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1Catch the cat [D rank, Konoha] Empty Catch the cat [D rank, Konoha] Thu Jan 31, 2013 8:58 am



A mission assigned from the hokage? Suzue couldn't wait! She wondered what her first mission would be... Stopping bandits? Escorting important people and protecting them from attacks... maybe to hunt down a missing-nin! Suzue barely had time to eat any breakfast. She ran to the mission board as soon as the sun rose to check what her mission would be with a huge grin plastered on her face. Excitement was quickly welling up in her and she couldn't contain herself!

As soon as the board was in front of her, she started browsing the missions and to whom they were assigned panting heavily after sprinting from her home to the mission board. Starting from the interesting A ranked ones and moving down to lesser ranked ones gradually, she skimmed through; expecting to find her name on one of the interesting missions. However, her name was nowhere to be seen. She kept reading and reading until she arrived at the very last, least ranked mission... and surely enough; there was her name! Suzue Nekomote. She started to read through the mission profile in disbelief, she was to find a lost cat?! That easy?! Suzue sighed in annoyance, obviously disappointed. This mission would only take her 5 minutes to do, it was a joke; really. However if she breezed through this mission, the hokage would have no choice but give her easier ones! She smiled at herself and sprinted out the hidden leaf village and into the forest.

Some perks she had was that she knew the forest around the Konohagure better than the actual village itself and her buyougan would help her immensely in tracking down the cat, after she found the cat it would all be easy as pie! Suzue smiled to herself as she activated her Buyougan, checking the forest around her for chakra signatures. "There!" She exclaimed, hopping from branch to branch as she found a small critter's chakra signature. This was going to be easier than she thought! The little critter was directly beneath her. She closed her eyes, focusing purely on it's chakra... took a deep breath in... and jumped, grasping the coat of fur in her hands and letting out a cry of triumph!

A cry of dismay followed straight afterwards when Suzue opened her eyes to find a hare resting in her arms. It wasn't even a cat! Let alone the cat she was looking for. She would have to be more careful with her tracking. With a sigh, Suzue released the frightened hare and resumed looking.

The day passed quickly, Suzue's efforts were futile. The only cases where she ran into the cat, and tried to pounce on it, she'd end up getting scratched and clawed every single time. Suzue was in a state of complete desperation. She was covered in scratches and caked in mud and dry blood, her chakra was running quite low due to having to use her tracking all day. She was a sight for sore eyes, almost on the verge of tears, she was considering giving up... or asking for help from another ninja. How was catching such a fiesty cat even possible? There it was again... in a clearing, perched on a tree stump and licking it's furry coat. The cat was barely even tired from the day's activity, and still in pristine condition, Suzue on the other hand was a complete mess. A part of her wanted to throw senbon at the cat to incapacitate it, however that would be cheating and if the wounds were discovered; her reward would be deducted. Her feet dragged her in front of the cat.

She couldn't bring herself to pounce again, instead she just looked at in the cat's eyes and pleadingly started begging. "Please come back to your mistress, Maybell. PLEASE. I don't care if you run off again in 5 minutes, but let me call it a day and complete this mission. I can't take any more of this. Let me-..." Suzue's begging stopped, as she realized the cat appeared to be staring at her in a semi-hypnotic state. What had happened? Why was the cat looking so deeply into-... Her eyes! The cat was looking at her eyes! Her guess was that since her eyes were of feline shape, the cat possibly trusted her more or saw her as a human-cat hybrid... either way, she would take advantage of the situation!

Keeping her eyes fixed on the cat's, Sue slowly and carefully put her arms around it and lifted it off the tree trunk. The cat was about to start protesting at first, to Suzue's fright, however she kept her eyes glued to his and it calmed down soon after.

A smile came upon Suzue's face as she carried the cat into the village. She must've been quite a sight, considering the condition she was in, and that she was barely looking at where she was going. Her eyes were fixed on the cat's, without pause.

Before long, the cat was returned to Madam Chiasa's Estate, who couldn't frown upon the dirty and uncivil state Suzue was in, and thought she was a tramp or a beggar before she saw the cat cradled in her arms. Madam Chiasa quickly snatched the feline beast away, hurrying back into the estate with a quick and short thanks. Suzue on the other hand couldn't bear to complain, she was simply glad that this day had passed and that somehow she had managed to complete her mission. With a weary sigh she headed off to the hot-springs, deciding to bathe the mud and blood off her body and tend to the scratches and wounds the damned cat had inflicted upon her.

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