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1Skiving Students [D rank Mission] Empty Skiving Students [D rank Mission] Mon May 30, 2016 5:56 am

Ren Sabaku

Ren Sabaku


Another mundane in Sunagakure no Sato, Ren had been running missions all morning, already have completed two this morning. She was now about to embark on her third mission today, it was already just after noon, a hearty lunch and a relaxing break from it all. She had her mission already, sent to search out for a boy who had been skipping classes from the academy. It wasn’t so much just calling in sick, as his mother assumed that he had been going to class, but to the sensei of the academy, he was nowhere to be seen. But the question was, where would he go if not home or to school?

If it were Ren, she’d definitely consider some shopping perhaps? Or maybe taking a book and finding a nice secluded spot somewhere in the village where she could lay out and relax undisturbed. But that doesn’t tell her where to start, it merely gives her an idea of where she would go if she were the type of person to skip class and things of that nature. So she decided to head generically to the shopping district of the village, armed with nothing more than a picture of her target and a will to search with haste.

Arriving at the shops, she looked around and took in the sights. The street was lined with shops and people hustled around from place to place, bags and other assorted goods in tow. Ren carefully observed her surroundings, walking with her hands crossed and wrapped up in the small of her back. With every new face she took in and saw, she compared it to the mental image of the boy in her head, crossing out the obvious persons who didn’t fit the profile. Actually, thinking about it, there were almost no children around her age or the boy’s age at all. A short sigh as she kept looking around through the area, a small commotion erupted just up the block. Yelling and such and a crowd scattering out of the way and forming a circle around the scene.

Ren hurried there and squeezed her way in the formation to see the commotion, a young boy sitting on the ground with his hands behind him and an older man from an adult literature shop (For some sense of the word). After a moment of the older man shouting, telling the boy not to enter his shop and to stay away from there, the kid ran off and turned the corner. Dammit… she thought to herself. The boy had sped off around the corner and was heading on his way, Ren turned from the crowd and began to run as well. Jumping onto the nearby rooftop and following the boy, after he got a block or so down the street, he stopped running and returned to a brisk walk.

Ren followed suit and slowed her walk on the rooftop, dropping down in to the street several feet behind him, her landing was soft and almost silent. He turned and saw Ren behind him, Ren looked back at him as she observed him, that boy was certainly the kid she was looking for. He turned back but was greeted with a massive wave of sand staring him down. When he would turn back around he would be greeted with Ren standing in front of him, her arms crossed and an angry look on her face. The kid fell to the ground as Ren began to give him a lecture about his wrong doing, followed up by a vague threat of being drowned in sand if she should ever hear that he was skipping class again.

It would be followed up by Ren following him closely every step of the way back to the academy, moving the sand around them ever so slightly as a reminder that if he tried anything then it wouldn’t matter to her. Once he was back, it was mission complete, and time to turn in for the afternoon, the much needed rest at home would be nice.

[684 words]
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