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Kaito Ebi

Kaito Ebi

Ready for another day of hard work, Kaito slipped out of his bed with a smile. “Train today? Nah, I’ll do a mission. Why not?” Slipping on his pants, shirt and boots, Kaito walked into the empty kitchen and put his headband on the counter. Making himself a breakfast of cereal, Kaito tied his headband on and locked the door. Walking quickly through the crowded streets filled with merchants selling their silks from Suna, or jewelry from Kumo, Kaito slipped by everyone who would try to sell him stuff he won’t use. Reaching the Hokage’s Office, Kaito entered the Mission Board. There, an irate Chūnin handed Kaito a scroll before he could even ask for one. Reading it, Kaito made note of the Training Area clean up. Turning back out of the door, Kaito hurried to reach the gates of the village.
Kaito whistled as he entered the training ground, his supplies in a sack slung over his back. 'Man, at least this place gets used. Of course, I had to pick the most beat up area around. This place must have been a war zone!' Kaito inspected the cut up and singed wooden target dummies, torn up grass, many kunai left in trees, and trash from what must have been a hearty lunch. 'Good, this will take most of my day', Kaito thought sarcastically. Deciding there was no use whining, he got to work.

Kaito decided to pick up the trash and weapons lying around as it seemed the easiest to do. With two garbage bags in hand, he sorted the trash from throwaway and recycle. 'All this trash, who uses this place?' thought Kaito incredulously. With most trash picked up and awaiting removal, Kaito sorted the weapons. “The ones in good shape can be brought back to the lost and found, and I'll bring the others to the smith. All this iron and steel could do a lot of good. With these piles sorted, he tossed the many discarded items in sacks. 'I'm making pretty good time. It doesn't even look like noon yet.' Wiping his brow of sweat from the hot sun, Kaito moved onto the next order of business.

Next, Kaito decided to repair the wooden targets left all over the training ground. First, Kaito spent the better part of an hour trying to nail wood back on to the wooden targets. 'This is ridiculous; do they really expect me to make brand new targets? I'm a Genin, not a carpenter.' Then, it struck him. 'Wait, there were targets in the stuff that the owner gave me?' Indeed, there were the materials to piece together new targets. "Oh geez", Kaito smacked himself in his stupidity. "Always wanting to do things myself." Now working on a better plan, the training targets snapped together very well. After putting the pieces together, Kaito worked on painting the pieces back to regulation. After being heavily stained in all sorts of paints, Kaito decided it was enough. 'Now, I'm no artist' Kaito thought, 'but those solid lines are looking pretty cool. I should be a painter with skills like these. Or make seals. Hmmm.' Shaking his head, he got placing the targets in the spots that the previous ones were and staked or tied them down. 'Looks good. Just sodding next? Guess I'll get that finished.' Kaito picked up a bag of sod and opened it into a big tear. Then, he began the very slow process of finding holes, filling them with sod, and flattening the mound out. Kaito was especially surprised by the quantity and size of these holes, and finished with barely enough sod. 'Wow, those holes were huge! Once again, must have been a war zone recently.’ Happy that all of the work was completed, Kaito went to receive his payment.

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