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1Case of the Lost Shoe [ D Rank Mission ] Empty Case of the Lost Shoe [ D Rank Mission ] Wed Nov 27, 2013 1:15 am



Miyako was beginning to believe that all D rank missions were simply jokes, requests sent in by people too lazy and have too much ryo on their hands to do simple tasks by themselves, preferring to make genin work on them instead. There was some sort of war going on in Kirigakure that could possibly place the other villages - include Kumogakure - in danger … and she was being tasked with finding a lost shoe. She had accepted it anyways, knowing that it wasn't her place to refuse, especially since she was at the lowest rank able to take on missions. The one C rank mission she had done had been interesting enough, actually allowing her to utilize her skills. The B rank that she had accompanied Bokuden on had been clearly out of her league, but had been interesting nonetheless, allowing her have a taste of what a higher ranked mission was like as well as have a glimpse of her squad leader's skills. All the D rank missions she had done so far were uneventful, from babysitting kids to cleaning libraries. But most were with good-natured people … this one would break that nice streak.

The requestor of the mission was a teenaged boy, who had apparently been playing "kick the shoe into the air" when it had flown off somewhere unknown. The entire mission sounded like a joke, especially when she finally arrived to the destination to find that the teenager was there with two of his friends, deliberately showing her the one foot that was missing a shoe. Breezing past them without reacting, she began aimlessly wandering the area, not even knowing where to begin. This could very well be a complete joke, in which there was no lost shoe to begin with, and that she was simply being placed on a wild goose chase for something that didn't exist. That would certainly explain why the boy had brought friends along with him. What a bother … she wasn't keen on spending hours foolishly searching for something that didn't exist. But having a "Mission Failure" on her record wasn't something she wanted either. So what could she do? Confront the boy and risk being teased? Continue searching and look like an idiot? Report back and consider it a mission failed? But there was still the possibility that the shoe did exist … in which case simply giving up now or confronting the boy wouldn't be ideal.

Wandering a little ways away, she surveyed the area, running a critical eye on the surroundings. If he had been playing with the shoe … it would likely have been loosely placed on his foot, the kicked upwards - with the goal of either beating his friends' heights, or getting it over something. The latter seemed much more likely, as measuring the height of how high the shoe flew would be difficult without something to help gauge the height obtained. So that meant … she should start by picking out anything high enough to be of interest to the boy. Gray eyes shifting their attention upwards, it took only a few moments for her to find something that matched the description of what she was looking for. It was a clothesline, hanging from one second floor balcony to another, at the ideal height to be a fun goal. Walking back closer, ignoring the whispers of the three boys, she stood at a position where she felt would have been most likely, then stared ahead, trying to imagine where the shoe would fly. If kicked at a degree of approximately twenty to thirty degrees, then it would be vertical enough to make it over the clothesline and land right on the other side … but if kicked between thirty to forty five degrees, it would likely land on the low roof of the building directly in front of her. Bingo. Eyeing the large trash bin along the building, she took off at a run, leaping onto the bin and using the increased height to launch herself up towards the roof, arms grabbing on to the edge and hauling herself up easily, immediately spotting a white sneaker. Picking it up, she tossed it at the boy, hitting in him the shoulder and eliciting a yelp. Without another word, she wandered off, not bothering to get off the roof until there was no longer anymore room to walk, then hopping off lightly to head home.

Mission: Finders
741/600 - Completed.

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