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26Sousetsu's Training [solo,closed] - Page 2 Empty Re: Sousetsu's Training [solo,closed] Sun Jul 28, 2013 10:03 pm

Sousetsu Senju

Sousetsu Senju


The young Senju awoke from his slumber on the branch of a tree in the small southern forest near the Village hidden in the Leaves. He seemed too be still half asleep before he decided to move and frighten himself from the height he slept upon. It seemed he had forgotten how far up he resided himself on the tree. He nearly fell causing himself to go into a short panic and flailed wildly before catching his grip on the tree bark. He leaped down and had a little giggle to himself for his tomfoolery. He had decided to stay here to teach himself a new jutsu. He needed a jutsu to help his mobility. He needed to be faster and more agile, but how? He had to think and it was much to early for that. Instead, he listened to the birds chirping in the trees, no doubt in their nests, and the insects calling out to one another. A nearby stream could be heard as the rushing waters crashed against the banks at either side of the container of water. The leaves rustled as they brushed passed one another thanks to the wind which swayed to and fro from time to time. This all came together as a great orchestral score of the wildlife. It was a tune Sousetsu had lived by for sometime and he would never grow tired or weary of it.

The cool air helped to waken Sousetsu from his grogginess from the lack of sleep and uncomfortable conditions. He then began to think about this new technique that he wanted to learn. He thought of the elements and he could not see the earth affinity helping him with speed, neither with the Wood element. With a sudden switch of a light bullb, Sousetsu had an idea. He had performed a series of hand seals and called out a technique that he created in this very forest before. "Mizuma no Jutsu!" With the four horse technique at hand, Sousetsu figured that he could grasp something from watching them, even if it was just a subtle hint or clue as to how this technique was going to work, he needed to try out his options. The horses each stood at 124 inches and a combined width of ten metres. They all charged with increasing speeds. Watching this was a sure pleasure as the beauty and elegance of the horses were the centre of attention. Their feet formed a mist of water, almost as if they were trampling through water at a shallow pond even on the solid earth before them. The sounds of rushing waters colliding matched that of the waves of the ocean. It was like he was at the beach just hearing these creatures rush towards a non existent target. Soon they separated to which Sousetsu focused to the best of his abilities to control each horse and their directions.

The horses soon all came to a close towards Sousetsu as he began to pet each one with equal attention. Some gave off and exertion of the sounds of water flapping before their refined mouths before they all fell to their knees almost as if they were about to nap before. They all bowed their heads to which Sousetsu replied by falling to his own knees and bowing his head also before running wildly before him once again. He examined them thoroughly. Should he learn some form of hydration technique? It was a plausible solution but not one of Sousetsu's taste. There had to be something much more simple. Something that he could not see. He turned his gaze upon the horses legs. They appeared to be trampling on water constantly. Was that the trick? Was it something to do with water surround the feet? Surely that would be a hindrance would it not? Sousetsu had to try anything and so he did. He performed several hand seals and water soon formed under and around his feet. He tried running but it was like running across the shallow end of the pool. How did the horses come about to be so fast in the water?

It then soon came clear to Sousetsu that the horse were made of water also and that was how it worked. The horses themselves acted as one. They were formed waves of water and nothing more. Sousetsu had to ride these waves and make it as though he was one. He needed balance and a fluent motion. He formed water around and under his feet once again but with no hand seals and kick started himself with one foot pushing against the earth behind him. He began to slide with ease and a continuing pace. He crouched over slightly and the pace increased with more speed. It was as though he was surfing. That was the trick the whole time. He had to ride the waves as tough he was surfing. It helped with his speed and agility it made perfect sense. Sousetsu began circling the area and went as fast as he could. The results were just as he had anticipated and was fun for him to be able to surf on solid ground. A truly unique technique was added to Sousetsu arsenal of jutsu.

Words: 878/750

27Sousetsu's Training [solo,closed] - Page 2 Empty Re: Sousetsu's Training [solo,closed] Fri Jul 04, 2014 3:33 pm

Sousetsu Senju

Sousetsu Senju


The day was greeted with a familiar sunrise. It peeked over the hills in the distance while its light reached new lands and aiding the earth in its growth. Sousetsu lay awake in his slumber, pondering at his life so far. He remembered the days when he went to train growing up in the shinobi world, although now it was a rarity, he felt as though he was slacking as of late. He knew he could further his abilities and he also knew this was not possible laying there. His arms were adjusted to lever his head up slightly, cushioning it in some way, and tilted his head to the side. Not many hours of sleep, maybe he was too energetic, or maybe it was the constant thoughts running through his head of his recent actions. He sat up with a spring in his body and lunged out of the bed. It was time Sousetsu returned to training. He first went to the restroom and proceeded to wash his body for a fresh day. Making his way into the bedroom he opened his closet door and withdrew his black jumpsuit and bandage wraps before fitting it. The white headband with the Senju insignia then accompanied his attire as it was firmly tightened around his head completing the ensemble.

After finishing his breakfast of a bowl of fruit and apple juice, he then set out to find the library, the very place he always visited to check out the book that he studied from when training. All of his techniques lay in that book and was a rare find that he just so happened to come across. He was greeted at the front desk by an old and familiar face. "It's been sometime since I have seen you here, Sousetsu." her old voice blurted. She was a sweet old lady at heart and knew many of the contents within the books of that resided within her possession. She was an intelligent individual, one that Sousetsu never bothered to tamper with as he was growing up. He figured that maybe he would be wasting her precious time trying to speak on her level and so just kept it to small talk. "Yes, ma'am. I apologize but I have not been in the village as of late." he spoke with a stoic and firm look on his face. With a nod, he knew she understood. She must have known of his travels, and she also must have known that he would be back as the book that he checked out seemed to have been misplaced. A look of surprise flooded his face as he turned to look back to the librarian. She was waving the book before him, almost mockingly, before she revealed her intentions. "I was keeping it for you. I knew you liked this book and so I wanted to give it to you when you came back. It's yours now." she spoke sweetly as she handed him the book. He smiled back at her from gazing at the book, she looked lonely, a sense of sadness hid behind the mask of happiness.

"I'll bring it back today..."

"But I said you can keep it."

"I know.

He grinned once more before he left. He never intended to keep it. It was a book to the public despite how much he had used it. He also let her know that he enjoyed her company, willing to come back to her each time in search of more books and using her knowledge to help him decide. Her real smile revealed itself. He made his way across the rooftops towards the village gate. He met two more faces that had shared a past with him, a friendly nod between the three let Sousetsu pass to head out to his training area, a place he would never forget. Once he arrived, it was like he had never left. Everything was the way had left it, damaged trees, tampered earth, familiar orchestral wildlife noises. A small giggle could be heard as he reminisced as his hand brushed passed the many trees that surrounded a small arena-like training ground. He leaped to a nearby stump that appeared to be smaller than he remembered. He opened the book and skipped through the pages to find familiar techniques that were in his own library now, thanks to these notes. He stopped. The page called to him. 'The Shadow Clone Technique is a technique developed by the Second Hokage: Tobirama Senju'

With his attention now at full, he read its contents: 'Similar to the basic Clone Technique, this technique creates copies of the user. However, these clones are corporeal instead of illusions. The user's chakra is evenly distributed among every clone, giving each clone an equal fraction of the user's overall power. The clones are capable of performing techniques on their own and can even bleed, but will usually disperse after hit by a strong enough force. The clones can also disperse on their own or be dispelled by the user of the technique. Shadow clones can't be distinguished from the actual person even by dōjutsu because the clones have the exact same amount of chakra as the original, and aren't made from any other substance like water clones are for example. Shadow clones also seem to be able to think for themselves and feel the original's pain to some extent'

It was perfect. The clone technique that gave a replica of the user to its full potential. The second Hokage really was something else it appeared, developing a technique such as this. He closed the book over as he readied himself for the training ahead. He gave off another infamous grin as he looked at the sky above which radiated his azure blue shade. Sousetsu resembled him, but only was connected by clan. He was not a direct descendant, but his ancestors stood by his side in those times. Maybe it was time for a new Senju to rise above all else, develop new techniques, and leave behind a legacy. He had faith in himself, and would gladly accept the aid of his ancestors and techniques passed down by the village. He would begin this day with the shadow clone technique, being able to make an identical clone to himself in terms of power and help aid when combating against strong genjutsu. He imagined the sight of many Sousetsu's, all equal and all powerful, he would look in awe.

He shook his head briefly before looking back to the book and seeking the hand seals required. To his amazement, there were various ways this could have been used but there was one which only took one unique hand seal. He smirked as he seen that this hand seal was familiar to him and so he began molding his chakra as the hand seals were formed. Two clones appeared by his side, identical to him in every way, but he did not know of their power. He looked them up and down before swiftly punching one on the side of his head. He flew briefly through the air before landing. A hard punch had landed but the clone raised to his feet with his cheek slightly grazed. It didn't fade. It didn't disappear. It bruised however. This was the shadow clone that he had created which was more durable than any other clone. His chakra did diminish greatly however. It seemed these clones possessed a third of his power as he held on to the initial third. 'So that's how it works...'

He inspected the clone further, almost roughing him up further before the clone slapped the beast's claws from him. "Stop. We are shadow clones, more human than any other clone technique, we still feel pain." it spoke with the same stoic voice of Sousetsu's. "Sorry... I'm just..." he was cut off with a hand placed on his shoulder. The bruised clone began to give off a short giggle who stood opposite him to which Sousetsu could do nothing but accept this contagious laughter. He could sense that these clones were independent and possessed his strength in all ways possible. Formidable as he was already, he now had allies that he could rely on fully, versions of himself. He wondered of the many tasks or battles he was now ready to take on, a series of doors waiting to be opened and opportunities to seize. He could finally see the future before him as his goals were drawing near. His ambitions were to be filled.

"We still have a long way to go."

And just like that, the bruised clone set him back to reality. These were the words that Sousetsu had taught everyone. Their journey's in becoming shinobi and furthering their own abilities. Truer words were never spoken to Sousetsu, and they came from him. He always taught himself, but seeing a replica of himself telling him this seemed surreal. He took those words to heart, they were his after all.

Words: 1504/1500

28Sousetsu's Training [solo,closed] - Page 2 Empty Re: Sousetsu's Training [solo,closed] Sat Oct 04, 2014 11:19 am

Sousetsu Senju

Sousetsu Senju


His eyes adjusted to the brightness of the new location he found himself in. It was familiar to him, like a memory the he had lived not that long ago.  The chained door began to rattle down the hallway of bright white. The rattling was caused by the heavy hits from the other side and a familiar voice could be heard calling the Senju. He knew this place. It was the hallway of his past. He was back in his dream, the nightmare that he had overcome. He walked towards the calling and his footsteps gave off an echo down the, what felt like, endless hallway. Once he arrived he turned to meet the heavily chained door and through the looking glass, he had seen himself. Or rather, the azure beast.

"Sousetsu... Sousetsu... Sousetsu..." he called after each thump.

Seeing the man he had sought, he stopped and grinned that infamous grin that the Senju carried when faced with an opponent he intended to kill. His fist remained where he had last hit the door as he inspected the Hokage furthermore.

"When can I come out?" his grinning continued.

Sousetsu turned his head to inspect the chains that held this door tightly shut. With an arm outstretched he tugged one of the ropes of heavy metal, confirming it was tight and safe from being opened.

"You are here for a reason." Sousetsu spoke with his stoic presence.

"You are the one who is keeping me locked in here! You have not won a battle since! Let me out!" he began to shout.

Sousetsu could feel his emotion. It was anger laced with vengeance. He closed his eyes and let out a small sigh. He thought of his past before realizing he could witness it for himself in this bright white hallways of dreams. With his eyes slowly opening to see the azure beast before him, he moved to the previous doors that summoned as he walked by. He came across a door with a talisman stuck to the base. After glancing, he looked inside the window pane to find his confrontation with Hao Uchiha. He could see the ferocity and determination in himself as he stood his ground. Using the high frequency to mark a line in the soil beneath him and stating that he would not pass him. He used his life as the bet. His mouth slowly opened as he had seen the anger rise within him. With a clenched jaw, he continued walking down the literal memory lane.

He came across a door covered with poison ivy. It surrounded the door in a frame like fashion, it was understandable to some if they found it beautiful, but Sousetsu knew what it contained. With a deep breath he turned to look in side. It was Sousetsu in sage mode with blood spewing from where he dug the seeds from his body that Ukiyo had implanted. His blade lay firmly in his grasp. His emotions ran wild with the mistrust that she had given him. Anguish, anxiety, depression, all of this stemmed from that very moment. Ukiyo had planned to kill their current head of the Senju. She blamed him for the death of her parents. It was unreasonable to think so, he was only young when it could have happened, but the blame was entirely on him and she had an intent to kill. He watched as the sage before him leaped with a giant vortex of water surrounding his weapon. And there it was again. That beast that Sousetsu would feed when he bet his life. The shear power that emitted for his sage mode and his famed ability was terrifying to the Sousetsu who watched beyond the window. He turned once more with eyes shut tight as he heard the collision.  

"Sousetsu... Sousetsu... Sousetsu..." the voice called after each thump once again.

The Senju walked back to the heavily chained door to meet the beast that resided within again. He felt his hands tremble slightly, this wasn't like him at all. He felt unsure of what was to come of this little arrangement, and why he was here. Once he arrived he had seen the man once more.  

"The Azure Beast." he spoke with slight fear.

"Yes. We are one. I only come out when you bet your life. Why?" he asked with slight venom laced on his tongue.

"I... I don't know..." he hesitated.

"It is because I am your true potential! I am the one that shows your true power. The one that got you this far. Hell, I even got you this title!" he grinned once more.

Sousetsu clenched his jaw once more. It may have been true, but there was a reason behind the chains on this door. "You are here, because there is no place for you where I am now."

"I AM HERE BECAUSE YOU REFUSE TO LET ME STAND BY YOUR SIDE, SOUSETSU!" he shouted with such aggression. Like that he would show to his enemies. "Our biggest fear is to be locked away. Why have you done this to yourself then?" it spoke with sincerity. It's mood change became very endearing to Sousetsu in an odd way. He locked away the part of him that gave him power in his fighting. Only took him out when he bet his life. Why did he not fight with his full potential regardless? This was who he was and locked away the part of him that he feared he would use on his comrades. Why should he have been afraid of who he was? He was smart in battle with tactics, complimenting his jutsu, even the beast knew this, it was still used after all. The beast was his passion, his will. Had he forsaken himself?

"You... are right..." he spoke as he placed his hand upon the chains.

"I am only here because you think I am dangerous, Sousetsu. But you forget that it is you who is in control." he spoke with that sincerity and reasoning Sousetsu knew too well. It was the truth. He gripped the chains ever so tight before pulling with all his might. It did not release however.

"You cannot release these chains, Sousetsu. Let me..." he suggested. Was this a sign of trust? How could the beast open from his side of the door? All became clear soon enough however. He had already accepted the beasts proposal. He wanted to show his true potential and the beast was part of that. He closed his eyes once more and opened slowly. He found the door had no chains. With a startled look he turned to view his surroundings. It was just endless white. It was no hallway, there was no other doors to be seen. He turned to face the beast once more who wore that infamous grin. He noticed a door behind him. With widened eyes he had realized what had happened. The beast appeared in the hallway, while Sousetsu took his place. Was this a trap? Would the beast really be that deceitful.

With a loud crashing of metal the beast opened the door to greet Sousetsu. The chains rattled on the ground before them and a hand reached for his. "We still have a long way to go." the beast spoke. There it was. That line again. That very same line the shadow clones had said to him. His words. He reached out for the beasts claws and embraced them in his own.

A bright white light shone.


He awoke. He was sat under a tree where he had trained with the shadow clones. He must have exhausted himself in his training. But the dream was still very vivid to him. Like it really had happened. He had a new look on the life before him. It was beautiful and he felt like he was more powerful than before. He could be a watchful protector over lands like these with little to none that could take him down. The power just emitted from his fingertips. His heart felt strong and his mind stronger than before. He grinned that infamous grin.

'Maybe he is not the beast I had made him out to be...'

He stood and stretched from under the tree that he resided. He watched over the wildlife that he would continue to watch over. His home. The Senju could not help but maintain that grin that he infamously wore before, except this time, it was of pride and strength. His life should always be on the line to protect that which he holds dear, anything within the land of fire, the nature, the village, the people. It was time.

Sousetsu proceeded to walk forward to find himself in the center of the field that he was accustom to training within and began his training.

Words: 1502/2500

29Sousetsu's Training [solo,closed] - Page 2 Empty Re: Sousetsu's Training [solo,closed] Wed Jun 03, 2015 11:51 am

Sousetsu Senju

Sousetsu Senju

Some time later...

The Senju resided beneath the very tree he conversed with the significant beast within him. His eyes were closed as he meditated with crossed legs beneath the small shower of leaves that were taken by the winds grasp from the branches that spread from. Sweat was beginning to show as the clouds allowed the sun to burn bright as it overlooked the soft earth below. His coat lay neatly folded while his hat shielded it from any force that may come into contact.


'But if you are gone... I will forever be searching for you in my darkest place.'

Sousetsu stood peering into a window pane that resided on the door before him. Only the light it had emitted echoed throughout the long and dark depths of the hallway. Inside was the cherished moment he had shared with the one who had stolen his heart. He watched as his past self embraced her, caressing her skin with his own as the cherry blossoms rained around them in a never-ending loop. He knew it wasn't real what he saw before him, but he was willing to trade it all to feel how he felt back then. Regret was the only emotion that filled him since then. Fear and anger soon followed in succession as his mind was filled with the darkness that enveloped his path that he walked side by side with Chisaki.

"A man of your word, Sousetsu. But this is not something you should dwell on." The Azure Beast emerged from the shadows, melting into the light to reveal his solid form identical to his own. He watched over his shoulder with a rather stern look towards the two under the sakura tree. He would be lying if he said it didn't affect him either. Regret fueled him however, so much that it gave him the strength to carry on and to be sure he would not allow it to happen any further.

"I am not in a position to argue with myself, Beast..." He spoke with little emotion enforcing his words. A tired and worn voice.

"It is your duty to. As Hokage you must endure the hardships. You lead the rest of the village down the same path you take and when you trip, you must recover before they can overtake. Or you will be left behind..." he spoke with his ever-so stoic presence that never seemed to falter. He did not respond. His hand began to creep up the window pane hoping that by some circumstance the glass would fade away and allow him to enter. The darkness edged around the light, quivering, almost hesitating to consume it, for it could not.

"You have forgotten your ways, Sousetsu. Look around you! Your memories are blackened. How can you forget all that has happened until now?" The Beast was beginning to grow frustrated with the current sulking of the Hokage. A grit in his teeth could be seen as he spectated the man who he was, becoming consumed by one memory alone. A mindless being focused on one piece of history, undoing all what made him who he was.

"I wasn't disagreeing. I know you are right..." The Senju's weary voice regained some strength. His head straightened to eye level before he turned to his figurative self. The Beast's eyes widening with a small sense of shock. What was he thinking? The two scanned the surroundings although the darkness revealed nothing but its lingering sense of emptiness.

"How do we get rid of this darkness?" Sousetsu spoke with clarity. The figurative being used to reside within the walls here, leading him to believe he knew the answer. His head tilted towards his chest as the Beast became lost in thought. His sanctuary, his home, his past, his life, all covered with an essence darker than black. He looked back into the door that contained his most cherished memory before he placed his hand upon its frame and weaved a single hand sign with his other.

"... Knowing that you, Sousetsu, my light, are there to guide me home."

Her voice echoed throughout the seemingly endless hallway. The darkness trembled like a great source of water being disturbed by a tremor of a small quake caused by a great disturbance from nearby lands.

"Show the light that Chisaki saw in you. Remember everything that had made you who you are. Overcome your fears!" he grinned that infamous grin he bore.

It was no easy task. All that rushed through his mind was the memory of first arriving here in this place of solace. The harsh snow followed by the oceans spitting at him. Could it be that his power that day led to this point? Fate was truly a fickle thing. The man who stole the ocean would eventually utilize the power it came with and wash away his troubled times. Like a coursing river, his mind would once again run true. He soon began to reminisce the harsh times he had to endure. History revealed itself as the lights from the window panes from each door began to burn through the darkness that swallowed them, revealing the doors to the hallways once more.

"Beast... " his piercing eyes met those opposing. With a nod from the two, they each took a side of the hallway and walked by each door. The memories of Sousetsu within seemed to pause in their reality, only for the past Senju to realize their calling. The many Sousetsu's reached the doors to their own world, watching as the two passed them by with curiosity and intrigue alike. With the sounds of locks opening, each Sousetsu duplicate exited their domain and looked towards the present and wielded a single hand sign.


His eyes opened wide before he stood and wielded that same hand sign as each of them did. An exertion of chakra grew to an immense power, radiating the earth and his surroundings alike.

"Suiton: Konpeki no kemono!"


The roars of the beasts within the darkly dreaming hallways matched that of his own. The hallway trembled under the sounds of clashing water that soon became visible, washing the darkness along its path as it crashed into each hallway. A beast formed from the water to lead the charge. Finally, the roar of the Azure Beast would reveal its true nature.

Words: 2563/2500

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