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Zoro woke up yet again from another nightmare. The previous night a messenger came with another mission for Zoro, which happend to be yet another D ranked mission, but Zoro doesnt seem to care anymore.

"I wonder if that kid i turned in trained here... probably not.." Zoro thought to himself as he was getting ready for his mission. Ever since putting that kid into custody Zoro has been having more nightmares. Zoro completely understood where the kid was coming from for Zoro had to go through the same thing when he was younger. With all that aside, Zoro repeated his mission to himself, well, atleast he started to.

"Help repair training area Blah Blah, you will be given materials Blah Blah... Blah this Blah that" Zoro thought to himself with a grin starting to form upon his face. As Zoro started to walk towards his destination, a tear trickled down his left eye for seeing roses sparked a memory that Zoro had of his Grandpa. Zoro then shrugged it off and continued towards his destination. "Stupid memories, and at the worst possible times to." Zoro thought angerly to himself. It took Zoro longer then usual for instead of running, he took his time and actually took in deep breaths of fresh air. Every once in a while Zoro would stop and pick up a flower to smell. When he finally arrived at the training facility, he immediately noticed why he was sent to repair the place. The place was a complete and utter mess. Zoro then walked over to the side of the building and noticed a stack of supplies and a note that read what needed to be fixed: Replace Kunai targets, Fill in holes, and re order stray weapons.

"Lets do this" Zoro said out loud. Zoro started with replacing the kunai targets, it wasnt to hard, but he did get cut a bit but such a scratch didnt bother him. He placed the old targets by the trash, and the put new ones in their places. He then took a shovel and started to shovel sod into the holes in the ground. To Zoros surprise, there was quite a bit of holes. 150 to be exact. One after another, packing as firmly as he could so that the surface was even so that no one would trip. Zoro then walked around scrubbing the walls cleaning even the littlest smudge. After cleaning smudges, Zoro went to work on the dirt and blood stains. Those stains took him much longer then the smudges. Zoro then started to pick up the weapons, sorting them by type, and then finally placing them on their respected racks. Thats when he noticed a name scratched onto a mini katana. "Hmm, I better return this to the owner" thought Zoro. Before leaving however, Zoro picked up all the trash, and even scrubbed the walls once more to make sure they were completely clean. When Zoro could see his reflection, he left to find the owner of the lost sword.

Thankfully for Zoro the students that trained at the area lived fairly close by. Before leaving however, Zoro lit up a cigar and exhaled very deeply. Zoro absolutly loved the taste of cigar smoke. Once he was done, he scuffed it with his shoe and began walking. It was not long before he saw some kids playing outside. He aproached them with a friendly smile and asked them if they knew who the sword belonged to. To Zoros benifit,they did and he was not to far away. Zoro finally found the kid and returned his sword and told him that maybe one day they will spar. Knowing that he had finally finished his mission, Zoro started to walk home. He didnt really stop as much as he did when he started the mission, but he did stop to have some steak. After eating a wonderful meal, Zoro headed back to his tree to sleep. "Hopefuly i will only have to endure one more D rank mission before being promoted, But it does not matter to much anymore"

[Complete] (Word count: 684/600)

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