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Even when war was on the minds of all that lived in the village, it was the sound of angels playing a godly harp to hear the children play in the Kirigakure Park. Sanosuke was doing his round of internal patrol of the village hidden in the mist to see if there was any assistance that a jounin could for the people. In times of war there would be civilians in a panic and thus street crime can possibly spike to take advantage of the chaos that war brought. So shinobi in the forces would take shifts in making sure no riots would break out. Fortunately for him there was no need for him to do anything rash. A couple of arguments here and there that he would have to get in between to keep the peace of the village. Sanosuke and Navi were at this for a couple of hours and now they were just relaxing at the park where he was watching the children play. A smile found its way to his face as the kumogakure jounin watched the young ones play around without a care in the world. Those kids had so much to live for; some of them would grow up to be anything they wanted, including the next generation of shinobi. Those children may not be from his own village but kids were still kids, and as such Sanosuke would fight tooth and nail to ensure them of a bright future.

Sitting down on a bench, Sanosuke let his body melt in the wooden bench. A sigh escape from his lips as he was unwinding. Navi looked at Sanosuke and took it upon herself to go play with the children. Awe and wonder filled the children's eyes when they saw the tiny ball of light floating above them. Gasps and happy squeals were the sounds that came from their mouths. When Navi spoke, it was funny to see the children follow what his partner told them. She was like their leader for them to follow the wasp's orders. Sanosuke smirked at the kids from a distance as he watched them play with his partner.

"We're fighting a war and these kids could care less what is happening." Sanosuke shook his head chuckling to himself as he put his arms across the back of the bench. "What I would give to be as carefree as them."



Saiyuki had arrived a few hours earlier in Kirigakure. She immediatly saw what was going on with the city. A war was being held, as much as she wanted to stay and help, she had to rest and relax. The trip wasn't to call pleasant, at all. The girl walked toward a good looking hotel, checked in and made her way toward her room. The Kobayashi sat on the fresh blankets of the bed. It still smelled like the laundry. A pair of hands cupped the round face of Sai. A sigh escaped her lips and she bend forward. Her hair fell of her shoulders and she closed her eyes. She thought the best way to relax was to take a little walk, even though she has been walking for the past days. It was different. Now she was relaxed, no hurry and no worry. Meanwhile, Saiyuki stood up, stretching her arms and grabbing her katana. Who might know if something will happen?

The door was threwn shut and Saiyuki was on her way outside. Her legs moved at a slow pace. She greeted some persons in the hallway and stepped outside, pushing the door open. While she was walking through the streets. The elders seemed rather worried and scared, but their kids, nothing, only a bright smile and happiness. That they could be like that at a time like this, was a big mystery to Saiyuki. That she was like that when she was their age, was a mystery as well. Was she really that innocent and naive? Or did her parents just hide everything?

The eyepatched woman roamed through the streets and came out in a park. There were even more kids. All so happy and naive. An eyebrow was raised as a light bubble flew toward the playing children. Even she wanted to play with that thing. Sai's eye looked around and saw a free space to sit. Next to another Shinobi. She took her katana in a good grib and made her way to the bench. Before sitting them to the man, she eyed him up and down. Noticing his headband saying that he was from Kumo. She had never been there before, all though she did want to see it someday.

"A Shinobi from Kumogakure. Also here to help?"



As Sanosuke watched the children play, the jounin could hear the footsteps of someone approaching. Being apart of this war for so long made his reflexes sharpened and there were times where he would be on alert even when he was behind the safety of Kirigakure's walls. So with just hearing the steps of the newcomer, Sanosuke had already judged the distance between him and the newcomer; it was about a couple of meters and closing in quickly, there were already multiple techniques Sanosuke could use to handle the person that was approaching the Kumo jounin if they proved to be hostile. Though it would have to be subtle, Sanosuke would deal with the newcomer if they were hostile in a way that wouldn't cause the children too much mental trauma. Lazily, Sanosuke used his peripheal vision to get a proper look at who was coming at him. Based on the pace they were walking, it was very unlikely that they were hostile; but still if wouldn't hurt to be certain exactly who was approaching him.

Next to Sanosuke was a woman of a shinobi's build. She had silver hair long silver hair that looked to go to the middle of her back. It was well groomed and was bouncing light of of its sheen strands. Her skin was tan like Sanosuke's own and had an eyepatched eye on one of her eyes. On her was the headband of the village hidden among the rocks. Just looking at her, Sanosuke saw that the woman radiated strength that only few woman had the he met due to the war that Kiri was fighting. That strength that she was giving off was something that amplified the natural beauty that the woman already contained. It seems as though the beautiful woman wasn't a hostile, so Sanosuke allowed for his guard to be lowered as she sat next to him on the bench. "A Shinobi from Kumogakure. Also here to help?" the Iwa kunoichi asked Sanosuke. Since his time of silence was now over, Sanosuke took the time to sit on the bench properly so he and the woman were looking at each other face to face.

"You got it. I haven't seen your face around the board meetings or on the battlefield, I'm guessing you just arrived to Kiri then. I'm Sanosuke Flynt, nice to meet you." Sanosuke nodded at the woman and smiled at the woman. After introducing himself to the kunoichi, Sanosuke turned his attention back to the children playing with his partner. "You came at a good time, where there is peace in the village. I've been in this war for too long because now I get on nerves whenever it's too peaceful." Sanosuke chuckled at that to break the ice and get the woman to say something at the jounin's remark.



So the man did the same as her. Protect this village. She hadn't really met anyone else in Kiri yet. So it was nice talking to someone. She didn't do that in a while. Not in a long while. "I'm Saiyuki from the Kobayashi clan. I came from Iwagakure. Pleased to meet you." Saiyuki raised her hand to the man as a gesture for a nice handshake. She looked up with her one blue eye. She saw the man from underneith her black eyelashes. "You're right. I just arrived here. " The Kobayashi member paused. "I don't believe you. You don't enjoy the peace when it is there?" The woman raised an eyebrow at the man. "It is a real shame, not enjoying good moments. Or are you one of those hyperactive fighting machines, hmm?" Saiyuki said with a jokingly tone. "I'm just kidding. How long have you been in the war exactly?"

Saiyuki looked around and her attention was once more caughted by the floating little ball. The kids were loving it. Sai had never seen something like it before and she wondered who's it was. Or if it was a free being. The little creature was quite enchanting, like a spell. You could keep looking, staring and gazing. It still didn't get bored. It was so lively and cute. It lit up Sai her visible eye and she felt as if she was trapped in some kind of Genjutsu. A corner of her mouth lifted into a half smile. "That little fella over there. Do you know who's is it?" The eyepatched woman pointed casually at the enchanting and cute light bulb. "It's so cute, no wonder the children love it." She chuckled.



When the woman did introduce herself, Sanosuke smiled and nodded. Saiyuki Kobayashi, a shinobi from the village hidden among the rocks. She was someone whom was from Iwagakure. He hasn't been there since learning the mystical art of fuuinjutsu almost 2 years ago on his travels with his master Guru Pathik. As far as he knew, Sanosuke hasn't seen too many shinobi from Iwagakure fighting in the Seven Bells war. Even though he himself has only been fighting for about 3 days now and that wasn't too long to have a good thought of whom was in the war and who wasn't, Sanosuke had a good idea of whom was in the board room and who wasn't. After all the missions Sanosuke did in the name of the Kirigakure alliance, he knew a significant a demographic of shinobi that were fighting as allies. But seeing a shinobi from a  village not seen a lot in Kiri was certainly a treat for him. Meeting new people was something that Sanosuke welcomed on his travels as a wanderer during the past 5 years of his break from the shinobi life. So Sanosuke took the woman's hand with his free hand and shook it while smiling. Her hand felt so smooth and soft, but the palms of the white haired shinobi was slightly rougher than her fingertips. No doubt to show that she was someone whom had fought a significant amount. There was no way this woman was a chuunin, possibly higher.

When Sanosuke did say what he said about peace, Saiyuki looked at Sanosuke as though he had grew a third head on his shoulders; but she downplayed her level of shock in the form of a raised eyebrow. "It is a real shame, not enjoying good moments. Or are you one of those hyperactive fighting machines, hmm?" Saiyuki said with a jokingly tone. So his chuckling and bad sense of humor did get some sort of reaction out of the girl. That was good, based on her response she wasn't the sort of woman whom would be more of an introvert when dealing with social situations like talking to a stranger in a park. It would make talking so much easier, since talking to someone whom was more reserved than open was always a challenge to someone and Sanosuke wasn't that kind of person whom could deal with a silent person for too long. When she had asked her question, Sanosuke turned to look at Saiyuki and smiled at the woman.

"Well I can't say that I'm not enjoying the peace. After all I wouldn't get to meet certain beautiful women at the park. I've been fighting in this war for 3 days. Already I've led the fight against a horde of undead shinobi, lead a prison break, fought a hideous monster, destroyed a gigantic scorpion puppet, and fought a homicidal slave owner. But when I come here and watch how these kids are able to play with each other and just enjoy themselves, it reminds me why I put my neck on the line. Even though we're from different villages, we're all people you know under the same blue sky." Sanosuke began to say with a chuckle but then grew more and more sentamental looking into the sky at the last part of his speech. We're all the same under the big blue sky of the world... Sanosuke thought mentally. Looking over to the kids, Sanosuke looked at how they were still playing with Navi. "Oh you mean that cute pain in the ass there? That's my partner Navi, she's a wasp from the hidden wasp clan." At the mention of her name, Sanosuke saw Navi look at Navi. Even without a face, Sanosuke saw how the wasp looked at Navi with a dirty look as though she wanted to say something vulgar that children shouldn't hear; but there were kids around and knowing Navi she wouldn't risk cussing outwards at him.
1569 WC~

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