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1Academy Teacher Adjunct(private-request) Empty Academy Teacher Adjunct(private-request) Thu Nov 14, 2013 6:53 pm



Malacanth stood in front of the academy in his usual garb. The only visible thing about it though was his lab coat and the slightest hint of his pants. His headband was in his pocket as usual as he didn't like wearing it. When he did need it he would put it on the puppet that he is currently carrying on his back so he wouldn't have to personally wear it. Malacanth's mission for today would be a fun one, help administer an exam for some academy students. The test itself wouldn't be to much fun but messing with any student that cheats will. He entered the academy with a flash of his headband and the mission details and was allowed in, albeit reluctantly as Malacanth looked a bit too crazed to be a ninja.

He entered the class room and found that Ituke was the teacher here. As he wasn't a student too long ago he remembered this teacher as a kind one and considered the best to get as a sensei. Malacanth held a different opinion of the boring man. Kindness was a boring emotion to favor, results are all that mattered for the puppet master's art and therefore an emotion that could get in the way was pointless. He had hoped to have worked with the drill sergeant like one and they could have a grand time being hard on the students. He would preserver though as Perfection has not reached the point of her name. " I'm here Ituke! Let's get started." The way Malacanth said it seemed to have made the students look at him weird. He has been told his speech patters and voice can sound a bit weird. The students would have to live with it though. Ituke nodded to the genin and stood before the rest of the class, tests in hand. " Ok students, this test will be on clone techniques and shall go over both the theory and techniques involved with them. I expect everyone to do their best and make their clan proud." Malacanth was then handed half the sheets to pass out, at least he assumed. He felt to lazy though and simply released his puppet from his back. The strings of chakra grew out from his fingers and suddenly his perfection sprung to figurative life. The puppet took the papers and started passing them out as Malacanth took a seat to the side of the classroom. This seemed to unnerve some of the students for whatever reason and they all looked more nervous then a test should make them. As a surprisingly annoyed looking teacher and Perfection finished handing out the tests, the teacher said " Ok, you have an hour, begin!" He almost shouted.

Malacanth now would have the boring job of making sure no one cheated on his watch. He decided to keep Perfection on stand by so he could quickly put an end to any cheating in the least disruptive way possible, at least in his mind. His eyes constantly scanned his temporary charges, looking for one to dare cheat. Ten minutes in he found his first target. He detected a slight movement of sand in the corner of his eye. To his surprise someone was using sand to create an artificial eye. A very complex jutsu that would require great control over Sunagakure's trademark sand release. He almost felt like letting the cheater get away with using such a interesting way to go about it but sadly he could be docked pay if the sensei found out. Malacanth did a quick scan to see who had an eye closed as one would need too and found his mark quickly enough. A red headed girl had an eye closed and seemed to be looking a bit distracted. Malacanth did a couple of flicks of the finger and Perfection's head suddenly swiveled towards the girl, opened its mouth, and a bolt shot out. This bolt hit the girl's test and with a jump the girl got up with a look of surprise. The sand eye suddenly vanished so he knew he got his mark. It seemed the class had noticed though and many looked over with worry. " Don't worry little ones, I just caught someone cheating!" Malacanth said, thinking this would be a sufficient explanation. The girl was escorted out of the class room by the sensei and the test went on. The sensei didn't look particularly happy for the rest of the class for a reason beyond Malacanth's but he was sure it was because of the girl's cheating. He didn't do anything wrong so how could it be him?

The rest of the test went on smoothly and as the hourglass trickled to it's last bead of sand the sensei stood up and said " pencils down." Every pencil went down with almost a collective groan and the teacher and his puppet collected the test while Malacanth collected his bolt. The class was dismissed and Malacanth was given the reward with a less than happy look from the sensei. Malacanth left the class with a small smirk as this was a good step towards buying the next component of his puppet.

881/600 words
140/150(-5 for activation, another for sustain)


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