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It was afternoon in the rainy Kirigakure. Yukue had finally woke up but she was still bit tired of her yesterdays training. She was trying to increase her speed. Yukue's weakest thing was speed she was really slow people sometimes laughed that she gets beaten by some Academy students in a 100 meter sprint. So she decided to train her speed and prove to everyone that she can be quite fast if she really wanted to be. Yukue got out of the bed got dressed and went downstairs to meet her Mum. She was barely walking all of her leg muscles were hurting from that yesterdays training. She said good morning to her mum and asked her to make some breakfast for her. She barely walked into the living room she sat down and turn living rooms tables chair around with her weak legs. She rested her legs on the chair and just closed her eyes. She then heard her mother say that her breakfast was ready. She quickly stud up like her legs didn't hurt anymore and ran to the kitchen. Her mum made her ramen one of her most favorite foods. After she ate she actually didn't feel any pain in her leg muscles. She thanked her Mum and told her she is going to meet the Mizukage.

She was walking around the town then she saw where the Mizukage's building is. She suddenly, just started running for no reason. She must wants to meet Mizukage really badly. Once she started running she felt a bit of pain in her left legs hip the same pain she had when she woke up. So she stopped for a bit and then started walking. She though to herself "Did I really train that hard yesterday?"

She reached the Mizukage's building. And said out quite loudly "Wow this place is huge. Newer though it would be that big." This was Yukue's first time being this close to this building so she was a bit amazed by it's huge look. She opened the front door and walked in the building. Then she turned her head to the right side and then she saw one of the assistants that Mizukage had. She asked Yukue what she was looking for. Yukue didn't really talk much she was shy but the assistant heard that she wanted to see Mizukage. So she took Yukue upstairs and told her that the 2 room is the Mizukage's room.

Yukue was nervous. Really nervous. She knocked and waited if the Kage will let her in.



As I sat in my office, I sat bored you could say. The paper work was all done, again, and I really had nothing to do. I had lost a member of my squad, the rest of my squad was probably depressed, the situation was quite depressing. "Now what can I possiably do." I said to myself, knowing no one could hear me through the sound proof Mizukage office. Just then I heard the door move, somone was knocking. "I swear the only bad thing about the sound proof walls is the fact I can't even yell for them to come in." I thought to myself as I walked over to the door.

I opened the door and smiled down to see a young female standing at my door step. "Hello there. Please come in." I told her. I was wearing my normal attire of clothes, keeping my jackets off today and my mizukage hat laying on the table, facing the door. I turned around, walked to my seat and sat down, gesturing my hand out for the girl to sit down as well. "So how can I help you Ms..." I awaited for her to say her name after saying 'Ms.'.



Yukue saw a man open the door she was really nervous but even she didn't know why she was nervous there was nothing to be nervous about. Yukue heard the man to come in so she slowly walked in the room. She first didn't recognize that he was the Mizukage because he hadn't had his Mizukages jacket and hat on. Then Yukue saw Mizukage show a gesture to sit down so she sat down and listened what Kage said. "It's Yukue, Aisu, Yukue sir." then she shyly asked "Sir i recently became Genin witch squad am i going to be in?" She stud up and waited for reply.



As the girl told me her name I began to re-calculate my paper work. I began to mutter her name as I looked at the ceiling, thinking of everything I signed off of for Squads. "Yukue Aisu. Yukue Aisu. AH yes. I remember now. I signed off on it offically today." I told the girl, begining to rummage through a thick pile of papers, flipping through quickly. After a momment I simled and pulled out the paper. I examined it quickly then put it on the table for the girl to see.

"Well Yukue you are now apart of Squad 1. Which just happends to be led by me. I said with a kind smile to the girl. I held out my right hand for a hand shake. "Welcome to Squad 1. I am Hikou Misora. Leader of the Misora Clan and The Mizukage.l"

At that momment I began to think back. All of the students I got came in to see their squads. There must be something wrong with our mailing system.



Yukue heard Mizukage say her name multiple times she then heard they he said that he had already signed me off to squad today. Yukue inside was really happy that she heard that she will be put in one of the squads. She then sat down again and kindly waited for the Mizukage to tell witch squad she will be. Yukue then saw Mizukage flip through papers really quickly she knew that it was about her. He finally showed the paper to Yukue and she saw every single detail about her self. Then she looked further down and she could see that it said SQUAD 1 in big writing. She quickly jumped up and started crying those were tears of happiness she could't stop crying because she was finally put in a squad.

While she was still crying she heard Mizukage welcoming her in squad 1 witch was led by himself. She wiped her tears, smiled and said "Sir I wont let you down neither my Squad comrades. I will do my best and I can promise you. I wont let you DOWN!!!" She then stud up and told Mizukage she will be going now.

She opened the door and walked back to her house.




I watched the girl cry for a momment. I've seen many reactions, well three other reactions, but none involved crying. That sure was a strange one. As the girl left I sat back down. "My squad is STRANGE." I said to myself once the door closed. I leaned back in my chair and stared up at the ceiling. I began to close my eyes and take a little nap,


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