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Hira stood up after doing some push-ups and looked around. He was alone in an empty plain with just a few trees around,a slight breeze was blowing but it was quite calm. Hira thought to himself "Nights been doing some serious training hasnt he? He's probably pretty strong now. But iv been training to and i wont lost to him, not at being a ninja or atgetting the girl." Hira then whistled and waited until a bird came and landed on his shoulder. "I think ill have a match with night, see how is training is coming along and get a few things off my back." he said writing a note to night stating his location and telling him to come there. He sent the bird off then laid back against a tree awaiting nights arrival.



As Night was sleeping and resting at home in his bath, he woke up when a messenger bird came and threw the letter on his face. "Darn that stupid bird. Can't it see I'm res-. Oh, a letter." Night then opened the letter and read it. "Hmmm...Hira wants to see me? Are we gonna play? Or is he gonna buy me something to it? Who knows, let's go!" Night then got dressed and ran to the area Hira was waiting for him. "Hira!!!!!!!! Why did you call me for? Are we gonna eat? Or are we gonna play?" Said Night as he jumped with excitement.



Hira was sleeping silently against the tree when he heard night coming towards him yelling at him "And there goes my new" he thought to himself as night stood there, he then gave a little sigh and leaped up. "Hmmm... i guess both night. I wanted to do some sparring, when were done ill take you out to eat, deal?" As the last sentanced exited his mouth he tensed up just a little bit raising his guard.



Night was then shocked and then say,"What? A spar, again? Why always spars? I'm bored of it! And plus, you've got great jutsu, and I don't have even one jutsu. Meanie. You just wanna bully me!" Night then pouted.



Hira kinda laughed a little, crossing his arms he said "You have some ok jutsu night and i may have stronger jutsu but im also not the one with the legendary lightsaber." He smiled and said "Come on night, these matches are good for both of us. It lets us get a feel of our own strengths and weaknesses as well as each others. Its good training for the exams."



Night then sighed and said, "Still no. Those jutsu of yours can kill me. And my sword isn't legendary at all. It's just a sword-shaped torchlight." Night then turned his back on Hira and said, "Well, since the discussion has headed to the exams...." Night then started some handseals, "Then I see why not? Water Mist Jutsu!" Immediately, the place was surround by a thick mist. Night then began to walk away from the position he was at, quietly.

CP: 100/110




Hira listened to night and was not suprised when the mist jutsu was used. "You know, im staring to thin k that this jutsu is used to much." he thought to himself. He then said outloud "Alright you wanna play that way, then lets go." when he finished he clapped his hands together saying "Water style: super water colliding wave." He then spit out an incredible amount of water stood on top of the large wave.

CP: 90/120



As Night was doing some handseals, a big wave of water shot next to him. "Woah, that was close. If I never moved, I would've died long time ago. Let's troll a bit" thought Night with a smirk. He went nearby where the water was shot and shouted, "Dang! Gah! It hurts! I think I broke, cough, some bones. Help!" He then walked further from where he shouted. He then whispered, "Vibration Sensor". He then got the location of where Hira is. He then smirked as his master plan was going smoothly.





With the water on the ground he heard Night yelling "What is he up to? Whatever it is, i must continue with my plan" he thought to himself. he then leapt on to a nearby tree, clapping his hands together once again and saying "Water style: water explosion skill!" Causing the water on the ground to explode equal to that of a small paper bomb, not enough to cause any serious injury, he was mainly using it to draw night out.




As the water on the ground where the water sprayed exploded, Night thought, "Thank God I did not stay near there! I would've died!" Night then started performing some handseals. After completing the handseals, Hira was wrapped by some invisible ropes that prevents him from moving. "Gotcha!" thought Night. He then pulled out his sword and activates it.





Hira looked around "Did it work?" he then suddenly could not move. "Damn, he cought me in the paralysis technique." Hira struggled to get free, he thught to himself "Just keep fighting, just keep fighting and you will break free!"



Night then pointed the sword at Hira and shot the rings at Hira. "Hehe, even if you break free, it's too late."Thought Night. The rings that wrapped around Hira tightly also gave Hira electric shocks. "Hmm, I wonder if this would be harmful to a shark...." thought Night. He then carried Hira and continuously slammed him on the ground.

CP - 50/110



Hira took the punishment for a little bit waiting for a moment to act "He then appeared on a nearby tree branch and hollered down at night "Acually night it would, but unlike last time i wont let this lightsaber of yours get the better of me."




As Night felt Hira escaped from his grasped, he found him somewhere away, on a tree. After hearing that remark, Night decided to run to a tree nearby. He cliimbed up, and slowly crept from tree to tree, until he was nearby. He then jumped in the air and aimed to swipe attack Hira from above.



Hira was somewhat suprised at nights speed saying "This kid is quite fast but he's not the only one." he thought to himself. He then jumped upward away from the tree narroly dodgeing Nights attack. "That was close night, i must admit your pretty fast." He then took a deep breathe and shot a condensed water ball at high-speeds directly at night.





Night slashed his sword at where Hira was. However, Hira dodged, as what Night has planned. "Hira, to win, you don't need strong jutsu or anything. You just need to think ahead of your opponent. " Night then pointed at where Hira is, in the air. Knowing that Hira can't dodge while in the air, he shot the electric rings at him, ignoring the watershot that hit his left hand. He then slammed Hira repeatingly on the ground from 20 meters high.

CP - 40/110

Last edited by Night on Mon Jul 16, 2012 10:59 am; edited 1 time in total



As Hira flew through the air he listned to nights words and knowing he had no time to dodge he instead braced himself. As he hit the ground, he felt a loss of breathe. He however quickly regaind his breathe and stood up quickly."Thats good advice Night and i agree with you. Now i must inform me that you have left me no choice to resort to more powerful jutsu." He formed a few handsigns and threw his fist forward in a punching matter sending a shark made of water speeding towards night. The speed at which the shark flew would make it difficult to dodge.

CP: 50/120




As he listens to Hira speaks, Night knew an attack was gonna happen. He then threw his sword upwards, and liquidify just in time, right before the shark jutsu was even casted. Since he was on the tree, the liquid form of him poured down, and his sword landed next to him. He then turned back to normal, picked up his sword and charged at Hira, attempting to stab forward, and then slashed at Hira.

CP : 35/110




Hira saw night liquify and said "Damn... that was a nice trick night for a second there i fogot yo could do that puddle boy." He saw night charge at him and leaped away from night he was at least 25 meters away, he then removed his own sword from its sheathe. He formed some hand signs then dropped his sword and it levitated next to him. he then sent it after night it flew with impressive speed and hacked and slashed at night.





As Night slashed, he missed, since Hira dodged, "Heh, you got something up your sleeves?" Asked Night as Hira formed some handseals. As he see Hira toss a sword and start hacking it at him, Night blocked one hit before liquifying again with his sword at his side. "Neat move. can you teach that to me?"

CP - 30/110




Hira willed his sword back to him before answering night "It is a neat trick isnt it? As for teaching it to you ill think about it." Hira was breathing slighlty more heavily than usual as he formed the tiger seal."Ready to give up yet so we can eat?" Then 2 water clones came up on each side of Hira and he shuffled himself in with them.





Night turned back to normal, and breathed heavily. The chakra drain was high, Night never felt this tired before. He then looked at Hira with eyes which are serious for the first time and said, "Yea, I'll end the party. " Night then charged at the three Hira, and gave each of them a slash.





Hira panting was low on chakra, even with his high chakra reserves he knew he could not go on too much longer he prepared himself. The real Hira dodged to the side while his clones were destroyed he then swung a punch as fast as he could get it to go right at Nights temple. "Just give up already night!" he yelled with a some what murderous intent.



As Night destroyed the clones, he got punched by Hira. Luckily, Night was expecting an attack. However, he expected a sword, and was thankful it was just a punch. After getting punched, he swung his sword 3 times at Hira, and was ready to shoot the rings when Hira dodges. "Due already!!!!!" Shouted Night, as his eyes filled with murderous intent for the first time.



Hira smiled as the punch connected, "That had to do some damage he thought." He then saw night slashing at him and he knew that he needed to come up with something quick. Hira willed up the rest of his stamina and did his best to dodge the three slashes while still remaining close to night, after which he formed a quick handsign and thrust his hand forward causing an orb of water to trap night. "This is going to hurt us both, so prepare yourself." He said this because nights lightsaber was going to shock them both and probably end the match.



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