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1Hello there (yukue only) Empty Hello there (yukue only) Tue Aug 07, 2012 9:56 am



It was a fairily nice day out, it was raining but just a light rain and that didnt bother hira one bit, he acually liked rain like this. He walked through the streets of kiri still depressed about himi but that was to be expected. As he walked through the street he stopped for a moment and with his head down thought to himself "I know i feel awful about himi but im a ninja and i should learn that these things happen, so i guess ill try to act like a ninja." As he thought that he pulled his head up and acually smiled. This was the first smile he has given since himi left. He noticed a girl walking towards him, she was very pretty and looked to be about his age. He wanted to run up and meet her but he didnt want to scare her by appearing eager. He continued to walk normal towards her and then on purpose bumped into her shoulder softly. He turned back around after he did so saying "Oh... sorry miss, i should really watch where im going i just have a lot on my mind."

2Hello there (yukue only) Empty Re: Hello there (yukue only) Tue Aug 07, 2012 10:06 am



Yukue was walking around the town when suddenly, a Ninja bumped into her. She had an apple in her hand but she dropped it because of the bump. She then looked at the ninja and said "It's really alright it was just an accident right? Anyway whats your name?" She smiled and continued "Never seen you around in town." She then waited for the Ninja to reply.

3Hello there (yukue only) Empty Re: Hello there (yukue only) Tue Aug 07, 2012 10:14 am



He listened to her voice which reminded him of himi's so innocent and soft. However this time the memory of himi didnt depress him but instead comforted him. "Im not suprised that you havent seen me around, i dont hang around in the main part of kiri a lot im usually loitering around the outskirts and what not its much less crowed out there." He said with a laugh. "Oh and the names hiragana, Hiragana kisame, ninja of the kisame clan and member of hikou's squad one, but im usually just called hira." he said with a smile.

4Hello there (yukue only) Empty Re: Hello there (yukue only) Tue Aug 07, 2012 10:23 am



Yukue listened to Hira and then replied "Squad one!!! Yesterday i got put in Squad one myself by Hikou. Well nice to meet you Hira my name is Yukue Aisu i'm one of the Aisu clan members and it will be fun being in squad with you." She then smiled at him and asked him "So why did you become a ninja in the first place Hira?" Then she realized she is asking too much questions. "I'm sorry for this many question. You don't have to answer to them." She said. She looked at Hira once more and just stud there.

5Hello there (yukue only) Empty Re: Hello there (yukue only) Tue Aug 07, 2012 10:32 am



Hira was a little suprised when she said she was put in squad 1. He laughed as she asked him a question but then took it back. "Congratulations yukue on getting in squad 1, and i dont mind the questions ask away." he saw. "as for becoming a ninja, im exactly sure why i did it, i guess growing up all by myself and all i kinda just wanted to become something instead of being alone." as he spoke he grabbed his sword as it was his fathers.

6Hello there (yukue only) Empty Re: Hello there (yukue only) Tue Aug 07, 2012 10:49 am



"Hey today later on do you want to train? Or maybe spar?" She happily said. Then she turned around facing back to Hira and said "I will be going now back to my house I need to go help my mum clean the house especially my room!" She waited for reply.



If you say yes then we will just go to another thread. :)

7Hello there (yukue only) Empty Re: Hello there (yukue only) Tue Aug 07, 2012 10:58 am



Hira listened to her words, some training maybe a sparring match, two things hira liked doing. He looked at her "Yes of course, id love to. Hey go help your mom, ill be going then." he said then continued to walk the way he came.



your starting the thread though xD

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