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1Training all alone. (WIP)  Empty Training all alone. (WIP) Fri Aug 10, 2012 4:55 pm



It was a rainy however, warm day in Kirigakure. Yukue was still sleeping but her mother was already up. Probably cleaning the house or maybe making some hot tea for Yukue with a nice, delicious breakfast. After Yukue's mother finished with everything she came up to the second floor making sure Yukue wakes up for her breakfast. While she was walking up stares she was worried about Yukue on how she is going to survive the chunnin exams which she signed up for. She remembered that she was almost killed by her opponent. Not to mention how dangerous forest of death was. But the system of chunnin exams has changed so they shouldn't be that dangerous anymore but still Yukue's mum was worried about Yukue. She finally reached her daughters room. She reached her hand to the door handle and gently opened the door. After she walked in she quietly closed the door so Yukue wouldn't wake up from the big, loud, door bang. She then quietly walked up to her daughter and shaked her gently see if she would wake up. But that didn't work out so she whispered to Yukue "Wake up sweetie I made you some breakfast with some tasty tea." Yukue opened her left eye and said "Mh? I don't want any breakfast or tea mum I just want to sleep for one more hour." Her mother looked quite angry after Yukue said those words. She raised her hand and wanted to slap Yukue but she was too weak to harm her daughter. So she just quietly closed walked out of the room and closed the doors.

Yukue finally woke up but she was in a bad mood because of her dream. She angrily put clotches on and went downstairs. She had really loud footsteps when she was angry to show everyone that she actually was angry and to leave her alone. She then walked into the kitchen and sat down. Her mother turned around and wanted to ask something to Yukue but, Yukue said "Mum don't say a word. I'm in a really bad mood right now so if you don't want me to harm you. You better not even say a word." She then picked up her sandwich and left the house. Her mother was surprised of Yukue's behavior but she didn't ask Yukue about her behavior so she just left her alone.

Yukue was in town searching for a shop which in her whole life couldn't find it was a library where there were books about all sort of clans. So she went in a library to ask a librarian if he would know anything about that library. Yukue was still in a bad mood so she loudly said "Hey you! You know anything about a library which has a lot of books about clans." The man looked at her and shaked his head and said "I'm sorry I haven't even heard of a library like that.". Yukue looked at the man and felt like punching him for not knowing where the library is but she calmed her self down and walked out of the library. She went into nearly every library and asked about that special library she was looking for but no one knew.

Yukue gave her hopes up. She then sat down on the bench and said to herself. "Why...why is the library hiding from me. I really need to see if that's the truth about my dad." Yes she was talking about her dream witch seemed so realistic like she saw the past about her family. She stud up and walked over to the field.

She finally arrived at the field to train. She had specific days in which she trained. If she would miss one day of her programs training. She would somehow punish herself. She looked up at the sky but only saw rain. That's what she usually saw. She had newer seen clouds. So that was one of her wishes. That she could see clouds. She then raised her head down and took her jacket off. She didn't want to make holes in it. She was always careful with her jacket. The jacket was given to her by an old friend witch died from disease.

Yukue had finally started training she ran 4 laps around the field and then done 200 push ups following by some ninjutsu. Yukue looked at the trees and though of she could make her own jutsu. She already knew what she wanted her jutsu to be like just she didn't know if she could make it herself. "I guess I should try making my own jutsu today. See if I could actually make my own jutsu." She said to herself. She then but her hand in front of her and opened one of her palms then she put her other hand on top of that hand but this hand was closed and made it so it's a strong fist. She then made a little ice line and at the end of the line there was a little polar bear she tried controlling him but when she tried the line would break a part and she would need to make a new jutsu. She tried and tried but she couldn't control those little polar bears. She sat down on the wet grass and though of a plan to move those polar bears.

Yukue stud up still with no plan and started to cast the jutsu again. But it was no use the polar bear still snapped of the line of ice. She then realized that she should make the ice line thicker so it's much stronger. "Why didn't I realize of this from the first jutsu fail. Is this really how dumb I am?" She said. She then put her hands in the same position as the last times and said out loudly. "Ice Release: Ice polar bear." She then focused her chakra on her hands that might help her get bigger line of ice. She then closed her eyes hoping that this would work.

She opened her eyes and saw that the line of ice was much thicker and stronger. She then looked at the bear and also saw that the bear was much bigger now it looked like a real polar bear just made from ice. She then tried to control him and that all worked out perfectly. She then though if she could make him attack with his claws. She moved her arm to her left side and then she raised it up. She then put it in front of her. She then saw that the bear was moving so she released her ice line longer.

The bear reached the tree and then raised one of his front right arm and moved it to his right side then raised his leg up and then he attacked the tree with his claws.

Yukue was so happy that she made her own jutsu so she jumped up in the air and loudly said "Yes I finally made my own jutsu." She then dropped down and fell asleep, with a smile on her face.

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