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1A Start [Training, No/Kill] Empty A Start [Training, No/Kill] Mon Apr 13, 2015 5:03 pm

Shogo Misao

Shogo Misao

The Konoha sky was cloudless, The rolling hills hammered by a fierce morning sun. Even short of midday, the land sweltered. Even the daisies where drooping in the heat. Misao had suspected that no one would interrupted her in the hills. Not a whisper of air stirred. Sweat dripped down her face, and ran into her top. Her long hair was matting on her head. She thought she had heard thunder in the distance, but with no clouds there was little hope for rain. Her mind wondered with her eyes over the village in the distance. The people going about there daily lives without a care in the world. She let out a small sigh, today was not going to be fun. She scratched her head, a pity she did not have a sensei yet. "Well, time to get started."  

    She suppressed a sigh. For one thing, She did not like all of the physical activity she was about to do, whatever the reasons where. She had not even begun to train yet she was sweating like a horse. For a time She procrastinated, but, eventually she started stretching. Not that far from the place she had set her water bottle, A trail was winding up and down the hills like snake uncoiling. It wasn't five minutes and she was breathing hard already. She could feel her heart pounding like it was about to jump out of her chest. After about fifteen minutes she settled into a crouch, her breathing was slowly returning to normal after running at her top speed for as long as she could.  "God, .....I still move... like a snail..." Misao said between breaths. All in all it, did not take very long for her to walk back to where she had started to grab her water for a break.

Word count: [E ~> E2 Speed Training 225]
80 Words left over.

2A Start [Training, No/Kill] Empty Re: A Start [Training, No/Kill] Thu Apr 16, 2015 9:47 am

Orochi Risu

Orochi Risu

"A snail..." A masked shinobi dressed in a black armor, black trousers, black shirt and gloves spoke while seemingly appearing from out of nowhere, with a massive white snake coiled around her waste, it's head resting upon the young woman's shoulder. "Do not insult that creature by comparing your own underwhelming speed with it."

The young ANBU captain had been watching that girl while she was training, only having accidentally noticed her while she wanted to go to the ANBU headquarters to look up a few things about the Kirigakure shinobi she had been heard were swarming Konoha lately. Fully using her armor' concealment    ability, Risu or Lamya as she was named under the guise of her ANBU position could monitor how the other kunoichi had been training for some reason, which became apparent after she complained about her speed not being anything convincingly strong.

"I wonder why you want to train your speed," Lamya sighed, while looking at the girl, who could not have been that much younger than herself, given the fact she wasn't even an adult herself, but had luckily grown up alot in the last year, which made her look more adult and allowed her to stand on equal ground to most adult men as well. "I thought genin like yourself were more concerned about 'upping' your entire vocabulary on skills and jutsu rather than just some pinpoint training."

The snake suddenly seemed to wake up, lifting it's head and peering towards the genin who had apparently trained a bit, guessing from the beads of sweat on her forehead. The massive reptile let out an almost chuckling hiss, as if he was clearly mocking her.

"Pauzing everytime you break a single sweat wont cut it," The ANBU captain said with a rather stern tone of voice, which was greatly enhanced by her mask's voice-altering properties. "But I'll indulge you into something good if you want. So how about it, do you want to get better or do you want to remain as sluggish as a mere microbe?"


3A Start [Training, No/Kill] Empty Re: A Start [Training, No/Kill] Thu Apr 16, 2015 11:38 am

Shogo Misao

Shogo Misao

"A snail..." She flinched and spun around to the direction it had came from only to see a Anbu clad in all black with a snake coiled around her. A shiver went down Misao's spine as she eyed the creature. Before she could ask any questions the masked konichi continued. "Do not insult that creature by comparing your own underwhelming speed with it." The words stung a little bit, knowing your too slow or weak is one thing, having it told too you was another. Sighing, she looked down at her feet as her cheeks went red in embarrassment.
"I wonder why you want to train your speed, I thought genin like yourself were more concerned about 'upping' your entire vocabulary on skills and jutsu rather than just some pinpoint training."
She continued on. Misao knew she was right, she should be training in everything. Her own laziness physically during her academy years was coming back to bite her. Speaking of biting, the snake that had once been asleep woke up and started moving around making Misao shudder. "Pauzing everytime you break a single sweat wont cut it,But I'll indulge you into something good if you want. So how about it, do you want to get better or do you want to remain as sluggish as a mere microbe?"

Misao let the Anbu finish what she was saying and pondered what she would do, on one hand she wanted to get better, on the other she was terrified of being around such a icky wiggly creature as a snake. Many things she has done in her life was on a whim and this was one of those times. "Ah what the heck, im curious. By the way my names Shogo, Misao. Whats your name?" She asked as she awaited the long dreaded task she was about to be put threw.

word count 80+328 = 408

[E2 ~> E3 Speed Training 225/255]
[E3 ~> D Speed Training 153/300]

4A Start [Training, No/Kill] Empty Re: A Start [Training, No/Kill] Fri Apr 17, 2015 9:06 am

Orochi Risu

Orochi Risu

Being asked her name made the young woman laugh a bit, though more or less her mask would turn that laugh in some kind of sinister and crude cackling -one of the downsides of the mask's voice-altering ability- which wouldn't sound good at all. Despite all that, the Orochi ANBU-captain bend through her legs and sat down gracefully, though never losing sight on the genin nearby.

"Asking the name of an ANBU captain, one could think of you as some foreign spy simply trying to get some good information," The young woman laughed again, despite the mask's abilities. The whitesnake coiled around her waste, simply lifted its head a few times, trying to understand what was going on during his yet again disturbed nap. "Well, as to indulge you...You may call me Lamya, since that's the name I have when I put my mask on."

For a moment the ANBU captain seemed to ponder about how to actually start a training with this genin. Sure she had done some rather cruel and grueling training with Tenzo, but now she wasn't actually going to train someone to join in her own personal mission and act more like a reasonable guide for succes. It was hard to imagine something when the approach had to be entirely different, but suddenly she found an answer in her pondering.

"Just tell me uhm...Misao-chan," The young woman sighed deeply, looking straight towards the genin kunoichi. "What exactly are you good at, what are your shinobi strengths, your specialties...from there on, I can base any training on your strengths, maybe advice you to do and to dont do certain things to ensure you'll get through the life of a shinobi in the most comfortable way possible."


5A Start [Training, No/Kill] Empty Re: A Start [Training, No/Kill] Sat Apr 18, 2015 8:11 pm

Shogo Misao

Shogo Misao

Misao breathed a small breath of relief as as the Anbu shinobi sat down. "Asking the name of an ANBU captain, one could think of you as some foreign spy simply trying to get some good information,Well, as to indulge you...You may call me Lamya, since that's the name I have when I put my mask on." Misao walked over to where the one known as Lamya had sat down and took a seat in front of her as she eyed the snake eerily."Just tell me uhm...Misao-chan, What exactly are you good at, what are your shinobi strengths, your specialties...from there on, I can base any training on your strengths, maybe advice you to do and to don't do certain things to ensure you'll get through the life of a shinobi in the most comfortable way possible." She thought for a minute in thought, suddenly she lit up as if light was going off in her head. "Well, I love to read and I love learning about new things. I know a little Medical jutsu and some Fuuinjutsu and I'm starting to learn about Kuchiyose techniques but.... I hope that helps Lamya sensei."

She brushed her hair out of her face only to have the wind blow it right back, she had all but forgot about the heat now that her interests had been aroused. She noted that even though the ANBU was not in fact her sensei, it this time it seemed she would indeed be learning something that may come in handy later. While Misao knew she was not cut out physically for the life of a shinobi, she could not just back out if she wanted to prove her family wrong. It was a solemn thought, being ignored by people that was supposed to care was almost as if she had no clan to begin with. Her eyes went downcast as she remembered the way the clan operated, if you were not extraordinary then you were nothing. A small frown adorned her face but was quickly replaced with a smile, she was started to get curious. 'Lets just see what I can learn here'

Word count::

6A Start [Training, No/Kill] Empty Re: A Start [Training, No/Kill] Wed Apr 22, 2015 9:53 am

Orochi Risu

Orochi Risu

Lamya couldn't hold it in, her lips getting pressed upon each other, while she listened to what the Genin was explaining in response to the ANBU captain's initial question. She had asked about her strengths and skills and now basically knew not just what she had asked, but also what the girl loved to do and what she liked to read. In a sudden burst, the ANBU captain started laughing, standing straight, petting Uraeus as he seemed slightly annoyed by his mistres' sudden fit of laughter.

"Well, that was unexpected," The young woman sighed, trying to regain a bit of her composure, eventually returning her expression to the neutral look she mostly had. "Ahum...let's just start with some basic stuff, which simply means this: I'd like you to fight a clone of mine to the fullest of your abilities. I dont expect you to win, I only expect you to do your best and learn something from it."

Placing her hands together, the ANBU captain weaved a few seals, after which a few feet away from her, water came up from the ground, forming into an exact copy of herself. "Water release-water clone technique."

The clone only looked at Lamya for one second, before suddenly standing in between the original and the genin. With a quick motion, the clone grabbed a kunai in each hand and gave a slightly eerie smile towards Misao. "We'll begin right now."

As quickly as the clone could, she rushed towards the Genin, throwing the two kunai towards the girl's abdomen, while trying to use the incoming kunai's as a distraction for a swift palmstrike towards the girl's chest.

"My clone is without a doubt stronger in everyway than you are, Misao-chan," Lamya exclaimed while the exercise was well under way. "Do not take it lightly simply because it is a clone, you must think and decide your every action very carefully, but also very precise."


Lamya chakra: 273/320
Clone chakra: 32/32
clone stats: all C-0 rank

7A Start [Training, No/Kill] Empty Re: A Start [Training, No/Kill] Sun Apr 26, 2015 11:17 pm

Shogo Misao

Shogo Misao

A puzzled look came across her face as The Anbu burst into a fit of laughter. 'Why is she laughing? am I really that sad?' She thought a slight feeling of sadness, She felt right again when Lamya continued. "Well, that was unexpected, Ahum...let's just start with some basic stuff, which simply means this: I'd like you to fight a clone of mine to the fullest of your abilities. I don't expect you to win, I only expect you to do your best and learn something from it." Misao's eyes got wide when all of a sudden she realized instead of just pt she was gonna get in a fight. Before she could say anything about it though her teacher had already finished the clone she was working on.

"Wait a minu-"
She tried to say, but to no avail. The clone already had kunai's drawn and was already closing the distance quick. "My clone is without a doubt stronger in every way than you are, Misao-chan, Do not take it lightly simply because it is a clone, you must think and decide your every action very carefully, but also very precise." Misao barely heard her as she was trying to think of a way out of getting impaled or beat down. 'hmm the water clone jutsu's range is about 30m, if I can get out of her range then I might stand a chance.' She thought as she turned to run. Once Misao was confident her back was turned far enough she went to work "Bunshin no Jutsu!" As the 5 doppelgangers came into existence her work was not done yet, she continued on to ready the Kawarimi no Jutsu just in case the chasing clone still got her. She along with her doppelgangers weaved in random directions before scattering, each heading away from the clone to try and draw it out of the jutsu range.

Word count:


Chakra 140

8A Start [Training, No/Kill] Empty Re: A Start [Training, No/Kill] Fri May 01, 2015 4:15 pm

Orochi Risu

Orochi Risu

The genin firstly didn't seem to know how to react, but an unseen smile came upon Lamya's face when she recognised the handseals Misao was weaving: the doppelganger jutsu, also commonly known as the basic clone technique. Now it was time for Misao to surprise or even impress the ANBU captain and she really hoped that the genin would be able to do so, for the ANBU captain had already trained another genin as fast as humanly possible, enabling him to already call himself a special jonin without shame and then there was the puppeteer Bunshichi who showed incredible potential.

"Using basic clone knowledge against me," The ANBU captain whispered silently, while monitoring the genin's actions. "Let's see what you'd do if that doesn't work."

The clone halted her rush towards the genin, when said person suddenly gathered some chakra to conjure up some clones of herself, which spread around and seemingly tried to confuse her with picking a target, but unlike the clone jutsu, the doppelganger jutsu had one simple flaw: the clones weren't tangible and thus had no shadow. Lamya's clone had this information as well and used the time to check every clone fore just an instant, quickly drawing out the real one who DID posses a shadow.

With a quick flick of her wrist, the clone threw the kunai towards the Genin with a shadow, before making a line on the ground in front of her with her index finger, a line which indicated the limit of the clone's distance to the original.

"Well, nice try," The ANBU captain whispered calmly, still monitoring the training session between her clone and the genin. "If you want to get stronger, you'll have to do a bit better though. You can't always remain on the defensive, not even when the opponent is superior in every way, there is still the option of trying to outsmart your opponent by using everything to your disposal."


9A Start [Training, No/Kill] Empty Re: A Start [Training, No/Kill] Wed May 06, 2015 2:55 am

Shogo Misao

Shogo Misao

Misao did not hear a word the Anbu was saying, she was more concentrated on the Kunai flying her way. 'Shoot I forgot about the clones being easy to pick out!' She said right before the Kawarimi no Jutsu activated, the Kunai stuck right where her chest was but a split second ago. Misao looked up to see the clone making a line at what Misao thought was the 30m mark. 'oh poo, she caught on already..' she thought. The clone had not moved and that meant time to prepare another way. The Genin calmly walked over to the used log from the Kawarimi no Jutsu and pulled out the Kunai hiding it up her sleeves. She knew her opponent saw it and that was part of the plan.

Her eyes scanned the horizon. Her Doppelgangers were still around for her disposal and now she was lightly armed with the Kunai she picked up. Her mind went over some of the possibility's. ' How do I beat someone who is better then me at every foreseeable way? You change the way the game is played.' Her eyes lit up. She beckoned the five Doppelgangers back around her lining up side by side with her, three on the left and two on the right. 'I know that she knows for a fact which one is the real me, and now she knows I just spent my Kawarimi no Jutsu, however, what she doesn't know yet is that I understand she knows the real me.' Misao then had all of the clones preform different hand signs as if doing the Kawarimi no Jutsu. She herself did the same, however, this was not the standard Kawarimi no Jutsu, this was different. This was her revision of it, Kawarimi no Jutsu Sutikkī. As the last of the clones and herself finished in sync, it was time to test her acting.

The clones along with her instead of going away from the clone they were fighting they ran in a zig zag pattern as they approached the clone to try and confuse her. 'She will think I don't realize I have been found, as well as she will know I used my Kawarimi no Jutsu already and that means she wont see a identical jutsu so soon. Hopefully she will hit me at the right time and get stuck, then I can get behind her and get her with her own kunai.' She thought her plan already set in motion.

"Im fresh out of the Academy what exactly do you think I should do?!" She and her clones yelled in unison, each with a different look of indignation. Misao wanted her opponent to think she had lost her temper just long enough to mess up. 'Dang I hope this works..'



10A Start [Training, No/Kill] Empty Re: A Start [Training, No/Kill] Fri May 08, 2015 6:47 pm

Orochi Risu

Orochi Risu

The clone simply seemed to smile, as if she already had a grasp of how the genin was thinking, how she was forming strategies, after all, this clone was none others than Lamya's; probably the most intricate kunoichi of Konoha. It was quite interesting that this girl, seven years younger than herself had an interest for medical ninjutsu and to top that off, she had this playful kind of way to deal with her current situation, a blossoming talent which needed proper nurturing for it to become either a beautiful flower or an all-consuming tree.

"I thought you were going to try something new, not just use the very same technique again," The clone exclaimed rather loud, when she noticed that the kid had used similar handsigns as before, but she had not noticed the minor difference. "Why not try to emphasize or devise new ways to counter both my power and my observational skills?"

The real Lamya however, who had been looking closely at everything the young girl did, gave a soft smile. She knew that something was going on, something was indeed off and that genin was truly doing her best to outsmart and outmaneuver the ANBU captain's clone with some rather unorthodox and inventive ways to cope with the differences between them.

"That's it, you're done," The clone yelled when she had enough of being taunted, confused and irritated by the doppelgangers continuously zigzagging in front of her, blocking her sight and also preventing her to be able to follow the genin's movements. No longer holding herself back, the clone struck the genin, or at least what she thought to be the genin, only to get stuck to something and in her surprise the weight forced her to lean over a bit. "Ok...this IS new."

The real Lamya smiled, knowing that Misao had indeed found a way to get one step ahead of her clone, by using the confusion of the multitude of doppelgangers, the way she managed to block the clone's line of sight and that funny new jutsu...all that was left was how the girl would finish this training session.


11A Start [Training, No/Kill] Empty Re: A Start [Training, No/Kill] Sun May 10, 2015 9:10 pm

Shogo Misao

Shogo Misao

"I thought you were going to try something new, not just use the very same technique again, Why not try to emphasize or devise new ways to counter both my power and my observational skills?" She heard the clone say right before seeing her plan come to fruition, the clone had thought she used the same jutsu but now she knew otherwise as a she was bent over it weight.

HAAAA! She yelled as she drove the kunai at the back of the buffeted clone. Misao had her reasons for not wanting to throw the kunai, the first reason was her aim was terrible, the second is she did not want to give the Anbu clone her weapon back. "I don't have good aim so stabbing you in the back should suffice!" She exclaimed in the heat of the moment as the kunai was nearing its target.



12A Start [Training, No/Kill] Empty Re: A Start [Training, No/Kill] Wed May 13, 2015 8:51 am

Orochi Risu

Orochi Risu

Surprised as it was, the clone did not even shout or scream, just simply vanished in a puddle of water when the kunai struck home. The sound of hands clapping together could be heard from Lamya's location, who had stood up and showed quite a proud smile on her face. She was quite delighted to see the young girl's potential and decided that this kid was worth monitoring after all. Misao had all the qualities to become a good shinobi, but she'd need some serious polishing to become a superior one. With squinting eyes and a broad smile, the ANBU captain approached the young genin, tapping her on the shoulder while gently retrieving her kunai and putting it back into her pouch.

"You seem to show a spark of potential," The Orochi Lady said calmly, pointing at the puddle of water. "To overcome the differences in power, you used your wits to play the opponent's senses and made your imagination of victory into a reality. Remember this, Misao, a good shinobi uses his strengths wisely, but a superior shinobi knows how to overcome their own weakness."

Thinking about it, the ANBU captain remembered what they had talked about at the start of their meeting, when the genin had complained about her own speed, while the woman actually poured oil on the fire by even exclaiming that the genin's speed was far worse than that of a snail.

"About my earlier remarks," She sighed, while her snake seemed to wander off, trying to find some food for himself, as he had lost interest in this girly get together. "We all start somewhere, we all have to climb up the ladder of succes, either by being gifted with the blessings of a clan or by sheer determination and staunch training regimes. So dont'll get up there once, but remember never to forget where you started, for without that memory, you'll only turn into a waste of potential."


13A Start [Training, No/Kill] Empty Re: A Start [Training, No/Kill] Sat May 16, 2015 3:36 am

Shogo Misao

Shogo Misao

"You seem to show a spark of potential,To overcome the differences in power, you used your wits to play the opponent's senses and made your imagination of victory into a reality. Remember this, Misao, a good shinobi uses his strengths wisely, but a superior shinobi knows how to overcome their own weakness." Lamya stated before continuing. "About my earlier remarks, We all start somewhere, we all have to climb up the ladder of success, either by being gifted with the blessings of a clan or by sheer determination and staunch training regimes. So don't'll get up there once, but remember never to forget where you started, for without that memory, you'll only turn into a waste of potential." That got Misao thinking, yes she had hurt her feelings, however it seems that was exactly what she needed. She stood panting from the exertion, the fatigue that she felt every time she exercised was one of the reasons she did not do it very much.

Misao was shaking, not from fear or remembering her fight but from her muscles being used for far longer then she had ever done before. While it was true that Misao would get tired very easy it did not stop her from her aspirations of being the best medical ninja to ever walk the earth. Certain elements of her past and her own curiosity for the future kept her going. Her breathing slowly returned to normal and she sat down on the grass. Misao was still shaky but, it was starting to fade all she needed now was to rest. "Hehe, you asked about my strengths, but, you forgot to ask about my goals," Misao looked at her torturer, er trainer. "Im going to be the best medical ninja to ever walk this earth! Well once I have the strength to get up hehehe." She said smiling slightly. Her whole body was exhausted and she already knew she would be sitting for a while to regain her strength, however, she did not want to let one of the few people who cared enough to help her train know it.


14A Start [Training, No/Kill] Empty Re: A Start [Training, No/Kill] Thu Jun 04, 2015 9:17 am

Orochi Risu

Orochi Risu

"Hmm, the best medic, huh?" Lamya laughed calmly, thinking about the rather impressive amounts of outstanding medical ninjutsu users Konoha really had these days. With her own uncle and Chisaki senju on top, there was also Chi Rippa and herself who completed that top of the medic shinobi elite. "Quite a goal to have indeed, Misao-chan."

With a soft smile on her face, she stood up and decided to dust off the sand and dirt from her clothes. It was fun as long as it lasted, to watch how fast a genin would grow in a short amount of time and under some excessive pressure. Sometimes the newest generation still managed to surprise the ANBU-captain, who already considered herself part of the earlier generation.

"Just saying, my cute little genin, that there are many kinds of medical shinobi," The Orochi lady explained, while checking the ground to see if she hadn't dropped anything or forgotten anything in the meantime, eventually remembering that the genin was still holding onto one of her kunai. Deciding not to bother with that kunai, she simply smiled and explained what she meant with her earlier words. "Being the best medic doesn't say everything in the end, because with the various forms this specialty goes with, you have healers, transformers and enhancers. It's all part of being a medic, but to excel in all fields will be hard work and will need some serious determination and perseverance...I hope you wont lack any of those two."

After this, she simply patted the girl's head and turned around, deciding she would probably need to keep an eye on the girl's growth and who knows, she might have any use for Lamya in the long run depending on what she chooses.




15A Start [Training, No/Kill] Empty Re: A Start [Training, No/Kill] Sat Jun 06, 2015 1:39 am

Shogo Misao

Shogo Misao

"Hmm, the best medic, huh? Quite a goal to have indeed, Misao-chan." Lamya said as a soft almost gentle smile adorned her face.
"Just saying, my cute little genin, that there are many kinds of medical shinobi,
The anbu said checking to make sure she left nothing behind as she continued. "Being the best medic doesn't say everything in the end, because with the various forms this specialty goes with, you have healers, transformers and enhancers. It's all part of being a medic, but to excel in all fields will be hard work and will need some serious determination and perseverance...I hope you wont lack any of those two."

Misao took the information in. While she knew she could use medical knowledge in many ways it was always good to know their where more.'That just gave me a whole new inspiration to learn more.' She mused watching from the ground she was sitting on. Her breathing had long since came down to normal and her shaky feeling had all but disappeared. It dawned on her. "I think....I have a long ways to go..." She said before Lamya patted her on her head. She watched Lamya's back as she walked away, remembering what she had learned. 'It seems I will have to do alot of work to even be anywhere near her level. Im going to have to step it up.' She thought before glancing at a passing bird flying in the sky.

She shook herself from from her distraction. 'I cant daydream now, I have to focus!' She thought forcing herself up off the ground. It took alot for her to even move let alone do anything. She took a few deep breaths to steady herself and grudgingly took herself to where she had sat her water bottle before the whole ordeal had begun. A sigh escaped her lips, The sky had turned cloudy and it seemed it would rain any second. The smell of the rain coming in seemed to make her more refreshed. If she got rained on so what?

Misao looked up as the sky unleashed the heavy rain and opened her mouth to catch the water coming down. It was less then ten seconds before she was already soaked to the bone and despite herself she was getting cold. 'I think its time for a nice hot bubble bath!' She thought as she started to make her way back home. It was going to be a long walk.

-Exit Thread-


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