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Kiyoshi Senju

Kiyoshi Senju

"Well, time to get to work"

Gin was on another simple mission today, although this one would involve alot more tedious manual labour than his last.The task in question was simply to carry out repairs to one of Konoha's several training fields. This one in particular was scarred by the many jutsu and spars that had been carried out here over the years. So much so that it was now being neglected in favour of the newer, less damaged grounds.

It was quite obvious why though, the ground was pock marked with numerous wholes of differing sizes. Some where small holes where one risked twisting an ankle and others we're big enough that they looked like small craters that had been smoothened with time, which they probably were. Then there were the striking logs, these were now rotting wood which was practically falling apart. many of the logs were missing most of their arms, which had either been broken off and lay strewn across the ground or yanked out of their sockets and stolen by some idiot. Apart from the disrepair of the area itself, the place was also a dump everything from garbage to old weapons had been left lying around here. Kiyoshi wasn't surprised no one came here anymore, he sure as hell wouldn't.

So, Kiyoshi set to work on the renovations of the training field. Luckily for him, all the materials he would have needed had been pre-organised by the contractor and were already here.He wanted to get this done as fast as possible so he could try and squeeze in some more missions today. Maybe, something harder than the menial tasks he had been doing of late. Cause with more difficulty came more money, which was always a good thing.

Kiyoshi decided to start by clearing the field of all the garbage and debris that people had managed to leave lying around the place. The variety of different things that Kiyoshi picked up was quite surprising. The majority of things we're broken or defective weapons that people had left like shattered blades, sword hilts, defective or damaged tags and scrolls and alot of other things...he even found one or two pieces of clothing, a burned shirt here, a shredded sock there, a perfectly good side of a pair of gloves and one or two busted up pairs of shoes.

Now, it was time to fill up the holes in the ground. This was perhaps the most tedious task of the day as the ground was chock full of holes of varying diameters and depths. Using the shovel and the extra large pile of gravel he had been provided, Kiyoshi began evening out the surface of the training field. He worked at this for about an hour and a half before he was satisfied with his work. What took to long was not the shoveling, but that the gravel had to be compacted down so that people would be able to move around on it as if it were regular ground. This means that the larger holes took awhile to fill, as they needed several layers compacted on top each other.

Last but not least, Kiyoshi set to work replacing the rotten striking logs with fresh ones and installing the arms while replacing those in disrepair. After setting up about ten new logs and repairing five more Kiyoshi was finished. Inspecting his handiwork, Kiyoshi thought it safe to think that he'd done a good job.

After Throwing away all the Garbage he'd collected earlier, he got the contractor to come and inspect the field. After he'd gotten the all clear from the man and received a note confirming completion of the mission, Kiyoshi was on his way to the administration building to collect his pay and maybe find another task to complete.

Word Count: 647/600

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