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1Training hard [hikou] Empty Training hard [hikou] Tue Aug 07, 2012 11:08 am



Hira was laying against a tree, looking up at the sky. There was not a cloud in the sky today, and the sun was shining brightly. It was warm out but not hot or cold, just how hira liked it. He stood up and stretched a little, he walked out into the clearing and drew his sword. "I think ill do some light training." he siad to himself as he slashed the air around him. He loved how as he swung his sword through the air it made a "woosh" sound. He continued to slash the air in all directions but wasnt swinging hard or fast just lightly.

2Training hard [hikou] Empty Re: Training hard [hikou] Tue Aug 07, 2012 1:08 pm



[Begining of Training for Kenjutsu B-A rank]

As I sat in my office I began to think to myself. " We were once known for our Seven Legendary Swordsmen..." I thought to myself, looking up at the ceiling in my office, an office I was already getting quite accquainted with the office, I should start decorating at some point soon. My mind was slipping. I began to re-grasp my thoughts. "Why not re-build that legacy of the Legendary Swordsmen. At least start to train the people to be able to take up these swords when I gather them once again." My thoughts were determining. "Where better to start than my own student." I said, standing up and turning around to my window. I opened my wind, there stood a messager bird. I smiled at it and brough it inside. I scribled down a little note for Hiragana and gave it to the bird. "You know what to do." I said to it before it flew off, flapping its wings against the air, begining its flight across the vast sky.

The note was mainly a message for Hiragana to come meet me in my office. I had to discuss the situation with him. I quickly walked outside my office and asked the receptionist to retrieve two wooden kendo sword. As soon as I closed my door, there was a knock, my receptionist holding two brand new kendo swords. It was kind of scary how fast she retrieved them, I could swear not even the fastest ninja could do that. I nodded my head in a thank you and walked inside. My office was quite vast so a few practice swings while I awaited Hiragana wasn't out of the question.

I took one of the sword, stood in the middle of the room, and simply swung my sword. I did vertical slashes, practicing my movement and training my muscles to memorize these motions so they would be second nature. I would hopefully get atleast one hundred slashes done before Hiragana got here.


3Training hard [hikou] Empty Re: Training hard [hikou] Tue Aug 07, 2012 2:30 pm



Hirawas swinging his sword still when a messanger bird squaked and landed near him. He returned his sword to its sheathe and walked over towards the bird. He bent down and retrieved the note after which the bird flew off. "So the mizukage wants to see me, alright then better head on over there quickly." he thought to himself. He crumpled up the note and shoved it into his pocket before dashing off towards the mizukage's building. It took him only a few minutes to reach it and he soon stood in the lobby. He waved to the receptionist as he past her and walked towards the mizukage's room. When he got their he knocked once and waited.

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