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1Pitstop Back to Kusa [Konoha ---> Kusa] Empty Pitstop Back to Kusa [Konoha ---> Kusa] Tue Jan 08, 2013 12:05 pm



Things had been really taking an interesting turn for Demi recently. New jutsu, new friends, no ideas. New plans. Definitely some new plans. With the way she was figuring things she was going to be gone a hell of a lot longer than originally planned, and that meant she was going to have to make a trip home. She had a squad, well a partner, she had to be responsible for.. and she couldn't just take off and leave the genin behind, now could she? No, not at all. With the way she figured things she'd go 'kidnap' the girl, and drag her along. The experience would be a lot better in traveling, then in staying behind in the village and just training, that was for sure.

These were the thoughts running through Demi's mind as she packed up a small bag to take with her. Seeing as she was coming back to Konoha she figured she didn't have to take it all. There was no point, honestly, in dragging everything she owned the whole back to Kusa just to turn around in a day or so and bring it all back. No point. None at all. Therefore, it was going to remain, in her bags, in her room, behind lock and key while she was away. So, a spare pair of clothing, a favorite book, and some water and food were all she bothered packing into the rather small bag.

She paused, looking around the room for a moment with her violet gaze to ensure that she wasn't leaving anything important behind. Flynn, her plushie, was already stuffed into the side pocket of her backpack, safe from being left behind. She didn't know what she'd do without the lovely thing... probably go on a killing rampage until she found it, or something along those lines.

Her stomach growled slightly but she ignored it as she walked out of her room, throwing the lock behind her. She wasn't going to worry about grabbing a bite to eat until she was home. She didn't want to waste any more time than she already was. Travel to Kusa, grab the genin, and travel back to Konoha... then perhaps onward from there after a few day break... she was sure the genin was going to want to look around, maybe, possibly.. probably. She walked her way through Konoha, still mildly surprised at herself at how well she had the place mostly memorized. She hadn't gone everywhere of course, but for the most part she knew her way around enough now not to have to worry about getting lost.

As she walked out of the gates she went over in her head all of the things she was going to have to do when she got home, including perhaps a quick stop by to see her father. She hadn't really said goodbye the last time she had left, and felt she should at least see him in person to give him the heads up of what she was doing, and the fact that she was going to be gone a lot longer then originally planned. Besides... he was her father, she just wanted to see him.. didn't really need an excuse.

Her thoughts had carried her a long ways, as she had started running shortly after leaving the Konoha village gates. She couldn't believe how lost in her own mind she could possibly get sometimes. But, her smile spread across her face nonetheless as she saw her home in the distance. Kusa.. just how she'd left it. She forced herself to run faster, her giggles of happiness catching on the wind as her mood shifted. She ran the whole way up to the village, and right on through, not bothering to slow. Besides... she was short on time, right?

Word Count: 635 / 600

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