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1Visits Over [Konoha ---> Kusa] Empty Visits Over [Konoha ---> Kusa] Mon Dec 24, 2012 10:57 pm



When one had the attention span of a small child about ninety percent of the time, one tended to become easily bored. She had even decided to do a bit of training while visiting Konoha, but no matter what she tried to distract herself with it just didn't work for long. She missed her home. Her father. Her room. Her familiar surroundings. Konoha was a great place, but it wasn't for her. It just wasn't home. To make matters worse it wasn't like she absolutely had to be here; she wasn't on a mission of any sort, she hadn't been ordered her; the idea of that was almost laughable. Therefore, she just really didn't have anything grounding her here, any longer.

So, without bothering to say her goodbyes to anyone - really, she had only met the Hokage and no one else - she began to pack up the small bag she had brought with her. Her other outfit went in, a few books which included some new ones she had got her hands on here while out shopping, and a few odds and ends; including the jewelry she had bought as she considered piercing something later on, when she got home. She'd ask her father his opinion on it first; his opinion mattered, no one else's did.

She checked in the bathroom, the closet, and under the bed; double checking to make sure she wasn't about to leave anything behind. That would be silly after all. Satisfied that there was nothing, other than the plushie she had yet to put into her pocket, she slipped into her coat, pulling the hood up and over her head, covering the majority of her long purple hair. She walked over to the bed, straightening up the last corner as she picked her plushie up, hugged it to her chest, and than placed it into the usual inside pocket. She took one last glance with her violet gaze around the room, making sure that everything was just as she had left it; she wasn't messy, and didn't take well to others having to clean up after her; pet peeve and all. Satisfied everything was left to the perfection it was when she arrived she moved to the door and locked it behind her.

A quick trip to turn the key in and she was on her way, walking through Konoha with a lot less awe than she had had when she originally had shown up. She pondered over the idea of informing the Hokage she was leaving, but then decided against it; she was sure he'd know she was leaving, it was his village after all.

She really didn't expect to be stopped on her way out; I mean, who honestly wanted someone like her around? She knew what they thought, she could see it in their eyes, most of them anyway: fear. Pure and simple. Which, had probably been why she was so helpful when it came to Kenta, that fact that he hadn't shown any fear towards her had instantly ranked him up higher on her People Meter than most did. She played with these thoughts as she walked, taking in the the scenery around her.

Minutes turned into hours, and soon she found herself to the point of boredom from all the walking. Quickly changing into a run and gaining up to full speed she couldn't help but cackle. There was something freeing about running, especially since she was running to someplace she absolutely wanted to be right now; home.

The trip seemed so much longer back home, despite taking the same route she had used when she had came to Konoha in the first place, and therefore a content sigh finally escaped her hours later as she laid eyes on her village in the distance. "Good to be home.", she whispered to herself, unable to stop herself from running the last little ways there.

Word Count: 655/600

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