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1Akuma Family Crest(private-request) Empty Akuma Family Crest(private-request) Fri Nov 15, 2013 6:52 pm



Malacanth's newest assignment would prove to be a boring one, albeit any assignment a genin is on will turn out to be one. Some man from the Akuma clan hired Malacanth for some stupid family seal searching. Did Malacanth see the point of this? no. All he cared about was it had a decent pay for something that would be easy. This is why he stood in front of the Akuma compound, waiting to be left in by the taijutsu freaks. The guards let him in after he was verified to have a job with one of the heads of the side-branches.

Malacanth entered the compound and was led to one of the larger houses to the side of the compound. The guards left him as he entered the house and was met by a spacious area where he could find a heavy set man with some big muscles. A typical Akuma clan and most likely all muscle and no brain. The house was nice for a side branch's head but as the third son of the Chikamatsu clan leader, he wasn't overly impressed. Malacanth sat on a fairly bare chair with little excess to it. That seemed to be a theme of the man's house though, bare bones all around. Probably some training or philosophical reason that physical fighters would think of. Idiotic in every sense but Malacanth would ignore the ignorance of not having excess.

The man finally spoke up after he sat down in a commanding voice " I need you to create me a family seal of the Akuma. It is of the upmost importance for my branch to have at least one seal within it and I expect you to get it. I would prefer it be through legal means but this issue is larger than my sense of honor. Do whatever you need to do." Malacanth smirked with delight from the request. Do whatever I want? Thats what I've been waiting for! With the giddiness of the five year old being given money he jumped out of his seat and said " I promise you I will get the seal to the utmost of my ability!" The man looked at the crazy man, seemingly regretting saying do whatever it takes. Malacanth walked out of the house and the compound with a smirk that gave the guards a shiver of fear.

Malacanth started his quest for the family seal by heading towards an underground black market in the outskirts of Sunagakure. The place wasn't the safest but as a shinobi with a puppet on his back, most would leave him alone. A man with some of the more expensive items on display was his target. He knew that an Akuma family seal would be something the man would sell as you could make a good profit off of an Akuma buying it from you. Lucky for Malacanth, the merchant did have one but was a bit reluctant about Malacanth repossessing it as an act of charity. His puppet's talons soon proved to be a sufficient motivator. Malacanth inspected the seal, making sure it didn't have any imperfections, nodding and almost smiling from the fact that it was perfectly crafted seal, he made his way back to the compound. After another wait to verify him having business with someone there, they led him to his client's house. The Akuma side branch leader looked like he didn't even move a muscle from the spot. Malacanth took a seat and tossed the seal at the man. The man almost jumped into the air at the sight and caught it. He hugged the seal as if it was a religious symbol. After five minutes of him holding it with reverence, he handed him the payment for the job. " I hope this covers the cost of the seal. Malacanth got up and just before he left he said " I didn't pay for it, threatened some poor smuggler for it." The man looked at him in disbelief at the audacity of the statement and Malacanth chuckled at the shock look before going on his way.
694/600 words

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