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Sousetsu Senju

Sousetsu Senju


Sousetsu awoke as the daylight had struck his face with a warm caress. His eyes opened slowly showing the dark swamp-like green iris which was accompanied by a slight bloodshot sclera which should be its usual white if it weren't for the early rising. He emerged from his pit and stood before the window scanning the area to see many people in market already. He turned to face his bed in which he soon made for his return at night. He made his way to the bathroom and did the traditional wash and cleaning his teeth clarifying it as he smiled showing of his pearly whites as he had finished. He then returned to his room where he entered the wardrobe and retrieved his infamous black jumpsuit that he was seen commonly wearing as he wandered the streets or began training.

He made his way slowly down the stairs still showing his bed head openly and adjusted himself to the bread and cereal for the morning treat that was breakfast. After finishing his wheat with milk and toast, he washed it down with some cold and rather refreshing apple juice to give him the edge in wakening himself up fully to be prepared for the tasks ahead that the day would welcome him. He made his way for the door when he noticed that his hair was in a mess. He frowned and ran his hand through his hair a few times with powerful strokes followed by ruffling to give it the look he was accustomed to.

He made his way to the Hokage's office, passing many of the smiling adults purchasing their fruit and vegetables, flowers and other treats for themselves or their family. Reaching the Hokage office Sousetsu was informed that there was nothing for him to take. Not a single mission meant that he had a free day of course to which Sosuetsu gladly accepted. He made his way to the library in its stead and began reading up on jutsu that was possible for him to learn. He came across a book particularly based around the Earth Style. Skimming through the pages Sousetsu finally stopped to a technique that had caught his eye.

He made himself comfortable at the desk he resided with for the time being and paid full attention to this particular section of the book. 'Earth Release: Earth-Style Wall (Doton: Doryūheki). The user creates a solid wall of earth as a form of defence. Chakra is either converted to earth within the body and then spat out to form the wall or the user can manipulate pre-existing earth to form the wall. The earth then instantly rises up to twenty feet tall and five feet wide. The barrier itself is also coated with chakra, making its strength incomparable to that of a normal mud wall. Because of the earth's special characteristics, the wall is highly resistant against, for instance, fire and water which B-rank jutsu in their nature cannot break the wall.' Sosuetsu widened his eyes. The fire technique was indeed his greatest weakness as a Senju.

This jutsu lingered in Sousetsu's head as he thought out possible scenarios with this jutsu at his ready. He could also help protect his comrades further with this ability. His face lit up brighter than the lights on the darkest of nights. He hastily made his way over to the western gates of the village hidden in the leaves. He acknowledged the guards with a simple bow and headed for a secluded area in the wilderness outside of the village. He soon found himself in an area of lush, green rolling hills outside of the village of Konoha. The streams were flowing calmly about the area, no doubt providing the life that gives the hills their beauty. As Sousetsu walked further into the area he had noticed many rare species of flowers and other herbs growing here, as well as the wildlife that still flourishes.

668/1500 Words

Sousetsu Senju

Sousetsu Senju

Stationing himself into a clear area with the calm stream of flowing water Sousetsu dropped down to both knees, sitting back on his feet. He closed his eyes and began to clear his mind and take in the surroundings by sound alone. He heard the whistling wind, the crashing sounds of the rocks and riverbank that got in the flowing waters way, the birds that called to one another and the many other various wildlife such as trees with its leaves rustling back and fourth. These all gave Sousetsu a mental image of his surroundings and diverted his thoughts of anything else that swam around subtly in his mind.

An hour had passed when Sousetsu felt truly ready to take on the task he had in mind. Learning the new technique would require his full attention and concentration. It soon dawned on him that the technique had two different ways of execution. The first way was by mouth and the second by placing his hands the earth that already resided. He stood from where he sat and walked to the stream and overlooked the contents from within. It was clear apart from the odd ripples as it descended further down leading towards the ocean. He then turned and walked a few paces back to where he once lingered while he meditated and made the hand signs needed to perform this technique.

With the hand signs accomplished he placed his hands on the earth before him and focused chakra to channel through the dirt. He felt the ground quake as the earth began to rise slower than he had anticipated. He reached five feet from the ground level before he stopped to catch his breath. With the sweat beginning to trickle from his forehead Sousetsu wiped his face and began once again to summon the jutsu on a different location nearby. With enough force, the technique did rise quicker than the first attempt and also increased the distance from the ground to ten feet.

He faltered back once more. Catching his breath he knew he wasn't going to give in that easily. He was almost successful on his second attempt after all. He turned to face another direction and executed the hand signs one last time and as fast as he could at that before slamming his palms on the earth. a section of the earth shot up to the desired height and the speed was precise and accurate as he had read. He finished the jutsu with his palms at least. Smiling at his new achievement he searched for a nearby apple tree and plucked one from its grasp. He returned to the spot he had meditated and began biting through the apple and exhaling a sigh of relief as he chewed.

The taste was sweet and refreshing. The red was at its full. The juices simply slid down his throat. He gazed at the water and remembered it was clean. He wandered over to take a handful to see it purity and was appeased with it being so clear. He took a mouthful to taste, which turned out to satisfy his taste buds. He took one mouthful after another until his thirst was quenched. He wiped his lips cleaning himself of any access water that dangled loosely around his mouth and began his next part of training.

1227/1500 Words

Sousetsu Senju

Sousetsu Senju

Sousetsu began molding chakra in his body forming it around the same hand seals as he had used before. After naming the technique he spat out the earth to form the wall. The results weren't as he had expected as the wall in question turned out to be a form of mud and did not form a wall at all, just a rather small mountain. Sosuetsu first blamed the water he had just drank but then thought of other solutions to counter this problem. He began molding the charka once again, focusing deeply as to how dense the chakra should be and how to be executed.

With another loud roar of the technique co-existing with the hand-seals Sousetsu spat out the jutsu once again and to his surprise, formed the wall he had trained. As the jutsu finally finished Sousetsu appeared to be breathing heavily and the sweat began show on the outskirts of his hair. Another sigh of relief escaped his lips followed by his infamous grin as he gazed it the many walls from all sizes surrounding him. The features on the walls were not the same but the density and the height remained as expected from the book he had read in the library which was all he wanted.

His chakra seemed to be low so he thought he deserved a little treat. He took off his shoes and rolled up his sleeves and leggings from his jumpsuit and rested by the riverbank with his feet in the water, dangling to and fro as the current brushed passed him. He smiled once more as the sun was no longer shining on him with his finished jutsu blocking him from the rays of light and heat that accompanied it. The sounds of the wildlife became more clear once again rather than the sound of the earth quaking and rising which was usually followed by a young man catching his breath. Sousetsu was delighted with the results of the day's training and headed back home after his soak in the stream.

1573/1500 words

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