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As Hira dodges the last three slashes, Night knew something will happen. As he saw the handsigns, he knew he won't be able to take it head on. Seeing water appearing from Hira's hand, Night had a plan. Night used all his last strength on Kawarimi and substituted himself with a log nearby, while leaving his sword in the orb. As he listens to Hira's cries while getting shock, Night said, "That attack could've killed me. Luckily, I know. that popular jutsu by those handseals. "He then went to pick his sword up, deactivate it and carried Hira on his back and walked to the hospital with him.

CP - 15/110




Hira was still awake on nights back and had not yet fully passed out. He waited a bit and knew night was taking him to the hospital after a moment he launched a suprise attack. He mustered up some strength and wrapped his arm around nights neck while on his back bringing him to the ground. He was panting heavily at this point "You made a good move and a bad one." still panting heavily he added "You ready to give up now? By the way if you reach for your sword, ill knock you out."



Night then replied, "You idiot, doing such a stupid suicide move, I was worried, you know? You're like a brother to me. I'll bring you to the hospital. You can barely stand. If you're still persisting, I'll surrender then, and let you win, so that I can bring you to the hospital."



Hira listened to nights words. Night was right for once. "I think we both could use a stay in the hospital you dont look so good yourself." He relaxed his hold on night and then stood up, his legs were wobbly but he managed to stand. "Thanks... Brother..." Hira said as his panting slowed a little.



Night then shook his head, "Nah, I'm just exhausted. I only have a few scars, unlike someone who did a kamikaze move. Here, let me help you. Get on my back. I don't think you can walk yet"said Night as he sees Hira shaking. He then forcefully took Hira on the back and walked to the hospital. Night smiled when Hira called him his brother.

-exit thread-



Hira yawned and laughed a bit his panting now subsided he said "No man... i could have walked and another thing i think we both recieved our hare of damage on that one." Hira allowed night to carry him just this once but stated "You may only carry me this once, got it!" Hira laughed saying "That match would have been much different had i acually had the intent to seriously harm you." Hira then stayed quiet until he got to the hospital.

-exit thread-

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