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Manami walked to her room with heavier steps than usual, really starting to feel the fatigue of the journey she'd undertaken. Her mind was firmly fixed on the thought of being alone for a while, but steps from behind her made her pause. The redhead turned, pushing hair behind her ear out of habit as her sensei made his way up to her. She wasn't sure why. Maybe he was here to reprimand her for her poor work? She hoped not. She had been avoiding that during the trip. Her face was devoid of it's usual cheerful mask, the exhaustion having long stripped it from it's place. Tenzo seemed to loom over her, even at the distance he stood. Instead of admonishing her, he apologized. Her eyes widened a fraction at his words, and a fragment of a smile managed to tug at the corners of her lips. The bow was so formal. Truth be told, she wasn't used to that level of formality at all.

"It's fine sensei. It was a useful exercise - even though I likely would have died had it been real." He seemed to smile back at her in a kind way, almost as if to ensure her of his sincerity. Somewhere inside she scoffed. He soon spoke again, and the tone of his voice startled her, if only a bit. Surely he isn't? Manami simply nodded her head and took her leave, disappearing into her own room where she could finally just drop her facade and relax. She needed a good night's sleep.

Exit Thread


Travel - 600/3617


Strength E -> D 750/3017
Endurance E -> D 750/2267
Perception E -> D 750/1517
Speed E-1 -> E-3 375/767
Reaction Time E-1 -> E-3 375/392

Total Used - 3000

Unused - 17

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