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1Spinny Chair! [A -Rank][Kusa - Konoha] Empty Spinny Chair! [A -Rank][Kusa - Konoha] Sat Jan 12, 2013 2:05 pm



Seeing that she had found her body guard she felt it was time to go out and work on that mission her father had given them. She was going to wait until she was sure Yakushi was as calm as he could be before she bothered trying to introduce him to Masami; didn't need the poor genin being killed just for being in the wrong place at the wrong time, not that she thought Yakushi would, if she ordered him not to she was damn sure he'd listen. She just didn't want to see that situation rise up at all. He was more then protective over her, had been since the day they had met so many years ago. She knew he'd die for her if she asked. Hell, she probably wouldn't even have to ask, he'd just do it anyway.

She gave her head a little shake, breaking herself out of her mental musings. She didn't even know if Masami was still in their shared living room quarters of the room she had rented, or in the rented space at all for that matter, having been so far deep into her own thoughts. Hell, an explosive could've gone off nearby and it probably wouldn't have phased her any. "Masami?", she spoke softly, but loud enough for her voice to carry. She was hoping the girl was nearby, as she didn't feel like having to hunt her down, not that she wouldn't in a heart beat. The girl was her responsibility, and as such it was her job to make sure she was safe and well cared for; a job she took very seriously.

She threw a glance around with her violet gaze, in case the girl was still nearby. "I feel like heading to the market.. to go hunting for that chair for my father." If Masami wasn't there then she was simply talking to herself, not that she minded.. it wouldn't be the first time at least, nor the last with the way things tended to happen with Demi.

She reached into her sweater, pulling free the scroll of parchment her father had written the mission on; in his own blood nonetheless. She unrolled it for a moment, just staring at the words without bothering to read them. She had memorized it by now several times over again. Could read it backwards word for word with how well she knew the writing on the paper. But, it was her father's writing, and there was something about it that just caught her attention and held it rather well. The way he wrote, the way the letters seemed to flow... and again she needed to stop letting herself get distracted.

So, for the hundredth time she snapped back to the present, looking around for the girl...

Word Count: 466 / 2,500


Masami was... lost. Greaaat. Demi had left her another note on the desk in her temporary bedroom. Their task was at hand... it was time. Time to look for a chair. A chair that spun. And so she set off to find her teacher.

Thus were the musings of the Fuzai as she attempted to make their mission sound way more epic than it actually was. And, of course, she got lost doing it, as she put waaay too much thought into things. She had seemingly taken a wrong turn. Left when she should have gone straight. And now she was in type place. She didn't know what to think of a rather secretive-looking part of the market that....

Oh god, is that a liver?

Masami needed to get out of here, and now. For once, her tendency to go unnoticed would pay off. All of these shady-looking people.... well, to say the least, it wouldn't look good for someone her age to be seen frantically running about. That fat guy especially... he just scared her.

After about three minutes of sprinting about, Masami literally saw the light at the end of the tunnel. Well, to be more precise, the light at the end of the tarp-covered alley, but anyway....

Masami was too focused on running away that she forgot to stop. She heard her name being called, albeit she couldn't figure out by who, so she turned in that direction. Ohlookthere'sDemi---ow.
....Stupid ground. The normally unnoticeable Fuzai tripped, drawing most everyone's attention to her. To wrap it all up, she kept going after she tripped. Demi was gonna kill her.....

[279/2500! 10% done! Wooot! /unneededenthusiasm]

3Spinny Chair! [A -Rank][Kusa - Konoha] Empty Re: Spinny Chair! [A -Rank][Kusa - Konoha] Mon Jan 14, 2013 11:16 am



Demi turned, having been in the midst of looking for Masami when she saw the girl falling into her. Blinking she held her arms out to catch the girl so that they both didn't tend up in a piled heap of arms and legs on the ground. She really didn't want her new sweater dirty so soon, after all. Or to have to mind fuck someone into shutting up; as she was damn sure people probably would have begun to laugh. "Careful, Masami, dear...don't need anyone getting hurt unnecessarily.", she said softly.

She turned glanced around with her violet colored gaze, biting her bottom lip as she contemplated where they should search first. "I take it you found my letter easy enough? I would have waited.. but I wanted to get a head start.", she said by way of explanation as she did so, adding on, "I don't want to leave my father waiting too long... else he might decide to go get himself his own spinning chair, eh? Though, at this rate we very well might have to just make one ourselves." Demi played with the idea, as she had in the past when thinking the mission over. It couldn't be that hard could it? Especially if they got some instructions books or how-to guides. She was more then willing to put up with a sore thumb or two to get the job done. What father wanted, father got. And she wasn't key to letting him wait that long. Besides, if they did end up making it themselves then they could make it as fast, decorative, and comfortable as possible... and she could make it look more like a throne.

She played with that mental image in her head for a moment; her father rolling, fast as lightning, down one of the many halls outside of his office in a chair that not only had wheels but spun; all while looking like some sort of king in the otherwise very throne like, high backed chair. The giggled for a moment out loud, unable to contain herself. Yeah.. if they didn't find what they were looking for here she hoped Masami was all for getting down and dirty with some chair building... because that image just amused Demi far too much for her to ignore for long. 'Maybe this is why he entrusted me with this mission compared to anyone else he could have ordered into doing it... because he knows I won't stop until I find the absolute perfect chair, and I won't settle for less just because it's easier.', she mentally mused to herself as she continued to look around for anything that happened to look like a shop that might sell furniture.. or a shop that looked like they might sell the supplies they would need to end up just making one themselves.

Word Count: 478
Total Count: 944 / 2,500


"Careful, Masami, dear...don't need anyone getting hurt unnecessarily. I take it you found my letter easy enough? I would have waited.. but I wanted to get a head start. I don't want to leave my father waiting too long... else he might decide to go get himself his own spinning chair, eh? Though, at this rate we very well might have to just make one ourselves."

Making a chair of that kind.... would they be able to do something like that? Masami was really unsure about this, as she didn't know what the Grass Shadow even wanted in the chair; he had given absolutely no specifications besides that it roll and have wheels. Although.... that's why Demi was here, huh? Not only was she on a mission so she needed protection, Demi was Maxi's daughter. She knew what he liked and disliked...or Masami hoped she did. The Fuzai did not want to suffer the supposed demented ruthlessness that Maxi was known for... Come to think of it, she had never seen him before. Like, ever. Which worried her. Not knowing who your village's leader even looked like... was Masami too trusting?

She looked around the Market District of the Hidden Leaf Village. This place was much more tame than the dark bazaar she'd been to before.... people were selling all manner of things here. As she and her mentor-slash-Sensei made their way down the long, rather narrow street, practically the only thing she didn't see was a chair that spun. She could tell that these chairs didn't spin because they didn't have a central axis on which to do that whimsical action. Whimsical. She liked that word. Masami resolved to use it more often.

Either they neared the end of the street, she started to talk to her sensei. "D....Demi? I don't think we're going to find a spinning chair here. I remember everything we saw while we walked down this road. Uh... if you do want to make one....I do recall that there were some small rotator-type things. They looked like they originally belonged on a transport dolly or something... and, uh.... there were plenty of chairs there, so finding a seat wouldn't be a problem... Should we go look for stuff and I'll tell you along the way?" She realized she was rambling a bit, and trailed off with an awkward laugh.




As they walked down the street Demi began to go over random designs she had seen; all in her head. Some were smaller chairs, far too small for an adult to sit on, with little designs etched into them all over. Then there were other chairs; which would look rather appropriate in a dining room type setting - they too had designs on them. Then the idea for a throne looking chair popped into her mind. Something large that demanded attention and respect. Perhaps covered in dark purple velvet cushions for the arms, back and butt area of the chair. With wood carvings of random scenes of battle, perhaps the Malkavia clan symbol etched delicately into the head rest; outlined in jewels. Yes! This, this was what she wanted to make her father! And it would have wheels! One on each corner! A rolling throne! It would be perfect, and she was sure her father would just love it!

Hearing Masami's voice she focused back in on the girl, ignoring the thoughts that were still swarming around in her head like a shaken up bunch of bee's. Yes, they would need supplies; lots of them. Only the finest things for her father. "Yes, yes... we shall get wheels, and wood. Then we'll find some purple velvet cloth, and the best material to act as cushioning. We'll make it entirely from scratch, and it will be like a throne. We'll need tools to carve the wood into designs, and jewels to add in as well."

She cackled at this point, the image of the throne coming back into her mind once more as she turned, making her way back up the street and making a beckoning motion with her hand for Masami to follow her. "Oh, Masami, if only you could see what was inside of my head." She tapped herself on the temple lightly with her right hand. "If only you could see the wondrous image that is forming... Ah well, I'll draw it out soon enough with the specs, then! Then you shall see!" She cackled again, her madness leaking out as she walked up to the street! "Masami, I'm going to go get the jewels.. here!" She reached into her pocket, pulling forth a small bag of money and handing it out to the girl. "Take this, go buy us a good supply of wood! And those little wheels you spoke of! Then meet me back here! I have a jewel merchant to talk to!"

She then moved over, a good ten feet or so, to the jewel merchant, preparing to ask about any sort of purple stones the man might be willing to sell her... She waved to the man to grab his attention, cackling like she was very much insane before she leaned forward on the counter to get a better look at all that the man had to offer. "What sort of purple jewels do you have, sir?"...

Word Count: 493
Total Count: 1,437 / 2,500

Last edited by Demi King on Tue Jan 22, 2013 11:18 am; edited 1 time in total

6Spinny Chair! [A -Rank][Kusa - Konoha] Empty Re: Spinny Chair! [A -Rank][Kusa - Konoha] Tue Jan 22, 2013 10:53 am


"Yes, yes... we shall get wheels, and wood. Then we'll find some purple velvet cloth, and the best material to act as cushioning. We'll make it entirely from scratch, and it will be like a throne. We'll need tools to carve the wood into designs, and jewels to add in as well. Oh, Masami, if only you could see what was inside of my head. If only you could see the wondrous image that is forming... Ah well, I'll draw it out soon enough with the specs, then! Then you shall see! Masami, I'm going to go get the jewels.. here! Take this, go buy us a good supply of wood! And those little wheels you spoke of! Then meet me back here! I have a jewel merchant to talk to!" Masami's head was spinning. Demi spoke just a little too quickly for her; she thought that she caught everything that her sensei wanted her to do, though. Wood, wheels, general materials. Okay.... she just had to remember where everything was. It would take a minute, was all; Masami trusted completely in her ability to recall things. It just didn't always come as easy to her. As she departed, she saw Demi looking, particularly interested, in amethysts. Beautiful stones, a deep purple. Should I get something to complement it? she wondered. Okay....when we were walking the opposite direction...the carpenter's was the fourth stall on the left, after your first turn....Can't get lost now. That would be worse than being late, ehehehe....

Finally, Demi found the woodworker's shop. It appeared as if he was ready to close up for the day... "Uhh, sir? May I trouble you for one last bout of business before you go home?" The man didn't look annoyed at her...more like exhausted. "Eh, sure. What strikes your fancy?" Masami looked around his wares. He had quite the selection of wood; of course, this was not surprising, this was the Village Hiding in Tree-Leaves. Cedar, pine, oak.....Masami knew what Demi would say if she got that....Boooooooring.

Ooh. This wood was an interesting color. It was....light, but dark. Not marbled, it more had a kind of 'sheen' to it. She liked it. "Mister....what's this wood called?" The nice carpenter gave the Fuzai his encyclopedia of trees to look at. By color...and texture....this wood was of the genus Tsuba. In other words, it's...


Wait, no, it wasn't actually hemlock hemlock. Not poisonous. Or at least not deathly so. "Uh, I'll probably need all that you have. We're taking on a big project." The man seemed elated. "Really, now? You're one of the first people to see that this wood isn't actually deadly. It's been sitting here for awhile, but it's actually very hardy. Beautiful too. You made a good choice....2000 should do for the whole thing." Masami, while walking, had already counted out how much Ryo was in the small bag that Demi gave her. She would have.....500 extra. Probably enough for those wheel thingies. The man placed the wood, wrapped up, on a transport dolly; Masami, though strong, couldn't carry all of that wood herself. She paid him another 500 for the dolly itself.... Now she had wood AND the wheels. Masami hoped that Demi would be pleased. She wheeled the four-wheeled flatbed back to where her teacher was.


7Spinny Chair! [A -Rank][Kusa - Konoha] Empty Re: Spinny Chair! [A -Rank][Kusa - Konoha] Tue Jan 22, 2013 11:17 am



"Ma'am, what exactly are you looking for?", asked the jeweler. The man looked... well, annoyed. And he was, Demi could tell, and it was making her slightly gleeful on the inside.

"Amethysts, but I don't want them to put them in a ring or jewelry. They're going to be for a decoration for something I'm creating... so I'll need several different shapes, if you have them?"

"Of course... how many do you think you'll need and what shapes? If I don't have them, I'm sure I could cut them for you." The jeweler was obviously shocked by this point; but not in a bad way. Apparently, the idea that he was about to make a boat load of money off of this had changed his tune rather quickly.

"I'll need several of them cut in circles, a few rectangles, and then.. if you could cut some in this shape...", she grabbed a blank piece of paper and a pencil off of the little shops counter and quickly drew out what looked to be the broken insides of a mirror. "Think you could do that for me?"

The man looked at the design for a moment and then nodded. "It'll cost a pretty fortune.. but I can do it for you."

Demi reached into her pocket, pulling forth another bag of Ryo. "I'm more than willing to pay any price."

The man's eyes grew wide as his gaze fixated itself on the bag. "Yes, yes ma'am, right away!" With that he disappeared into the back, behind a little make shift curtain. Demi could hear some sound of fumbling, and then a grinding noise. Obviously, the man was already hard at work.

She waited patiently, leaning against the counter, even yawning in her boredom. Eventually, the man returned with several boxes. He laid them down in front of her, opening the lid of each. Each contained layers of cushioned material holding several cut jewels on each and every one. "There you are ma'am."

"Thank you."
She handed over the appropriate amount of Ryo and then slipped the boxes into a rather large canvas bag where they would be safe. She noticed Masami returning and smiled as she walked over to her. She noticed the supplies she had got her hands on and cackled. "Sweet, we're almost ready.. now we just need some wood glue, nails, and a hammer.. along with some carving tools. Then we can head back to the hotel, we'll build it there. No one is in any of the rooms around us, so it's not like we'll be bothering anyone."

She nodded her head in the direction of the stall a few feet down, that held a display of all kinds of nails, hammers, and the like; building materials. She motioned with her hand for Masami to follow her as she walked to the shop. "Sir, I need a hammer, lots of nails, wood glue, and if you have some carving materials, those as well... also, I see you have some lovely dark purple colored drapes.. how much would I have to give you for you to be willing to part with them?"

"The drapes? I'd settle for about 100 Ryo for those, ma'am." The man didn't hesitate to grab the items she had asked for, it took all of a minute or so with how organized he had it all. "There you are, ma'am. Looks like you're about to accomplish a big project, eh?"

"Thank you, and we are." She paid the man, and slipped the items into another canvas bag that she pulled from her pocket, not wanting them to be in the same bag as the jewels. "Alright, Masami.. lets head back." With that said she began to walk again, heading back to the hotel they were staying at.

Word Count: 633
Total Count: 2,070 / 2,500

.oO( Feel free, to lead us the whole way to the hotel and into the room if you want. :3 )


All right....seems like it's time to get this show on the road....and the chair was going to be showy, if she saw all of the components right. The wood glue, wood and such were standard-issue....but those amethysts were something else. Usually that type of stone was pinkish....but these were deeper in color. Beautiful, in a hypnotizing kind of way. One thing she noticed that they were missing, though... What did she want on the arm-rests and seat? Velvet? Where would we find that....? Ehh. Guess we can go and find that after we get the frame finished. Oh. Didn't notice those....curtains? I wonder how that'll work out...

They passed by that....dark, creepy market again. Oh no. Someone bought the liver.... she saw someone walk out of that place with a cylindrical container, one very reminiscent of the liver's....Just looking at it, Masami became a bit shivery, just like if she was back in that shady place....

The rest of their walk was rather pleasant. The sun was past its highest point, now it was half between setting and midday. The breeze made its way through the narrow streets, despite there not being anything but buildings on both sides of the Kusa Jounin and Genin. The bellmen at the hotel kindly opened the two grand doors for both Demi and Masami; it would have surely been trouble. They both had their hands full doing other stuff. Like making sure that mountain of stuff didn't topple over. Thankfully, the hotel also had access to a lift. Masami did not like to think about how they would have gotten that stuff up the stairs. She would have hated to mess them up; they were rather beautiful, with nice carpeting and windows looking out onto the vast forest. It was a nice view. Masami, deep in her heart, though, liked the plains of the Land of Grass better. Was she getting homesick already?

"Uh, Demi-sensei? What, exactly, are we planning to make with all this stuff? We have velvet curtains and really deep purple jewels. What are we doing, making the King a throne? Ehehehe...." The genin trailed her attempt at a semi-intentionally bad pun into laughter, then into silence. She might have pissed her off. And apparently Demi was scary when she was mad; that's why she was basically second only to her father, Maxi. Back to him, again.... Masami made a mental note that she would have to ask Demi about her father. Just out of curiosity, as she'd never seen him.


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