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1Trapped(request-private) Empty Trapped(request-private) Fri Nov 15, 2013 12:29 am



Malacanth had been strolling down towards his favorite little parts shop when he was sent a message by pigeon. The little bird just flew up to him and had to ruin his day he mumbled to himself as he read the message. Apparently the Kazekage had to send him to get an idiotic boy out of a well. If the boy was such an idiot to fall into the well in the first place then he should just be left there to save the parents some trouble! Sadly the pay was fairly good and he needed money for Perfection. He made his way to the rendezvous where he is suppose to meet the parents of the idiotic boy who will lead him to the well. He dragged his feet along the way and made it to the fairly close meet up in fifteen minutes. A crying mother and a father trying to keep his composure. Malacanth in the least agreeable tone said " ok.......wheres the idiotic boy who had to go ruin my day." he sighed out while flashing his headband to the couple. The father gave him an angry look but seemed unwilling to challenge him. " Follow me you unsympathetic twit." Malacanth simply grinned as if the insult only made him amused which pissed off the man to no end. With a cheery skip in his step he followed the man as if he didn't have a care in the world. His every action was specifically to piss of the father at this point, after all he did ruin his day. When they reached the well the puppeteer had to chuckle at the idiotic series of events that must have led up to a boy falling into a well.

The father asked him if he could save him and Malacanth gave a shrug. As the father turned red with anger, Malacanth pulled out a piece of candy. He usually carried one on him at all times. As he chewed and pretended to think of a way to save the boy, he thought of how he could drag this out while not getting into trouble. It was to funny how idiotic people can be. The lack of urgency in his attitude must have pissed off the man enough to finally make him do something other than become red. " Get my son out of their you freak! My son's life isn't a joke!" Malacanth thought this would be the perfect way to install some manners into the man and activated his chakra strings and connected them to Perfection. The puppet's head suddenly swiveled towards the man and it's mouth opened to reveal a bolt ready to fire. The father almost jumped and ran at the sight of death staring him down but then Malacanth grinned and said " Don't worry, your body would be of no use." The mouth closed and Malacanth unclasped it from his back. Perfection stood their for a moment, Malacanth wondering if the father would try to punch him again before acting. The father seemed willing to let Malacanth do his thing now out of fear and him actually making his move. Perfection's talons shot out of it's hands and with a flick of the finger ran towards the well. It jumped down and then as it fell pushed the talons into the wall, stopping its fall. Malacanth then repeated the process and it continued until it reached the bottom. Malacanth screamed down to the idiot " Little boy! please get on Perfection's back and don't be an idiot!" This was meant as a word of advice but only seemed to fluster the boy. After ten seconds the boy reluctantly got onto the puppet's back. The puppet then began to climb the well by using the talons to get to the top. As soon as the puppet reached the top of the well and hit the ground the boy let go and ran to his father and the mother who just arrived after calming down. The father reluctantly thanked Malacanth and with a smug smirk he said " Lucky you had little old me, I'll take my leave now. Thanks for ruining my peaceful day for your petty problems." With a look of pure disgust the man payed him and Malacanth went on his way, happy to finally be back on track.
734/600 words


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