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1A misty day. (Hira only.) Empty A misty day. (Hira only.) Wed Aug 08, 2012 7:09 pm



Yukue quickly opened her eyes to the sound of tea boiling. every morning around ten-o-clock Yukues's mother would start boiling water in order to make tea because she believed that you should always drink a cup of tea before starting your day. Yukue then yawned and remembered that she had to spar with Hira yesterday but she forgot. "Oops i forgot to spar with him yesterday i must go find him today." She said. She then slowly walked into the kitchen and sat down. Her mother quickly filled her cup with tea. It smelled of green tea leaves with a hint of mint. She slowly blew into her cup to cool it down. She then sipped it until it was gone. She smiled as she finished the tea. "Your tea is always the best mother. Now if you'll excuse me I must get ready." Yukue quickly ran to her bedroom and grabbed her clothes she then quickly hopped in the shower making sure that the water was hot. After about fifteen minutes she was done so she stopped the water, dried off, and put her clothes on. Today was the first time Yukue and Hira would have a sparing match. She was excited at this thought so she grabbed her ninja tools and quickly ran out the door without even saying goodbye to her Mother. As she got to the field she noticed that it was a very Misty day. This made her happy considering she loves Misty days. She then looked around the field but Hira wasn't there. She didn't look in the town because Hira told her that he doesn't like crowded places. She looked around the field again but she could't see him. She then sat down and muttered to herself "Hira is gonna be mad at me I was the one who told him to have a spar with me yesterday but i was the one who didn't show up." She then looked up in the sky and shouted "Why am i so disorganized."

2A misty day. (Hira only.) Empty Re: A misty day. (Hira only.) Wed Aug 08, 2012 9:56 pm



Hira was resting in at the top baranch of a tall tree in his normal spot, it was a misty day and to him that made it a good day to just relax. As he was begining to fall asleep he heard someone yelling "Why am i so disorganized." He nearly fell out of the tree but grabbed onto the branch at the last moment and pulled himself up. "Damn and i was just getting to sleep, oh well i shouldnt be so lazy." he muttered to himself. He jumped down out of the tree, landing near the person who was yelling. He noticed quickly it was yuku, he walked over to her smiling "Oh... its you yuku. The mist is beautiful isnt it?"

3A misty day. (Hira only.) Empty Re: A misty day. (Hira only.) Wed Aug 08, 2012 10:19 pm



Yukue was laying down wondering how she will find Hira. She then starched her left arm and just tried to go to sleep and relax. After awhile she heard a heavy drop to the ground it was quite loud so it could of been animal or person. Yukue though it was just some squirrel searching for some nuts or maybe even some seeds.

She opened her eyes and then she saw Hira she was scared so she quickly stud up and jumped backwards. She put her hand on her forehead so she could see. And she saw Hira, she was happy that he showed up "Hey Hira, the mist is really beautiful in fact mist makes me happy and hyperactive." She then giggled a bit looked around the field once more, turned back to Hira this time with an unhappy face like she would cry and said "Hira i'm really sorry about yesterday I organized a sparring match with you after I helped my mum clean the house but then I just forgot and I was too tired so I just jumped onto my bed and went to sleep." she then put a smile on her face and said "We could spar now if you want to I kinda want to show you my abilities and all that stuff. So you want to?" She just stud there looking at Hira and waited for reply.

4A misty day. (Hira only.) Empty Re: A misty day. (Hira only.) Wed Aug 08, 2012 10:26 pm



Hira scrathed his head and looked at yuku kinda guilty "Oh right, we were supposed to spar yesterday werent we? Yea... sorry i forgot to." He then smiled at her continueing on to say "Yea sure we can spar, id love to see what kind of jutsu you have up your sleeve." As he said that he took a few steps backwards and tensed up his muscles preparing himself for anything and readying himself incase he had to dodge or block an incoming attack.

5A misty day. (Hira only.) Empty Re: A misty day. (Hira only.) Wed Aug 08, 2012 10:40 pm



Yukue saw Hira walk away and then she said charmingly "Really no friendly hug before battle?" She then raised her head up and though if Hira will come and give her a hug.

Sorry for a short post but i just needed that sentence. :)

Last edited by Yukue Aisu on Thu Aug 09, 2012 12:43 am; edited 1 time in total

6A misty day. (Hira only.) Empty Re: A misty day. (Hira only.) Wed Aug 08, 2012 11:24 pm



Hira looked suprised, he wondered if she was only tricking him but even if she was he thought "What the heck..." He walked up to her and held out both arms prompting her to hug him, he smiled saying to her "I guess it couldnt hurt."
it doesnt bother me

7A misty day. (Hira only.) Empty Re: A misty day. (Hira only.) Thu Aug 09, 2012 12:21 am



Yukue come closer to Hira. She then hugged Hiri while she was hugging Hiri she smiled and said "You know you know how to hug a girl so she feels good." She started to laugh but not to loud and then she let go of Hira and backed 1 small step away from Hira wishing he would look into her eyes.

8A misty day. (Hira only.) Empty Re: A misty day. (Hira only.) Thu Aug 09, 2012 12:24 am



Hira was not used to getting the affection of others, so he just kinda laughed with her. When she stepped back he looked at her green eyes and was amazed at how beautiful they were. They reminded him of... peacfulness.

9A misty day. (Hira only.) Empty Re: A misty day. (Hira only.) Thu Aug 09, 2012 12:39 am



Yukue saw that Hira was looking into her eyes and she though to herself "And this is the time I release my genjutsu." then she looked into Hira's eyes and quietly whispered to Hira "Demonic illusion: Hell viewing technique."

Jutsu I used.:


10A misty day. (Hira only.) Empty Re: A misty day. (Hira only.) Thu Aug 09, 2012 12:49 am



Leaves began swirling around Hira and he quickly realized he was caught in a genjutsu he thought to himself "clever, genjutsu is not my fortei." He then saw his friends including yuku, turning from him and walking away from him. He reached his arms out "No... dont leave me!"

11A misty day. (Hira only.) Empty Re: A misty day. (Hira only.) Thu Aug 09, 2012 1:17 am



Yukue had a chance to go hide behind a tree while Hira was caught in genjutsu. She started to run trees direction while she was running she though "Hmm what could Hira's fear be? I will have to ask him after the spar." She closed her eyes and still tried to guess what Hira's fear could be.

12A misty day. (Hira only.) Empty Re: A misty day. (Hira only.) Thu Aug 09, 2012 1:19 am



Hira still trapped in the genjutsu watched his fear of being abandoned by those he loved unfold. He watched Himi abndon him over and over again followed by yuku. He began punching the ground saying "No! Dont leave me!" As he punched the ground the genjutsu was released, he opened his eyes to see the clearing, he stood up. "Oh i get it... pain released the victim from the illusion." he thought to himself. He then looked around for where yuku could be ready for another attack.

13A misty day. (Hira only.) Empty Re: A misty day. (Hira only.) Thu Aug 09, 2012 2:05 am



Yukue quickly done one of those ninja rolls to her left and then she said in her quite voice. "Hyouton release: Ice darts Jutsu." She then attempted to aim 6 Darts at Hira's heard and another 6 at Hira's legs. She thought "Hmm i wonder how many darts will hit Hira's body." Then after the jutsu she done a roll to her right and now she was behind the tree again.

Jutsu Used:


14A misty day. (Hira only.) Empty Re: A misty day. (Hira only.) Thu Aug 09, 2012 2:16 am



Hira was watching his surroundings intently and he notcied yuku roll out from behind the tree and shoot 12 ice-darts at him. He stood there and waited for the ice-darts to get close and then used the substituiton jutsu to make it appear as though all 12 darts hit their mark, as the real hira slipped away to a tree approximatly 10 meters from yuku's tree.

jutsu used:

Chakra: 115/120

15A misty day. (Hira only.) Empty Re: A misty day. (Hira only.) Thu Aug 09, 2012 2:28 am



Yukue leaned to her right side and saw that all of the darts hit Hira, she smiled and happily said "Yay every single dart hit Hira's body. Hope he is alright." She then stud in front of the tree she was hiding behind and started running towards Hira see if he is alright. She reached Hira's location but then she saw a white smoke appear from nowhere. Then she heard a bang on the ground. She looked down and it was a wooden block. She then tried running up to another tree hoping Hira wont use any jutsu.

- OOC -
I guess Yukue is now 5 meter away from you?

16A misty day. (Hira only.) Empty Re: A misty day. (Hira only.) Thu Aug 09, 2012 2:36 am



Hira jumped up to the top of the tree and jumped up into the air above the clearing and aiming right for yuku formed the tiger handsign. He then built up the chakra in his mouth and condensed it with water saying outloud "Water style: gunshot!" He then fired the condensed water ball at yuku.

jutsu used:


17A misty day. (Hira only.) Empty Re: A misty day. (Hira only.) Thu Aug 09, 2012 3:13 am



Yukue was still running as fast as she could to the tree she was aiming to hide behind but she wasn't really fast at running. When she got about 2 or 3 meters closer to the tree she heard Hira's voice from one of the trees she still didn't know which tree it was but she knew that he wants to shoot her with jutsu. She started to run a little more quicker but by the time Hira said the name of his jutsu she had nearly hid behind the tree but. Suddenly, boom the jutsu hit Yukue. The jutsu knocked Yukue 2 meters forward, then she hit her left side of ribs on one of the trees. She was massively damaged. "Hiragana Kisame you are one strong genin." she barely said it but she tried to say it as loud as she could. "Hopefully Hira heard it." She though to her self. Then she tried to look up but she could only see the mist. The mist was really strong it covered almost anything you couldn't even see any clouds. She looked back down and touched the grass with her finger tips, and felt that the grass was covered with blood. She still didn't know from where the blood was coming but she was hoping that Hira would find her.

18A misty day. (Hira only.) Empty Re: A misty day. (Hira only.) Thu Aug 09, 2012 3:21 am



Hira watched from the air as the jutsu hit yuku and slammed her against a tree, he heard her voice which was quiet and raspy "Hiragana Kisame, you are one strong genin." As soon as he landed he dashed directly over to where yuku was and on the grass where she was there was blood from her left side from where she had nailed the tree. The blood wasnt a large amount so hira hoped the injury was small. Hira knelt down next to her and said to her "Thanks for calling me strong, its people like you that i wish to protect with that stregnth." He then placed one arm under both of her legs and the other at the middle of her back and picked her up cradle style. He said to her smiling "Now lets get you home... oh and by the way that ice jutsu of yours is quite strong to. Im glad i didnt let those needles acually hit me. Now where do you live?" As he finished his sentance he dashed with yuku back towards thee urban part of the village.

19A misty day. (Hira only.) Empty Re: A misty day. (Hira only.) Thu Aug 09, 2012 3:38 am



As Hira picked Yukue up she smiled but the smile didn't even look like a happy smile that was because she was still weak from the hit. Then she heard Hira say something about where she live. Yukue didn't hear everything he said but she answered. "I live near kirigakure pub. My house is on the left side of the of the pub." She wanted to say one more think to him but she just closed her eyes and relaxed it looked like she Hira knocked her out by that jutsu earlier.


20A misty day. (Hira only.) Empty Re: A misty day. (Hira only.) Thu Aug 09, 2012 3:43 am



Hira heard her say to the left of the pub so he rushed straight there as she closed her eyes and relaxed. "Its alright yuku just get your rest, ill be sure you get home saftly." he whispered to her not knowing if she heard him. WHen he gotto the pub he saw a building on the left side a window to a bedroom was open so he jumped through it with yuku in his arms. He looked around and when he saw a picture of yuku and some family he knew he was in the right place. He set her down in her bed and walked back over to the window, he turned and smiled at her once more before jumping through the window and heading off back towards his own home.


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