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1Sousetsu's Training [solo,closed] Empty Sousetsu's Training [solo,closed] Sat May 25, 2013 7:50 pm

Sousetsu Senju

Sousetsu Senju


Sousetsu brushed past the leaves heading to the southern forest of the village hidden in the leaves. This place seemed to appear small, compact, cosy, however you would phrase it but still passed an excellent training ground for Soustesu and his new jutsu he wished to work on. 'Wood Release: Four-Pillar Prison Technique.' For this technique, the user converts chakra into timber under the ground and makes it grow rapidly, while forming it into a wooden prison. The timber itself is treated with a chakra coating, making its destruction difficult to c-rank jutsus or weapons or below. Growing up, Sousetsu was told about this jutsu during the war his father took part in. His father apparently used this technique as it had the great ability to detain prisoners, but it could also be used as a disciplinary measure for quarreling subordinates.

Sousetsu decided long ago that this jutsu was going to be among the first of the many jutsu he would learn. It was truly beneficial with no real danger to the user. It was encouraged within Sousetsu's family to learn this technique as it had helped many of his ancestors. He thought long and hard about the uses for this jutsu. A few different ways came to mind almost instantly, but first, he had to learn the jutsu in question.

As the wind collided with Sousetsu, fiddling with his hair as it whispered to him, Sousetsu finally landed in a secluded area and checked his surroundings for any animal traps or signs of others so there was no disturbance in his training. Within minutes after scanning the area Sousetsu had concluded that it was undisturbed and deemed it safe to train here. With a sigh of relief Sousetsu began his warming up exercises and also began stretching to limber up.

Sousetsu let out a deep breath in preparation for his new jutsu technique. He thought of the shape he had to mold in order to create the prison. The size, the quality, the dimensions, all of them had to be taken into consideration. He also had in mind that he would not be able to make the great prisons his elders were able to create. He remembered his father telling him when he was growing up of the great prison technique that could hold easily fifty people and quite sturdy and durable at that, with holding the many techniques the prisoners forced upon the four walls of the technique. With a technique of that size and quantity Sousetsu thought to start off much simpler than that.

"A holding cell would be the appropriate start to this technique. I'll make my way up to the great prison in years to come but, for now, let's try with the basics." Sousetsu exclaimed to himself openly. After assuring him of his target he began focusing his chakra molding within the earth below him. Sweat was already appearing as he concentrated long and hard to all of the details he had to take into consideration. Letting out his energy he formed a rather 'wonky' attempt of a jail cell. He looked wide eyed at his technique and pushed with little effort to find it toppling over before him.

"Damn it! Sousetsu shouted from the bottom of his lungs. He remained calm despite letting off the little steam he kept stored shortly after seeing his creation. He paced back and forth looking at his attempt from earlier before coming to a halt. He looked as though he had an idea. Making his way over to his creation he examined the ins and out of the cage and tried to look for the problem within his technique. The corners were counter pivoted which led to the instability. He continued to scan and figured he wasn't using enough chakra to coat the technique which was a dire asset to have.

With his observations complete it was time to focus once again on the task at hand. He focused his chakra to the earth once more and began shape shifting the particles under the earths surface to form the wood needed. Sousetsu then began to to form the foundation of the prison technique before bringing it to the surface. As it reached the surface the wooden cell began to shoot up around the foundation as the cell bars. The roof of the prison technique then instantly formed over the rest and sealed tightly shut followed by a chakra coat that almost glistened in the sun. The jutsu was set in place. But did it pass the inspection test?

Sousetsu kicked the holding cell yet it did not budge. In fact, he hurt his foot in the process causing him to refrain from shouting profanities. It was sturdy and withheld a kick but Sousetsu couldn't just leave it at that. He needed to know the capabilities of this holding cell. He bombarded the cell with taijutus and kunai yet it appeared to be unaffected by the assault. Sousetsu's mouth widened with a grin. It was the jutsu he was looking for. A perfect little holding cell for an enemy, or to pull a prank on his friends and detain them. He left the jutsu in the open and admired it from a distance.

He pulled out a sandwich and took a rewarding bite letting out a reliving sigh as he felt he had mastered a new technique. But he knew this technique could be expanded. There was a bigger version that he must learn in order to keep his family tradition of large detaining techniques. Thinking back on it. Maybe the Senju Clan would have made great officers of the law, with jutsu like this it would be hard for the enemy to escape captivity. He had heard that the Uchiha were placed as the officers of the law though, and for reasons that were misunderstood for many years. But since then they learned to live in harmony. Maybe he could show off his new jutsu to some of them. Finishing his small meal Sousetsu tapped the cell for good luck in the near future before heading off back to the village hidden in the leaves to rest in his home, awaiting the next day.

1045/1000 Words

2Sousetsu's Training [solo,closed] Empty Re: Sousetsu's Training [solo,closed] Mon May 27, 2013 1:55 pm

Sousetsu Senju

Sousetsu Senju


Sosuetsu began his day as he usually did, with a warm shower, fitting into his black jumpsuit and with a hearty filling breakfast washed down with his favourite brand of apple juice. Today was a day he scheduled for himself to learn a new jutsu and a valuable one at that, the 'Water Clone Technique'. As he locked the door from the outside, departing his home, Sousetsu brushed his fingers through his hair and scanned the streets of the village hidden in the leaves. For some reason, Sousetsy seemed quite drawn to the Ninja Academy. Sousetsu dashed to the school for shinobi and noticed it was recess so he searched for the sensei on patrol and soon found him among the crowd of shinobi.

Sousetsu asked the teacher about water jutsus and as coincidence appeared, it turned out that this teacher in particular was a water technique user also. He was told, in detail, the description of this technique by one of the teachers of the ninja academy. "The Water Clone Technique is similar to the Shadow Clone Technique except it creates clones out of water that have one-tenth of the original person's power. Like other solid clone techniques, the clones can be used to perform tasks the user is unable or unwilling to do for themselves. The range of the clone is limited however, as it can not travel very far from the original body without losing control. Like other clone techniques, if the water clones are injured enough they will revert back to normal water.' The sensei lectured Sousestsu. In return, Sousetsu showed his gratitude by thanking him and giving a formal bow before his departure.

He acknowledged the guards at the village's south gates by nodding his head he left making his way to his usual training area. He leaped to the overlapping trees and made haste allowing the wind to show slight force on his journey accompanying the leaves as they brushed passed him, whistling with the wind. Before long, he reached the small forest south of the village. The people who took this path were often headed towards the village docks to embark on a journey to the large and vast ocean. He arrived at the area in which he last trained his Wood Release: Four-Pillar Prison Technique. The prison was still laying, tattered from time and usage from before.

Sousetsu was determined to use learn this technique as the mere Clone Technique from his academy days could help in battle and were a simply means of distraction, but with this technique they could help him in his battles he may come across in the future. Being a Chuunin, Sousetsu was eventually going to take on missions consisting of battles with rogue ninjas, bandits and other beings possibly from the underlying towns within the fire country, let alone the rival countries that trained ninja to possibly invade or sabotage the village hidden in the leaves.

After settling into his environment, Sousetsu began meditating under a tree where he kept his gear to the side of. He listened to the sounds of nature and became in tune with them, listening to the flow of the nearby streams and the leaves that caressed against the others to give off a rustling sound. The faint sounds of crickets and other wildlife where to be heard in the distance also, almost singing to one another. Sousetsu stood from where he sat in almost the same position and called fourth his clone technique to examine the structure of the basic academy student jutsu.

After thorough inspection, he cancelled the jutsu causing the clone to disintegrate into a puff of smoke and vanish into the breeze that flew by constantly. He thought that the process was a simple as adding water to the technique, filling the clone to give it that solid interior and exterior being. He performed a few few hand seals and infused water to the technique but all that was produced was a drueling buffoon of a clone that water seeped from many holes on its body.

Sousetsu thought long and hard at his solution. Obviously, the clone was not perfected to contain the amount of water to fill the body and needed to be measured with precise equations. The body is made up of an average of 50 to 70% of water depending on the specimen. Filling this clone over looked that hypothesis with ease which is why it was a failure. He then channeled the chakra and water needed to perform the jutsu one last time, lowering the water level greatly to ten percent. With a perfect solid clone in front of his eyes in an instant, Sosuetsu touched the clones shoulder to feel its solid form thanks to the water levels. He then nodded to the clone as gesture to attack him. With a right hook coming into contact with Sousetsu's face he placed his hand upon his face in disbelief. He had formed the clone he wished to achieve.

With a smirk, Sousetsu quickly roundhouse kicked the clone only to see it turn to liquid moments after contact. He knelt down and examined the puddle that was once his clone and noticed that the water he was looking at was the amount he had stored into the clone to perform the technique. Sosuetsu smiled as he was already thinking of strategies in combat he could use this technique with. He summoned two more clones and made them depart into the small forest and observe the wildlife before making them vanish into the puddles that were all that was left of them. This was a test to see if Sousetsu could use the clones to gather intelligence on the surrounding areas without actually having to be there. Once the clones had vanished, their memories were transferred to Sousetsu, yet another positive outcome to the water clone technique.

Sousetsu then made his way back for the village hidden in the leaves. He greeted the guards as he commonly did and made his way to the academy to try and find the sensei he spoke to in the earlier hours of the day. Upon finding him he approached with a wide grin hinting that he had completed the technique. The sensei smiled and praised Sousetsu. He thanked the sensei once again and departed to rest in his home after fulfilling another day of tranining.

1072/1000 words

3Sousetsu's Training [solo,closed] Empty Re: Sousetsu's Training [solo,closed] Sat Jun 29, 2013 9:15 am

Sousetsu Senju

Sousetsu Senju


It was a beautiful day with a cool breeze that could be embraced if you were outside and walking the streets of the Village Hidden in the leaves, but not for Sousetsu. The Senju was seen in the barbecue restaurant enjoying his favourite meal consisting mainly of pork. He sat in his attire   consisting of armour emblazoned with the Senju symbol worn over a simple black jumpsuit, with a distinctive white fur collar. This armour which was constructed from numerous blue metal plates, formed into multiple protective guards along his body, in particular: chest, waist, shoulders and upper arms. His weapon, the high frequency blade, was placed on the seat beside him standing at a length of three feet and three inches tall while remaining sheathed. He ate a new piece of pork that slid down his throat with ease thanks to the minor chewing prior to that.

His cheeks were starting to turn red from the steam that began rising as each new pork slice was placed on the grill before him on the table. He used his chopsticks fluently to grab each additional piece before placing them to cook. He took a few more sips from his lemonade by his right hand and after letting a sigh of relief he had requested the bill from a nearby waitress by his hand gesture. He finished up the pork which was on the grill and left the money in exchange of seeing the bill which he happily paid. He stood up and bowed to the waitress to give his thanks for the meal which he found quite satisfying to his taste buds and his hunger. It was, after all, his favourite restaurant in the Village Hidden in the Leaves. After making his way out and into the calm streets of Konaha, Sousetsu headed his way out of the gates, giving his nod of acknowledgement towards the the two guards that were commonly seen by the gate, and made his way to his usual training area in the small south forest of the Leaf Village.

Words: 344/2000

4Sousetsu's Training [solo,closed] Empty Re: Sousetsu's Training [solo,closed] Sat Jun 29, 2013 8:45 pm

Sousetsu Senju

Sousetsu Senju

Upon his arrival, the sun was at its peak, shining through the leaves that were bound to the area by the trees. The sunlight seeped through to the earth leaving the rays of light naked to the skin that it touched upon Sousetsu as he continued his short journey. Something that took the Senju by surprise was the fact that there was a horse within the forest residing in his usual spot. He approached with caution as he gazed upon the shear beauty of the white coated creature. Its spotlight was the greatest ray of light that breached through the environment which caused the creature to become more beautiful. Sousetsu continued his approach but seemed to have stepped on a twig of some sort that startled the animal. How odd it was to find a creature of such elegance in such a place. It must have escaped from a stable in one of the neighbouring towns. Within a few feet of the animal, Sousetsu reached out to the horse and touched the straight and narrow hair from its head. It was as soft and as smooth as silk and yet was accompanied by the rough and muscular exterior of the horses neck as he brushed through it.

The horse gave off an exertion through its mouth and moved closer to the Senju, embracing what he had to offer. The ninja moved to the side and picked some berries from a nearby plant and fed the horse but was soon rejected as it began to move away. Soon enough, a whistle could be heard and a rather loud one at that. The horse galloped with ease and with a sight to behold. Watching in awe for a few seconds the ninja finally closed his mouth and smirked that he so commonly did. He was here to train and he thought the horse had just gave him an idea. Sousetsu had never before created a technique but there was a first for everything. He would make a new jutsu on this very day. He was unsure of what elemental affinity he would associate the technique with, whether it be water, earth or wood. He gazed at his surroundings. The trees had helped his decision upon looking at them. They were withered, old, rough and hard. A quite strong force would no doubt come from that but what of the speed? A horse was rather fast after all.

He then thought of the earth. He leaned down once again and picked up some soil. It was smooth yet it fell apart easily. The aerodynamics was all wrong as if it was hard it would yet again affect its movement. Then it led him to water. Water flowed, it rushed and when it did, it was rough on the skin. If contained it could be carried, the very idea of controlling this technique was suited to the water element. His brain threw out ideas upon ideas, the lights were on and answers could be found in every inch. With such flexibility it could be achieved in no time at all. It was down to Sousetsu focus and mold the chakra and water to form a horse and use it to his will. He sat down with his legs crossed and his hands resting in the gap between. His eyes closed and his head began to clear. He listened to the woodland and embraced the breeze of the wind and the rays from the sun. The wildlife could be heard calling to one another creating an orchestra of the wildlife that lived within the woods. It was only a matter of time and effort before Sousetsu would be able to utilize a new technique to add to his arsenal.

Words: 968/2000

5Sousetsu's Training [solo,closed] Empty Re: Sousetsu's Training [solo,closed] Mon Jul 01, 2013 7:20 pm

Sousetsu Senju

Sousetsu Senju

He opened his eyes slowly and was greeted by the suns glare. Averting his eyes to the stream the water seemed so clear almost like it was made of glass if it was not for the ripples that collided with the banks that ran alongside it. He stood stall and stoic and let out a release of air slowly and calmly before mustering up the chakra he thought he had needed. With a few hand seals and the fusion of the water and chakra, a remarkable sight was to be seen. In the stream emerged the outlines of a horse, it was unrefined of course but something that beauty came along with had his sights transfixed on his technique. The horse stood at 314 centimeters, rather large compared to the size of the common horse. It seemed to have looked at Sousetsu intensely yet patiently. Its head swiveled back and forth not knowing its bearings seemingly. The water seemed to have flowed like a waterfall along its body, not having that solid appearance he had hoped for.

After being mesmerized by the horse and its appearance, he ordered it to attack in which it complied. It ran down the stream with great speed but Sousetsu could not hold it for much longer as it dissipated back into the stream. The Senju continued to smile though despite the technique coming to a close. He formed the hand seals and concentrated his chakra and its fusion with the water once again. He needed to focus with greater effort. He began refining the horse and gave it a more solid structure before activating the technique. Before long, the horse was summoned once more. This time it was just how he had imagined it. A beautiful water horse that seemed to glisten with a white shine to it from the suns rays. Water did not seem flow from it much body and the structure was clearly much more solid than the previous attempt. It was even more beautiful to the eye. The horse itself seemed to be like that of a horse at the beginning of a race. It seemed determined with little distractions. Calm and collected as the horse was it still needed to fulfill its duties. Sousetsu had ordered the horse to charge at which it did with greater speed than before. He then attempted to control it but was deemed difficult.

After a short while, the horse complied and ran where Sousetsu had wished it to go. He had his own horse companion for a technique. It was quite the sight to behold to create a technique out of animals being its inspiration. He pushed the horse to go faster and faster after each stride reaching its limit at twenty five miles per hour. With a smirk, the Senju summoned a water clone to his side and ordered it to stand out in the open. He wondered of the possibilities of the offensive structure of the horse and what would happen when collided with another. The horse raced towards the clone and collided with such force at its tenacious speed. The clone was immediately destroyed on impact, combining the water with the horses. The horse turned to face Sousetsu and approach him as it slowed to halt before him. The Senju reached towards the summoned creature and stroke it gently, but it was like stroking the stream of water that was before them. Intriguing to say the least.

Words: 1545/2000

6Sousetsu's Training [solo,closed] Empty Re: Sousetsu's Training [solo,closed] Mon Jul 01, 2013 7:51 pm

Sousetsu Senju

Sousetsu Senju

As his new technique had dissipated, Sousetsu began to focus more chakra. He needed to muster up much more than what he had just used as this technique needed to be with more width. The odds of a single horse hitting its target regardless of speed would be to low for his standard. This technique could be greatly improved through width of its initial attack as he seemed to have no control of the horse when it first arrives to the scene. The multiple horses would prove to be just like his water clone controlling abilities. He may make them move as he pleases after the first attack, but it was only a matter of perfecting the creations first off than escalating the ability to its true function. Sousetsu began to form the necessary hand seals and fused water and chakra once more to create the horse that he was now growing accustom too. Instead, four horses were molded all of great height and width when formed side by side.

The horses each stood at 124 inches and a combined width of ten metres. They all charged with increasing speeds. Watching this was a sure pleasure as the beauty and elegance of the horses were the centre of attention. Their feet formed a mist of water, almost as if they were trampling through water at a shallow pond even on the solid earth before them. The sounds of rushing waters colliding matched that of the waves of the ocean. It was like he was at the beach just hearing these creatures rush towards a non existent target. Soon they separated to which Sousetsu focused to the best of his abilities to control each horse and their directions. It did prove quite difficult as it was not the same of controlling the water clones which he was attuned to. These were more complex. It was just as though Sousetsu had to tame the horses himself before he could use them to his advantage.

It turned out that Sousetsu had this natural, raw talent in control of animals, probably because he was so in tune with nature itself. He surrounded himself in woodland most of his life and every possible chance he could get. It was a great way to enjoy peace and the many wonders of wildlife, he knew how most of the animals functioned and what they did during certain conditions with the weather. The horses soon all came to a close towards Sousetsu as he began to pet each one with equal attention. Some gave off and exertion of the sounds of water flapping before their refined mouths before they all fell to their knees almost as if they were about to nap before. They all bowed their heads to which Sousetsu replied by falling to his own knees and bowing his head also. Soon they began to melt away, disintegrating into the now soft earth, thick with moisture. With another technique that seemed to have been completed, Sousetsu continued to enjoy the nature and relax upon a tree branch to clear his mind of other things in life. It was a beautiful day, after all.

Words: 2072/2000

7Sousetsu's Training [solo,closed] Empty Re: Sousetsu's Training [solo,closed] Wed Jul 03, 2013 8:36 am

Sousetsu Senju

Sousetsu Senju


The young Senju could be seen in his usual training area in the small south forest in the wilderness of the Village Hidden in the Leaves. The day was fair, humid, and clouds could be seen gathering around the suns gaze, almost hiding it from the nature of the earth it shone on. Sousetsu gave a concerned look, almost depressing as the sun was his main source of warmth on top of his attire. His outfit was consisted of armour emblazoned with the Senju symbol worn over a simple black jumpsuit, with a distinctive white fur collar. This armour which was constructed from numerous blue metal plates, formed into multiple protective guards along his body, in particular: chest, waist, shoulders and upper arms. His weapon could be seen nestling against the tree trunk, the high frequency blade,  standing at a length of three feet and three inches tall while remaining sheathed. His back was against the trunk also as he looked towards the sky as the earth seemed to rotate with greater speed than usual. Of course, this was caused by the illusion of the clouds gathered by the wind making them move faster across the sky that was far and wide.

With a small sigh, the Senju reached into a bag that was sitting to his left. The plastic bag could be heard rustling just as the leaves were against the force of the wind. He opened the bag and searched briefly until he retrieved a few sandwiches. They were composed of white bread, butter and ham. With a few hastily taken bites before settling on the amount to chew on, Sousetsu had thought of what he was to do today. Should he go back home and prepare to take up a mission? Should he stay in his favourite spot? Maybe he could learn a new technique? All of these questions rushed through his mind as he gave the pros and cons to each of the suggestions. His sandwiches were rather bland and became an effort to eat after a short period of eating them causing him to rush them into his mouth and swallow as he settled down to clear his mind and search more clearly for the answer to his questions. With much thought, he smirked and ran his hand across his face, rubbing against his nose as it had got an itch that needed to be scratched.

He stood up with much more motivation as he had settled on training a new technique. He rummaged through his own personal bag and had found a book that he had brought with him. It was the seem book he checked out at the library a few weeks prior to this training day which helped him learn many abilities. He flipped through each page in order to search for the technique he had confirmed to himself what to the learn, the 'water whip technique.' He had finally reached the page in question and read a brief line within the book. "The user creates a whip made of water that can wrap around the opponent." Pretty simple and obvious but there he learned the necessary hand seals for this chosen technique, the rat, dog and ox. This technique would be almost as if he would be holding a stream of water but was proven to be an easy enough technique to learn. By concentrating chakra and water together, this jutsu could easily be formed and refined into the whip sizes he would require.

Performing the hand seals, Sousetsu had formed a whip of water that dangled by his side. It was rather odd to see water being controlled in the form a whip but at the same time Sousetsu had found this quite an impressive feet. The whip that he had just formed was about the same width of a pencil. He needed it to be more durable and so channeled more chakra and water to thicken the whip to that of a bo staff, a more appropriate size he thought. He then turned to the tree that he once sat at and lunged the whip in its direction. It began rapping around the tree with great speed and even hearing the crack as it tightened its grasp. He tried pulling the tree to test its strength and durability which seemed to be at his satisfaction. He returned the whip from the tree back to his side cracked it again against itself in the open air. The whip also gave off the faint sound a stream that he held in is grasp, quite beautiful to hear this any time he chose to. This technique would surely come in handy for apprehending many targets and would become a great asset in many years to come.

Words: 794/750

8Sousetsu's Training [solo,closed] Empty Re: Sousetsu's Training [solo,closed] Sat Jul 13, 2013 6:09 am

Sousetsu Senju

Sousetsu Senju


It was a fair day in the Village hidden in the Leaves. The sun was hiding behind the clouds allowing very little sun rays to seep through and touch for warmth leaving the air humid to say the least. Sousetsu was already washed, teeth were already brushed, dressed and eating his breakfast of toast and apple juice. He seemed in a more cheery mood as usual, this was because he decided to train a new technique on this day. After he finished his small meal he made his way over to the hallway mirror and fixed up his hair by ruffling it to the way he had grown to prefer. He then left his domain and locked the door behind, with rustling of keys that came from his pockets as he reached for the lock to turn it. The young Senju was not in his usual Senju armour but in a more casual look of just his black jumpsuit. He had already decided on the type of technique he would want to learn today and needed to visit the library in order to find the right technique at that. As he past many people they smiled and nodded as did Sousetsu in return. He had reached the library and made his way inside and checked out the book that he had looked at many times over. It was a list of known jutsu throughout the vast lands of the shinobi world. He sat in the library glancing through the pages and scanning hastily for the type of jutsu he was looking for.

Before long, he had found it. His eyes widened as he had seen the title, 'Hidden Mist Technique'. He then proceeded to read its contents which eventually led him to the description of the technique. 'One causes a mist to spring forth by lifting up some water from either a pre-existing source or expelled from their mouth, then goes in and out of sight at will from within the pearly-white realm. The mist's thickness is controlled by the amount of chakra kneaded into it. It can't fool the Byakugan, but, due to the mist being created with the user's chakra, any Sharingan and Rinnegan-user will see the mist coloured by their opponent's chakra, which will effectively hide the user from the dōjutsu.' Sousetsu gave off his infamous grin and stood, closing the book and returning it to the owner. He then made his way to his common training area in the small south forest of Konaha. Passing the guards to the gate he nodded which they did so in return. It was odd how you see the same people almost every time and yet never make an effort to learn their names. Sousetsu continued making his way out of the gates and leaped to the nearest sturdy branch and hastily made his way to the training area he had grown so accustomed too.

As he made his arrival, the weather had not changed, the sun was still in hiding. The wildlife was of a softer tone as the sound of wind could be heard with a great roar from time to time. His hair flailed from different sides while his clothes simply flapped in the same pattern each time. He made his way to the center of the tree infested area. It was a beautiful surrounding with an almost arena like center of just land and a few patches of grass to accompany it. He closed his eyes and listened carefully to the nature around him, clearing his thoughts from any unnecessary worries he might subconsciously be thinking of. The young Senju then formed the hand seal for the technique and mustered up the mixture of chakra and water, it was a relatively simple technique to learn. Mist spewed from his mouth and covered the area leaving very little traces of visual perspectives on the surroundings. Sousetsu glanced around and but could not see well enough, which meant it was a success. He became much like the sun this day, hiding behind the gaseous water. He began to feel his way around, he did of course, have to get use to this ability and learn to utilize to the best potential. After some time the mist began to become more bearable. Sousetsu could be quite adaptable and would prove to be useful when using this technique. Before long, the mist cleared up and all was normal. The mist even helped water the plants in the surroundings which was always a plus. With another grin, Sousetsu now had another ability to add to his arsenal and would surely be a help when thinking of a strategy or implementing this technique into one.

Words: 791/750

9Sousetsu's Training [solo,closed] Empty Re: Sousetsu's Training [solo,closed] Sun Jul 14, 2013 9:21 pm

Sousetsu Senju

Sousetsu Senju


Sousetsu awoke to the sun's rays shining in across his face. His eyes shot open as if it was a rude awakening, almost as if someone had threw water over him in his peaceful slumber. He lifted his head up as if it weighed a ton. His eyes were drooping and bloodshot. He overexerts himself during the days and leaves himself with short hours to sleep during the night. The sun was his alarm clock and he knew that if he did this long enough his body would become used to it and give himself a more restful night in his slumber. He slid his lower body to the side so that his feet were touching the floor. He let out a rather long yawn and began to stretch his body to its fullest potential so that he could wake himself up for the oncoming events of the day. He left his room and made his way to the restroom where began to wash his face and brush his teeth. He then topped it all off with a nice relaxing shower that refreshed him with each second he stood underneath the shower head. He then made his way back to his room and dressed in his casual outfit of a black jumpsuit before ruffling his hair in the mirror.

He made his way downstairs where he made his common found breakfast of toast with a light coat of butter and apple juice to help wash it down. He sat at his kitchen table and began his first round of toast with a rather large bite and sipping apple juice to allow the bread to run smoother down his throat. He then thought of his plans for today and eventually decided to learn a new technique. He became drawn to the use of earth techniques and how he had been neglecting their abilities and only focusing on his wood and water release techniques. Before finishing his morning meal he then thought of what type of technique he would need but he couldn't seem to think of one that interested him for the moment. He cleaned his plate and cup in the sink that was stationed behind him before heading out to the door and exiting. With the door locked behind him he made his way to the library in hopes he could find the answer to his problem and learn a new and useful technique to add to his arsenal.

Once he was inside he found the book he usually checked out and glanced through the contents to find 'Earth Element Techniques' and came to an intriguing ability. 'Earth Release: Mud Wolves. A technique that is activated upon performing the necessary hand seals and placing hands upon the ground. The user places his hands upon the ground where mud will shape into wolves that will attack the enemy. Despite being damaged, the wolves will simply reform after one post, keeping the enemy occupied while the user readies for another attack or makes a getaway.' Sousetsu closed the book over and thought about the possibilities. It would indeed prove to be a useful technique and could be helpful when trying to distract or escape from certain situations during battle. It was then settled that this would indeed be the technique that Sousetsu would learn. He made his way out of the library and down tot he Village gates and traveled to the nearby small south forest of Konaha.

Words: 578/1000

10Sousetsu's Training [solo,closed] Empty Re: Sousetsu's Training [solo,closed] Sun Jul 14, 2013 10:00 pm

Sousetsu Senju

Sousetsu Senju

Upon reaching his desired training area of a vast area of land that was surrounded by a stream of water and surrounding wood life of trees and plants which were accompanied by various species of bugs and birds that created sounds of an orchestral ensemble of wildlife. Sousetsu moved to the center of the field and began meditating. He was thinking of the way he should mold the earth. It had to be more like mud so there would involve a great deal of water to soften the earth to a gooey substance. He then thought of the amount of chakra needed to compliment with the element required. It was a C-rank technique after all so it didn't require much. He formed the necessary hand seals and placed his hands upon the earth, kneading the chakra and earth element together in harmony to help form the technique. A wolf in the form of mud was summoned. It looked as if the entire animal was melting but somehow maintained itself, almost as if it was regenerating constantly. They both seemed to stare at each before it began running around him in a playful manner. He then ordered to the wolf to different destinations in which it complied fully before he decided to cancel the ability.

This technique however, would only prove successful if he had summoned three mud wolves as they were stronger and more efficient in numbers. Wolves traveled in packs and the young Senju tended to keep it that way. He repeated the process of performing the required hand seals and placing his hands upon the earth once again. He exerted the right amount of chakra and before long three wolves were summoned instead of just one. The three wolves looked alike, all dripping with mud yet maintaining in a perfect regenerating form. He then ordered each of them to separate locations to which they obeyed fully. It was a remarkable sight. He then ordered them to move as far away from him as possible to see their distance. They dissipated at around twenty metres which answered his question as to how far they could travel from the source. With another technique learned, Sousetsu could call it a day. He grinned slightly, thinking about how far he had come from the academy days. The amount of jutsu he had learned since then and how he had bettered himself through hard work and perseverance which led him to his current rank of a Leaf ninja. After his reminiscing, he decided to make his way back to the Village hidden in the leaves and back to his home to get an early days rest and hopefully sleep at least one peaceful night this week.

Words: 1033/1000

11Sousetsu's Training [solo,closed] Empty Re: Sousetsu's Training [solo,closed] Tue Jul 16, 2013 5:37 am

Sousetsu Senju

Sousetsu Senju


Sousetsu sat in his favourite barbecue restaurant ordering the same meal as always, barbecue pork with a side order of rice. As he guzzled down the tender meat the taste buds had trickled with the delicious taste that he craved each time. He took a few mouth fulls of rice before taking another sip of his cold beverage that was water before diverting back to the meat. He smiled slightly as another mouthwatering slice of pork entered his system. It was warm and slightly greasy but the flavouring of the barbecue was a delight this afternoon. He glanced out the window to the street where he could see many people going back and forth in his frame of observation. Some were in a rush while others were just playful children running around aimlessly with their toys or their friends. The sound of laughing could be heard distantly among the many voices in the crowd. The restaurant was almost full of customers before Sousetsu had finished what was laying on his table before him. He took a napkin and dabbed his mouth so that the sauce of the barbecue would be cleaned off his person and asked for the bill. The waiter came over and laid out the bill. He took a glance at the price and happily paid and gave thanks to the staff starting with the waiter and then the chef. With smiles all round Sousetsu made his way outside to continue on his day.

With a full stomach Sousetsu decided to make his way over to the library. The sun kissed his skin and the breeze of the wind brushed past him, cooling him down and countering the suns heat upon him. As he entered the library he checked out the book in which he usually picked up. The book contained many known jutsu and was an asset to Sousetsu's training. It gave him many ideas and a useful arsenal that he still uses to this day. He had the feeling that he needed to learn more earth element style techniques which was the element he was usually lacking in. He only had two techniques of that particular affinity and so he began his journey within the book in search of useful technique with the earth style. He came across a low ranking ability but the thought of it could come quite useful. 'Earth Release: Double Suicide Decapitation Technique. The user buries himself under the ground and moves beneath the surface. He or she can move in a 10 metre radius. The objective of this technique is to drag the opponent under the ground along with the user. The victim is buried beneath the ground up to his or her head. He or she remains trapped and unable to move. Once they are buried, the user emerges from the ground once again.' It was an intriguing jutsu indeed. The thought of having another jutsu that could help restrain an opponent was always on his mind and a low ranking one such as this would take no time at all to learn.

After leaving the library and saying his goodbyes to the librarian while giving thanks, he made his way over to the Village gates to head to his training area in the small south forest. Arriving at the gates he seen the two guards that he had walked by each time. It just so happens that the young Senju heads out when the two fellow shinobi are on duty so they usually smile to each other nod. It was a rather mysterious type of friendship although they did not know each other personally. With a grin on his face Sousetsu leaped into the trees and began his short journey to his destination. When he arrived, the trees surrounded the area and the earth was spread vastly in an open are to which Sousetsu made his way to the center of. The sun seeped through the trees and their leaves while the breeze simply rustled the leaves creating a rustling sound as they brushed into each other. Birds and insects could be heard also, having a melodic harmony among them that gave Sousetsu the feeling of serenity and peace that he loved. He summoned a clone to stand at a distance and performed the necessary hand seals and headed under ground. The burrowed his way over to the clone's position and reached outwards to to grab its ankle from behind. Within seconds, Sousetsu had dragged the clone down in his place while he made his way to the surface. The clone lay buried in the earth with nothing but his shoulders up showing nakedly to Sousetsu. He grinned as the new technique was a success and was just as easy as he anticipated.

Words: 796/750

12Sousetsu's Training [solo,closed] Empty Re: Sousetsu's Training [solo,closed] Fri Jul 19, 2013 10:11 am

Sousetsu Senju

Sousetsu Senju


The young Senju had risen from his slumber feeling energetic and more awake than he had in the past few months. He jumped out of bed and hastily made his way to the restroom of his home where he washed his face with soap and a cloth before cleaning his teeth. He then entered the shower which heated up at a warm temperature. After he had finished he made his way back into his room to look for his outfit within his closet. Sousetsu could then be seen in armour emblazoned with the Senju symbol worn over a simple black jumpsuit, with a distinctive white fur collar. This armour was constructed from numerous blue metal plates, formed into multiple protective guards along the wearers body, in particular: chest, waist, shoulders and upper arms. He rushed downstairs and leaped off of the second last step to reach the ground. He made his way into the kitchen in order to prepare a small meal for breakfast. He took some wheat flakes and a banana,  that was sliced and used it as a topping, in a bowl with a milk.

As he took his next bite grinned once more. He could not stop the thought of training his earth element once again clouded his mind where all else seemed less important. He pondered at the possibilities through and through as each new one came to mind involved his techniques. He soon finished the mixture of fruit and cereal and fitted himself with his blade he left by the hallway mirror. The high-frequency blade is a sword that resonates at high frequencies, raising its temperature, thereby increasing its cutting ability, cutting easily through wood and stone. The sharpened edge and point used for lethal attacks, and the blunt edge used as a clubbing weapon. Being proficient enough, Sousetsu was also able to deflect ranged weapons, such as kunai, shuriken and such, and often gave him the upper hand against a par with a rival weapon. The High Frequency blade was used predominantly by the Senju's higher ranking shinobi and was an honor to be in possession of the blade. The blade stood at three feet and three inches long, with a black customized handle accompanied by silver linings on the outer blade. He lifted the weapon and befitted it upon his lower back for further protection in his training, in case a wild encounter occured.

He then prepared another assorts of food and placed them into the picnic basket for when he got a little peckish. He knew it would make the process more rewarding if there was food involved for breaks and it would help keep his energy and blood sugar to an exceptional standard. He made his way outside and locked the door behind. The day seemed fair, not too warm and not too cold to the skin. The breeze of the wind blew his hair into a wild dance while his clothes waved with grace. He had noticed the crowds of the many people who were rushing to work, shopping for groceries to place in their homes for future purposes, such as dinner and decoration, and children running aimlessly and laughing with each other. He then looked up to the Hokage's building where he thought of his past and how far he had come. The missions that he had completed without failure and the satisfactory of improving his records. The many faces of past Hokage's were beginning to clutter the mountain side but it was a sign of respect to their highest ranking shinobi. He grinned once more thinking that one day it might be him on the monument.

Words: 612/4000 [Earth Element Training A>S]

13Sousetsu's Training [solo,closed] Empty Re: Sousetsu's Training [solo,closed] Fri Jul 19, 2013 6:52 pm

Sousetsu Senju

Sousetsu Senju

The young Senju then made his way to the Ninja academy where he first began to learn the way of the ninja. He came across a familiar face, a ninja whom Sousetsu had ran into many times. The most memorable was when Sousetsu was assigned to a mission involving the teachings of what it was to be a Genin in the Village hidden in the Leaves. He smiled and nodded to the man and approached him with much comfort and ease, almost jogging to him. After they formally bowed to one another Sousetsu raised his head and smiled once again. "Good day, Sensei! How are you this fine morning?" Sousetsu spoke with a hint of a chuckle. The Leaf sensei smiled back and held back a giggle also. "Ahh! Senju, Sousetsu! Great to see you again. All is well here at the academy. You sure put them students straight, they are all much more motivated now. How are you?" the Leaf shinobi said with glee. The young Senju grinned slightly and rubbed the back of his head as he reminisced the moments he had with the students he had to teach during his mission in his earlier days as a shinobi. The wind began to pick up a little before settling down almost instantly afterwards. The wind had brushed over Sousetsu's hair to which he ruffled back into its original state.

"Well, I'm happy they are doing so well! I'm just on my way to the library to pick up a book I had once checked out. 'Nature Transformation.' It helped me train my earth element techniques so I figured, why not train some more, Right?" Sousetsu stood stoic and crossed his arms during his short speech. He was wondering how the training might turn out this day. Would it become a failure? Or would it become another success? Only time could tell. The birds could be heard chirping, calling out to one another as they were nesting in a nearby tree which was located in the courtyard of the academy. The children were running around and playing, some were practicing even before the school actually opened. It was quite admirable of the few who wished to better themselves. The fellow Leaf shinobi looked Sousetsu up and down and smirked. "Well, I wish you the best of luck! Training elements can prove to be quite challenging and frustrating. Make sure to take breaks regularly but I see you have already planned for that, haha!" He laughed as he had seen the picnic basket in the Senju's hand. Sousetsu returned the laugh before the school bells could be heard. He gave a blank look before returning his gaze to the sensei and sighed slightly.

He bowed formally once again as did the sensei. "I'm sorry for keeping you late from your class, Sensei. I will not keep you waiting any longer. See you around! Sousetsu spoke with another sense of eagerness, almost urging to go on his way ton the library. The sensei smiled and wished him well on his travels and his training before rushing to the doors of the academy. The sounds of the children scolding the teacher was quite comedic that the young Senju had to giggle even if it was only a little. He remembered the days when he was an academy student. The friends he had made and how they acted similarly to these children. Some were pranksters while others were book smart. Sousetsu fell into the book smart category of course, learning as much as his mind could handle and more. He smirked one last time at the scene of children and the ghosts of the past haunting his memories in a cherished way. He held those memories dear to him along with many others. Before long, the children had entered the building and Sousetsu made his way to the library with a hasty pace of walking.

Words: 1269/4000 [Earth Element Training A>S]

14Sousetsu's Training [solo,closed] Empty Re: Sousetsu's Training [solo,closed] Fri Jul 19, 2013 7:24 pm

Sousetsu Senju

Sousetsu Senju

Upon reaching the library the young man gazed upon the words on the sign to confirm his destination. He smiled as he looked at the very building responsible for keeping history and fictitious books alike safe and for our enjoyment. The words written down on paper were stories that you could relive over and over again from our favourite characters, while others gave us more knowledge about the world that revolved around them from many famous authors. He made his way inside and greeted the librarian who was a woman of middle to old age, sweet, gentle and caring to the eyes. She greeted Sousetsu also and showed him the way to the desired book that he had asked for. Once he had possession of said book he turned and formally bowed to the woman to give thanks for her services. He eyes had served him well as she was sweet enough to let Sousetsu take the book out with him to enjoy the wonderful weather they had been having lately. She refused to him stay in to read in the sweetest way, encouraging him to enjoy himself. He promised in return to keep the book safe from harm and return it in the condition he had found it which she happily agreed to in return.

After saying his goodbyes and leaving the library with the book in his back pouch, Sousetsu made his way to the Village gates. He had met up with the gates guards and waved with another warm smile on his face. One of the guards waved back while the other bowed slightly. They were rather nice to not bother Sousetsu after knowing his face all these years. Usually, they would ask if they had permission to leave but they knew Sousetsu well enough to know that he was just training in the small southern forest outside of the gates. They had ran into him many times there while they were assigned to missions and had to pass through and they knew he was not a trouble maker. It was a pleasure to know that he was a regular and friendly face to them. They were almost like friends even though they had never properly introduced themselves but they were Leaf shinobi after all. He approached them slowly and reached into his basket of many snacks and withdrew two apples for the pair of guards. They gracefully accepted and gave thanks to Sousetsu before letting him on his way to his training area.

The look on their faces were enough to make Sousetsu happy. The thought of being on guard duty would give anyone an appetite, especially this early in the morning. The young Senju took out a sandwich for himself and bit into it as he left the village. It was lightly buttered with a slice of ham and a few pieces of lettuce which would keep himself satisfied for a while during his training. The road gathered dust with each step he took. It was dry and scattered easily when the wind breezed by. He was halfway through his snack before he looked up briefly at the sun where the blinding light caused him to divert his eyes almost immediately upon contact. He then focused on the trees and how the leaves rustled with the breeze. It was soothing to the Senju and reminded him of the day when he could first use the wood element within his techniques. His first technique of course was still among his favourite, the prison jutsu. It had served him more than once and was often successful. He held captive many ninja whom he had not wished to kill by his own hand. He believed that contracts should be given to the man or woman in charge and so, he simply detained them and handed them over to them.

Words: 1910/4000 [Earth Element Training A>S]

15Sousetsu's Training [solo,closed] Empty Re: Sousetsu's Training [solo,closed] Fri Jul 19, 2013 8:19 pm

Sousetsu Senju

Sousetsu Senju

The Senju soon found himself in his preferred training area in the small southern forest of the Village hidden in the Leaves. It was a rather spacious area surrounded by trees, plants and bushes. A stream of water could be heard within the distance to give it a more serene touch to the wildlife area he had resided in for his training sessions. The sounds of the many insects calling to one another and the birds that chirped their sweet melodies coincided to give off a sound of an orchestral sound of nature and what it had to offer. The weather was beautiful now, warm with a breeze that rustled the leaves and the sounds of the water from the stream could be heard crashing along the banks which made the scenery even more beautiful than it was. He placed the basket of food to a nearby tree and sat next to it. He retrieved the book he had borrowed from the library from his back pouch and began flipping through the pages to find the familiar notes that he had once read. He scanned through them while blindly reaching into the basket to find a bottle of water that he had stored there.

Before long, he had the bottle of water in his grasp and pulled it from the basket. He opened and drank the water, the feeling of the liquid rush to the back of his throat and down his system was refreshing and began to feel more at ease before skimming through the notes. "Earth Release is one of the basic elemental nature transformation techniques and allow the user to manipulate the surrounding earth for offensive and defensive purposes or create it; be it dirt, mud, or rock. Read that already." Sousetsu reminded himself before moving on to the next set of notes. "Earth Release techniques have the ability to change the strength and composition of the earth from being as hard as metal to as soft as clay, as well as manipulating their density, making them heavier or lighter. This includes allowing the user to travel through ground and rock in various ways which can be essential for both transportation and for setting up attacks or creating defenses or for offence. Indeed, this makes earth techniques one of the most versatile of the elemental techniques. Pre-existing earth is not necessary though, for the user can create it with their own chakra. Yep, read this." Sousetsu sighed as he thought he was getting nowhere. He looked into the book with more depth, taking the off sip of his beverage to calm him and keep hydrated and focused with the task at hand. He came across something that he did not know which seemed to have changed his mood from his disappointed expressions to a more enthusiastic tone.

He had read a similar section before but this part went into more detail which had caught his eye. "When creating a ninjutsu, the two methods of manipulating chakra are referred to as Shape Transformation and Nature Transformation. Shape Transformation deals with controlling the form, movement, and potency of chakra. Nature Transformation usually deals with changing the physical properties of chakra into an element. These two methods can be implemented separately or together in order to create a technique." Sousetsu took another sip of his beverage. He had already knew this much but was determined to know more. He tightened his back so that it stood straight and would not slouch over which would inevitably give him a bad posture. "A good way to build up chakra in the body is to spin it into a tight spiral. Whether to spin the chakra left or right is dependent on the way the user's hair grows, either to the right or left." The young Senju's eyes widened. It was that simple? He felt the hairs on the back center of his head to find a right spiral movement. He was now more clear and understanding of the chakra control to help improve his elemental abilities. Who knew such a small piece of information could be so vital to such a major asset to a ninja?

Words: 2607/4000 [Earth Element Training]

16Sousetsu's Training [solo,closed] Empty Re: Sousetsu's Training [solo,closed] Fri Jul 19, 2013 8:50 pm

Sousetsu Senju

Sousetsu Senju

With a much smoother way of developing chakra he decided to test it out. He moved over to the center of the arena that the trees had made. The ground was soft and ready for use for Sousetsu to manipulate at his disposal. He performed the necessary hand seals after mustering up the chakra needed with ease and place his hands on the earth before him. The earth soon formed an almost perfect platform for Sousetsu to sit on and look down upon the area. The platform was five feet wide in radius and stood at six feet tall. It was a rather easy exercise for him to grasp yet, he did not know that developing the chakra was as simple as rotating it in the same direction of the spiral of his hair. It was useful to know for future purposes. He also grasped the idea of shape and element manipulation that little bit more which was a necessity to his training. He looked around the area and scanned for any person that was nearby but he was alone in this forest for all he knew. It was more of a precautionary procedure than anything. He did a double check on his belongings before leaping to the top of the platform. It was as high as he had felt right now. Progressing as a ninja was a difficult task but he was making it seem possible step by step.

He then began to proceed to his usual meditating process. He sat with his back straight and legs crossed with his hands resting on top of his knees. He closed his eyes and remained perfectly still, a feature he had learned from the Monkey King in his Senjutsu training. The flow of nature energy was mixing into his physical and spiritual energy, combining the three and feeling a sense of relaxation and restoration. The sounds of the wildlife continued to create a melody known well by the young Senju before the birds began to perch themselves upon his person. He had this effect when it came to nature energy and Senjutsu, animals would present themselves openly to Sousetsu and rest on him as he remained perfectly still, just as the small and young monkeys did acting as a type of counterbalance to help keep him still. Birds however did not weigh much so did not have such an effect on this. They chirped more peacefully upon Sousetsu though. You could say that they felt serene around him as he did to them.

He began to listen to nature respectively as he always did. He felt to the earth that he was perched on and began to feel what it was like to be one with nature. The soil was soft yet hard. It was dry and many insects could be seen emerging and retreating once the birds had found their prey. They must have felt the same way the birds had with Sousetsu in order for them to come up and greet them. Before long, the day was coming to the afternoon. It was almost lunch time for Sousetsu and so he opened his eyes slowly and stood from where he sat. A few birds took off but the latter stayed with him as he made his way over to the tree. He retrieved a sandwich from his basket of snacks and tore pieces of bread from it to feed his new wild friends. They took the bread with a swift swipe from their beaks when handed to them before they guzzled them down before Sousetsu took a rather large bite of the delicious bite size meal he had prepared himself for his breaks. He took two more bites before scattering the remains of the sandwich on the earth before them for the birds to freely take what they chose to eat. It was peaceful watching the birds feed from their natural habitat even though the food was taken from the Village hidden in the Leaves.

Words: 3273/4000 [Earth Element Training]

17Sousetsu's Training [solo,closed] Empty Re: Sousetsu's Training [solo,closed] Fri Jul 19, 2013 9:22 pm

Sousetsu Senju

Sousetsu Senju

He stood up once more, which caused the birds to all flock away back to their respective branches where they once resided, and performed more hand seals before slamming his hands into the ground. He felt the presence within the earth, the density and began shaping and manipulating it to his every will. A rather large sculpture like statue emerged in the shape of a golem. A large warrior was created as a monument to prove his understanding of the earth element. The birds began to flock to it, perching themselves on various locations. It became a type of bird sanctuary and really did look well where it was placed. He decided to keep it there so that when he would return he would see how far he had taken himself as a ninja of the Leaf Village. He had done himself proud and stood rather stoically with his arms crossed gazing upon his work of art.

By the end of the afternoon, the young Senju had packed away his things and lifted them to bring home with him. He had learned much from the training of his earth element. It was just as fluent in the earth element as he was in the water element now and was an achievement to be proud of. He had mastered three elements now including his wood element nature that came hand in hand with the training that he had provided himself. He smiled openly to the area that he had spent many times training and achieving much from his hard efforts. He said his farewells to the sounds of the forest that he was so accustomed to growing up. The wildlife animals sounded almost as if they were singing songs of a farewell to Sousetsu also, but of course that was just in his mind. He made his way back on the dusty trail that he had taken on his way to the small southern forest to the Village hidden in the Leaves. The trail was just as messy in the wind as it was before. The sun could be still be greeted although it was going going down to give the atmosphere a healthy amber red glow in the skies. The clouds moved slowly across the skies but at a rather smooth pace at that.

When he arrived, he had noticed the two guards were just preparing to trade shifts with another couple. The two that knew him as a regular waved at him with a warm smile, probably from the gesture of the apples he had given them earlier, which he happily returned with a wave also. He turned his head back to the front of his body and continued to walk to the library in hopes to return the book that he had borrowed from earlier. Luckily enough, he had caught the library still open a few minutes before closing time and gave the book back to the woman who he had seen earlier. He also gave her a formal bow as he respected his elders enough to do so in appreciation for the middle to old age woman to allow him to take the book out with him to the forest for training. She smiled wildly and asked if it helped him in many to which Sousetsu gladly approved of with a wider smile than hers. He chuckled slightly before making his way past the ninja academy, taking the same route that had done this morning.

He came across the teacher who he had seen before he ventured out to train. He was locking up the academy and turned to the surprise of Sousetsu standing and grinning. "Oh, Sousetsu! Trying to give me a fright? How did the training go?" he remarked jokingly. Sousetsu nodded and gave the grin that he so infamously was beginning to wear across his face. "Sorry, Sensei! The training went well I think. I now have a much better understanding of elements and pretty much everything to do with it now." Sousetsu gloated slightly. It was probably a spur of the moment type speech to show off but he was far too happy to care much of what others thought at this moment. The sensei gave a stern look before immediately changing it to a more positive look. "Well, congratulations! Maybe you could come back and give another lesson, eh? You should hurry on home now and get some rest." the teacher said with another joking matter. Sousetsu giggled and agreed to his offer. He formally bowed to which the sensei returned before leaping out of sight. He was now at home. He unlocked the door and let himself in his domain, leaving his equipment in the hallway. He hurried over to the kitchen and began shoveling for pots and pans to begin making his dinner. A meal well deserved, decided to treat himself with pork.

Words: 4086/4000 [Earth Element Training]

18Sousetsu's Training [solo,closed] Empty Re: Sousetsu's Training [solo,closed] Sun Jul 21, 2013 7:22 pm

Sousetsu Senju

Sousetsu Senju


Sousetsu could be found in his favourite barbecue restaurant. Before him, he laid down eight strips of pork on the barbecue in the center of the table with a side dish of rice and vegetables to help compliment the meal while a glass of lemonade stood at the opposite side of the plate to help wash down the remains of the food. He held in his hand a pair of chopsticks which he used to flip the pork to help cook the other side further. He picked up his first piece and ate it with haste as it was too hot for him to handle at first but slowed to a more chewing pace soon enough and savored the taste as it filled his taste buds with delight. Barbecue pork was among his favourite foods and decided to treat himself this day. He took a sip of his cool beverage and continued eating another slice of pork before scoffing down some rice and vegetables. He looked at his surroundings to find the usual layout and only a few people other than him occupying tables. Business seemed to be running a little slow although it was only lunch time, their busiest times was in the evening at dinner time of course. He looked around to find the waiter awaiting to assist anyone further. He waved the woman down in order to send him his bill to pay for his meal even though he was only half way through eating.

When he seen the bill, he placed his hand by his side to find the pouch where he usually carried his wallet and paid the sufficient amount of funds for the meal. He liked to have things ready for his leave. He swallowed some more rice and vegetables before taking another few slices of pork, finishing the meat and hastily ate the remaining side dishes. After a hard swallow which gave a hard pressure to his throat he lifted the glass of lemonade and swallowed it whole to help lubricate for the remaining food to wash down with ease. He stood up and bowed to the waiter and then to the chef who could be seen through a large square cut out on the wall behind the counter who returned the gesture to give thanks for eating at their restaurant. Before long, he made his way outside and breathed a sigh of relief. It was quite an enjoyable meal that left him with his infamous grin that he wore across his face. He then pondered at what he would do the rest of the day as he was free from any duties or missions.

It dawned on the young Senju that there was something he was looking to do for some time. It was regarding a jutsu he had learned when he first became a Genin. He had an ability known as: 'Wild Water Wave', a water release technique. Water gushes out from the mouth like a waterfall and washes away the enemy. One can freely control the power of this technique with the amount chakra one releases. Having many variations, this is a basic Water Release technique. Due to the nature of water, this technique works especially well against smoke-based attacks and can be used to douse fires. The damage output from this ability is not severe as it is mainly a force to be pushed back and pinning them for a short moment, interrupting the opponent which they can recover from. They key description of this technique was that it had many variations. He had never tried out another variation before and maybe this was the day to do so. He thought for a brief moment about a variation of the technique but the most obvious one came to mind which was through his palms. He smirked and made his way to the Village hidden in the Leaves gate, there he would travel the short distance to the small southern forest of the village in order to train in his most comfortable spot. That, and he did not know where else to train in the village as he had grown to accustom to his own field separate from others.

Words: 700/1000

19Sousetsu's Training [solo,closed] Empty Re: Sousetsu's Training [solo,closed] Sun Jul 21, 2013 7:34 pm

Sousetsu Senju

Sousetsu Senju

Upon his arrival, the familiar features of his training area gave him a sense of serenity. The trees, plants and bushes alive waved with the wind almost as if they were greeting the young Senju home. It was a type of home away from home to Sousetsu. The sounds of birds chirping and insects calling to one another gave off a harmonious tone. Sousetsu stood stoically with his arms crossed. He was not wearing his Senju armour but only a black jumpsuit as he knew he would not be here for much longer. His high frequency blade did not accompany him either this time. He was more vulnerable than usual but not many people ever crossed his path while he was here. The suns rays could be seen seeping through the leaves as he began to prepare for the oncoming training by stretching and then meditating for a small moment. His eyes were closed but his hearing was sharp. He could hear the leaves rustling and a not so distant stream crashing against the banks. The wind blew his hair into a frantic state which did not seem to bother him. He was becoming one with nature as some people would say.

He then stood up from where he sat and placed two fingers by his mouth before water came rushing out of mouth. It was the 'Wild water wave' technique. He used this jutsu to get the feel of the energy and chakra used to perform it. All he needed to do was channel this to one of his palms. He placed his left arm on his right form arm and focused the energies and chakra needed to perform the jutsu in its original form. Before long, a jet stream of water came rushing from his palms in a similar fashion to the original which meant that this jutus was a success. He smirked as he soaked some of the plants in the process. It would not be long before he became some sort of gardener, although being a Senju it kind of came with the perks of being a wood user. He then thought that he made his way out here already so he might as well stayed for a while longer, perching himself on a tree branch after leaping up to it. He closed his eyes and dozed off as the sun was slowly making its way down for the moon to rise.

1106/1000 Words

20Sousetsu's Training [solo,closed] Empty Re: Sousetsu's Training [solo,closed] Mon Jul 22, 2013 6:53 pm

Sousetsu Senju

Sousetsu Senju


Sousetsu spent the morning at his usual training spot in the southern small forest. It was approaching midday before he decided to wake from his nap from the tree branch he lay on. He awoke with his back against the tree and his right leg dangling down below the branch. He opened his eyes to find that the usually milk coloured texture had turned to a mild red from his lack of sleep. He yawned and stretched out his limbs in harmony to help speed up the process of becoming more lively as he had chosen this day to train a new jutsu. He did not know which technique of course but had his book handy for just the occasion. He leaped down from where he had dozed off and proceeded to look through his bag that he had brought with him to and soon found the book in question. He stood tall and stoic as he glanced through each page in hopes of finding a technique that stood out to him. Soon enough, a technique with a rather powerful name had reached out to him; 'Water Release: Water Dragon Bullet Technique'.

He gave off a rather impressed and look of being intrigued by this technique as it may become a very good asset to his arsenal of jutsu. He placed his fingers along the page while his opposite hand held the book in place and ensured that none of the pages would flip over while he read. 'This technique shapes a large amount of water into a giant, powerful dragon, which hits the opponent with formidable might and a speed of thirty metres per second, dealing physical damage enough to bruise the targets body/ submerging them in water at an injured state. The ideal place to use it is near a body of water, but it is possible to use it even in a place where there is none.' This meant that without a sufficient water supply this technique would be difficult to learn. Sousetsu thought about this for a short moment before realizing that it would be best to learn the technique without the large body of water to assist him. It would be more useful that way and he would not have to travel to find the source necessary. The young Senju had already been feeling drained enough as it was but it was another challenge he was willing to accept in order to improve his body's physical strength and his mental capabilities and stamina.

He became more awake when he read further that this technique was among the few jutsu that required an awful lot of hand seals, forty-four to be exact. His face dropped and gave off a rather childish sigh which was unlike him. He then read which hand seals were normally used to perfom this jutsu: 'Ox, Monkey, Hare, Rat, Boar, Bird, Ox, Horse, Bird, Rat, Tiger, Dog, Tiger, Snake, Ox, Ram, Snake, Boar, Ram, Rat, Yang Water, Monkey, Bird, Dragon, Bird, Ox, Horse, Ram, Tiger, Snake, Rat, Monkey, Hare, Boar, Dragon, Ram, Rat, Ox, Monkey, Bird, Yang Water, Rat, Boar, Bird.' His face dropped even lower, it would have been a task to learn this series of hand seals let alone preparing the jutsu. Also, he thought that with this technique he would need more time to prepare and would have not much time to do so unless he was protected. Luckily for the young Senju he had already learned valuable jutsu to help him with that matter. He then skimmed through the next few lines and read that this technique did not have a fixed amount of hand seals required. He glanced through the various options and came across a shorter version: 'Tiger, Ox, Dragon, Hare, Dog, Bird, Rat, Yang Water, Dragon, Ram.' It was a more appropriate size he had to admit.

Words: 644/1500

21Sousetsu's Training [solo,closed] Empty Re: Sousetsu's Training [solo,closed] Mon Jul 22, 2013 7:45 pm

Sousetsu Senju

Sousetsu Senju

The young Leaf shinobi then read further into the book that the second Hokage, Tobirama Senju could use this technique with just one hand seal to prove his strength in combat. It was very impressive in Sousetsu's eyes as this man was his idol when it came to the family tree of the Senju. He created many techniques and surpassed those who dared move in his way. Little did Sousetsu know that he was identical to the second Hokage in terms of personality wise. He had read about him in historical books and took on his traits subconsciously. He possessed event he same pose that he once had. He then thought of the structure of the dragon with a picture to show how it should look. He then thought of the speed of the dragon, it had to be thirty metres per second in speed which would prove to be difficult also. With the hand seal amount required lowered to a more reasonable number, Sousetsu was more determined to learn this technique and even become an equal to Tobirama Senju.

He made his way to the center of the training field he resided in. The surrounding trees made it feel like an arena of some sort. The wind picked up the pace for a short moment causing the leaves on the trees and bushes alike to rustle with each fluent motion. The sun seeped through leaving rays of sunlight visible and appearing among the many flowers which looked rather beautiful to the naked eye. Flies and other insects could also be seen circling the lit up areas while the birds and other wildlife could be heard in the short distance, creating an orchestral score of music of the wildlife. The sounds of a soft stream could also be heard crashing against the banks that contained the water. Sousetsu sat in the center and began to meditate. He sat perfectly still which he had learned from his Senjutsu training from the Monkey King and his associates not too long ago in the Dense Forest of Konoha. The sun kissed his neck while the breeze kept him cool and moved his hair from side to side as it tried to sit in its natural pose.

Before long, the young Senju stood from where he sat and began to form the short version hand seals necessary for the technique. As he produced each hand seal, he also began to mold the chakra and water nature alike inside of him, creating the water dragon bullet technique. He gave his best effort, almost as if he was trying to impress the second Hokage as if he was standing before him, judging him with his acts and to see if he could really be called a shinobi of the Hidden Leaf Village. As the hand seals had ended and lingering with the last of them a water dragon was summoned, over looking him and facing the same direction as he was. The water looked as if it was a stream but in a form of a dragon. It reacted by gazing down at Sousetsu as he did the same looking up at it. It looked rather fierce but it also seemed like it was waiting for something, it was waiting for Sousetsu's orders.

Words: 1193/1500

22Sousetsu's Training [solo,closed] Empty Re: Sousetsu's Training [solo,closed] Mon Jul 22, 2013 7:56 pm

Sousetsu Senju

Sousetsu Senju

With a grin on his face, the young Senju ordered for the dragon to rise into the air which it did at full speed. It was faster than he had imagined arriving into the air in no time at all. It was a hunter and Sousetsu had to tell it where its prey was. A truly remarkable ability. He then ordered it to rush back down and circle him with haste. It responded fully giving Sousetsu another grin to show off. The dragon also sounded like a stream of water as it lingered in position but sounded as if it was a rushing stream when active. Sousetsu then decided to test its limits in distance. He ordered it to rush in a direction far from him but dissipated within seconds. It had reached a distance around fifteen metres before it was cancelled, a key importance to this technique. It was quick and agile much like Sousetsu yet if not controlled to a full extent it would easily be destroyed even by his own hand. As the water dragon exploded, the sun picked up on the many trickles of water which then glistened which was a beautiful sight to behold.

The grin on his face was still going strong but soon died down. He became more serious in his matter of training and how he would one day become an equal to the second Hokage. Would he make him proud? Would he have even been acknowledged if he was born in the same time period? The wind returned and blew his hair one more time as he gazed at the water shining in mid air in the distance. He wondered about back in those days and if it was easier back then than it was now, before the war anyway. Many questions filled Sousetu's head but he could never know the answer.

Words: 1505/1500

23Sousetsu's Training [solo,closed] Empty Re: Sousetsu's Training [solo,closed] Sun Jul 28, 2013 3:37 pm

Sousetsu Senju

Sousetsu Senju


It was becoming a late routine of Sousetsu sleeping in on his days off, sadly, the sun was not present to awaken him from his slumber this day. It was almost noon when Sousetsu finally mustered up the strength to open those heavy eyes he had received during his slight comatose state. He sat up in his bed and swung his body to the side so his feet could touch the ground beneath him. With a powerful yawn and stretch, Sousetsu stood only to be greeted with a slight daze of becoming light headed. He made his way to the restroom, walking into the arch of the doorway on his way in. He took a mild shower and cleaned his teeth once he had finished. Smiling to his satisfaction to the mirror before him he made his way back to his room to fit his armour emblazoned with the Senju symbol worn over a simple black jumpsuit, with a distinctive white fur collar. This armour was constructed from numerous blue metal plates, formed into multiple protective guards along the wearers body, in particular: chest, waist, shoulders and upper arms, that he infamously wore. He made his way over to the corner of the room to which his weapon of choice, the High Frequency Blade, lay. The blade was three feet and three inches long, black customized handle with silver linings the outer blade.

He made his way downstairs with needless haste but what better way to start the day with a nice piece of toast and apple juice to wash it down. Finishing his small meal and washing up afterwards, he made his way to the front door, fixing his hair by the mirror before hand. After locking the door behind him, Sousetsu made his way through the streets of Konaha. The many markets were occupied by the good people of the leaf village. Small children running around with one another while adults tried to make sure they were safe, other adults simply passed by to purchase the goods the markets had to offer. He continued his journey towards the Village gates where he acknowledged the guards at the village's south gates by nodding his head he left making his way to his usual training area. He leaped to the overlapping trees and made haste allowing the wind to show slight force on his journey accompanying the leaves as they brushed passed him, whistling with the wind. The breeze soothed his face and made him feel more refreshed and his hair flailed from back and forth wildly and aimlessly. Before long, he reached the small forest south of the village. The people who took this path were often headed towards the village docks to embark on a journey to the large and vast ocean. He soon reached his usual training spot were the air and scenery were familiar and acted as a second home to Sousetsu. He decided to start off his training with meditation as he commonly did before he would begin with deciding the technique he would learn this day.

Words: 513/1500

24Sousetsu's Training [solo,closed] Empty Re: Sousetsu's Training [solo,closed] Sun Jul 28, 2013 8:59 pm

Sousetsu Senju

Sousetsu Senju

Moments passed and the young Senju could be seen accompanied by the various species of birds that were perching on his person, from his shoulders to his knees. The Sage technique of meditation required Sousetsu to remain perfectly still and the gather of nature energy seemed to have an effect on the wildlife around him, drawing them close to him as he proceeded. They chirped peacefully upon Sousetsu. You could say that they felt serene around him as he did to them. He began to listen to nature respectively as he always did. He felt the earth that he resided on and began to feel what it was like to be one with nature. The soil was soft yet hard. It was dry and many insects could be seen emerging and retreating once the birds had found their prey. They must have felt the same way the birds had with Sousetsu in order for them to come up and greet them. The young Senju opened his eyes slowly returning to his normal state of mind and found what he had been looking for. He needed a more advanced Clone Technique.

He already possessed the 'Water Clone Technique' which proved quite helpful but he needed something more. The water clones simply dispersed after a short distance from Sousetsu. He needed  scouts. Something more durable that could assist him on recon missions. He then thought about his own clan, the Senju clan. They specialized in wood and in history books the first hokage was told to be great with a 'Wood Clone Technique.' They were said to be great with fighting and defending, along with scouting for intelligence on the enemy at that time. Maybe Sousetsu could learn this technique in hopes that it would serve him a great purpose. Having a higher standard of clones also meant that in combat the battle could become more one sided and too his favour.  He gradually stood up and as he did so, the birds leaped into a flight to the tree branches to perch themselves upon them while Sousetsu had continued with his training. He took a few deep breaths and remembered how he had learned the water clone technique.

"The Water Clone Technique is similar to the Shadow Clone Technique except it creates clones out of water that have one-tenth of the original person's power. Like other solid clone techniques, the clones can be used to perform tasks the user is unable or unwilling to do for themselves. The range of the clone is limited however, as it can not travel very far from the original body without losing control. Like other clone techniques, if the water clones are injured enough they will revert back to normal water." Sousetsu thought to himself. He thought of how he had changed the amount of water needed to make clones out of them and must try and make the same assumption to a wood clone. But there was no wood within a human being, so maybe he could form a clone completely out of wood?


25Sousetsu's Training [solo,closed] Empty Re: Sousetsu's Training [solo,closed] Sun Jul 28, 2013 9:33 pm

Sousetsu Senju

Sousetsu Senju

Performing a series of hand seals that Sousetsu would normally use for a wood technique, wood emerged from the ground but appeared as a deformed shape of himself before retreating back into the ground. With a confused look on his face, the young Senju was unaware of what he had done wrong. He then remembered a time when he taught the wood technique to a fellow Senju clan shinobi. He said something along the lines of; "...You become one with nature. Clear your mind, and remember that with the wood release, you must create life." and "Do not over exert the use of chakra. This technique has to be balanced with your body, mind and chakra in order for it to work." Even when he was younger he seemed to have been wise and heeded his own words. He had to create the wood but he still was not sure with what he was doing wrong. The last phrase seemed to run over his head through and through. The technique had to be balanced with his body. Maybe this clone technique could not be summoned from the earth but from Sousetsu himself.

He formed the series of hand seals once again but focused on himself. Before long, two clones emerged from his shoulders with a wooden texture at first before forming into a full clone of his attire and equipment alike. It was perfect. The wooden clone technique was a success. Or so he thought at this current moment in time. He looked over the clones thoroughly and with greater inspection, he noticed that there was very little wrong with its appearance. He ordered them to fight to which they heeded his orders and put on quite the show. They fought just as he would, mimicking his every move as they blocked each others offensive moves. With a grin on his face he let them stop with the small spar of hand to hand combat. He then had to test the limit that they could travel from Sousetsu. The young Senju leaped into the trees before them and had the clones run in opposite directions for as far as they could. Sousetsu focused on his clones through meditating once more and waited until the distance would dissipate them from existence.

After a moment of waiting the wooden clones had vanished at around five hundred metres. This was rather fascinating and valuable in terms of scouting for him. This proved to be a very useful technique indeed to add to Sousetsu's arsenal of jutsu. Delighted with the outcome, Sousetsu had yet another grin on his face before standing tall and crossing his arms. He had come a long way from the ninja academy. He was growing stronger each passing day and was proud of it. He then wondered what to do next. Should he stay here and try to learn another jutsu while he had the day to himself? Or should he sleep it off back in his home in the Village hidden in the Leaves? Sousetsu soon decided to stay. He would learn another jutsu soon enough but did give himself the reward of a nap in the early afternoon.

Words: 1556/1500

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