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Kaguya Apocalypse

Kaguya Apocalypse

Apocalypse was as over-confident as usual. He walked down the street, striding as he did so. His hands were in his pocket, and his head high in the air. He was walking with his unearned sense of achievement. Upon sighting a bench on the side of the road, he slowly took a seat there. On his side, there were two linen pouches that were snapped shut, and there were clearly some strange shaped objects inside of them. Though exactly what they were would remain unknown. His attire consisted of clothing you wouldn't normally see a genin wearing. His attire was grey. He had a kilt-like article of clothing upon his legs, and up top, he had an open vest. His eyes burned an electric blue, matching his hair.




Himitsu had left her house today. Why? Who in the world could have known. On her way through town, if nothing life changing decided to happen, she planned to pick something up for her mother. Just to seem busy.
Today, it was hot and humid with a slight breeze. With the sun beaming down upon her head, Himitsu decided to take refuge in the shade. Walking along the side of the street until she felt a bench. Touching around the seat to feel were it was before sitting down. Someone else was sitting on the far end on the bench.
Blinking her sightless heather blue eyes, she undid the ribbon that held her hair back. She was going to attempt to pull her hair back into a bun once more.

Kaguya Apocalypse

Kaguya Apocalypse

"Oh joy, and to think I thought I could sit here without someone deciding it was a party bench. Tell me, beautiful, the hell you doin' on this bench?" Apocalypse's teeth formed into a piercingly white grin that she wouldn't be able to see. His eyebrow quirked at her strange behavior, though. He couldn't help but be curious.



She stopped what she was doing and turned towards the male's voice. She did not like, no she much rather abhorred how he had just spoke. Such rough and vulgar language. Though she didn't mean for it, her face ghosted an imitation of his own, the left corner of her mouth twitch up and then back down to it's original position.
"It's rather warm today, and I need to pull my hair back up."She answered in her calm and dulcet voice. With that she continued to run the black ribbon under her hair and pull up, fixing it into a neat and tight bun.

Kaguya Apocalypse

Kaguya Apocalypse

"Women can't even brush up their shiny locks without sitting down any more.. Too much of a multi-task, is it?" Apoc grinned a wide-toothed grin at her again, kicking up a small cloud of dirt with his right foot in a casual motion. He waited on her retalliation. A fish that fought back. He liked that.



"I just want to be out of people's way." She wasn't exactly sure how to handle the man, but she kept her soft composure, and didn't show any of her uncertainty. She definitely took a disliking to his attitude. "Well, I have to go now, so if you will excuse me." With that she got up and walked away.
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