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1True stregnth {Otto & Hikou} Empty True stregnth {Otto & Hikou} Tue Sep 04, 2012 12:21 am



Otto was thinking, he often thinks but this was different he wanted strength, he needed strength, he sought strength. Otto had decided that to find strength he had to talk to someone who had strength ,and arguably the strongest person in the village was the Mizukage for now anyway. Otto began to walk to the Mizukage's office, once he reaches the building he gasps at the sheer beauty he had seen the building from afar but up close it was stunning. He walked through the building an was still impressed obviously the Kage was a man who appreciated beauty. Otto reaches the door to the Mizukage's office and sighs, as brash as he was he was still hesitant about meeting this man. However, Otto was determined to get his questions asked. After a slight moment of hesitation Otto knocks on the door with a smile he needed answers.

2True stregnth {Otto & Hikou} Empty Re: True stregnth {Otto & Hikou} Tue Sep 04, 2012 8:00 pm



I had been talking to an ANBU Black Ops Captain, giving them a task of great importance, a task that was a must for the village of the Mist. As we finished up I stood up to see him out. We walked to the door and as I held out my hand to open the door, there was a rumbling on the door, someone was knocking. I looked at the ANBU captain. "Well good thing this is a sound proof room" I said quickly to the man hidden behind his mask. He was smiling, I could feel it.

As I opened the door I saw a young man with red hair standing outside the room. "Why hello there." I told the young man. "Please come in." I told the young man as the ANBU captain simply disappeared, a rush of wind passing the boy.

I walked over to my desk and sat down and looked at the ceiling which was painted as if it were a real sky. Marvelous work, truly. My room was quite empty, a few large metallic drawers with paperwork of the village locked safely in the drawers. The large dark wooden desk by the window at the end of the large room. The Mizukage's hat faxing who ever entered the room, a little reminder in whose presence people were entering upon. "So what can I help you with?" I asked the young man, as I continued to look at the painted sky.

3True stregnth {Otto & Hikou} Empty Re: True stregnth {Otto & Hikou} Tue Sep 04, 2012 8:22 pm



Otto walks into the room and looks at the ceiling immediately his mouth opens slightly just by the shear beauty of it. 'Who designed this building Leonardo de Vince?' he thought to himself. Otto regains focus and sighs, "well Mr.Mizukage," as strong as Otto fashioned himself the nervousness still seeped through. However, Otto would not let fear beat him he asks quickly," what is true strength?"

4True stregnth {Otto & Hikou} Empty Re: True stregnth {Otto & Hikou} Thu Sep 06, 2012 12:30 am



The young man's question was an interesting one. "Now that is all preference. True strength to me is patience, knowledge and kindness. Those three things make up the true power that I hold." I told the young man, looking up at my ceiling still. "Also if you plan on calling me Mr. my clan are the Misoras." I told the kid, looking at him this time. His hair was an interesting color. Not a color you really see in the Hidden Mist Village. "So what is your true power...." I said,waiting for a name from the lad.

5True stregnth {Otto & Hikou} Empty Re: True stregnth {Otto & Hikou} Thu Sep 06, 2012 12:41 am



The Kage had answered in a way that Otto had not expected The man was the Mizukage patience; kindness why were these even necessary. Otto sighed then said,"Otto... well i was always taught that true strength came from the body and the mind." He did not mention his clans name or even his fathers name, he was forbidden to even say these things." Power come fro the ability to do what needs to be done no matter what that thing is." Otto said these things with a frown realizing how different their views on power were.

6True stregnth {Otto & Hikou} Empty Re: True stregnth {Otto & Hikou} Thu Sep 06, 2012 12:59 am



"Otto. Unique name. I remember your file even. You are right Otto. We must do what ever is nessicary, but when do we know it is nessicary?" I told him before standing up. "Now Otto if you want I can show you how my true power works in a friendly little spar. Most people my 'true strength' is weakness. I will give you a little example of the opposet. These three traits have made me the kage I am today." I said with a kind little smile. I began to walk to the door. "I'm not much of a fighter but I believe you need to find your very own true strength. Only way to do that is to fight an impossible odd and face your inner self as well." I said as I picked up three practice swords. One was a wakizishi sword and the other two were normal katanas. I took the wakazishi and threw the two katana sized ones at Otto lazily, as if passing a base ball softly. "Go to the roof. Its a good enough sized arena." I told him, looking over my shoulder, continuing to smile. I ran up to the top, mainly as a warm up seeing as I hadn't done much work outside the office.

I got to the roof quickly. It was a large roof, it was the biggest circular building in the village. The roof was green, it was like a dome of green. The sunlight peeked in through the many cracks in the dome. As I waited I put the wakizishi sword on the right side of my waist, my Raijin on my left side still, just in case something unexpected happened. I stood on the opposite side of the arena roof-top, waiting for the young boy.The lush green gave a scent of fresh oxygen. I could luckily still see the sky above me through one of the large gaps in the lush, that would keep me from insanity.

7True stregnth {Otto & Hikou} Empty Re: True stregnth {Otto & Hikou} Thu Sep 06, 2012 1:27 am



This kage was nothing like he expected, he thought he would be... just different. Not only was the man extremely young, but he also was nothing like what he had read. Otto assumed that he would be old, prying, and bloodthirsty plus he thought he would be taller. The man didn't even ask about the fact that he had not given an official introduction(first name and clan name). The man was weird.

The Mizukage offers to spar with Otto, this raises even more questions in his head, but he does not protest. He catches the two swords with ease then ties one to his back aimed toward his right hand, and the other he ties on the right side of his waist under his jacket.

Otto then began his accent to the roof. He felt weird being called to spar with the kage. However, like anybody he had weird odd fantasies about defeating the kage and by extension being crowned kage himself. Otto knew these were false hopes but it didn't hurt to dream did it?

His thoughts stop as he reaches the roof to see the Mizukage looking at the sky. Otto coughs to announce his presence then says to the man in a confident vioce "i'm ready." He said this with a confidence that he did not actually feel in fact he thought he was going to pass out.

8True stregnth {Otto & Hikou} Empty Re: True stregnth {Otto & Hikou} Thu Sep 06, 2012 1:43 am



I stood with my hands behind my head, waiting for the kid to go first. I was never an attack first type in spars. I only attacked head first when I knew I had to dispatch of an enemy quickly. I stood calmly, smiling as usual. The air was moist as usual in Kirigakure, perfect weather for any jutsu I wanted to use.

I may not have seemed like it but I was ready for almost anything, even if my hands were behind my head. A small wakizishi was all I needed really. I watched the boy carefully. He was taller. Now it was time to see what skill he had.

9True stregnth {Otto & Hikou} Empty Re: True stregnth {Otto & Hikou} Thu Sep 06, 2012 2:51 am



Otto rolls his eyes as he realizes that the kage will not go first. He understood ,but at the same time this was rather taxing he wanted to make a good first move. Otto drew each blade at the same time then brandishes them in a reverse grip manner, and says aloud, "Are you ready." Right before he starts his assault he says "don't blink."

Otto spins counter-clock-wise on his toes and throws the sword in his left hand using the momentum of the spin to increase the speed,the sword flys accurately and is aimed for the Mizukages neck. He uses the swords flight as a distraction to charge at the kage at high speed. He weaves to the left side and launches an slash at the kages ribs followed by a 180 degree clockwise turn that was accompanied by a wide slash aimed at the kages head.

As usual the first slash seemed to melt away everything else in the world for Otto. all nervousness all questions, faded away nothing mattered but the absolute peace he felt when swinging his blade. He followed of his initial strike by launching four more slashes with the blade in his right hand. He swung the blade at each limb respectively firstly the arms then the legs in right, left order.

10True stregnth {Otto & Hikou} Empty Re: True stregnth {Otto & Hikou} Sat Sep 08, 2012 5:25 pm



The lad threw his practice sword at my neck. A good aim but useless none the less. It wasn't much of a distraction. It was time to lay this kid into my trap. My hands lifted from the back of my head and put to my side, as the practice blade still flew towards me. I did a high back-flip, forming quick hand signs as I did the back flip, I formed quick hand sign and took a breath in. As I landed I feel down to one of my knees, the blade that the boy threw having past me already when I did my back flip. I faced the boy, he was charging at me, ready to attack.

"Wind Release: Vacuum Sphere" I spoke quickly and in a whisper to myself, the thuds that the boy gave out as he ran towards me would have been more than enough to cover my soft voiced,jutsu. The jutsu was released as the boy came close to me. His slash was aimed where my head would have been if I was still standing. He was aiming to high though. I exhaled quickly and the blasts from the jutsu came in, striking in a large area but it would mainly hit the boy seeing as it was point blank range. I made it so that it would hit no vitals however, wouldn't want to kill the kid.

jutsu used:
Chakra: 225/250

11True stregnth {Otto & Hikou} Empty Re: True stregnth {Otto & Hikou} Sat Sep 08, 2012 9:46 pm



Otto was stunned that the man managed to completely elude his assault. Otto didn't have time to react before he felt several blades stab mostly in his sides shoulders and legs. Otto collapsed on both knees panting and in severe pain.

He didn't even have time to register that he was being attacked before this man had not only used a jutsu but had effectively defeated him. Otto looked up at the Mizukage and said with a look that mixed awe and pure hatred so perfectly,"Ho-how... when... wha-what dammit!" he collapses injured but still concious.

The man had utterly defeated Otto, 'is this it... am I gonna die here.' these were Otto's last thoughts before he lost consciousness.

12True stregnth {Otto & Hikou} Empty Re: True stregnth {Otto & Hikou} Sun Sep 09, 2012 2:11 am



The boy collapsed to the ground as I stood up, dusting off my pants, seeing as I was kneeling on a rooftop garden dome. I looked down at the boy as he spoke. "Ho-how... when... wha-what dammit!" He was in pure shock of how quickly I ended the battle. "As I said. I have found my true strength..." I walked to his side and knelt down and put my hand in front of his mouth. He was still breathing. At least I have good control of my jutsus.

As the boy was unconscious I walked to the side of the domed rooftop and grabbed a chair and pulled two chairs over and sat down in one next to the boy, waiting for him to wake up, the other chair in front of me, on the other side of the boy.

13True stregnth {Otto & Hikou} Empty Re: True stregnth {Otto & Hikou} Sun Sep 09, 2012 1:35 pm



Otto wakes up from his moment of conciseness sore but not dead. he pushes himself off the ground gingerly. He looks over his shoulder and sees a chair he puts his hand on it and begins to push himself up using the chair.

as he reaches the appropriate height he plops into the chair and frowns at the man."a hospital would have been nice." he says sarcastically, "but the chair was a nice touch," he says with a genuine smile. "So, you've found your true strength... the difference in our stregnth is scary." Otto looks at the man and thinks 'I can't beat him, he completely destroyed me'. Otto frowned at the man and said with a confused expression," why did you pull you punch you are obviously stronger?"

14True stregnth {Otto & Hikou} Empty Re: True stregnth {Otto & Hikou} Sun Sep 09, 2012 5:02 pm



I listened to the boy and just smiled kindly at him. "You know, I am told to be the strongest man in the village, so I am. I became the Kage of this village this year and sure the paper work is boring, but I have an opportunity to change the village. Kirigakure is known for their past actions. The actions that got us the name 'Village of the Bloody Mist' we are called. To this day. My goal is to change that. I want to clear this village of the evil within and make it a powerful force that remains in peace." I told the boy, continuing to smile but still talking with an encouraging voice it seemed.

"I made sure you did not suffer any severe wounds because I want you to go out and find your true strength. Let this be your first step. Step out and find that strength and join in my goal to make this village a better place, away from evil but stronger than any evil can accumulate." I continued to speak. "You don't need a Hospital really. I know what clan you are apart of. I know everything there is in every shinobi's case file. Was the second thing I did when I became the kage. The first was negotiating peace with Konoha, seeing as they are our main support in times of war." I continued to talk to the boy. I had a feeling he was loyal to the village, such information would not be told in vain to him.

I stood up from my chair after speaking. "Find your true strength and face me again. Train hard and fight for your beliefs, you WILL succeed one day and become a great shinobi." I told him as I began to walk off. "Ill have a medical ninja come up to heal you up." I told Otto as I walked downstairs, sending a medical ninja who happened to be in the lobby up to heal the kid.


15True stregnth {Otto & Hikou} Empty Re: True stregnth {Otto & Hikou} Sun Sep 09, 2012 7:02 pm



Otto listens to the kages whole speech with attentive eyes. "wow," he says as the mizukage walks away. Otto looks up and says with a determined look,"until next time Mr. Misora."

Otto was floored by the kage's beliefs and, thought to himself as the medi-nin patched him up," One day I will help you bring peace to this village... and after we bring peace there will be a final fight between the two of us that I will win. When that happens it will be my turn to spare you.' He now had all the respect in the world for his kage but respect from Otto meant that he dreamed about defeating you and either killing you or sparing you he would never decide until he was put in the situation.


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