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1A night of elegance/private/ Empty A night of elegance/private/ Sun May 24, 2015 7:26 pm



Crimson entered the pub with his fake ID, and his appearance helped him even more, coupled with his attitude. He changed into a formal outfit, a suit, and entered handsomely, the eyes of few, he sat on the stool in front of the bartender's desk as he ordered orange juice, calmly and gently, not to look like a child, and wore a serious unquestionable expression on his face, he came hear for one mere reason, to check what the pub people spoke so highly of was like, from anyone's point of view it was childish, but the boy was much more mature, and much more experienced in these places, they were the places where he mostly obtained his information. Crimson would look around and before long a sweet tune was played, it was crimson's favorite, violin, he loved violin, and was astonished by violinists. 

But the music was not there for a mere walk in the ears of all customers, most of the customers would arise to their feet, picking a dancing partner, and walking over to an area were they danced, supposedly today was part to celebrate the pub's anniversary, pubs were not places people dance at, or so the boy thought he knew, apparently he was wrong, or was this pub and odd case, Crimson looked around for a partner, but no partner was what he found, the awkward boy disappointed turned to the desk opened a briefcase as he spoke with his info broker, asking him multiple questions, wondering, if he could find answers regarding himself, he would look at the missing list of people, and rogue shinobi, but none held any similarities to the boy.

The boy would order a cup of coffee, and sip on it as he looked through more and more files, but no hope was there, sighing, the boy put down the files, and the briefcase away, as he turned with a sigh towards the dancing couples, their moves synchronized, moving as one, swinging with the music, it was a fun display of movements, he would watch intently, enjoying the dance, intrigued, and interested.

He looked at the dancers, silently, but as always he was alone, remaining a lone wolf, be it night or day, he had no one to accompany, the boy's exterior darkened slightly in disappointment, pouting. The boy would be approached by an ebony with light brown hair, and a ton of make up hiding her face beneath, she was beautiful, but greeted crimson lazily and slowly, the young uchiha knew not how to reply to her and said “Hi” giving her his open palm for a handshake, she shook his estranged, making the boy worry more, had he done something wrong? She would smirk as she spoke boring nothings, crimson looked at her with his bloody orbs, enraged out of no reason, and perhaps from his dismissing gaze, she splashed sake all over his head, his white shirt would soak up a little, but his hair was dripping, and before she was out of range, he apologized, he feared he might have offended her, and so turned to the desk as the bartender refilled the boy's cup of coffee.
The boy sighed, and enjoyed the music.

2A night of elegance/private/ Empty Re: A night of elegance/private/ Wed May 27, 2015 2:19 am



It had been a long day. Tiring. Who knew how a simple meeting could take so much energy. Such stressful situations hadn't been a part of her life for quite some time now, Suzume guessed this was the world's way of making up for lost time. So much had changed, so much had been tasked upon her, and all of it in in a matter of a day. Honestly, she was beginning to wonder why she had ever thought coming to Konoha had been such a good idea. Nothing but headaches had awaited her here and all of it seemed to surmount to hopelessness.

So, logically, there was only one place she knew she had to go after a rough and tumble day. The local pub.

Having been lead around the village a bit by that Uchiha boy when she had first arrived, she remembered such a place that had made her tongue tingle with the thirst for a cold glass of beer. Now even her mind agreed. Several tall glasses were in order to dislodge her thoughts for the night. She had rather not think about all the lives committed to her because of her rank.

And what of her rank? Had she ever truly deserved it? Did she prove her worthiness this day? This day, of all days? Not to get too dramatic but a very big discussion had taken place, and very big demands had been made --threats even-- and all for what? For peace?

Suzume stopped just short of the local pub's door. She had been walking through the alleys and side streets to get back to the path she had originally noticed the pub. Her head was racing, berating her with horrible thoughts. Not all of them without reason, although she wished they hadn't any. Summoning the will to move on, so she could rid her mind of her own demons and drowning them in another, she breathed herself back to tranquility. After a moment, she could look up again.

The door opened and a heavy blow of noise hit her ears. Laughing, conversations, music, cups slamming against tables, cups clinking together in cheers, shoes and sandals tapping against the dance floor. Only her eyes squinted a fraction of a few centimeters before she adjusted. Her mind was on the edge of calm, nearing self-abuse once more. She needed a drink.

"Give me the strongest beer you've got," she commanded, not asked, of the bartender. Her tone carrying the weight of her need for it. "Now, please."

Her hand rested on the wood countertop, open and waiting. The bartender reluctantly pulled out a glass and filled it up, placing the icy, liquored up beverage into her palm. Just the touch of it began to soothe her. Immediately she brought it to her mouth, chugging the glass down as quickly as she knew she could. The glass was empty in one handful of seconds. "Another," she asked, nicely this time.

One glass wouldn't be enough. That much she already knew before she had even decided on coming to this place. However one glass was enough to start the process. She could feel the reprimands losing their venom in her head. All she required now was more drinks and something to preoccupy her time while the process continued.

Her objective in mind, Suzume looked around the bar. There were a lot of people dancing. She liked dancing. But that would remove her from the bar and it was the drinks that she had come for. Dancing would have to wait. No, there had to be someone to talk to, get her mind off things and preoccupied with senseless dribble. Dribble like the kind the Uchiha boy had played at when greeting her. Or even dribble like small talk. The only thing that mattered was to get her mind quieter and the drinks colder.

And then she saw him. Clearly a boy but his face had enough chisel to it that one could think he was old but with a baby face. The question was, was he old enough yet cursed with a baby face or was he truly a baby faced boy in a bar full of adults? Bingo, she had found a winner. Such a question needed several questions, several answers, and several drinks.

Best yet, he was only a few chairs down. Grabbing her second glass, she headed over and took a seat next to the boy, taking a much more subtle swig than her first before greeting. "Cute face you got there. Never seen such a clean shave, so close to the skin... you must be good with a knife," she gave off a teasing smirk. "I like a man with... precision."

Post: 795

Last edited by Suzume on Fri Mar 25, 2016 6:33 pm; edited 1 time in total

3A night of elegance/private/ Empty Re: A night of elegance/private/ Wed May 27, 2015 5:07 pm



He merely sat there with a troubled look, scrolling through papers, to his side information about amnesia and its side effects, and to his other right side a list of missing people, the boy would place all paper in his suitcase, as he put it to his side, his sharp gaze shifted towards the female across the table, she had just entered, stressed as she seemed, or so he thought, Crimson would hear her conversation with the bartender, she stood out unlike most of the women around here, she had an alluring stunning beauty, but that was not all that there was to her, she was no mere beautiful woman, she had something else in her eyes, she had the eyes of a fighter, of course he had never seen her before, at least he thinks he didn't, the amnesiac boy would  hear her order the bartender's strongest liquor, Crimson would try liqour, or so he thought he would, but he wasn't sure of his age, he wasn't even sure if this place was right for him, being an amnesiac has its benefits but it has more cons than pros thought the uchiha to himself.

He ordered a refill for his glass of orange juice, he hoped no one would be suspicious of his order, after all, he's in a bar, not a restaurant or even a cafeteria, he hoped he wasn't doing anything that would expose his age. The attractive woman would approach the young uchiha, speaking few words, teasing the boy with few words, speaking teasingly, and in his mind he spoke few words of his opinion: (Older women ROCK) The boy however, reacted calmly, and in a dominant tone and a dominant look he spoke: “Why thank you, I'm sure I am not the only man that took notice of your... Beauty.” a daring look on his usually emotionless face, a sharp gaze, but it was no gaze of a normal man, or child, deep within the emptiness of his soul can never be hidden, deep within his gaze was the emptiness of his soul, the emptiness his amnesia left him with, and so he'd continue his words: “I also like a daring woman~” He spoke in a teasing yet manly tone, not his usual but he tried.

His body language however was as bold and daring as ever, he would hope his choice of words was nothing childish, he did try hard to coup up with her level of maturity, Crimson was a child even if he was above eighteen, he was an amnesiac, he didn't know how to act or speak in such situation anymore, but he wished he did indeed, Crimson kept calm as he faced the woman gazing deeply into her eyes, making the proper eye contact but remaining careful, he wouldn't want to over do it, was he being cocky? Or was this a normal thing for adults to speak and act in such a manner, he didn't know but he sure did ask himself.

4A night of elegance/private/ Empty Re: A night of elegance/private/ Thu May 28, 2015 10:41 pm



The boy replied to her in a rough tone, she could see his throat move and the skin grow tight. She nearly let herself laugh at this, but instead didn't let her facade break. She had figured it out. The boy was indeed that: a boy. His clean shaven face was more bare than shaven. However comedic she found the conclusion to her question was, she never let on. Even now, with two beers down, her clan's teachings were still holding strong. It would stay firm for a long while later too with all the resistance she had built up over the years. Now it was time to play with the kid a bit.

"How about you get yourself a better drink," Suzume took a look at the boy's glass. It looked like orange juice. Orange juice at a bar? This boy was seriously something else. "Bartender, give this kid the same as me, stat."

She took another large gulp from her glass, taking the last bit of her second glass. "And bring me another as well!" she called out after the bartender as he grabbed the boy's glass. "Tonight, we're gonna have a little challenge between you and me."

He could try to get out of it, but she wouldn't allow it. She needed to break things up in her head and messing around with the kid was the best way to get her mind off things. Off all the troubles back home, off the troubles started here, and the troubles which would undoubtedly unfold from the events of the day. She couldn't wait for the next full glass of beer to reach her hands, as well as to see how the boy could handle his liquor.

-Exit/Close Thread-

Post: 295
Thread: 1090

Last edited by Suzume on Fri Mar 25, 2016 6:34 pm; edited 1 time in total

5A night of elegance/private/ Empty Re: A night of elegance/private/ Fri May 29, 2015 8:18 pm



The boy's confidence was overcome by the woman's mature assault, shocked from the assault the boy was both dumbstruck and a block of stone, his defenses were breached and his castle was obliterated by her admirals and her fleet of adults, could this be? could this be it? IT'S THE CHECKMATE-ADULT-ASSAULT. CRIMSON HAD NO CHANCE, SHE NOW HAD HER BLADE OF MATURITY AS HIS THROAT, AND WITH HER BLADE SHE WOULD BE OFF WITH HIS HEAD, CRIMSON HAD LOST THE BATTLE.

Or so he thought. The woman invited him to a drink, the drink looked amazing but also expensive, crying as he turned his face he checked his tiny wallet that was actually a tiny coin pouch, he could feel the despairfull moment eating away at him, but he turned to her elegantly continuing the act, looking sharp as ever, or as he acted, he acted calmly and said: “It's on then, I hope you can keep up, sweetheart” he spoke so but his words to himself were slightly too different:


I am glade that I have met a beautiful woman, she's mature too, which is crazily attractive, but I was always a good judge of situation, at least since I woke up again, and honestly I can't handle her

Crimson you're going to let her defeat you like that, stand up be a man, Misoka would laugh if she saw you like this, sport your power, rise up to victory, the path towards mature older women is a deadly path not for thee feint of heart, are you another weakling?!?!!?


The man raged from within as he grabbed the cup in a pose of dominance, sporting his aura of dominance throughout the bar, he grabbed it and....

Crimson's head was smashed down at the counter, and he merely took a sip, his face became redder than a tomato, the world was not spinning, it was jumping and darting all over the place, crimson's face became only more and more red, he took hold of the mug as he gulped it down in one go, ordered a  second, flushed it down his throat, and calmly with his face redder than a tomato, he turned to face the attractive woman and spoke  as he moved his body like a robot: “You're quite the attractive woman but...” he seemed okay and unaffected despite his red face, but continued his sentence which broke his facade to pieces.

“Don't under-eth-timeith meh*HIC* Thith ith thoo easthy(translation:Don't underestimate me, This is too easy)”

Crimson's head would smack against the counter but he would sit straight up once again, ordering a refill, he was wasted from the first sip.

Crimson, lowered his head as he spoke “”how am I gonna thcore with ladieeth if I can't handle my liquor(How am I gonna score with ladies if I can't handle my liquor)” pause,“Or even find my identity... Who I wath”

The night was still young but Crimson was already drunk more drunk than anyone could hope too, one fact could be absorbed from the situation or the state he was in; he can't handle his liquor, that was very much true.

Crimson placed his hand on his head as a slight bit of his personality echoed in his eyes, trying to hold on through the traumatizing effect, the situation was all in all more funny and relaxing than anything, but to the boy his trauma of liquor had just begun, he spoke as hard as he can: “s-sorry, I don't th-think I'm that good at drinking”

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