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1Park Beautification [Konoha, D-Rank] Empty Park Beautification [Konoha, D-Rank] Mon Jan 21, 2013 8:54 am



The blaring of her alarm going off was more than enough to instantly set her off into a bad mood, as the glowing of her full body tattoo indicated. However, as her mind caught up with the real world and why exactly she had set the alarm her attitude shifted, instantly, and the glow faded away. 'That's right, I set the thing to go off so I could get up and take another mission.', she thought to herself as she began to rub the sleep from eyes. She reached over, slapping the alarm back into the silence she liked it to be before rolling herself out of bed with a groan.

Upon standing she rubbed her face and moved over to her dresser. A quick grab and change of clothing later and she headed into the kitchen. She paused next to her brother, reaching over to pluck a piece of toast off of his plate. 'Thanks bro, I owe you!', she thought his way as she turned and headed out the door into the bright sunlight that was waiting.

She munched on her toast as she walked her way to the administrative building. Having finished her toast before she reached it she entered without a whole bunch of food shoved in her mouth; thankfully. Down one hall and into an office, she walked up to the desk, unable to muster up a smile due to the early hour. "Anything for me?"

She was handed a piece of paper without word and she took it, glad she didn't have to engage in any sort of conversation. It made things so much easier when it was so bright outside and so early that she didn't even want to think about dealing with people at all. She turned on her heel and walked back out, down the hall, and out of the administrative building; reading over the mission she was to do along the way. 'Great, garbage duty...', she thought to herself as she headed straight towards the closet of the parks.

The supplies she was going to need for this job were already waiting for her as she arrived; so thankfully she didn't have to go searching. She grabbed a stick and a garbage bag and got to work. Walking a few feet, stabbing up some litter, and depositing it into the garbage bag. Than another few steps, some more trash collecting, and another deposit of it into the the bag. She did this for a good hour; working along the paths first, and then going off the paths to grab up the garbage that had scattered further away. After she was sure she had grabbed all that she could find she tied the bag she had filled up closed and deposited it in the trash bin.

She then headed back to the supply area, wondering what was left to do. She pulled the list from her pocket, where she had safely stuffed it before beginning to work, searching for the next thing on the To-Do List. Bench repair. That shouldn't be too hard. Apparently one of the benches had some cracked wood on the seating area. She grabbed some fresh boards, some nails, and a hammer from the supply pile.

Following the directions that the piece of paper offered she found the bench rather easily; and it wasn't even that far from the pile. Using the hammer she ripped up the old nails, freeing the board to easily be removed. With the old boards out of the way she laid down the new ones, and proceeded to hammer them in place with a well placed nail. And look at that, she didn't even hammer her thumb! With another fresh board she headed over to the other damaged bench, following the same procedure she had used on the last one. She ripped up the old board, which happened to be on the back rest of this bench, and carefully and successfully hammered in a new back board. "Well, trash is done, benches are done... lets see, what else?"

She pulled the list from her pocket once more as she walked back to the supply pile. There seemed to be a few tree saplings that needed planted. She exchanged her hammer for a shovel and the few tree saplings in question; placing it all into a wheel barrel. She followed the path, using the directions given on the paper to lead her in the right direction. The site for the trees was already marked with some colorful ribbon, so it wasn't like it was hard to find it.

She then got to digging. As she dug she made sure to keep the dirt and grass she was compiling in as neat of a pile as possible; not wanting it to scatter everywhere and dirty up what she already cleaned. With the first hole dug she placed the tree in, and then shoved the dirt gently back into the remaining of the whole, tucking the tree in tightly. She repeated this process for the remaining trees, the whole thing taking a good two or three hours to complete.

By the time she was finished with her last task she was exhausted, dirty, and soaked in sweat. But, she couldn't be happier. She returned the wheel barrel and shovel and took off, heading to turn in before she grabbed herself a nice long shower, and given the way her stomach was growling; a bite to eat too.

Word Count: 915 / 600

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