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Restless, tonight kaneda simply couldn't fall asleep, lately he has been thinking about the upcoming chuunin exams and He realized he didn't know any of the other gennin that will be going participating, He also didn't know how strong they were this was deeply discouraging to him, Kaneda was always a bit of a loner and kind of an oddball so he never really had any friends or acquaintances, he has felt extremely lonely since his parents passing. Lost in his thoughts he eventually came to the conclusion that he should probably train tonight since he cannot sleep. With some slight hesitance he flops out of bed and heads into his small kitchen from his bedroom/living room area,popping open the fridge he debates on whether he should eat some protein bars or a whole turkey he decides that the turkey will be more fitting for a late night training session. He tosses  the poultry into the oven and begins the flash cooking process of pumping chakra into the oven cause it to cook at extremely high temperatures, within minutes the 10 pound turkey was cooked all the way through and was a beautiful  golden brown it also smelled heavenly. After a quick crack of the knuckles and a healthy amount of hot sauce (a whole bottle) he begins to dig in first with the breast then the thighs then finally the legs his favorite part. Feeling slightly full and Ready to train he gets his training weight strapped on  and his shirt tucked he grabs the forehead protector in his safe and the kunai he keeps under his pillow, putting on his boots he heads out the door and locks it behind him. Walking through the streets at night in konaha was one of his favorite pastimes taking in the crisp cool night air he begins his long trot to the forest south of the village.

Word Count:321

Last edited by Kaneda on Thu Jul 10, 2014 7:24 pm; edited 1 time in total



As he neared the gate he looked over his shoulder he wondered if anyone was watching him from afar or if there was someone lurking in the shadows, there probably was seeing as this was the strongest ninja village. Slowly walking through the eerie,and dark paths that lead through to the southern forest he hears a multitude of sounds coming from all sorts of animals and different directions he paid no mind to it and continued walking, in these woods Kaneda felt like he was at home he felt almost as though he has an advantage here like nowhere else, it feels like the world is at his finger tips when the wilderness is surrounding him. Continuing down the path a question pops into his head, "what if you aren't good enough,do you really think that a new genin that hardly knows any jutsu and slow as a sloth will be able to compete with the leaf's brightest young stars?" Shaking his head like he is trying the throw the thoughts clear out of his head. Now arriving in his usual training spot in a secluded part of the forest it is time to begin training, Strapping on his ankle weights he begins to do a series of sprints,  after about a hundred back and forth sprints he plans to use the  Supernatural Walking Practice technique to sprint up the large daunting trees, It has been a while since he last used the jutsu he decides to get a running head start, of about 15 meters from the tree. Now running at full speed, Leaping at the last moment he makes contact with the tree and it splinters underneath him, Falling at a stunning rate he lands on his head with an extremely loud thud, in a daze he quickly stands up almost falling down for a second time. Brushing himself off he gets a majority of the dirt off of him now thinking about what went wrong he notices that he made no attempt to quell his chakra and just forced it out of his feet he remembered that at the academy they taught the students that there is a sweet spot of chakra that you must reach in order to stick to the tree perfectly he also remembered that it would vary by substance that he would stand on and his own weight. Deciding on a Sweet Spot mentally he backs up another 20 meters and sprints at full speed Lunging at the tree about 5 meters away from it he lands and sticks on the tree, with this he begins to laugh wildly while sprinting up the tree, reaching the top he feels alive, a top of the world, from here he could see all around the surrounding area such as the docks and an array of other konoha landmark he could even see the gates to the village. Deciding that he spent enough time on top of the tree he decides to climb down and begin the process a new and after a hundred reps of this he begins to feel extremely tired and decides that maybe now would be a good time to end his late night training session.

[-10 Chakra]

    Dropping down from the tree landing with an almost feathery finesse, Now noticing the build up of lactic acid in his legs and arms kaneda almost pukes he is on an empty stomach and has very nearly unusable legs due to their soreness. Through stomach grumbles he realizes he should of at least packed a bento or at least brought some protein powder to sustain himself with now dreading the long walk back to his home in the village he notices a rustling coming from behind him, within seconds of hearing the sound he launched himself air born to avoid the bear that had come blasting from it's hiding place and nearly slashed his head clean off with his obscenely large claws. Thinking to himself "Great this is just what I needed!" Now facing the large bear it stands on it's hind legs and releases a bone shaking, primal roar of an apex predator, now understanding the situation he begins to think about possible escape routes but decided that a well place kick to the head would do the trick. While contemplating his next move the bear made his and that was a full speed body slam into the young nin, he went flying and crashes into the base of a tree, wincing in pain he tastes blood he almost bit clean through his tongue and now his mouth was filled with blood spitting it out. the bear was now hulking over him it seemed like it was almost chuckling. at this moment Kaneda belted out an eerie laugh and Making the clone hand seal  3 Doppelgangers appear and the bear looks at the new arrivals for one split second giving kaneda enough time to launch a kick directly into the bears snout knocking it unconscious. Now taking this opportunity to escape he begins limping back to konoha. about half way back to the village the boy feels the sun creeping up behind him and is grateful to have survived the encounter now nearing the village gate he collapses and falls asleep due to sheer exhaustion.

Word Count -894
Total Word Count-1215

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