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1Skiving Students[D-Rank] Empty Skiving Students[D-Rank] Thu Sep 05, 2013 11:19 pm



Another mission where he had to do someone else's dirty work instead of being able to enjoy his day relaxing and meditating. This time he was asked to go out and find some snot-nosed kid who decided he was big and bad and was going to skip classes. This made Syekren angry a bit because he had trained hard in the academy and worked harder than the others he was in the academy with to get his rank as genin. So he was not a fan of slackers. This kid slacking just boiled his blood for some reason and he was not going to let it happen. He was hopping from roof to roof of the huts in the village, noticing a poorly concealed spot on someone's house where you could tell there a fake partition of the house, made out of cardboard. This had to be it, a horrible excuse for camouflage only meant one thing: academy student. Syekren shook his head, hopping down next to the partition, leaning against the wall next to it. He could hear slightly hushed breathing behind the cardboard, as if he heard Syekren jump down and was trying to keep himself quiet. The Uchiha simply reached over and knocked against the cardboard softly, shaking his head."You know, you need to get better at your camouflage. I know you're in there. So come on out." The partition pushed off, cardboard falling to the ground to reveal a small kid with a short scarf, goggles on his head, and plain clothing. He bared his fist at Syekren and yelled."What's the big idea?! I was hiding there! Do I have to pound ya?!" The kid's voice was so squeaky, it made Syekren laugh.

"Look kid, you're coming back to the academy with me. You need to train so you can get stronger and become a full fledged ninja." At this point the kid started punching Syekren in the stomach. He obviously didn't specialize in Taijutsu, these hits wouldn't hurt anyone. But in anycase, it was annoying and the Uchiha ignited his fists quietly, the flames being intense. "You're coming. Now." The kid had fallen back onto his ass, looking up fearfully at Syekren. Well, this was off to a good start anyway. Using this oppurtunity, he picked the kid up and put him over his shoulder in the fireman carry. He walked back to the academy with the student in tow, letting him down at the door and handing him over to the waiting hands of the teacher. His job was done for now and he headed off to the kage's office to turn his mission in. If he kept on the pace he was going, his kage might deem him worthy of the chuunin title and he could then get stronger! He smiled at this thought, arriving at the kage's office, turning in his slip for the mission and heading back out for more. He was feeling good now. He had recently completed two missions and was ready to accept more. He wanted to become stronger and become Kazekage one day, and to do that he'd have to start at the bottom as he was now. He arrived at the mission board, looking over a few of them, tilting his head and scratching it as he began to decide on the next two he would complete. Soon, he would head out once more to complete more missions and then even more, until he was strong enough to prove it to his peers.


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