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1Cleaning the Impure [C Rank Mission] Empty Cleaning the Impure [C Rank Mission] Tue Nov 26, 2013 9:48 pm




Lawless criminals who lived as they pleased, stealing from the poor and attacking the innocent … Much disgust was felt towards them by the Ryuzoji member, expressed only inwardly. She had been tasked with apprehending the group of bandits that have made themselves known in Kumogakure, taking advantage of the fact that several of their shinobi had gone off the Kirigakure to assist with the fight against whatever had laid siege to the great Hidden Mist village. Miyako herself had stayed behind, knowing that her squad leader was likely busy with his other duties as one of the highest ranking shinobi in Kumogakure and feeling that she had yet to prove her loyalty and worth towards her own village … there was no reason to go and throw herself uselessly at enemies she likely stood no chance against. What she needed now was more self-training, as well as complete more missions for her own village. And that was exactly was she was doing now, walking down the streets of the main market area of Kumogakure, headed towards the location where the bandits were last seen. Her medium-length hair, instead of down and left to swing freely, was tied up in a short ponytail, though the usual longer pieces in front of her face were still there, occasionally falling in front of her eyes and obstructing her vision. Not that it really bothered her, having long since gotten used to it. It never did seem to hinder her in battle, and thus didn't matter at all. Miyako was wearing her usual outfit, favourite scarf wrapped snugly around her neck, the ends lifting at the slightest breeze. Her katana was strapped to her right, the familiar weight always managing to calm her nerves. Not that she never truly showed the state of her nerves.

It didn't take long to find the general area of where the bandits were. The entire corner of that market district had nearly been abandoned, the civilians likely too scared to open shop for fear of the bandits raiding the area. As she proceeded forwards, something flew towards her - her quick notice of this combined with her reflexes allowed her to move just slightly to one side to avoid it. The object - which turned out to be a simple apple - smashed against the brick wall of the building behind her, but she took no time to watch it hit the wall, instead whipping her head towards the direction the apple had come from, in time to see two rather bulky men walk towards her. Both were wearing strange masks - looking almost identical in terms of appearance - their top undressed, revealing scars that littered their muscular bodies. She waited for some sort of introduction or threat, but only silence reigned for a moment, and then one of them … grunted. Immediately, both surged forward, one towards her left and the other to her right, clearly trying to box her in somehow. Gauging the situation in a split second, Miyako moved to her left first, left hand reaching across her body for her katana, sliding out the katana in one smooth motion and pulling it right across the bandit's abdomen. It only managed to make a cut of about two inches deep, but enough to have it roar with pain and double over momentarily, sounding increasingly less human and more animalistic. Knowing that the other bandit would be right behind her by then, Miyako ducked to the left just as a punch went towards the area where her head had been just moments before, while taking a breath and filling her mouth with chakra, transforming it into a gaseous substance which she let out as she took a few leaps backwards to put distance between herself and the two bandits.

Both bandits charged blindly through the gas, heading towards her. Quickly channeling raiton chakra to her finger tips, she released a stream of sparks, which immediately ignited the gas she had released previously, immediately … well, roasting both bandits, leaving them screaming in pain. The raw sounds of the two in pain made her wince inwardly, but she barely had time to dwell in her disgust when two additional bandits rushed over, having heard the cries of their companions. A fist swung towards her before she had time to properly react, catching her in the shoulder and sending her tripping several paces back, letting out a soft gasp of pain. Clearly, these men were trained in Taijutsu. Working through her pain, Miyako immediately countered by channeling more raiton chakra, releasing a large flash of light at all four bandits who were all focused on her, closing her own eyes in the process. Grunts of confusion alerted her that her technique had worked, and she activated her Brilliant Veil technique, coating herself with blue-white raiton. And with that, she began to move, her movements much faster than it had been before now that there was less resistance. She proceeded to weave in and out between the four bandits, katana moving fluidly as she attacked mercilessly, taking advantage of their loss of sight to deal as much damage as possible. One of the bandits, actually smart enough to take the time to listen to his companions grunts of pain every time she landed a blow, lurched forward and grabbed at her, surprisingly accurate. But the raiton effects of her little cloak effectively made him let go with a scream of pain, hands now covered in first degree burns.

Within moments, all four bandits lay on the ground, unconscious, blood flowing freely from the multiple slash wounds as a result of her multiple cuts. None of them would die quite yet … it would require at least half an hour before they bled out, but that didn't matter. Her mission had been to somehow put a stop to them, and if she didn't have to kill them, then it was her preferred method. There would no doubt be someone coming to follow up on her mission - they could help to bring the four into custody then. For now, her part was over, and the moment reinforcements arrived, she would be off to collect her reward and return … home. Or perhaps not. Wincing at the pain in her shoulder - now that her adrenalin had wore off, the pain was really beginning to settle in - she decided it would be best if she stayed out for a while longer, perhaps even seek medical help. Going home wasn't exactly a tempting option, it had been weeks since her mother's temper had gotten increasingly worse, and Miyako found herself wanting to return home less and less. Stay out a bit it was then. Perhaps back to the Ryuzoji training grounds, and just give herself some time to recover.

Mission: Cleaning Up

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