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A couple of days after the cat mission, Takeshi received a mission that he wasn’t really looking forward too. This mission was ranked as a D but it should have been ranked as C, because Takeshi was required to work in the hot sun fixing a training area. He didn’t wear his normal attire, instead he chose to wear a tank top with bandana on his head to help with the all the sweating that was about to occur. He was already on his way towards the training area, having already said goodbye to his mother and father. He chose to leave before the sun was up to give himself a little head start on the work. He could already tell it was going to be hot because it was already warm and the sun wasn’t even out yet. He have to meet the area owner to get all the supplies he needed. So as he walked up the street, he was greeted by academy students. They saw his forehead protector that, at that moment, was tied loosely around his neck like a necklace. They asked him questions like what his rank was, and what is like to be a real ninja. In all honesty, Takeshi couldn’t really tell them any fight stories because the only he had been doing lately was catching animals and picking up groceries for little old ladies. So instead of telling them some cool story, he told them that he would come up to the academy one day soon and tell them a good story. The kid’s smiles grew wider as they filled up with excitement.

Watching those kids run off with wide grins made Takeshi feel good, he couldn’t help but smile back. He remembered being that age and asking some more experienced ninja what it was like being a “real ninja”. As much as he wanted to reminisce on his past, he had to stop because he had reached the designated training ground. The owner was standing just outside the training grounds gate smoking a cigarette. After a short conversation with the man, he handed Takeshi the key to th equipment shed. Inside was everything Takeshi would need to get the job done. He also handed Takeshi some work gloves and then left Takeshi to his work. The first thing Takeshi wanted to do was get some of these holes filled, so he went to the shed and got a shovel and bundles of sod. He filled in the holes with dirt first before he put the sod down. By the time Takeshi got done, the sun was almost at high noon. The sun was beating down on him hard, but he knew he had to get this stuff done. He still had to replace some the broken logs, so he used the shovel to dig around the logs until he was able to remove them with some rope.

The logs themselves felt like they weighed hundred pounds, so it was quite the accomplishment moving them to the trash area. When high noon hit, it became too rough for him to continue, so he took a break and waited until the sun went down a little bit more. As he waited, the owner of the training ground came back with some food and water in his hands. When he saw what Takeshi had done so far he slightly amazed with such fast progress. He gave the food and water to Takeshi and started a small conversation with him. They started to talk about current world affairs which Takeshi found surprising. Takeshi all types of stuff from the man about the condition the world is in right now. The conversation didn’t last long though because Takeshi still had to put more logs in the holes and fill those in. He also had to pick up random trash and weapons that were laying around. By the time Takeshi got done with everything, it was the evening and he was pooped. He put the shovel and ropes back in the shed and with a strong handshake, he said good bye to the owner; he then left for home for a well deserved bath.

704/600 Mission Completed.

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