/11/2016] Mure : I kind of want Sero to die
[14:33:20 11/11/2016] @ Jet : wait
[14:33:21 11/11/2016] @ Jet : no
[14:33:25 11/11/2016] Mure : Strictly so that He can spam the shit out of the event missions
[14:33:26 11/11/2016] @ Jet : yasuo wants to do that
[14:33:30 11/11/2016] @ Jet : oh
[14:33:34 11/11/2016] @ Jet : you mean in the event
[14:33:38 11/11/2016] * Jet shuts up
[14:33:51 11/11/2016] Mure : >_>
[14:33:58 11/11/2016] Mure : Going to be keeping an eye on that one
[14:34:00 11/11/2016] Tsuneo : MY WIFI SUCKS
[14:34:01 11/11/2016] @ Jet : I love you~
[14:34:11 11/11/2016] Mure : Anyway
[14:34:17 11/11/2016] Mure : Done playing with Tsuneo for now
[14:34:20 11/11/2016] Mure : going to go nap
[14:34:30 11/11/2016] Toraika : Replied Mure
[14:34:33 11/11/2016] @ Jet : okay
[14:34:37 11/11/2016] Mure : I saw
[14:34:38 11/11/2016] @ Jet : so zayn you here?
[14:34:43 11/11/2016] Mure : too tired to write a thread right now
[14:34:46 11/11/2016] @ Jet : can i tell him kai?
[14:34:54 11/11/2016] Mure : I tried telling him
[14:34:58 11/11/2016] Mure : He didn't listen
[14:35:04 11/11/2016] @ Jet : mmk
[14:35:09 11/11/2016] Sanosuke : hmm
[14:35:22 11/11/2016] @ Jet : tsuneo, mure is akira's alt as well as sero's alt
[14:35:34 11/11/2016] @ Jet : you gotta be simple and direct with these things
[14:36:15 11/11/2016] Sanosuke : Sero would be a good partner, Toraika also. But in terms of combat she is lacking so I'd have to keep switching between defense and offense to cover for her
[14:36:15 11/11/2016] Toraika : No worries~ I also have to leave soon anyway so no rush Mure!
[14:36:20 11/11/2016] * Sanosuke ponders some more
[14:36:24 11/11/2016] Alwen Sangotatsu : .
[14:37:18 11/11/2016] Raishi Kanetsu : I don't think he's on Jet
[14:37:21 11/11/2016] Toraika : Oh that would be interesting Sano! I didn't think of that, but I'm happy with either decision. Who's to say I live past this thread anyway
[14:37:41 11/11/2016] @ Jet : oh jeez
[14:37:45 11/11/2016] * Jet facepaws
[14:38:05 11/11/2016] Tsuneo : FINALLY
[14:38:09 11/11/2016] Tsuneo : so yeah
[14:38:10 11/11/2016] Tsuneo : mure
[14:38:10 11/11/2016] Raishi Kanetsu : lol
[14:38:15 11/11/2016] @ Jet : OMG
[14:38:22 11/11/2016] @ Jet : READ THE DAMN CHAT ZAYN
[14:38:26 11/11/2016] Morrigi : /
[14:38:26 11/11/2016] Alwen Sangotatsu : Wait, if Mure's his alt, which of his other alts is going inactive?
[14:38:28 11/11/2016] Tsuneo : basically Akira/Tsuyo/Sero
[14:38:29 11/11/2016] Raishi Kanetsu : Mure = Akira Tsuneo XD
[14:38:31 11/11/2016] Tsuneo : is a badass
[14:38:32 11/11/2016] @ Kenta Inuzuka : .
[14:38:37 11/11/2016] Tsuneo : 0.0
[14:38:40 11/11/2016] Tsuneo : wait wat
[14:38:42 11/11/2016] Raishi Kanetsu : lmao
[14:38:43 11/11/2016] @ Jet : OMG
[14:38:48 11/11/2016] @ Jet : WHY
[14:38:49 11/11/2016] @ Jet : ARE
[14:38:49 11/11/2016] Alwen Sangotatsu : Tsundere, this is the second person you've done this with
[14:38:49 11/11/2016] @ Jet : YOU
[14:38:50 11/11/2016] @ Jet : A
[14:38:53 11/11/2016] @ Jet : SHOUEN CHARACTER
[14:38:57 11/11/2016] @ Jet : YOU ARE SO DENSE
[14:39:02 11/11/2016] Tsuneo : AGAIN
[14:39:07 11/11/2016] Tsuneo : IT HAPPENED AGAIN
[14:39:08 11/11/2016] Tsuneo : OMFG
[14:39:19 11/11/2016] Toraika : pffftttttt
[14:39:20 11/11/2016] Tsuneo : I SWEAR I DIDN'T DO IT ON PURPOSE
[14:39:21 11/11/2016] @ Jet : im putting this in chatbox moments
[14:39:24 11/11/2016] Alwen Sangotatsu : But yeah, Ashes, which of Rob's alts is he dropping?

71Best Chatbox Moments - Page 3 Empty Re: Best Chatbox Moments Mon Nov 14, 2016 8:07 pm



[18:02:57] Inuzuka Makoto : We have 69 chatbox moments.
[18:03:10] Inuzuka Makoto : You did this to yourselves.

Well, we've got 70 of 'em now...

72Best Chatbox Moments - Page 3 Empty Re: Best Chatbox Moments Mon Nov 21, 2016 6:29 pm



[17:28:18] Maigo joined the chat on Mon Nov 21, 2016 5:28 pm
[17:28:20] Hao : Go walk, Gin!
[17:28:26] Hao : Go away, Chris.
[17:28:31] Maigo : Ok
[17:28:33] Maigo has logged off the chat on Mon Nov 21, 2016 5:28 pm

73Best Chatbox Moments - Page 3 Empty Re: Best Chatbox Moments Mon Nov 21, 2016 7:47 pm



I don't have context. I don't want context

[23:46:18] Gin joined the chat on Mon Nov 21, 2016 11:46 pm.

[23:46:25] Takamura has been kicked by Gin.

[23:46:27] Hao : Welcome bach Gin.

[23:46:27] Gin has logged off the chat on Mon Nov 21, 2016 11:46 pm

74Best Chatbox Moments - Page 3 Empty Re: Best Chatbox Moments Tue Nov 22, 2016 1:49 pm

Magetsu Fukitsuna

Magetsu Fukitsuna

[12:42:52] Magetsu Fukitsuna : Welcome to Saga~
[12:43:10] Magetsu Fukitsuna : Ask anyone here if you need a hand
[12:43:18] Magetsu Fukitsuna : But not in that way bro
[12:43:52] Blazze : xD
[12:43:55] Enma : Adding bro to the end means, yes exactly in the way you think
[12:44:13] Blazze : Well gonna get it done by my self then, brb
[12:44:15] Hirano Isei : .
[12:44:16] Flipper has been disconnected on Tue Nov 22, 2016 12:44 pm (session timeout)
[12:46:37] Enma : I think he is leaving to masterbate

75Best Chatbox Moments - Page 3 Empty Re: Best Chatbox Moments Mon Nov 28, 2016 8:11 am




[19:06:21] Tsuneo joined the chat on Mon Nov 28, 2016 7:06 pm
[19:06:25] Tsuneo : =.=
[19:06:42] Shisu Kansen-Suru : Tsueno
[19:06:44] Tsuneo : Hah Tsuneo it took you so many Jutsu to capture one bird
[19:06:50] Shisu Kansen-Suru : Don't give me that attitude
[19:06:55] Tsuneo : It was difficult because the bird is so damned weak
[19:06:55] Shunsui : Hey Tsuneo
[19:07:24] Tsuneo : I coulda captured him with one jutsu but I had to spam jutsu to make him look strong and reach the damn 3k wordcount
[19:07:56] Tsuneo : 3k for a weakass brid I swear chakra chains shoulda been enough but am just an uncreative boosted animal xD
[19:08:06] Tsuneo : Hey guys sorry just rambling
[19:08:32] Tsuneo : Shisu can capture it and he's not even approved
[19:09:29] Shisu Kansen-Suru : Fuck you
[19:09:34] Hao : On Saga, birds capture you.
[19:09:36] Tsuneo : xDDDDD
[19:09:56] Tsuneo : I am putting this in moments
[19:10:04] Tsuneo : gosh Shisu's reaction AM DEAD

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