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1Healing Dishonor [Kichirou Only/No kill] Empty Healing Dishonor [Kichirou Only/No kill] Tue Sep 03, 2013 1:47 am



I couldn't believe I had lost my match, I muttered to myself as I sat on the hospital bed. The doctor had patched me up from my last fight against the Yagatsuki girl. My hair was the bane of my existence, yet that was no excuse for a future matriarch of the Kōga. I had lost in a fight and thus had dishonored myself and my clan's name. Had this been in a real battle and war, the level of dishonor would've required me to die in order to restore my honor. That was one thing I could say I was happy about in this defeat. Losing in a competition would be somewhat acceptable, but I would still feel shame.

I nodded her head at the doctor's words though I paid him no mind, still too wrapped up in my grief to care. He let me go, relieving me from the prison-like hospital. I felt fine, of course that was due to the staff's amazing medical ninjutsu, something the Kōga clan wasn't very accustomed too. Pushing off the bed, I started to head down a hallway as a nurse pointed me in the direction of the exit. Slowly I strolled, my thoughts returning to all of my various experiences from the Chuunin Exams. I had killed wolves, defeated a Kiri-nin, and then was defeated myself by an Iwa-nin. I didn't really care for checking out the rest of the Exam matches. Watching would only sting my heart more. Continuing my walk, I was so caught up in my thoughts that I didn't realize I was letting my expressions to flow freely, being painfully obvious to passerby of my emotions.

Taigen Kichirou

The hospital. The overbearing smell of disinfectant was a familiar smell for Taigen Kichirou. The man having been brought to the healthy facility more times than he could recount, but not for the reasons some might expect. While it's he did go there for check-ups and the likes, most of his time in the building was spent playing with the children – those that were dealt a bad hand in life. The sense of charity coming from a mother who took him along as she went to hospital and orphanages – spending time with those less fortunate than her. It was one of many traits the man had picked up from his adopted mother. . .

Aniki, can you show us that trick again?” Kichirou nodded at the bald haired boy's request, green eyes scanning across the small group of twenty kids of all ages the oldest being twelve, and all of them having some form of disease/sickness. But it was the boy who had asked the simple question that tugged at Kichirou's heart. The gambler having learned from a doctor that the child had an incurable cancer, and only have a small amount of time to live. It was truly sad really, such a young life being snuffed out like a butt of a cigarette “Sure, one more time, but afterward I got to go. Got to get some rest, but I will return.” None of the children protested at the thought of him leaving, they all knowing he would return – for Kichirou kept his promises.

Twenty minutes. . . that's how long it passed before a couple of nurses came in, herding the children back to their respective rooms. Though not before they all gave Kichirou a hug, the latter promising them he will return. A single female nurse lingered within the empty room, thanking Kichirou for what he been doing as of later and wishing him luck in future endeavors.

The dark haired male made his way out of the room, the nurse beside him, the pair walking down the hall making small talk. It was doing this talk that Kichirou noticed a female walking towards the exit, and for some reason he felt compel to talk to the woman. A small internal battle insured before Kichirou wished the nurse a good day before attempting to catch up with the other woman. . .

Hey. . .This might seem weird. But for some reason I felt compel to talk to you. Soo. . .” He paused, Kichirou having caught up with the woman in question and was matching her stride almost perfectly. While he isn't new to the idea of walking up to a complete stranger and conversing with them. This time around just felt different. Like some external force was playing dollhouse with Kichirou being the main male in scenario.

((Occ:: sorry if the post is lacking. . .))



“Hey. . .This might seem weird. But for some reason I felt compel to talk to you. Soo. . .”

The dark-haired man caught me off guard, my thoughts on my match halted for a moment. I seemed to stand there for a bit, just looking at the man who had approached me. He was much taller than me and I found myself staring up at his chartreuse green eyes. They were so green that for a moment I seemed to be captivated by them. It had taken me several seconds to realize I was staring, dumbfounded, into the man's eyes. "Uh--hello, um..." I wasn't really sure what to say, probably one of the first times in my life. Taking a quick gulp to help me refocus, I tried again. "Hello, thank you for coming up to me, but really, I must be going."

Maybe I had been hit in the head, or it was my own Explosion Seal that had knocked me off a little, but I didn't feel completely like myself. A nice nap would do me good, maybe then I would be thinking better. Or it could be that I was so depressed about my recent defeat. Either way, I knew I shouldn't stay long, I wasn't keeping a tight reign over my emotions. Up to now I had been letting my facial expressions show how I was feeling, something a Kōga should never do. I started to walk past the tall, dark-haired and handsome man, heading towards the Hospital main lobby doors.

Taigen Kichirou

Wait. . .that worked!? Thoroughly surprised that the woman actually halted her movements and was now given him her attention – Kichirou founded himself dumbfounded for a moment. Than again, can you blame the guy? This never happen to the man before usually those of the opposite gender kept on walking, and went about their day. The only time something a keen to this occurs is during the times the man find himself in bars or some of the more shadier areas and usually they just want one thing. . . Schooling his expression, pearly white and perfectly straight teeth were flashed in a small and warming smile. Not like the woman was paying any attention to his pearly whites, her eyes fixating on his face and it apparently left her speechless – whatever she might be looking at. Though the gambler had a general idea of what might have caught her attention. Those chartreuse green eyes of his were exotic to say the least, for they were the textbook definition of a true chartreuse green – lacking the orange in the iris and the blue rim, brilliant greenish yellow orbs that sparkle with a hint of mischief and warmth. They weren't eyes of a predator or prey. They were simple eyes of a man who was confident within their abilities while still remaining humble, thanks to his upbringing. And were these eyes that have captivated many others before, and this woman a front of him surely wouldn't be the last. . .

"Uh--hello, um..."

Oh! She speaks abrupt-ed barely! This is good. For a moment Kichirou thought she was mute. He did noticed that she seemed nervous. Such a strong woman like her nervous? Kichirou is that intimidating, is he?

"Hello, thank you for coming up to me, but really, I must be going."

Now that wouldn't do. Nope! While he doesn't know for certain, but there was a reason why he felt compel in talking to her. So he couldn't let her slip through his grasps so soon.

My name is Taigen Kichirou.” He paused, keeping with his her stride for stride, Kichirou wonder would his name ring a bell – it should, for apparently he became well-known do his quick chuunin exams matches. So unless she lived under a rock since the exams started, she surely would have heard of him, right? “I saw your matches in the chuunin exams. I'm truly impressed with the skill you showed. You must be proud of your accomplishments.” The words were sincere and held no deceit within them. The gambler had watched both of her matches to be exact, but her name escaped his memory at the moment.

Maybe she would enlighten him?

Maybe. . .



The man kept walking with me, ignoring my first remark. What did he want? Why was he coming up to me? I wasn’t really in the best shape emotionally to stop and have idle chit chat with total strangers. No matter how handsome.

“My name is Taigen Kichirou.” He paused, as if waiting for something. All I knew was that he had been in the Chuunin Exams. I didn’t really pay too much attention to all of the matches, only watching those that had those that I would end up facing. “I saw your matches in the chuunin exams. I'm truly impressed with the skill you showed. You must be proud of your accomplishments.”

His words stung my heart. He seemed sincere, but how could he be? I had failed, and fought horribly. “The only thing I showed about my skills was that I was lacking, and you must be a fool to not realize that.” I kept walking, now nearing the door. Here I was talking to a ninja from another village, being complimented on my failure. He must really be quite the jerk, most likely he benefitted from my defeat in the Exams. Just because he was cute didn’t make up for his insensitive remarks. Still, his face showed sincerety, but it just didn’t make sense. “I’m sorry, but I don’t think you really mean what you say. If you had truly watched my matches, you would know of the dishonor I have shamed myself with.”

Taigen Kichirou

“The only thing I showed about my skills was that I was lacking, and you must be a fool to not realize that.”

Dear God, isn't she Ms. Depression? What had happen to the strong woman who fought in the chuunin exams? Who traveled across that god forsaken dessert and survived!? What had happen to the female who held her head up high and walked with an air of confidence about her? Had that one lost crushed her self-esteem and confidence that much?

The only fool I see is you for believing otherwise. Yes, I watched your fights. Yes, I saw when you lost. But do I think your skills were lacking? No, you fought with everything you had and left everything out there on the arena floor. You should be proud of your accomplishments, many weren't that lucky to make it as far as you did. Some ain't even lucky to be alive.” He said, keeping stride with her perfectly, gather his thoughts together.

“I’m sorry, but I don’t think you really mean what you say. If you had truly watched my matches, you would know of the dishonor I have shamed myself with.”

How foolish this woman was. The man truly was sincere in his words. He idly wondered what made her to be so hard on herself? Shouldn't she be happy that she made it this far? That she was alive for another day? Yes, she didn't make it to the finals of the exams but she should be thankful of her accomplishments – not mopping around in depression.
Dishonor. . .

Ugh, the word ranged with his mind. So she was from a clan, eh? At least that what he assumed. It's widely known that chuunin exams was a 'stage' for clans to showcase their young prodigies for future clients. Many of them being told not to dishonor where they come from – in short don't lose. Of course he could totally be off the mark, and she could be clan-less and just felt like she dishonor herself and maybe Sunagakure. . .

“So you from a clan, eh?” More like a statement than a question, Kichirou paused momentarily forcing himself from not saying what he wanted to “I don't understand shinobis or clans. They put so much pressure on themselves or the younger generations, that when the individual fail at something they have the foolish notions that they dishonored themselves or the clan. Yeah, you fail, so what? Life keeps on going. You can either mop in a depressive funk and think about the 'what ifs' or you can use this failure as a learning point to improve yourself. Clans and shinobis in general are stupid in that regard. You should only feel shame, when you don't learn from failing. . .” How Kichirou talk it could clearly be seen that he didn't see himself from a clan, despite him being one, or even a shinobi for that matter. Which was the truth.

Heading towards the door, Kichirou walked a front of the woman, opening the door for her – like a perfect gentlemen before following afterward. The wonderful smell of fresh air was welcomed by Kichirou, having gotten tired of the smell of disfectant. The light breeze that gave butterfly kisses across any exposed flesh, was welcomed as well. . .

Have you eaten anything?” Kichirou asked, his intent of taking her out for a bite to eat being obvious. The gambler didn't want to be seem like he had a hidden motive or anything. So for now he allow himself to be read like an open book “Willing to accompany me for a small meal? I will pay?”

Will she accept the invitation. Or will she decline it and continue about her merry-go way?



“The only fool I see is you for believing otherwise. Yes, I watched your fights. Yes, I saw when you lost. But do I think your skills were lacking? No, you fought with everything you had and left everything out there on the arena floor. You should be proud of your accomplishments, many weren't that lucky to make it as far as you did. Some ain't even lucky to be alive.” He said, keeping stride with her perfectly, gather his thoughts together.

“I’m sorry, but I don’t think you really mean what you say. If you had truly watched my matches, you would know of the dishonor I have shamed myself with.”

We walked outside, Kichirou stepped ahead of me, opening the door for me.  Stepping outside, a quick breeze blew my hair back and I squinted as the sunlight hit my face.  He was quite persistent and deep down I knew he was making a good point.  I stopped, wanting to hear what else he had to say.

“So you from a clan, eh?  I don't understand shinobis or clans. They put so much pressure on themselves or the younger generations, that when the individual fail at something they have the foolish notions that they dishonored themselves or the clan. Yeah, you fail, so what? Life keeps on going. You can either mop in a depressive funk and think about the 'what ifs' or you can use this failure as a learning point to improve yourself. Clans and shinobis in general are stupid in that regard. You should only feel shame, when you don't learn from failing. . .”

I shook my head slowly at his words.  He seemed to truly not understand the way shinobi clans work and yet he was one of them.  "You're right when you say you don't understand shinobi or clans, though that makes me wonder why you are a shinobi yourself, without even knowing what being a shinobi means." I looked at his eyes now, his words had helped me better understand the meaning of being a shinobi myself.  "A shinobi's honor is everything, it is something we grow and cultivate with our actions.  I dishonored myself by losing and you may be right that I should be proud to have made it this far, but I am Suzume, heir to the Kōga clan head.  Losing in the second round of the exams wouldn't have been such a dishonor to others, but I must be the strongest so I can take on the full responsibility of leading my clan."

My head was starting to clear up and my thoughts flowed smoothly.  It was refreshing to be outside again.  "Everyone makes mistakes, I know this all too well, but it is because we want to keep our honor, to grow it and make it better that makes us stronger.  We take our hits and losses, and at times we must accept our dishonor.  This urges us forward, to improve so that we can restore our honor to its former glory and then surpass it.  That is what a shinobi is and that is who I am."

I stood confident before the dark haired man.  My mood had completely changed from my little speech.  It had been just what I needed to pick myself back up.  Looking up into the man's green eyes, I couldn't help but feel happier with myself.  Not only had I defended well my clan and the way of the shinobi, but I had taught myself a lesson.  Just when I thought I was at my lowest, I realized something inside me that had been there all along.  My will and testimony as a ninja.  After saying all of this, I knew more about myself as a kunoichi, and I realized that it was because this man, Taigen Kichirou, had stopped to talk with me.

"Taigen-san, I thank you for coming up to me," I said, bowing slightly in gratitude.  "You've helped me regain my honor.  It would be my pleasure to eat with you."  I let a smile come across my face, this was a sign of trust as a Kōga didn't reveal their emotions at all.  I had personally never seen anyone besides my father and mother smile.  Even my life sensei, Daisuke-sama, had never cracked his emotionless shield before me.  I let the smile fade quickly, only letting it show for a second before going back into my own emotionless face.  I wanted to show Taigen-san just how grateful I was for our little talk.  Though I had at first only wanted him to leave me alone, now I was glad he had been persistent in talking with me.

Taigen Kichirou

"You're right when you say you don't understand shinobi or clans, though that makes me wonder why you are a shinobi yourself, without even knowing what being a shinobi means.

Now isn't that the million dollar question. If the man beside her didn't know what it meant to be a shinobi, than why was he trying to give her advice on a subject that he obviously doesn't understand. This also raises another question, why did he become a shinobi in the first place? The answer being both loaded and not. He wouldn't tell the woman he became a shinobi on a whim. For it was just another way to gamble, the only downside being if he lost – his life would be forfeit. . .

"A shinobi's honor is everything, it is something we grow and cultivate with our actions.  I dishonored myself by losing and you may be right that I should be proud to have made it this far, but I am Suzume, heir to the Kōga clan head.  Losing in the second round of the exams wouldn't have been such a dishonor to others, but I must be the strongest so I can take on the full responsibility of leading my clan."

So she was the heir of the Koga clan? Kichirou couldn't say he had heard much about the clan. Than again the Gyanbura member prefer to learn from the clan members themselves instead learning from a textbook. They usually being full of stereotypes and don't portray some of the members properly. Kichirou couldn't say he understood where she came from. The man while being a Gyanbura member never had the pressure of exceeding at the shinobi life. But that didn't mean he couldn't give her another piece of advice. . .

“One can only rise after they have fallen. . .” The words were from his adopted mother, a shinobi in her own right – but more importantly known for her gambling. She had given Kichirou the advice after the man had lost a considerable amount of money and was in a depressive funk. While the situation was about gambling. The advice could still be used in this situation.

"Everyone makes mistakes, I know this all too well, but it is because we want to keep our honor, to grow it and make it better that makes us stronger.  We take our hits and losses, and at times we must accept our dishonor.  This urges us forward, to improve so that we can restore our honor to its former glory and then surpass it.  That is what a shinobi is and that is who I am."

She finally understands! A smile couldn't help but to spread across his face. The man nodding at he listen to her speak. While there were some parts that he didn't agree with, the woman still got the jist of what he was trying to tell her. And that's what all that matter. Apart of Kichirou envied the woman beside him, as for why. . .it shall remain hidden for now.

"Taigen-san, I thank you for coming up to me,"

An eyebrow raised as the woman bowed to him. Okay that was weird. When has anyone bowed to the gambler? Never, for the times as a child doesn't count. . .the servants were just stubborn not to do such – even after being told many times. Ugh, but back on subject.

“Please call me Kichirou. I'm not all into formalities.” He stated, becoming mesmerizing by the beauty of her smile. She seriously should smile more, it makes her look even more beautiful. Oh how he wanted to pout when the emotionless mask descended back on her face. Pity. . . He was glad that the woman accepted his invitation.

Now where should they go to eat? Mulling over the available options, Kichirou remembered some people talking about a curry restaurant. That apparently had the best curry in the Elemental Nations. Yeah, that would be a good place to take her. . .

“Well I heard that Dragon's tongue has some of the best curry in the Elemental Nations. Is that good with you?” The man looked to the right, looking at the woman, waiting for her answer. Only when she gave an answer would he walk with her towards the destination. . .

“It's nice to meet you Suzume”Kichirou didn't bother in using formalities with the Koga heir, for it wasn't his style - hopefully she wouldn't get offended about it.

((Occ:: You can start thread in the Dragon's Tongue. . . unless you just want to continue here. . .Doesn't matter to me. . .))



“Please call me Kichirou. I'm not all into formalities.  Well I heard that Dragon's tongue has some of the best curry in the Elemental Nations. Is that good with you?" I blinked at his request for me to drop the formalities.  Did this mean he wanted to be good friends?  After just our first conversation, I was quite happy to be friends with Kichirou, to be honest.  He may be from Konoha, but the Leaf and the Sand have been longstanding allies, so this must be what happens between two friendly villages.

"Yes, Dragon's Tongue has excellent curry from what I've heard, too.  I haven't eaten there yet, but I'm definitely willing to try it."  We began to walk away from the hospital.  The day had really picked itself up and I felt much better about myself.  Kichirou must be a fine man to go out of his way to help out a random stranger.

"It's nice to meet you Suzume,” he said as we walked.  I noticed he didn't use formalities, but he had said he didn't like to use them.  It would take some getting used to, but I did want to enjoy a friend.  I hadn't a single friend outside of my clan to this point I realized as we walked.  Maybe this was a sign of things to come.

"It's nice to meet you, too, Kichirou."

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