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1Skiving Students [Suna - D] Empty Skiving Students [Suna - D] Wed Sep 04, 2013 2:58 pm



Kenshin sighed as another day rolled around. He sat on his bed with a bored expression as he watched the sun come up. He didn't really sleep much. It was too damn hot to sleep. He watched the sun rise like almost every morning, making sure observe one of the few beautiful things about Sunagakure. He yawned before turning his attention away from the sun, as the interesting part of it's rising was completed. He got off his bed with a lazy push as he walked towards the door. Most people would have needed to put clothes on and such, but not Kenshin. His clothes were still on. He would wear them a few more ours before changing, as he didn't do anything particularly strenuous to get them dirty. He drudged over to the door and opened it slowly, turning to walk down the hall to the main door. He grabbed his bow and arrows before opening it and leaving with a slam.

He moved at a slow pace as he headed towards the Academy. It had been a little while since he had visited the place, not that he cared to. Studying and listening to lectures were not things he was particularly fond of. However, this was for a mission he had been assigned the day before. It seemed there was a trouble maker that needed to be scared into coming to class. He didn't really have the want to interfere with another person's life like that, but he desperately needed the ryo. Therefore, he would complete the mission as quickly as possible so he could go chill. He snapped back to reality to see the Academy just ahead of him. He walked up to the doors and opened them, walking until he found room 2C. His mission was about to start.

He knocked on the door before hearing someone say "Come in." He opened the door and entered the room to see a male ninja standing there. He had dark hair and a medium skin tone. He stood at about six feet tall and was looking at him with a warm smile. "Here is the files you will need. See you in a few!" He simply stated as he handed Kenshin a packet with some information. Kenshin nodded before making his exit out of the room, being sure to close the door behind him. He moved down the hall and exited the building, stopping once he got outside. Though he didn't really want to read it, he had to at least see what he looked like. Kenshin opened it to see a young boy with silver short hair and emerald green eyes. His picture showed quite a bit of personality, so it was to be assumed that the kid had plent of it. "Now it's time to bring you back." He simply stated as he went to place where the kid is often seen.

As Kenshin traveled across Sunagakure, he thought of what he could say to the poor chap. He could either scare him to death or do a little demonstration to motivate him. He didn't really feel like acting tough, so the demonstration part suited the situation fine. He neared his destination, a very unique building that was used mostly for creating art and such. Sort of like a studio, but not as nice. He landed in front of the door and opened it swiftly, hoping to startle the boy. As the door swung open, Kenshin's eyes met with the boy's and he simply remained expressionless. He moved forward towards the boy as he went to go talk to him. The boy immeidately responded with throwing a kunai at him. Kenshin simply opened his mouth and sent forth a gust of wind to stop the kunai. The boy gulped as his face turned to a defeated expression.

"I'm not here to beat you up, I simply request that you start going to class and return there immediately after we finish here." He said hoping not to have to argue with the boy over something so simple. However, his parents did the same thing with him, so there was no point in assuming this child was any more mature. "But I don't like fighting, I like art!" The boy said as he pointed to the painting that he had just finished. It was of decent quality and seemed to be of a Sun shining down on a meadow of beautiful follows with trees in the background. "I could see how that would be more interesting. It looks like a place I would love to live in. However, If you complete your ninja training and become Genin, you will be able to travel to new places that will inspire you to create wonderful art." He said trying to convince the boy. "Really? Well...I guess I will. If I end up not being able to do art anymore because of this, I'm coming to find you." The boy responded with a gleam in his eye as he stood up from his wooden stool. He waved as he ran by Kenshin and ran off in the direction of the Academy. "Well that was easy." Kenshin said as he looked around to observe the basic inside of the building. It immediately started to bore him, and so it was time to leave. In an instant, Kenshin was gone in a cloud of smoke via the Body Flicker

Word Count: 921/600

Chakra 130/150:

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