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Yuzu Ren

Yuzu Ren

will read back on that cause i am sure your clan was mentioned in one of our previous missions but will double check then edit that if necessary

If your being in the Chikara clan is knowledge that is unknown to the village of Kirigakure then i will need to edit it out. Please reply soon and Sano do not use this as an excuse you have no potential ooc info left

Kenji Chikara

Kenji Chikara

Also, whether or not KIRI knows I'm from the Chikara clan is irrelevant... The point is, YOU don't. So I will officially ask you again to remove that.

Note: Sano, since the edit is single and as far as I know only pertaining to me, feel free to post.



As he rested and let the power of the chakra flow through his body, Sanosuke felt himself get stronger and stronger from the nature itself. He was a sage of Kumogakure and only obtained this great power from much strength and dedication to the art of senjutsu and by making his own life force become one with nature. As he abosrbed more and mroe of the chakra from the nature, he could even begin to hear the whispers of the land itself that he was taking the chakra from. From the ground, Sanosuke could begin to sense the life energy that was coming from the tiniest of ants the scuttle so close to each other. As they came close to Sanosuke, he could feel himself only absorbing only small morsals of their energy so that he can refill himself. From his training in senjutsu chakra, he can now pick and choose which life form he will draw energy from; so Sanosuke would only take the chakra from the animals and life sources that could withstand the pull he was imposing on them. Even with those that could withstand it, Sanosuke would not kill them from the amount of chakra he was taking; at best they would have sluggish movements for an hour at best. Sanosuke wouldn't dare absorb enough life energy from the life of Kiri that would kill the animals and insects that inhabited it.

From his training of senjutsu when starting off from taking in the charka form nature, Sanosuke would absorb anything that would hold life energy. Even if it meant he would have to extinguish that small flicker of light in each inhabitant of nature, Sanosuke would do that. But it wasn't until Titania showed him the errors of his ways through many hours of meditation. From those long hours of self reflection, he realized that killing nature habitats by taking their life energy for his power was like he was claiming the life of regular human beings. Whenever he took the energy of small animals, he could hear their thoughts and their hearts. From there Sanosuke could hear and sense that they themselves were just like other people. They had lifves, they had dreams, some of them had families. And whenever Sanosuke took away the chakra from the animals without thinking about them, Sanosuke was ending their lives; he was killing again with apathy as a his weapon and battle as his motivation. From that point on in his trainng, Sanosuke would only absorb enough to fuel him and just tire those he was gaining energy from. But there were times when he would misjudge his pulling and accidentally kill the life he was gaining energy from. His heart would weep silently as he took in their energy and use that as motivation. But so far nothing was happening.

Their energy was giving him the strength he needed to fight against Kenji. For now the world was black behind his close eyelids. The only thing that made him remember that he was in battle was the high pitch ringing that was going through his ears from Kenji's genjutsu. It seemed as though it had gotten stronger and now was even harming him greatly. But still Sanosuke would push himself on focus only on a simple touch and just gaining the chakra needed from nature itself. Sanosuke was sure that with those factors that victory would be assured. Sanosuke knew that Kenji going into sage mode would be a tide turner but he would show the lion the sting of a patient wasp. Even if it meant that his ears would be ringing for a while, Sanosuke would bear it and just focus on waiting. There was one thing that Sanosuke was glad for the genjutsu; he could only hear the genjutsu's screaming resonance and not Navi's painful screams that Sanosuke could tell she was going through hell. The two of them were connected spiritually, and because of that he could feel when the blue tiny wasp was in pain by just senses. If Sanosuke should have personally heard Navi's screams of pain, he would have abandoned the plan and stopped at nothing at beating Kenji to a bloody pulp. Navi was Sanosuke's spiritual partner as well, so all he could do was just sooth her soul and just tell her to bear with him for a little longer....soon it would be over.

WC: 6015

Last edited by Sanosuke on Fri Jun 26, 2015 12:23 pm; edited 1 time in total

Kenji Chikara

Kenji Chikara

Kenji had decided he had seen enough. He got to use a few new tricks, which was what the spar was all about, development... Kenji ended his jutsu, ceasing the chakra that coursed through the kunai and slipping it back into his pouch. He waited a few moments for the residual effects of the jutsu to go away before he spoke. "Sanosuke... what a great challenge you gave me, and you're not even at 100%. I think we have succeeded in our goal of challenging ourselves. How about we call it even and resume this clash under more even and cool circumstances." Kenji said, hinting that a spar between the two shinobi would be better in their home village. With that, Kenji approached Sanosuke. "As you can see, I need to see a medic for a little clean up work. I'll see you around."


Yuzu Ren

Yuzu Ren

He had never been more shocked in his entire life and the medical shinobi could only say. "He really does not last long at all does he". This annoyed him it was like they were ready to unleash a true powerful technique unlike any he had seen before, but Kenji who he thought was winning chose to run away. Was this other guy really that strong, did he not have a trump card to end it or was he keeping it a secret from Kirigakure even though they were friends. At the very least he thought they were allies but life was never that simple. Meanwhile a bit hungry and wanting to get something out he nearly thought to finish of the other guy but that guy looked even scarier now than he did earlier.

He looked to the medical shinobi then asked her nicely. "Can you take me back to the hospital i am tired and this is boring now". She did not argue and just carried him as she was hoping she could have done this from the start, ditching the poor Sanosuke so that he had no one there for him, but then some weird strange busty woman went over to Sanosuke and said. "Enough of this fighting come over to my place". The medical shinobi felt disgusted and they left the training grounds.

In the end they reached the hospital where the medical shinobi in charge began scolding him slightly as he just nodded so they do not start a conversation. He was let down and upset not to mention that he would soon discuss this with Kenji later on.
Training Words = 2698 + 274 = 2972
2972 - 2000 (training A-Rank Jutsu)= 972
972 + 2057 from other thread Fuuinjutsu D-->C
Chakra = 250/270

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