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1Kichirou vs Ikki  Empty Kichirou vs Ikki Wed Aug 21, 2013 1:37 pm


The Match-Up

Kichiriou vs Ikki

The Arena


The Rule
-No elemental jutsu

Two days. That's how long it has been since the first rounds of fighting had ended, those advancing having time to rest and treat any wounds. While many did just that, Kichirou, having advanced without suffering any injuries, went to watch some of the other matches – having an invested interested in the competitors. Lady luck shined down on the man for all but one of the individual, he bet to win actually won. That poor Grey fellow lost to some Kumogakure shinobi, the exact details of the match not being known by Kichirou, for the only thing that matter was that Iwa-nin lost – making our resident gambler lose a small fortune. No matter there were other ways to earn back, what was lost. Yes, that's how the green eyed male spent the those two days, not bothering in planning to how to deal with his next opponent. Hell the man didn't even know the name of individual who he would be fighting. Just that they would be from Kumogakure.

Home. . .

Fate must were having a fields day with mingling in the life of Kichirou. For this would be the gambler second time fighting someone from Kumogakure, the place were he was born. The place that he calls home. And the place were he left four years ago to travel the world. Walking down down the dimly lii corridor, he wonderful if the person that he would be fighting would be someone from his past? Would it be someone who recognized him? The gambler's childhood spent playing in the streets with the other children, followed by putting on card shows for others. Would it be someone who had a beef with him? The man have gained his name because of his gambling nature. If that's the case this would surely be the best place to settle a score. The man haven't really changed since the times in Kumogakure, so there might be a chance whoever he was fighting would know him. . . Of course there were a chance they didn't. . .

Night. . .

At least almost night. The giant orange ball slowly setting, psychedelic colors whirling chaotically in the sky. A small breeze blowing across the area, picking up the loose grains of sand, making them dance rhythmically. Rocks weathered by the sands aligned the five acres of land, parting only at the northern and southern entrances – where the opponents would appear. Metal. Having been twisted and rusted stuck out a meter or less out of the sand dunes, sporadically. The only reminisce of a long forgotten ancient civilization, that were now swallowed by the sands of time. The majority of going across the center of the arena, cutting the northern and southern entrance from each other – like a twisted metal trench a meter high. Small caverns and crevices created by the civilization caving in were prominent in certain areas of the arena. Cacti were also scatter amongst the dunes, given a resemblance of life to the otherwise barren landscape.

This is what greeted the eyes of our resident gambler. Gems sparkling with determination, the man walking towards the metal trench, hand carefully rubbing against a piece of metal twisted to form a spike. Wouldn't do him any good if he managed to cut himself on that rusted piece of junk. Which gave him a reason why to move away from the trench, black boots kicking up sand, the grains hitting against the sandy colored pants that allowed air to circulate through them. Ventiliation were also prominent in the matching shirt. Excluding the blacken boots and holsters. Kichirou could potentially blend in with his surrounds perfectly, if he laid down in the dunes – that is.

He wouldn't do that. . .

No, instead the man stood two meters away from the trench, twelve meters away from the southern entrance. A single standard playing card flipped aimlessly between the man's right fingers, showing it to be a ten of diamonds. Seeing how elemental techniques were out of the question, Kichirou would have to rely on the basics academy skills and a few non-elemental techniques he had in his arsenal. This would be a tough battle for sure. The man just hope that his opponent wasn't a weapon or taijutsu user. Lady luck wouldn't be that cruel.

Sadly lady luck was pmsing today. . .


2Kichirou vs Ikki  Empty Re: Kichirou vs Ikki Thu Aug 22, 2013 5:03 pm



The night prior to his second fight he had checked the tournament bracket to determine the name of the person he was to face along with the settings and rules. His opponent's name is Taigen, Kichirou a shinobi from Konoha. The setting is sandy dunes area, similar to that which had grown tired of in the first event. Upon reading further his heart dropped as he internalized his voice discussing the situation in his head.
"What the fuck! What do you mean 'No Elemental Jutsu'?? That's Basically my entire arsenal!?"

Ikki had been dealt a bad hand but he had a plan... the next morning was time for Ikki to face his second opponent. Ikki nears the entrance to the arena and his Passive KKG Immediately lets him know the general direction where some 'living being' was stationed inside of the arena. Ikki leaned on the gates post, lit a cigarette and began to observe a man decked out in a complete set desert camouflage except for his boots. The man stood out excessively against the rusted metal he was examining. Ikki notice no evident weapons, but he did notice the holsters with uniquely sized pockets and wondered what they could hide.

Watching as the nin seemed to try to find a plan using the environment, Ikki too was formulating a counter to close the gap. Ikki had no idea about what to expect, except that this guy was not a Bukijutsu user... Giving him a clear advantage in Close Quarters Combat(C.Q.C. for short)

Ikki finishes his Cigarette and walks in the arena looking fiercely at his opponent and getting his attention by yelled out, "Hey 'Camel Jockey', lets get this over with. This is no time to sit around and enjoy the shitty scenery. Come at me, fool!"

Jutsu(KKG Passive) Chakra 150/150:

(OOC:sorry for short post a little 'high' off meds they gave me in the ER.)

Last edited by Ikki on Thu Aug 22, 2013 5:16 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : KKG passive and spelling)

3Kichirou vs Ikki  Empty Re: Kichirou vs Ikki Thu Aug 22, 2013 7:05 pm


Yes, lady luck was in an incredibly foul mood today. Than again wouldn't you be, if you had to deal with a monthly cycle? Because of her foul mood she decided in fucking with her favorite mortal, and our gambler of this tell. . .

Kichirou. . .

An eyebrow raising, the words of the man a front of him crashing into his ears like a thunderous wave. Briefly he wonder why he didn't noticed the man earlier, maybe it was because of him checking out the metal death trap that separated pair. Steel, twisted into cruel points wanting nothing more to feel the metallic blood of either adversary against it's rusty frame. Mentally shrugging at how he missed the individual before him, Kichirou's dark green orbs took stock of the man before him and a frown made itself known onto his facial feature, after take a glimpse of something – a katana. He couldn't help to curse at the notion of his opponent being a Bukijutsu user, having never had the luxury of facing one this would be an interesting challenge for him. Besides the challenge of dealing with a swordsmen, Kichirou wondered, briefly, what other specialty did the man had. Would it be ninjutsu like his previous opponent? Or would it be something totally different. He prayed for it to be the former, and hoping that the majority of his techniques were elemental. For if they were than he would just have to deal with Bukijutsu.

The ten of diamonds. The card that doing all of this were still being flipped between his fingers, suddenly where thrown at the man standing twelve meters away from him(Kichirou was standing twelve meters from the southern entrance, this was mentioned in my first post.), slipping through space between the metal, homing in on the man – it did help that Kichirou used chakra to keep the flight path of the card true. Green eyes never left the man, left hand grasping three cards, one harmlessly fluttering to the ground the intricate symbols on it not seen with it landing face down, to the left of him, the other finding itself landing five meters to the left of Kichirou – it has been thrown by the man, face down like the other, intricate symbols not being seen by any. Holding the one card in hand, Kichirou waited to see if the swordsman would react. One thing for sure, Kichirou didn't plan on jumping over the meter high trench to reach the man.

Seals on Faced Down Cards:

4Kichirou vs Ikki  Empty Re: Kichirou vs Ikki Fri Aug 23, 2013 7:16 pm



Ikki grabbed the handle of his sword and in one motion both drew and swung it making quick work of the through object. Ikki momentarily glanced down at the fallen object and returned his view to where his opponent stood. He pondered, "What the hell is this? A paper playing card. What, is this guys trying to beat me in poker?" He chuckled and sneered at the challenger. "So what? Is this your way sizing me up?"

Ikki continued to stare at his opponent through the rusted remains. Ikki with his sword drawn began to make his way closer to the ruins intending to find an opening big enough to pass through or around instead of jumping over as it would put him in a particular disadvantage of being above the sharp metal remains. Ikki made his way around the left side of the remains putting quite some distance between them, while being quite mindful of his surrounding. Ikki had to size him up, rushing into this one without the ability to use his jutsu was, to say the least, incredibly unwise.

Ikki finally being on the same side of the ruins as his opponent, he runs directly towards the Shinobi at half speed. Ikki was now approximately 9m away. Ready and waiting for a response, Ikki pulls out a senbon and tosses it at the mid section of the shinobi. Expecting the shinobi to jump out the way he follows the senbon with two more. One was thrown above were the shinobi was currently standing. The next was thrown to the shinobi's right. Given that the shinobi had not seemed to moved since he had thrown the card the shinobi's left side should have been close to the ruins. Leaving little room to dodge.

(O.O.C.: Dude where is your Chakra Usage for the seals? if I'm not mistaken you use chakra when placing seal not while activating them. Just saying.)

5Kichirou vs Ikki  Empty Re: Kichirou vs Ikki Sat Aug 24, 2013 9:41 am


The audience probably were wondering the green eyed man had seemingly wasted throwing a perfectly good playing card at the man before him – only for it to get destroyed in matter of seconds. The reasons for such an unorthodox action was quite simple. Seeing how his opponent were apparently a swordsmen, Kichirou needed to find out what end of the spectrum the man was on. Remembering some lesson from his mother and watching swordsmen from his homeland – Kumogakure. He knew there were at least two classification for swordsmen, one who has quick reaction time and low power, or vice-verse. Sadly the destruction of one card didn't tell him much, but it wasn't all futile. It did give him some form of idea of the man before him.

Green eyes watched impassively as the swordsman founded away through the metal trench that separated the pair. Thankfully being a gambler gave him a good poker face, for right now the man was grinning(mentally) as the swordsmen came closer into a trap.

Welcome to my lair. The spider said the fly. . .

Nine meters. Twenty feet. That's were a rough estimate of how close the pair were, Kichirou having turned in the direction of the man, left hand still holding on the playing card from before. The one card beside his foot now being covered by it. The right side of him now close to the metal trench. Did the man forget that the gambler threw a card the same direction that he were now coming from? Apparently the man thought the card were harmless, pity. . . Seeing how the card were thrown five meters in that given direction, and the swordsman was within the striking range of that particular card. Jumping two feet backwards at an angle, to the left, head moving to the left to dodge thrown at his cranium. The one that were thrown towards his right arm also missed it mark. Last but not least the one thrown at his midsection didn't find him. At the same time of the movement, Kichirou activated the flash bang seal on the card. A blinding light, following by a loud bang, echoed through the arena. The intense light engulfing everything within ten meters, blinding those who were caught within it.

Hopefully the swordsmen where caught in it. The gambler having figured that the man were roughly(Kichirou's guessing) four meters within the range of the seal, unless he manage to pull off a substitution before the seal went out, surely he would be blind. But being blind wasn't the only thing that the swordsmen would have to worry about.

Remember that card in hand? Said card was now thrown for the neck of the swordsman, and if the man didn't dodge it, he would be in for an interesting surprise. While the card looked exactly like the one thrown earlier, this one were slightly different. It having razor sharp edges, essentially a card shuriken. That if connect would leave a inch gash across his neck.

Explosive Seal:: 1/3 turns before dissipating
Chakra: 140/150:

6Kichirou vs Ikki  Empty Re: Kichirou vs Ikki Sun Aug 25, 2013 11:03 am



Ikki running up on his opponent was caught completely off guard by the flash bang. Ikki had a similar ability, and that being said, he new what was coming next some sort of long range ability given that the Nin didn't seem like a close combat specialist. On blinding the opponents shuriken was thrown giving Ikki only seconds to move out the way. Now blinded and deafened, Ikki decided to play along and act as if he tripped cause of the blinding fall forward onto his face with the sword at his side. Ikki immediately activates his 'Current Perception: Combat Range' to pin point his enemy.

And sensing as the enemy had jumped diagonally to the side Ikki got up out the sand and bolted in his towards Kichirou with his eyes still closed and wearing a huge grin. Now that Kichirou was further from the the card that fluttered to the ground there was no worries of another trap being sprung. but man, 'what to do now' Ikki cannot see if his enemy throws more cards with his Sensory ability. Ikki had to stay close to his enemy to avoid another trap like that. Now encroaching on his enemy, Ikki was about 4metres(12ft) away. Ikki was determined to keep this distance no matter what.

Ikki switched over to his 'Current Perception: Close Combat Range' which allows him to see the individual electrical impulses of his opponents muscle groups allow him to predict movement and strength. On the initial scan of Kichirou Synapses map, Ikki determined he was not a taijutsu user so he felt more at ease about closing in on his enemy. So Ikki matched every single maneuver that Kichirou made able to predict when and what direction he was heading through his 'electric indicators'. Waiting for his blindness to subside so he could launch a counter attack.

(OOC: both version of KKG are the same ability with different modes and share chakra cost)
Chakra 140/150:

Last edited by Ikki on Sun Aug 25, 2013 11:06 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Jutsu/ chakra usage)

7Kichirou vs Ikki  Empty Re: Kichirou vs Ikki Sun Aug 25, 2013 2:01 pm


Pity. Seems like the small combo of his didn't work. Though that did raise an important question in Kichirou's mind. Why didn't it? Now usually there weren't a way for someone to see while completely blinded, unless of course they were using some form of a sensory ability. He instantly ruled out earth based, seeing how that usually involved being barefooted and having a connection with the ground. Something that this swordsmen didn't, seeing how he mimic the two foot jump. Could it be water based? Tracking someone through the water content in their body? No, that be it. . .

Think. . .

Think . .

Wait! Wasn't the man from Kumogakure? The village hidden in the clouds. Seeing how most shinobi from that village had a raiton affinity, excluding Kichirou. The gambler assumed that the swordsmen had one as well. The fact that the man using a sword also helped with this hypothesis. The village being known for their raiton swordsmen. But how does this help him determine how the man could continue to act without the usage of his eyes? Because there were only one recognized clan in Kumogakure that was known for their swordsmanship and had a lightning sensory ability. . .

Sometimes it sucks to be recognized. . .

While Kichirou might had an idea of the clan that the man belong to, he needed to tell out this theory once more. Not taking his eyes away from his opponent that was roughly four meters away from him, Kichirou noted that his card was two ft away from his direction.

Lets see if this work. . .
Never been one to play it safe, Kichirou shot towards the swordsmen, wanting to get within striking distance of the man. Did the gambler care that he was about to engaged a swordsmen barehanded? Nope. Did he care that he didn't specialize in taijutsu? Nope. Did he care that if he didn't time this right that he would potentially die? Hell no! For in Kichirou's eyes life is nothing but a gamble.

And this would be the biggest gamble in his life so far.

Two meters. That's how close Kichirou would attempt to get to the swordsmen before executing a substitution. Wait!? A substitution!? Yes, the gambler would substitute himself with his playing card from earlier, the card activating after Kichirou took an extra jump back increasing the distance between him and the card by meter and half – clearing himself of the blasting range. Second degree burns would be caused to those who find themselves caught within the center of the blast, and first degree burns along with be flung back three meters from the blast site. This is all assuming if the swordsman got caught within it.

Doubt it. . The gambler mused, dark green eyes waiting for any movement from the swordsman.

Might just have to use that. . .

Chakra: 125|150:

8Kichirou vs Ikki  Empty Re: Kichirou vs Ikki Mon Aug 26, 2013 5:52 pm


It seemed like the swordsmen had a death wish or just wanted to see what Kichirou were planning. For doing the whole process of moving towards the man, he didn't move a inch from his up-righted position – simply looking as the gambler inched closer. There weren't no visual signs of panic from the swordsmen when the green eyed male substituted himself with the card, activating after increasing the distance from the blast range. The thundering sound of an explosion going off ranged loudly throughout the arena entirety, the swordsmen having been caught within the outer ranges of the explosion – being dealt first degree burns and flung back an additional three meters.

No sooner had the explosion occurred, Kichirou sent chakra through his limbs propelling himself forward, bursting through the debris cloud caused by the explosion. Three card shuriken sailed from his hands, aiming at the man who were sailing backwards, one card being aimed for his two cherries in an attempt to eviscerate them, another one aiming for his exposed jugular, wanting nothing more to cut slice his flesh open, this one would be shadowed by the last one. So even if the man knocked away the first one, there would be another one waiting to slice him open. And unless this man had some superber reflexes, Kichirou didn't see how he could dodge it – while in flight.

Nevertheless this didn't stop the man from biting his finger, causing blood to poor out before going through a set of hand-signs and slamming his hand onto the ground. “Kuchiyose, Omoi!” The words came out as a whisper, smoke obscuring the vision of all before disappearing revealing a massive buffalo standing beside the gambler.

You know what to Omoi. . .” A nod was the only recognition given to the summoner, before the buffalo charged towards the down man, covering four meters quickly, head lowered, in an attempt to flatten the down man. The buffalo's speed was deceiving to say the least, for it seemed to increase to almost chuunin level after the first meter of so.

Green eyes watched in anticipation to see what would happen next.


Omoi's Chakra::

9Kichirou vs Ikki  Empty Re: Kichirou vs Ikki Tue Aug 27, 2013 7:16 am


Reminder; you have 24 hours before the week clock runs out and it'll go up to staff vote.

10Kichirou vs Ikki  Empty Re: Kichirou vs Ikki Tue Aug 27, 2013 6:00 pm


OCC:: Calling Hit and Death(as seen in previous post). . . gave enough time for this to be called already. . .

It was over. Kichirou knew this at the moment the cards left his hand, when his opponent didn't make any attempt to right himself within the air. He knew this when he saw crimson blood gushing from the two inch opening across the swordsman's jugular, one inch wounds being dealt by each card shuriken. The sound of the audiences cringing as the last thrown shuriken sliced at his ball, almost removing them. Needless to say without surgery the swordsman wouldn't never had a working pair, pity. Not like it mattered.

That's what happen when you run your mouth. . .

The sounds of the gurgling man, choking on his own life essence were drowned out by the thunderous sounds of Omoi's feet hitting the ground, head lowered. Kichirou didn't look away as the mighty beast's skull connected with the down man chest, injuries unknown. He didn't look away as the beast treated the swordsman like a speed bump, running completely over the man. Fingers combed through his dark hair, as he made his way towards the down mangled opponent. The blood or gore didn't phrase him at all, as he searched the man's body for anything valuable – the sword being a primary item. Only after he took the sword, scraping it across his back, did he walked away, dismissing the great beast back to the summoning realm – a job well done.

Did I win?” The words echoed loudly, dark green eyes looking at the proctor, waiting to be pronounced the winner.

11Kichirou vs Ikki  Empty Re: Kichirou vs Ikki Tue Aug 27, 2013 9:06 pm



(OOC: Victory's yours too much going on to be on here sorry i didn't give you more of a challenge. i may be leaving saga for a while or perhaps all together, have fun)

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