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Sousetsu Senju

Sousetsu Senju

As Sousetsu reached the training area he had noticed that the place was pretty worn out. "Well, at least the place is put to good use, right." Sosetsu chuckled jokingly and rhetorically. The taijutsu striking logs were worn and tattered with chunks of wood missing from the sides. Sousetsu glanced at his mission statement, seeing what had to be done. 'Thoroughly perform maintenance on one of the training areas.' Well, it was obvious by a simple glimpse of the sight that he didn't need to look at the parchment that he needed to clean up. This was a D-rank mission after all. 'All materials you need to accomplish this mission will be given to you by the owner of the lands.' Sousetsu deposited the mission statement within his clothing and made his way to the building occupying the training area and knocked on the door.

An elder veteran answered with a warm grin. Sousetsu stated his business and the man was reluctant to show Sousetsu about. After the short tour he was given all the supplies he needed. From bags for the waste to replacement logs. He was also informed to retrieve any weapons or ninja tools used and had not been collected by their owners to leave it with the land owner. Sousetsu let out a small sigh. He barely liked cleaning his own house as it was.

He began with a waste bag and lifted many bottles which formerly held water and other cool beverages. He came across the odd empty packet of chips, no doubt from the Akimichi Clan, and cigarette butts that were lying around the sides of the field. Once the cleaning was done, Sousetsu tossed the bags outside fitting as much as he could into the cans provided while leaving the leftovers which could not fit beside them.

Sousetsu began his hunt for the ninja tools and weaponry lying around the many various spots. there were many kunai by the target practices and only a few katana left by the walls of the area. These were immediately collected and brought to the owner which greeted him with another warm welcome. Before leaving, the owner tossed Sousetsu the replacement logs for the taijutsu practice areas. With a smile he was on his way.

Sousetsu removed the old logs and lifted them to accompany the other waste by the front beside the cans and made his way back and replaced the logs causing Sousetsu to realize the sweat that broke from his pours and ran down his face and feeling the cold and wet sensation down his back. With a sigh of relief, Sousetsu had finished his mission. He had accompanied his sigh with a bottle of water he had brought from home and a meat bun for lunch. He savored the flavours of the mean bun as they trickled down the back of his neck and became even more enjoyable accompanied by an ice cold beverage to wash it all down. Finishing up he tossed the waste into one of the half full bags of trash out front and made his way back to the building once again where the land owner resided.

Upon answering yet again Sousetsu explained that he had finished his duties and led the owner for an inspection for his satisfaction. The owner was pleased and told Sousetsu that he was free to use the training area for as long as he wished in which Sousetsu was thrilled and bowed in appreciation and thanked him sincerely.

It was time Sousetsu had to turn his mission in as a success to the Hokage's quarters. He sccurried his way there with another grin on his face as he had finished another mission and a day filled with satisfaction for both the land owner and Sousetsu. Sousetsu then pondered at what next step he would take, maybe what would the next mission entail.

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