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126Best Chatbox Moments - Page 6 Empty Re: Best Chatbox Moments Sat May 27, 2017 5:10 am



[04:34:16 ] Sayuri : well what do you need for your story?
[04:34:32 ] Sousetsu Senju : MOTIVATION TO WRITE
[04:35:16 ] * Karumo points dramatically at Ryan
[04:35:31 ] Karumo : So what you're telling me Sousetsu Senju of the Leaf!!
[04:35:34 ] Karumo : Is that
[04:35:36 ] Karumo : You...
[04:35:37 ] Sousetsu Senju : both are good choices in their respective way..
[04:35:38 ] Karumo : Can't...
[04:35:42 ] * Sousetsu Senju looks...
[04:35:44 ] Karumo : Even?
[04:35:44 ] Sousetsu Senju : oh no...
[04:35:46 ] Sousetsu Senju : NO
[04:35:49 ] Karumo : CAN YOU?!
[04:35:50 ] Sayuri : oh no
[04:35:50 ] Sousetsu Senju : NO!!!
[04:35:55 ] Sousetsu Senju : I CAN'T EVEN!?!?
[04:35:56 ] Karumo : YOU CAN'T EVEN!!!
[04:35:56 ] Taeru : XD
[04:36:00 ] Karumo : HAHAHAHAHA
[04:36:00 ] Sousetsu Senju : I CAN'T EVEN!
[04:36:03 ] Sousetsu Senju : HAHAHAHAHA!
[04:36:09 ] Karumo : HE CAN'T EVEN!
[04:36:11 ] Karumo : HAHAHA
[04:36:12 ] * Sousetsu Senju slaps Karumo
[04:36:15 ] Sousetsu Senju : I JUST CAN'T !
[04:36:18 ] Sousetsu Senju : HAHAHAHA!
[04:36:27 ] * Karumo is slapped, slaps back
[04:36:28 ] @ Syekren Uchiha : ._.
[04:36:40 ] @ Syekren Uchiha : I will kick the both of you
[04:36:44 ] @ Syekren Uchiha : I swear to christ
[04:36:50 ] Sousetsu Senju : Sye
[04:36:52 ] Sousetsu Senju : but...
[04:36:53 ] Karumo : HAHAHAHA!
[04:36:55 ] Sousetsu Senju : you can't!
[04:36:56 ] Karumo : HE CAN'T EVEN!
[04:36:57 ] Taeru : XD
[04:36:58 ] Sousetsu Senju : HAHAHAHA!
[04:36:59 ] Sayuri : but Sye
[04:37:01 ] * Syekren Uchiha grabs boot
[04:37:03 ] Sayuri : They can't
[04:37:04 ] Karumo : HAHAHAHAHAHA
[04:37:04 ] Tezuka : Lemme see those mod powers at work Sye
[04:37:04 ] @ Syekren Uchiha : One more person
[04:37:09 ] Karumo : HE CAN'T, YOU CAN'T
[04:37:10 ] Sayuri : EVEN
[04:37:11 ] Karumo : HAAHAHAHAHA
[04:37:12 ] Sousetsu Senju : HAHAHAHAHHA!
[04:37:14 ] @ Syekren Uchiha : Next person to say it
[04:37:16 ] @ Syekren Uchiha : Feels the boot
[04:37:21 ] @ Syekren Uchiha : ._.
[04:37:24 ] Tezuka : "It"
[04:37:26 ] * Sousetsu Senju wipes tear
[04:37:26 ] Karumo : HAHAHAHAHAHAH
[04:37:29 ] Sousetsu Senju : HAHAHAHAHAHA!
[04:37:29 ] Karumo : HAHAHAHAHAHA
[04:37:31 ] Karumo has been kicked by Syekren Uchiha
[04:37:33 ] @ Syekren Uchiha : >:|
[04:37:34 ] Sousetsu Senju : HAHAHAHAHA!!!
[04:37:40 ] Taeru : XD
[04:37:43 ] * Taeru dies
[04:37:46 ] Karumo : HAHAHAHAHA!!
[04:37:47 ] * Sayuri dies
[04:37:52 ] @ Syekren Uchiha : I hate every single one of you
[04:37:56 ] Sousetsu Senju : HAHAHAHAHAHA!
[04:37:58 ] * Karumo dropkicks Sousetsu
[04:37:59 ] Karumo : BUFFY
[04:38:00 ] Syekren Uchiha has been kicked by Syekren Uchiha
[04:38:00 ] Sayuri : HAHAHHAHAHAHA
[04:38:01 ] Karumo : BUDDY*
[04:38:02 ] * Sousetsu Senju dies
[04:38:07 ] Sousetsu Senju : HAHAHAHAHHA!
[04:38:07 ] Karumo : I MISPELLED
[04:38:10 ] Tezuka : But I love you S :)
[04:38:11 ] Sousetsu Senju : YOU KILLED HIM
[04:38:16 ] Karumo : HAHAHAAHAH!
[04:38:23 ] Karumo : BECAUSE HE COULDN'T EVEN!!
[04:38:29 ] Sousetsu Senju : HE COULDN'T!
[04:38:36 ] * Sousetsu Senju looks at everyone
[04:40:26 ] Sousetsu Senju : HAHAHSENDHELPAHAHAHAHA!
[04:40:41 ] * Sayuri dies
[04:40:47 ] @ Syekren Uchiha : ._
[04:40:52 ] * Tezuka pats Syek
[04:40:54 ] @ Syekren Uchiha : .Are you still ogin
[04:41:04 ] @ Syekren Uchiha : goin
[04:41:10 ] * Sayuri raises an eyebrow at Sou
[04:41:18 ] Sousetsu Senju : HAHAHA!
[04:41:27 ] Sousetsu Senju : i think this is more fun now hahaha
[04:42:29 ] Sousetsu Senju : okay okay okay
[04:42:30 ] @ Syekren Uchiha : Cheerios, talk sense into these charlatans
[04:42:32 ] * Sousetsu Senju glares
[04:42:37 ] * Karumo glares back
[04:42:45 ] Sousetsu Senju : no more evening...we are now in morning
[04:42:47 ] Chīrō : What are they selling?
[04:42:55 ] Karumo : Morning or mourning?
[04:42:58 ] Sousetsu Senju : at the evens that couldn't...
[04:42:58 ] * Sayuri mourns
[04:43:00 ] Karumo : Because... you can't even?
[04:43:09 ] * Karumo holds head down
[04:43:17 ] * Sousetsu Senju bows head
[04:43:26 ] Tezuka : This all hurts to watch ;_;
[04:43:31 ] Karumo : Are you doing the eulogy or am I?
[04:43:37 ] * Sousetsu Senju forces Tezuka's head down
[04:43:44 ] Sayuri : someone should do it
[04:43:45 ] Tezuka : You're a good boi Syek...
[04:43:50 ] Sousetsu Senju : you
[04:43:56 ] Karumo : Dammit
[04:44:07 ] Sayuri : sucker
[04:44:16 ] Karumo : We're gathered here today in a time of loss, in a time of tragedy, and in rememberance of the natural order of things
[04:44:21 ] Sousetsu Senju : hurry before i miss 'Cops'
[04:44:26 ] Karumo : The evens we held so dearly, that were not prime in any form
[04:44:44 ] * Sousetsu Senju wipes tear
[04:44:47 ] * Tezuka sings Ave Maria
[04:44:57 ] * Sayuri sobs quietly
[04:45:00 ] Karumo : That could be divisible by at least 2 numbers and offered a series expansion to define laplace fast transforms
[04:45:09 ] Sousetsu Senju : HAHAHAHAHAHA!
[04:45:14 ] Sayuri : HAHAHHHAHAH!
[04:45:18 ] Taeru : XD
[04:45:28 ] Karumo : They will be missed, and we lose so much value of mathematics without them
[04:45:30 ] Karumo : But fret not!
[04:45:34 ] Karumo : For there is hope in loss
[04:45:37 ] Sousetsu Senju : ahem...
[04:45:47 ] * Sousetsu Senju refrains from laughing
[04:45:54 ] * Sayuri stops fretting
[04:46:05 ] * Chīrō whispers sweet Lovecraftian nothings into Karumo's ear to disrupt the procession.
[04:46:18 ] @ Syekren Uchiha : ._.
[04:46:18 ] Karumo : As we can define the series of all odd real numbers and with simple arithmetic and the subtraction of a single negative odd number, we see the shadow of the remains of what was our infinite even series
[04:46:32 ] Chīrō : ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthugha Fomalhaut n'gha-ghaa naf'lthagn
[04:46:37 ] Karumo : Now please join me in a brief moment of silence as we remember their value
[04:46:40 ] * Karumo tilts head down
[04:46:47 ] Chīrō : PH'NGLUI
[04:46:52 ] * Sayuri bows head in reverence
[04:46:53 ] Chīrō : MGLW'NAFH
[04:46:53 ] * Tezuka silently sobs
[04:46:57 ] Chīrō : CTHULU RL'YEH
[04:46:58 ] * Sousetsu Senju tilts head, kicks Chiro
[04:47:06 ] Chīrō : WGAH'NAGLE
[04:47:11 ] Chīrō : PH'TAGN!
[04:47:12 ] * Karumo lifts head back up
[04:47:18 ] * Sousetsu Senju lifts head up
[04:47:27 ] Karumo : Now, remember the lessons here today, and remember the lives we lost and held so dearly
[04:47:28 ] * Sayuri wipes a tear from her eye
[04:47:49 ] Sousetsu Senju : that was beautiful Karumo...I'll take it from here buddy
[04:47:54 ] * Tezuka clings to Syek's grave desperately
[04:47:55 ] Sousetsu Senju : must have been hard..
[04:47:56 ] * Karumo nods and steps aside
[04:48:03 ] * Karumo takes solemn stand next to Sheep
[04:48:11 ] * Sayuri pats Karumo gently
[04:48:26 ] Sousetsu Senju : Beautiful words ladies...gentlemen...lentlemen...sheep
[04:48:59 ] Sousetsu Senju : from where i am standing
[04:49:04 ] Sousetsu Senju : here on this podium
[04:49:08 ] Sousetsu Senju : i see a lot of people
[04:49:08 ] * Chīrō is a lentilman.
[04:49:18 ] Sousetsu Senju : a lot of people
[04:49:28 ] Sousetsu Senju : Who literally...
[04:49:33 ] Sousetsu Senju : can't
[04:49:37 ] Sousetsu Senju : even.
[04:49:39 ] Karumo : no....
[04:49:42 ] Karumo : NO!
[04:49:43 ] Sousetsu Senju : HAHAHAHAHHA!

127Best Chatbox Moments - Page 6 Empty Re: Best Chatbox Moments Sat May 27, 2017 7:55 pm

Uchiha Teru

Uchiha Teru

[17:50:59] Uchiha Teru : Work ;-;
[17:51:00] * Chīrō walks back in.
[17:51:03] Uchiha Teru : I miss working ;-;
[17:51:16] Chīrō has logged off the chat on Sat May 27, 2017 5:51 pm
[17:51:22] Chīrō joined the chat on Sat May 27, 2017 5:51 pm
[17:51:59] Uchiha Teru : Work ;-;
[17:52:00] * Chīrō walks back in.
[17:52:03] Uchiha Teru : I miss working ;-;
[17:52:16] Chīrō has logged off the chat on Sat May 27, 2017 5:52 pm
[17:52:17] Uchiha Teru : Hm...
[17:52:22] Chīrō joined the chat on Sat May 27, 2017 5:52 pm
[17:52:27] Uchiha Teru : Something off about that
[17:52:50] Uchiha Teru : <_<'''
[17:52:57] Chīrō : Off?
[17:53:00] Uchiha Teru : Supernatural Cheerio....

128Best Chatbox Moments - Page 6 Empty Re: Best Chatbox Moments Sun May 28, 2017 4:54 am



Best Chatbox Moments - Page 6 W283kI

And now this is officially in the history books

Best Chatbox Moments - Page 6 ENScrV

Along with this

129Best Chatbox Moments - Page 6 Empty Re: Best Chatbox Moments Thu Jun 01, 2017 5:30 am



[10:17:54] @ Syekren Uchiha : I get 30% more
[10:17:59] @ Syekren Uchiha : Since Captain
[10:18:01] @ Syekren Uchiha : LD
[10:18:02] @ Syekren Uchiha : :D*
[10:18:07] Han : oh, 30% then
[10:18:14] Han : im also Captain
[10:18:27] * Syekren Uchiha captain High five
[10:18:38] * Han high fives
[10:18:48] @ Syekren Uchiha : If we did an SS-Rank together at max reward..
[10:19:00] @ Syekren Uchiha : 6,500 Ryo
[10:19:01] @ Syekren Uchiha : <_<
[10:19:43] Burittsu : ..
[10:19:48] Han : thinking what i'm thiking??
[10:20:00] Burittsu : Well baby it'll be best if I did stick to WC
[10:20:09] Burittsu : Make good stories for buri
[10:20:17] @ Syekren Uchiha : Make some SS-Ranks at max reward and run through em?
[10:20:24] Han : yussssss
[10:20:37] Noel has been disconnected on Thu Jun 01, 2017 10:20 am (session timeout)
[10:20:37] Han : plow through em like hotpockets
[10:20:48] Sayuri : tha hell?
[10:20:57] * Syekren Uchiha noms the hell out of them
[10:21:16] @ Syekren Uchiha : It's funny, because I have an SS-Rank bit in mind that would be a colossal plot thing
[10:21:23] Han : let's not even be creative, be like : ust rescue SS rank cat from SS ranked tree
[10:21:36] @ Syekren Uchiha : LMAO
[10:21:43] @ Syekren Uchiha : With SS-Rank stats
[10:21:49] Han : XD yeah
[10:21:58] Han : it has SS ranked denial
[10:22:08] Han : the tree is SS rnaked slippery
[10:22:14] @ Syekren Uchiha : Have a moderator play a stationary SS-Ranked tree
[10:22:18] Han : immune to walk-up-tree-no-utsu
[10:22:24] * Sayuri dies
[10:22:25] Han : jutsu*
[10:22:34] @ Syekren Uchiha : Or just have Mitsuo do it xD
[10:22:38] @ Syekren Uchiha : I can see it now
[10:22:40] Han : XDDDDDDDD
[10:22:45] @ Syekren Uchiha : Mitsuo: *Is a tree, sits there*
[10:22:59] * Sayuri dies 2: dies harder
[10:23:01] Han : have that voice from spongebob narrate it: "Three years later"
[10:23:37] @ Syekren Uchiha : And have him be like: *Still sits there as they climb*
[10:23:47] Han : LOL
[10:23:50] @ Syekren Uchiha : Then in a twist of fate he becomes the whomping willow because reasons
[10:24:00] Han : XD
[10:24:02] * Sayuri dies 3: the apocalypse
[10:24:07] Han : screw it, let's animate it too!
[10:24:20] @ Syekren Uchiha : And put a bad ass track behind it!
[10:24:30] @ Syekren Uchiha : Like the one punch man theme or something hardcore hype
[10:24:34] Han : lol yass
[10:25:02] Han : get morgan freeman to voice the cat
[10:25:22] * Sayuri dies; the chronicles of dying
[10:25:28] Han : XD
[10:25:34] @ Syekren Uchiha : "Now this is me, I bet you're wondering how I got in a tree with two shinobi climbing to rescue me"
[10:25:44] Han : ROFL!!
[10:25:47] @ Syekren Uchiha : "Well, let's start at the beginning. I was born, a cute and fluffy kitten"
[10:25:50] @ Syekren Uchiha : XD
[10:26:21] * Syekren Uchiha watches the Sayuri Zombie continously die
[10:26:26] @ Syekren Uchiha : Who are you, Yamcha?
[10:26:34] Han : Just when we think we're close enough, the scene pauses and the cat says: "It was at this moment they realized. They fucked up"
[10:26:41] Sayuri : I just...
[10:27:41] @ Syekren Uchiha : 10k words of beauty, Brett
[10:27:42] * Sayuri dies again: The Fellowship of Dying
[10:27:51] Han : all that...for 6,500 ryo
[10:27:56] Han : XDDDD
[10:28:01] @ Syekren Uchiha : Definitely worth xD
[10:28:07] Han : YES!
[10:28:23] Han : I'm saving this chatlog!
[10:28:47] Noel joined the chat on Thu Jun 01, 2017 10:28 am
[10:28:55] @ Syekren Uchiha : Do it wtih the sayuri dying in the background lol
[10:28:59] Sayuri : Please do it

And that, is how i met your mother

130Best Chatbox Moments - Page 6 Empty Re: Best Chatbox Moments Thu Jun 01, 2017 3:46 pm



[16:45:35] Karumo : I know it doesn't but it's better with meat!

No context needed

131Best Chatbox Moments - Page 6 Empty Re: Best Chatbox Moments Sun Jun 04, 2017 2:39 am



[06:35:47] Lyon joined the chat on Sun Jun 04, 2017 6:35 am
[06:35:54] Aeneas : Yeah, he said he would help me blossom as a villain.
[06:36:04] Lyon : Greetings mortals
[06:36:15] * Supaku stares in awe at the glorious majesty that her eyes behold
[06:36:16] Aeneas : I obviously can't start by trying to take over villages.
[06:36:18] Lyon : I, the great Lyon Hyuga, have decided to grace you with my are welcome
[06:36:21] Aeneas : Hello, Lyon
[06:36:33] * Masuki bows to Lyon
[06:36:36] Supaku : I... we are...
[06:36:45] Lyon : You are correct, you are not worthy
[06:36:53] * Supaku stammers and blushes
[06:37:27] Masuki : sire, do you drinketh thy watah?
[06:37:29] Aeneas : You remind me of Narcissus.
[06:37:37] Lyon : This appearance has been sponsored by my great father, Tsuyo Hyuga
[06:37:44] * Supaku gasps
[06:37:44] Lyon : I have given enough of my time
[06:37:46] Aeneas : He died by looking at his reflection, you know.
[06:37:50] Lyon : You may all resume your mundane lives
[06:37:53] Lyon has logged off the chat on Sun Jun 04, 2017 6:37 am
[06:37:56] * Supaku swoons
[06:38:00] Aeneas : Definitely Narcissus.
[06:38:12] Masuki : great

132Best Chatbox Moments - Page 6 Empty Re: Best Chatbox Moments Sun Jun 04, 2017 4:25 am



[03:54:27] @ Shigeki : ;-; it's not my fault Iwa sucks
[03:54:38] Daraku : OR IS IT
[03:54:41] Sayuri : But Shigeki! I'm coming to see you!
[03:54:47] * Daraku plays the organ
[03:54:47] @ Mitsuo : Sounds like a get good issue Shigeki
[03:55:54] @ Shigeki : ;-;
[03:55:55] @ Shigeki : I'm sad
[03:55:58] @ Shigeki : That was mean
[03:56:01] @ Shigeki : Apologize D=
[03:56:09] @ Mitsuo : I apologize to nobody
[03:56:10] Daraku : I'm sorry Shigeki
[03:56:21] Daraku : who I have no idea the secret identity of
[03:56:28] Sayuri : Mitsuo, that was mean
[03:56:32] @ Mitsuo : I am the foundation upon which this nation was built
[03:56:38] @ Mitsuo : WORSHIP ME
[03:56:46] Sayuri : And Shigeki seems really nice
[03:56:49] @ Shigeki : But... I don't want to
[03:56:59] @ Mitsuo : Oh really?
[03:57:05] Sayuri : but also... Mitsuo is worth worshiping
[03:57:10] @ Mitsuo : I will teach you respect and reverence
[03:57:13] Moderator status withdrawn from Shigeki by Mitsuo
[03:57:16] Shigeki has been banned by Mitsuo
[03:57:22] * Sayuri dies
[03:57:26] Santaku Nariko : o-o
[03:57:32] Daraku : WAIT
[03:57:39] Santaku Nariko : Stuff is escalating D;
[03:58:22] Daraku : calvin's having fun bullying poor shigeki
[03:58:25] Daraku : >_>
[03:58:25] Sayuri : O.o
[03:58:26] Daraku : <_<
[03:58:30] Sayuri : umm
[03:58:36] @ Mitsuo : I AM NOT A BULLY
[03:58:39] Sayuri : Mitsuo... isn't Shigeki... you?>
[03:58:41] @ Mitsuo : I AM A GOD
[03:58:46] Daraku : GLITTER
[03:58:47] @ Mitsuo : SHUT UP YOU
[03:58:50] SAYURI has been banned by Mitsuo
[03:59:17] Sayuri has been unbanned by Mitsuo
[03:59:24] Shigeki has been unbanned by Mitsuo
[03:59:26] Moderator status given to Shigeki by Mitsuo
[04:00:03] Shigeki joined the chat on Sun Jun 04, 2017 4:00 am
[04:00:05] Sayuri joined the chat on Sun Jun 04, 2017 4:00 am
[04:00:09] @ Shigeki : WHAT THE SHIT MITSUO?
[04:00:10] Daraku : yep
[04:00:10] Sayuri : O.o
[04:00:12] @ Shigeki : ;-;
[04:00:16] Sayuri : Well
[04:00:26] Sayuri : Now I kinda wanna go to Iwa after all
[04:00:45] @ Shigeki : I'm leaving you people
[04:00:46] @ Shigeki : so mean to me
[04:00:49] Shigeki has been kicked by Shigeki

133Best Chatbox Moments - Page 6 Empty Re: Best Chatbox Moments Thu Jun 08, 2017 12:32 pm



[12:29:26] Shinako : I'm not going to add fake danger just to get an A-ranking. That's dumb. 2,500 words should qualify us for A-Rank.
[12:29:40] Asmodeus : yeah lets see what he says first
[12:29:41] Sayuri : but, but fire sharknado!
[12:29:47] Asmodeus : xD
[12:29:57] Senju Airi : I agree with Sayuri
[12:30:03] Senju Airi : If you can add a flaming sharknado, you should
[12:30:08] Sayuri : ^^
[12:30:12] Sayuri : always.
[12:30:15] Asmodeus : bruh
[12:30:16] Noel : you could also major in suiton
[12:30:24] Noel : get a shark pet or summons
[12:30:24] Shinako : If it's rejected because it's not dangerous, I'll add a fire sharknado.
[12:30:30] Asmodeus : lmao

I expect to see this.

134Best Chatbox Moments - Page 6 Empty Re: Best Chatbox Moments Tue Jun 13, 2017 4:00 pm



[15:36:59] Messages cleared by Jet
[15:37:07] @ Jet : o3o
[15:38:55] * Sayuri sparkles back in
[15:39:24] Burittsu : >>
[15:39:29] Burittsu : The game got funny
[15:39:47] Sayuri : O_o
[15:39:59] @ Jet : its a weird game
[15:40:14] @ Jet : my chara had sex with osada bin laden's magic corpse in a dark room
[15:40:18] @ Jet : im forever scarred
[15:40:31] Nozomi : :3
[15:40:36] Nozomi : Osama
[15:40:39] Nozomi : Osada is a clan
[15:40:54] Sayuri : O_O
[15:40:57] Sayuri : wth?
[15:40:59] Burittsu : XD
[15:41:00] Burittsu : LMAOOO
[15:41:03] Uchiha Tenzō : This chat.
[15:41:06] Sayuri : what is even going on?
[15:41:14] @ Jet : boardgame online
[15:41:18] Sayuri : oooh
[15:41:20] @ Jet : 1000 ryo to the winner
[15:41:26] Sayuri : ooooooj
[15:41:31] Sayuri : J?
[15:41:36] * Sayuri goes to the fail corner
[15:41:40] @ Jet : juice
[15:41:44] Sayuri : juice!
[15:41:45] @ Jet : i could go for some juice
[15:41:46] Sayuri : \ o /
[15:41:53] Burittsu : >_>
[15:41:54] Burittsu : <_<
[15:42:00] Burittsu : So who wants to destroy a village with Buri
[15:42:01] * Sayuri hands the neko some juice
[15:42:21] Sayuri : I will help stop you from destroying a village Buri
[15:42:27] Sayuri : =D
[15:42:41] * Jet sips jice
[15:45:00] Taeru has been disconnected on Tue Jun 13, 2017 3:45 pm (session timeout)
[15:45:00] Nozomi : I'll help STOP you from doing so
[15:45:28] Sayuri : yeah... there's gonna be a long list of people for that Buri
[15:45:49] Seiryū : "jice"
[15:46:16] Sayuri : xD
[15:47:01] * Jet coughs
[15:47:05] @ Jet : weird juice
[15:47:37] Yumo Nenshu has been disconnected on Tue Jun 13, 2017 3:47 pm (session timeout)
[15:47:52] Uchiha Tenzō : .
[15:51:19] Maikeru Otsuka joined the chat on Tue Jun 13, 2017 3:51 pm
[15:51:38] Maikeru Otsuka : Hola
[15:51:41] Sayuri : Hihi Maik
[15:51:56] Maikeru Otsuka : Helloo
[15:52:07] Sayuri : How's things?
[15:52:24] Maikeru Otsuka : Hot
[15:52:27] Maikeru Otsuka : Things are hot
[15:52:39] Sayuri : is that... good?
[15:52:46] Sayuri : or bad?
[15:52:52] Maikeru Otsuka : Bad
[15:52:58] Maikeru Otsuka : Im boiling
[15:53:01] Sayuri : I'm sorry then D;
[15:53:01] Definitely Not Bokuden joined the chat on Tue Jun 13, 2017 3:53 pm
[15:53:13] Maikeru Otsuka : That
[15:53:19] Nozomi : /
[15:53:19] Maikeru Otsuka : Is Definitely Not Bokuden
[15:53:26] Nozomi : weba
[15:53:27] Sayuri : Hihi
[15:53:34] Maikeru Otsuka : And haaayyyyy
[15:53:36] Maikeru Otsuka : Lilly
[15:53:36] Sayuri : O_o
[15:53:51] Sayuri : Definitely Not Bokuden?
[15:54:01] @ Jet : yp
[15:54:06] @ Jet : yo*
[15:54:18] @ Definitely Not Bokuden : Hi everyone!
[15:54:27] Sayuri : Uh, How's it going?
[15:54:33] @ Definitely Not Bokuden : I'm new here, nice to meet you! :D
[15:54:43] @ Definitely Not Bokuden : I'm well, thank you for asking!
[15:54:47] @ Definitely Not Bokuden : So thoughtful
[15:54:54] Maikeru Otsuka : Is that sooo?
[15:54:58] Maikeru Otsuka : If you are rnew
[15:55:03] @ Definitely Not Bokuden : Where do I download the game?
[15:55:04] Sayuri : You're most welcome, and Welcome to Saga!
[15:55:08] Maikeru Otsuka : Why do you have an @
[15:55:15] Maikeru Otsuka : HAAAAAA!!!!
[15:55:18] Sayuri : The Game, you mean, Saga?
[15:55:20] Maikeru Otsuka : That happens a lot XD
[15:55:26] Mitsuo joined the chat on Tue Jun 13, 2017 3:55 pm
[15:55:27] Maikeru Otsuka : I never get tired of that
[15:55:28] * Jet blinks
[15:55:29] Maikeru Otsuka : NEVER
[15:55:34] @ Definitely Not Bokuden : When you press Shift plus the 2 key you can make an @
[15:55:35] Sayuri : Hihi Mitsuo
[15:55:37] Seiryū : .
[15:55:46] Nozomi : lol
[15:55:47] @ Definitely Not Bokuden : Yeah, where do I download the game?
[15:56:00] @ Definitely Not Bokuden : I can't wait to play
[15:56:02] @ Definitely Not Bokuden : :D
[15:56:05] @ Mitsuo : I see youre settling in nicely Definitely not Bokuden
[15:56:06] Sayuri : Oh... um. You uh... you don't download it per se.
[15:56:21] @ Definitely Not Bokuden : Oh, it's browser based?
[15:56:26] @ Definitely Not Bokuden : How do I turn it on?
[15:56:29] Seiryū : You have to delete System32 first.
[15:56:34] @ Definitely Not Bokuden : ok!
[15:56:44] Sayuri : Well you're in luck, since you're in a browser it's already turned on!
[15:56:53] Sayuri : no no! Don't do that!
[15:56:56] Sayuri : D;
[15:57:04] Burittsu has been disconnected on Tue Jun 13, 2017 3:57 pm (session timeout)
[15:57:04] @ Definitely Not Bokuden : Why not?
[15:57:07] Sayuri : bad Sonu >:|
[15:57:11] * Maikeru Otsuka covers Sayuri's mouth
[15:57:12] @ Jet : .
[15:57:14] @ Definitely Not Bokuden : Surely the people here are all nice and would never lead me astray
[15:57:15] @ Definitely Not Bokuden : :D
[15:57:16] Maikeru Otsuka : He's write
[15:57:16] * Seiryū is helping.
[15:57:21] Maikeru Otsuka : Delete System32
[15:57:32] * Sayuri has her mouth covered flails wildly
[15:57:44] Definitely Not Bokuden has logged off the chat on Tue Jun 13, 2017 3:57 pm
[15:57:54] Maikeru Otsuka : kek

135Best Chatbox Moments - Page 6 Empty Re: Best Chatbox Moments Tue Jun 13, 2017 6:39 pm



Best Chatbox Moments - Page 6 Screenshot_2017-06-13-16-42-59

All 3 admins in the chatbox at once...there's your chatbox moment~

136Best Chatbox Moments - Page 6 Empty Re: Best Chatbox Moments Tue Jun 13, 2017 7:05 pm



I only see two admins in that picture. Bokuden is mysteriously absent.

137Best Chatbox Moments - Page 6 Empty Re: Best Chatbox Moments Mon Jun 19, 2017 6:15 pm

Uchiha Tenzō

Uchiha Tenzō

Just so he knows, if he ever comes back.

[01:13:13] Lamya : well... more like Tame did, but keiko gets the credit
[01:13:19] Uchiha Tenzō : Tame is the best
[01:13:22] * Uchiha Tenzō bows down.
[01:13:43] @ Syekren Uchiha : Tame was great
[01:13:45] @ Syekren Uchiha : I miss Miles
[01:13:45] Lamya : well tame did write the guidelines and I became jutsu mod with 0 training xD
[01:13:49] @ Syekren Uchiha : He helped me a few times
[01:14:01] Uchiha Tenzō : He helped me approve my Uchiha\
[01:14:03] Uchiha Tenzō : Great guy
[01:14:03] Lamya : same

138Best Chatbox Moments - Page 6 Empty Re: Best Chatbox Moments Mon Jun 19, 2017 7:35 pm

Uchiha Teru

Uchiha Teru

[17:33:20] @ Syekren Uchiha : oh wait, what's that!
[17:33:20] Taeru : a break -looks around for a break.-
[17:33:26] * Syekren Uchiha points at a wall
[17:33:32] * Sayuri looks
[17:33:36] * Taeru looks at the wall
[17:33:37] Syekren Uchiha has logged off the chat on Mon Jun 19, 2017 5:33 pm (*runs out*)
[17:33:42] Sayuri : son of a

139Best Chatbox Moments - Page 6 Empty Re: Best Chatbox Moments Mon Jul 03, 2017 7:30 am



[13:04:08] Noel joined the chat on Mon Jul 03, 2017 1:04 pm.

[13:04:27] * Noel lands on Kayn's head .

[13:04:40] Noel : Magikazam!!!!.

[13:04:41] Aries has been disconnected on Mon Jul 03, 2017 1:04 pm (session timeout).

[13:05:35] * Noel explodes .

[13:05:36] Noel has logged off the chat on Mon Jul 03, 2017 1:05 pm.

[13:12:31] Syekren Uchiha has been disconnected on Mon Jul 03, 2017 1:12 pm (session timeout).

[13:16:28] Sayuri has been disconnected on Mon Jul 03, 2017 1:16 pm (session timeout).

[13:16:28] Kayn has been disconnected on Mon Jul 03, 2017 1:16 pm (session timeout)

140Best Chatbox Moments - Page 6 Empty Re: Best Chatbox Moments Tue Aug 01, 2017 1:08 pm

Senju Airi

Senju Airi

[18:59:34] Seito : Senju Airi
[19:00:46] @ Senju Airi : Seito.
[19:01:16] Seito : Yes?
[19:01:35] @ Senju Airi : Oh, you were calling me o-o
[19:01:49] @ Senju Airi : So I thought you were about to say something <.<
[19:01:56] Seito : But, you called me.
[19:02:25] @ Senju Airi : Just to be sure you weren't a genjutsu
[19:02:35] @ Senju Airi : Like... Bokuden
[19:02:46] @ Senju Airi : He could be Definitely not Bokuden in diguise, for all we know
[19:03:25] @ Bokuden : Definitely not.
[19:03:33] @ Bokuden : That's impossible.
[19:03:36] Seito : I need to make a force field jutsu
[19:03:39] @ Bokuden : I can't be Bokuden and not Bokuden.
[19:03:54] Seito : And, a few more techs.
[19:03:58] @ Senju Airi : ... or can you? I heard ownership has... those powers that be
[19:04:07] @ Bokuden : Nope
[19:04:25] @ Senju Airi : You could be suddenly Paradoksuden
[19:04:32] @ Senju Airi : Definitely not Paradoksuden
[19:04:54] @ Senju Airi : Mind boggling.
[19:05:01] Seito : Ah! You were the person who defied the noise of which an owl makes!
[19:05:03] @ Senju Airi : I should stop, this is worse than S rank genjutsu
[19:05:13] @ Senju Airi : Ohyeah, owls hoot, right?
[19:05:55] Seito : some do. not all. but they make all sorts of noises too.
[19:06:15] @ Paradoksuden : hm
[19:06:22] @ Senju Airi : <.< But... the pokemon is named 'hoot hoot' not 'all-kind-of-sounsomon'
[19:06:29] @ Senju Airi : Oh my gods!
[19:06:37] * Senju Airi 's brain pops
[19:06:41] Daremo : .
[19:06:49] Seito : lol

141Best Chatbox Moments - Page 6 Empty Re: Best Chatbox Moments Fri Aug 04, 2017 4:55 pm

Raiu Mizuki

Raiu Mizuki

[22:50:29] Nayoko : i just realized something great
[22:50:33] Nayoko : bye jamie
[22:50:40] Lamya : still haven't started the perfect sage mode thread I wanted to do so badly
[22:50:43] Jamie has logged off the chat on Fri Aug 04, 2017 10:50 pm
[22:51:16] Nayoko : you guys know the somg roxanne
[22:51:20] Raiu Mizuki : The perfect sage mode threat
[22:51:29] Raiu Mizuki : Roxaaaane
[22:51:34] Nayoko : you can replace roxanne with bokuden
[22:51:35] * Raiu Mizuki coughs
[22:51:37] Raiu Mizuki : Roooooooxane
[22:51:42] Nayoko : Booooooookuden
[22:51:51] Nayoko : you dont have to put on the red light
[22:52:04] Nayoko : Boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooookuden
[22:52:08] Raiu Mizuki : xD
[22:52:20] Raiu Mizuki : totally need this in best chatbox moments
[22:52:26] Sayuri : xDD
[22:52:35] Nayoko : you don;t have to clear the admin thread
[22:52:36] Lamya : omg lol
[22:52:42] Nayoko : you dont have to clear the admin thread
[22:52:46] Nayoko : boooooooooooooookuden
[22:52:57] * Nayoko powerslides with mic stand

142Best Chatbox Moments - Page 6 Empty Re: Best Chatbox Moments Mon Sep 11, 2017 6:46 pm



[16:25:48] Maigo has been disconnected on Sun Sep 10, 2017 4:25 pm (session timeout)
[16:25:55] Lamya : I know how to balance it
[16:26:02] Kisei : Whatcha got?
[16:26:12] Lamya : make the puppet/modification cost -20%
[16:26:27] Lamya : but all stats get +10% ryo, +10% wc
[16:26:27] Midori joined the chat on Sun Sep 10, 2017 4:26 pm
[16:26:41] Kisei : Wb midori
[16:26:42] Lamya : if you do that, you could actually even add a minor advantage xD
[16:27:03] Lamya : because in the long run, 10% extra on stats could be painful
[16:27:24] Kisei : lol I'll pay around with it for a little
[16:27:35] * Fuyuko shivers at the thought of so much extra ryo
[16:27:46] Lamya : maybe give them a permanent +1 tier Reaction time as minor advantage
[16:27:59] Lamya : you'd expect puppeteers to be rather good at reacting
[16:28:35] Hao has been disconnected on Sun Sep 10, 2017 4:28 pm (session timeout)
[16:28:37] Kisei : Indeed.
[16:29:09] * Lamya wonders if I can put an extra 4.2k words in that thread
[16:29:28] Lamya : 4.2k extra and at least one other person joining in it, would be fun
[16:29:39] Lamya : 9k for a social
[16:29:57] * Lamya seriously needs some socials
[16:30:04] Lamya : big socials
[16:30:07] Kisei : Same here
[16:30:14] Lamya : 9k socials
[16:30:19] Lamya : 3 to be exact
[16:30:26] Lamya : and 3 S rank missions
[16:30:43] Lamya : all stats at S-3, at least one spec and one element at SS
[16:31:02] Lamya : and after that... I'll have what I wanted
[16:31:15] yuaito heyova : layma you can use sound justu
[16:31:17] Maigo joined the chat on Sun Sep 10, 2017 4:31 pm
[16:31:20] Kisei : Woah
[16:31:23] Kisei : Heyo maigo
[16:31:37] Lamya : vibration jutsu, yuaito
[16:31:52] Lamya : I have one jutsu with sound/vibration
[16:32:00] Lamya : and lots of light xD
[16:32:02] Kisei : I'm wondering, what have you been up to? You've been on and off the Cbox for a while now. Just tuning in are ya?
[16:32:10] Kisei : (Maigo)
[16:32:15] yuaito heyova : most of yuaito justus are either seals or sound
[16:32:26] Lamya : maigo's the type of person who gets on cbox while doing two other things at the same time
[16:32:28] @ Maigo : Oh, working on posts and some D&D stuff xD
[16:32:35] @ Maigo : Yeah...
[16:32:40] Lamya : D&D...interesting
[16:32:45] Kisei : good luck xD
[16:32:46] Lamya : what kind?
[16:32:46] Fuyuko : Haha, right on the money xD
[16:32:54] @ Maigo : Star Wars D&D! :D
[16:32:58] Fuyuko : O_o
[16:32:59] Lamya : ooh, neat
[16:33:04] Midori : Sex droids or bust
[16:33:10] * Lamya facepalms
[16:33:11] @ Maigo : We're just starting tonight, and my inexperienced ass is DM'ing
[16:33:15] Kisei : pffft XD
[16:33:17] @ Maigo : No droids this time ;-;
[16:33:24] Midori : Failure then
[16:33:28] Midori : And you should already feel BAD

There's some good parts here, keep looking.

143Best Chatbox Moments - Page 6 Empty Re: Best Chatbox Moments Thu Sep 14, 2017 7:27 pm



That moment when your brain farts details.

[19:11:03] yuaito heyova : yuaitos dead girfriend is form the sand village
[19:11:07] Kisei is away : falls asleep
[19:11:12] Kisei : Wait what?!
[19:11:24] Kisei : who?
[19:11:27] yuaito heyova : yep
[19:11:41] yuaito heyova : she was a uchica
[19:12:49] Kisei : Wouldn't that make you an uchiha as well then?
[19:13:29] Midori : I don't think that's how a dead girlfriend works Kisei
[19:13:48] Ren Sabaku : xD
[19:14:00] yuaito heyova : they never married
[19:14:05] Rokumaru : Was she his girlfriend before she died, or is she a dead woman as a girlfriend
[19:14:18] yuaito heyova : uaityo is a girl
[19:14:19] Fuyuko : ....
[19:14:21] Lillith : Red I can wait to continue until you have more thread avaible then~
[19:14:28] yuaito heyova : yuaito
[19:14:30] Midori : Thanks then ahaha
[19:14:32] Midori : Sorry, but like
[19:14:37] Fuyuko : That sounds messed up Roku...
[19:14:38] Midori : I'm trying to thread with as many people as possible
[19:14:45] Lillith : It's cool ^_^
[19:14:47] Midori : So that I can keep Suna active
[19:14:53] Midori : Activity breeds activity and all
[19:15:06] Kisei : Sorry! XD I blanked and though oyu meant mother xD

144Best Chatbox Moments - Page 6 Empty Re: Best Chatbox Moments Thu Sep 21, 2017 5:28 pm



[16:17:58 21/09/2017] @ Maigo :
[16:18:01 21/09/2017] @ Maigo : Here Roku, take a look
[16:18:23 21/09/2017] Rokumaru : you didn't
[16:18:41 21/09/2017] @ Maigo : Take a look.
[16:19:04 21/09/2017] Rokumaru : No no no no, no 3 is NOT equal to 2
[16:19:18 21/09/2017] Rokumaru : I have two grapes in one hand and three bowling balls in the other
[16:19:29 21/09/2017] Rokumaru : Different amount of fruit in each hand
[16:19:30 21/09/2017] Midori : You have one big hand
[16:19:38 21/09/2017] Midori : Like
[16:19:51 21/09/2017] @ Maigo : xD
[16:19:52 21/09/2017] Midori : Mickey mouse on half your body
[16:19:58 21/09/2017] Midori : Roku Mousu
[16:20:00 21/09/2017] Rokumaru : You 'educated' people make me sick
[16:20:11 21/09/2017] @ Maigo : Also, can we point out you referred to bowling balls as fruit?
[16:20:12 21/09/2017] Rokumaru : Making up math to confuse us serfs
[16:20:20 21/09/2017] Midori : Shh, shh, just
[16:20:22 21/09/2017] Rokumaru : We're past that
[16:20:24 21/09/2017] Midori : Let the Roku eat bowling balls
[16:20:25 21/09/2017] Lamya : lol, chris you just said what I was thinking
[16:20:28 21/09/2017] @ Maigo : Sorry, moving on

Roku wins best comment of the day xD

145Best Chatbox Moments - Page 6 Empty Re: Best Chatbox Moments Sun May 13, 2018 3:37 pm



Hanza - Today at 12:17 PM
Giving away 14k Ryo feels like lifting the weight of way too many alts from my shoulders

Kayn - Today at 12:18 PM
.. you're doing WHAT?!
slaps Hanza repeatedly.
I'm sitting here struggling, and you're just GIVING AWAY ryo!?

Destiny - Today at 12:19 PM
Drags Kayn away. Puts him in a straight jacket.

Kayn - Today at 12:19 PM
throttles Hanza!

Takao - Today at 12:20 PM
give every member 1 ryo

Destiny - Today at 12:20 PM
No, you'll regret it in the morning.

Kayn - Today at 12:20 PM
I'll rip him limb from limb!

Nozomi - Today at 12:20 PM
Gimme ryo
I'm broke

Kayn - Today at 12:21 PM
I"mma turn every **** alt of his into a human puppet!
It'll be the Legion of Dumbasses!
Secret Roy Technique: Legion of Dumbasses!

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