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Hira sat on a tombstone thinking back to his lonly childhood. He had never really thought about it much before and now that he was he was realizing how much it affected him. "I dont know what im doing? is it right for me to be a ninja? I dont know... and there is no one to give me asnwers." Hira shed a single tear and then buried his face in his arms. He then muttered without raising his head, "I need someone to talk to." He saw another man at the cemetary and asked him "Sir would you tell someone to meet me here?" He looked at him for a moment "yea sure, i gess, who is it?" Hira told the man Himi's name and gave him a description of here. The man ran off saying "Ill try my best."



She was sitting on the roof of her house, listening to the soft sounds of the crickets and the night, when she heard footsteps run up to her front door. Somehow managing to get down before the person reached the door.
"My mother is asleep at the moment. If you need something I can help."
A tenor voice sounded, so the person was male. "I am looking for a Haruto Himitsu..."
"I am Himitsu. Who summoned me?"
"A teenage boy in the cemetery told me to get you and bring you there."
"Well then, take me." She replied.
This cemetery was surprisingly close to her home, she thought before it struck her, this was the place her father had been buried.
She could feel Hira's chakra as the messenger man bid her a farewell. She made her way to where Hiragana was sitting.
"You know, it's disrespectful to sit on a tombstone."



He waited for himi to arrive and when she finally did he turned around to her. He looked right at her eyes and in a sincere voice asked "Where do you think people go when they die?" As he finished his sentance he stood up and walked towards her stopping when he was about a foot away from her.



She was silent for a while. "I don't know. I wish I did." Her lips lifted themselves into what could be called a sad smile, but it only lasted for only a split second, as if it was just a twitch of her mouth. She cast her eyes up at him. "Why?" She asked in her common tone, her voice was as soft as cotton.



He was still standing only a foot away from her, as he listened to her soft voice he couldnt help but smile if just for a minute. He then looked up at the sky, it was sunset so it was begining to get dark and there were a few ealier stars in the sky. Still looking at the sky he said "I just... wander where my parents are is all. I never knew them but even so i still wish they were here."



"I see." She replied, reluctant to speak of her father. Those memories she had tried to keep locked away in the back of her mind, they would only amount to making her cry. He was the only one that had ever cared for her, or rather the only one that paid her any attention.



Hira was still looking up at the sky for a few moments, he then turned to her. He stared into her eyes for a few moments then looked back up at the sky smiling. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a flower and held it out towards himi. It was a flower Himi should recongize easily, a tiger-lily. "Here, i know my parents are gone but at least i have you and night."



She smiled, she could feel the tempature slowly getting cooler. She extended her arm and took the flower with delicate fingers. She brought the petal up to her nose and drew a soft breath, closing her eyes and taking joy in the scent of the flower. "Thank you Hiragana-kun."



Hira smiled at her and looked back up at the sky, for some reason the sky was looking different today. It looked more beautiful then usual and he could not figure out why. He walked over to the grave he was sitting on and said in a sincere voice, "i may not have known my parents, but i gave them a grave anyway though i know not where their bodies are." He stood back up and walked over to himi. He pushed back a peace of her hair so it was behind her ear and asked a question he was reluctant to ask before but decided to anyway "What about you himi-san? How's your family you dont talk about them much?"



She felt him push a lock of defiant hair behind her ear. The sensation of him touching her was a rather uncomfortable one for her. He didn't have any memories of his parents?
Himitsu opened her mouth to reply, but her throat closed up. Her eyebrows pinched together to form a soft crease. She couldn't breathe, it was too hard to even think as the memories came back. She felt like she had gotten the wind knocked out of her as she kinda just stood there, with her mouth parted slightly. A rather pained expression came over her face. She felt so sad, and upset on the inside. The girl had been so hollow, empty for a while, not really feeling anything since her father's death, but these emotions where the strongest thing that she had ever felt. A solemn tear made it's way across her bottom eye lid and started to venture down her cheek, but before it got to far she wiped her face with the back of a covered hand.
She opened her mouth once more in an attempt to speak, a faint and slightly morbid smile found it's way to her mouth. "My mother hates me, and my father is dead. I- I have too go." Wiping her face once more she turned and walked away quickly.
[exits topic]

Last edited by Himitsu on Wed Jul 25, 2012 3:34 am; edited 1 time in total



Hira was cought off guard by her words. He noticed her stat to cry and some what regretted asking the question. He looked at himi and he then took a few steps back saying "Im so sorry to hear that himi. Maybe i shouldnt have asked you. If it something you didnt want to talk about i should have just left it alone." He then walked over to the grave he made for his parents and drew his sword, scratching the grave with it adding a slash to the previous ones. "I cant say i know what your going through, i never had anyone there for me. I was alone from the begining so i know not what it feels like to lose someone, but ill try my best to understand you."

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