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1Grey vs Ikki Empty Grey vs Ikki Thu Aug 15, 2013 11:31 am


Toshin was very happy at getting the moment currently happening into his big brain. He had qualified and made it to the second event. He might actually have a chance to prove himself he would think as he laughed. The only thing that he thought about is that, this round must be much more harder. The brown haired shinobi had seen the Kazekage. She was a beautiful sight, but very strong at the same time. It had seemed this event was a tournament. So, Grey would have to go up against someone and beat them to go the the next round. It had sounded fairly easy in his head but, it wouldn't be that easy in battle. When the Kazekage had finished speaking about the current even taking place, and her children interrupting her the event had began. Grey had been assigned to fight Ryuzoji , Ikki. [b]"This is going to be a very interesting battle indeed. he would say as he went to Arena 1.

Entering Arena 1 was magnificent , it looked like Lake Oasis but much more better. To Grey, it was said to say the flowers, herbs, and other thing's were going to be destroyed. It was all worth it though, to win that is. Toshin had to get his game on, and he wasnt going to just let it go. There Grey stood, standing and waiting for his opponent to arrive. Grey was dying to know how such a battle would turn out.


Last edited by Grey on Thu Aug 15, 2013 12:02 pm; edited 1 time in total

2Grey vs Ikki Empty Re: Grey vs Ikki Thu Aug 15, 2013 11:59 am



Ikki was without a doubt impressed by the arena buils out here in the desert. After seeing the grandeur of the arena's contruction and Kazekage's introduction, being offset by the child's play going on behind her. He couldn't help but laugh. "This country must be some kind of joke... Well hopefully with any luck, I'll get a little workout here at the very least..." mumbled Ikki as he walked to the Tournament layout.

Upon reaching the board he turns to juyo giving him a thumbs up saying out loud, "JUYO, KICK HIS ASS. Hahah. And I'm up against ...Tashin, Grey. The hell kinda name is that?" Ikki looks around and see's an Iwa Nin walking towards the arena he's been assigned to, Arena 1. "So he'll be my first victim?" thought Ikki as he makes his way towards the arena.

Once he reaches the inside of the arena he clearly states to the Iwa nin, "Thank you for your sacrifice." Ikki bows then stands once more before continuing, "It is because of that sacrifice that I will be going on to the next round. I am truly grateful. But before your eminent fall, please entertain me for a while."

Abiding by the rules:

3Grey vs Ikki Empty Re: Grey vs Ikki Thu Aug 15, 2013 12:33 pm


Toshin had saw Ikki coming towards him with the kind of smile showing of the expression that this fight would be easy. What a fool he was to think such a thing. Every battle has it purposes and are not easy to finish he would think to himself. Grey was very shocked at what the foolish child had said , "Thank you for for your sacrifice". Yes, those are the words he had said, the brown haired shinobi was sure of it. "If you think your going to win this fight so quickly, shut up about it. Grey would say smirking. Toshin closed his eyes and re-opened them inhaling the nature around him. The fresh breeze and sent of the followers. Everything had seemed in the right conditions to him. Toshin got in his main stance when fighting with Taijutsu, one leg in and one leg out, one arm out one arm in. This stance was the most basic stance he had created, mainly because it was easy to flow with and you each one of his body parts to work with. He had learned that when fighting Kazu-san. Toshin jolted up to Ikki grabbing his left arm and kicking his side rib cage, just in incase he planned on encountering, Toshin put his right arm in a defensive position. If the attack had hit him, he should be slightly damaged in the rib cage area. That would't allow him to move so easily if he even wanted too. To top if off, Toshin had to quickly react if Ikki had gotten hit properly. "Name: Katon: Flame Whip" he would say. Toshin had began focusing fire chakra within his hands, and formed it into a long fire whip. Grey also wanted to make sure to save up his chakra at all times. The fire whips he had created could be used as a weapon, so Toshin would have to make close contact if distance was spread between him and Ikki. Grey started aiming his whip at Ikki, hopping to hit he which would cause burns to his clothes and skin. A barrage of whips would be aimed at Ikki, if he dodged it Grey had his feet to help him defend as long as possible. Toshin then seperated space between the two. " Let's see what you got big mouth" Toshin would say laughing.

 Chakra Used : 140/150
Name: Katon: Flame Whip
Canon/Custom: Custom
Rank: C
Type: Offensive, Defensive, Supplementary
Element: Katon
Range: Short (0-5m)
Specialty: Ninjutsu
Duration: -5 chakra per post
Cooldown: 5 posts
Description: The user focuses fire chakra into their hands; which is then formed into long whips of fire that the user may control as a weapon. The fire is hot enough to burn clothing and cause first degree burns if contact is made with unprotected flesh. If contact is maintained, a second degree burn forms after 2 posts. This jutsu may also be used as an ignition source for other jutsu.

4Grey vs Ikki Empty Re: Grey vs Ikki Thu Aug 15, 2013 1:27 pm



"If you think your going to win this fight so quickly, shut up about it." said the ill fated shinobi before he took a deep breath and rushed in. Ikki, completely relaxed simply stood and activated his Current Perception: Close Combat range which gave him a the ability to see incoming attack as well as enhancing one rank of physical attack, movement, and reaction time from locking on to his sole opponent when he came into range.

Ikki's left arm was grabbed by the lightning fast Iwa nin. By reading the activity levels of the leg synapses Ikki new the next strike was going straight to the ribs, but choses to take the blow the speed of said blow made it weaker then what was necessary for breaking bones. But just in case, Ikki leaned the bottom portion of his body out with the kick reducing damage by half.  Launching himself 2 meters back as the grip on his arm was broken, gave the appearance that Grey had landed a clean attack.

Ikki landed on one knee and stood back up to be greeted by the sight of a string of flame growing out of Grey's hand. Grey had started to make a flurry of swipes as the flames came alive and appeared to dance around him. Ikki with his advance reaction time Side stepped the first swing and ducked underneath the second one. The third movement of the flame whip grazed Ikki's left sleeve setting it ablaze. Ikki dives in towards the blazing whip slightly to the right, he rolled under the next in coming strike to be at the left side of Grey. Ikki gets up on both feet and spins to the left extends his left arm and his back hand smack was aimed at Grey on the left side of his face. With the momentum of the swing, Ikki steps left with his left foot attempting to step on Grey foot and grabs his katana with his right hand. Ikki draws and swings his katana in a diagonal trajectory from bottom left to upper right aiming for the Iwa nin's right arm tendons. Afterwards Ikki steps back twice. Ikki tears the burning piece of cloth and leather off, exposing the many scars he carried from his clans prior secret training and the Ryuzoji tattoo that was emblazoned in red on his wrist. Ikki suffered slight 1st degree burns from the burning sleeve but was nothing compared to the third degree burn scars that already surounded his left arm. Ikki prepares himself for another incoming attack, putting his right foot foward and his sword down facing the left side of his body with both knees slightly bent, which provided him with the greatest possible position for propulsion in any direction. Ikki hide his left fist balled up behind him.

-5 Chakra 145/150:

5Grey vs Ikki Empty Re: Grey vs Ikki Thu Aug 15, 2013 2:06 pm


Toshin was shocked at the jutsu Ikki had preformed, it was pretty clever sensing my own electricity within my body to predict when he was going to attack and when he could dodge. "Pretty smart big mouth, but im not done yet." he would say as he grinned. Toshin had knew his kick was weaker then expected, but that was perfectly fine to him. The pain for the rib cage if damaged seriously would really hurt him then, he would think to himself. To do this though, Grey had to land a very good clean hit when Ikki had least expected it. It was incredible how he was able to dodge my whips. The reaction timed he had shown was most impressive, but was it enough to stop Grey's whips? Toshin was on to something when he had made the whip catch his sleeve. He would get a 1st degree burn from it. "What are you up too? Toshin would say in his head as Ikki kept moving from side to side. Ikki had planed to back smack Grey's face but his plan had failed, as Toshin would extend his whip from the side Ikki was attacking at, blocking his face. From doing so Ikki's hand was burnt like crispy bacon. "What a weird move for a big mouth." the brown haired shinobi would say as he chuckled. Ikki had tried to step on Grey's foot but it was a total failure, as Grey would say in his head, "Substitution Technique." before Ikki's attack had landed. "What a fool you are, did you honestly think I would fall for such an attack.?" he would say as he was behind Ikki. He had hoped Ikki's expression would be very shocking. Toshin quickly used his whip and wiped Ikki's back a number of times. Grey had his feet in a defensive position incase anything happened. If the whip barrage had landed on Ikki's back he would be sent flying into the air, as Toshin would jump in the air kicking him down into the solid earth. "Are you ready to give up yet? he would say starring at Ikki.

 Chakra Used : 130/150
Name: Katon: Flame Whip
Canon/Custom: Custom
Rank: C
Type: Offensive, Defensive, Supplementary
Element: Katon
Range: Short (0-5m)
Specialty: Ninjutsu
Duration: -5 chakra per post
Cooldown: 5 posts
Description: The user focuses fire chakra into their hands; which is then formed into long whips of fire that the user may control as a weapon. The fire is hot enough to burn clothing and cause first degree burns if contact is made with unprotected flesh. If contact is maintained, a second degree burn forms after 2 posts. This jutsu may also be used as an ignition source for other jutsu.

[b]Name:[/b] Subtitution Technique (変わり身の術 ~ Kawarimi no Jutsu)
[b]Canon/Custom:[/b] Canon
[b]Rank: [/b]E
[b]Type: [/b]Supplementary
[b]Element: [/b]N/A
[b]Range: [/b]N/A
[b]Specialty: [/b]None
[b]Duration: [/b]1 post
[b]Cooldown: [/b]5 post
[b]Description:[/b] With this technique, a ninja replaces moves at high speed and switches with a nearby object at the exact moment an attack lands. This creates an optical illusion, making the enemy think the attack was successful; experienced ninja can even make it appear that their Substitution is bleeding. From this, the user can use the lapse in the enemy's attention to attack or flee from the battlefield. Explosive tags can be attached to the replacement for an added surprise. It's a basic ninjutsu even taught at the Academy, but it's a useful art that can be applied in variety of situations.

Last edited by Grey on Fri Aug 16, 2013 1:02 pm; edited 1 time in total

6Grey vs Ikki Empty Re: Grey vs Ikki Fri Aug 16, 2013 12:34 am




Sensing the movement in Greys arm, Ikki retracted his arm evading the Flame whip and continued with his swing only to find a body double since Grey had used the Substitution jutsu. Immediately after due to his sensory ability Ikki knew that Grey was behind him so he turned around and jumped back twice to put 4 meters distance between them. Observing as Grey readies him self for another volley of whip attack Ikki quietly and secretly balls up his left fist using Raiton: Flash Bang to create a shiny marble of chakra inside.

Ikki, without words or hesitation, stomps his right foot and the ground activating his Doton Shackles Jutsu. This immediately causes small boulders to rise up from the ground to consume and entrap Grey's feet. Regardless if Grey looks down fixed on breaking out the jutsu or avoids, Ikki tosses the Flash Bang full speed just short of Grey's feet, This caused it to explode into a ball of intense blinding light which mesured a two meter radius and high pitch screech so loud any normal person couldn't help but cover their ears inflicting blindness and loss of hearing. The exact moment the Flash Bang goes off is when Ikki runs to the left to circumvent his blinded opponent. When he reaches Grey's back side he charges in with a three slash combo looking to finish the fight in a flash.

Once Ikki gets within striking distance behind Grey, he stop on his right foot Slashing horizontally from left to right. Stepping forward once more with his left, he slashes diagonally from bottom right to upwards to the left. And the last strike came straight down from over head as Ikki grabs the handle of his blade with both hands and leans into it with all his might in an attempt to end Grey's frivolous game. To show him once and for all who he's dealing with.

Jutsu -25 chakra (130/150):

Last edited by Ikki on Sat Aug 17, 2013 12:05 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Changed conditional on Grey's reaction)

7Grey vs Ikki Empty Re: Grey vs Ikki Fri Aug 16, 2013 1:25 pm


Toshin was shocked at the fast movment that Ikki had preformed when he used the Substitution Technique, it had seemed he had wanted to give space between the two. Toshin had assumed since Ikki was spacing it, he planned on forming a long range jutsu. Toshin didn't like where this was going at all, so he had to do something fast. The brown haired shinobi, had seen that boulders had immediately grown from the solid earth, as Ikki would stomp his feet on it. As he looked down, he had noticed the small boulders rising from out of the ground, and quickly jumped up in the air. The area started to fill with an bright light, as it had seemed Ikki had done something. As a screechy sound had caught Grey's ears he quickly covered them, falling from mid-air, but the light had caught his eyes blinding him for a good period of time. Toshin had no clue of where Ikki had gone, but he had to do something about his current position, he wasn't about to give up. Since Grey wasnt deaf he had heard footsteps coming up from his backside, this was a good starting advantage to Grey. He could try to sense/known where Ikki was based on the movement or sounds he made. The brown haired shinobi listened carefully as Ikki's footsteps had driven closer. Ikki's barrage of sword attacks had come in contact but he tried his best to dodge as many as possible. Grey had managed to dodge some of Ikki's sword attacks but some of them had landed, causing scratches on Grey's legs and arms. Ikki was going for the final blow, but Toshin just couldn't allow that now could he? Grey dodged his final sword attack, leaving a cut on his face. He managed to dodge the attack based on the sound he had heard when the sword came close enough. Toshin had to seperate the distance somehow. "Wind Release : Stream" he would say as he exhaled a huge amount of wind from his mouth. Since Ikki was close to Grey, the wind had blown them both away a good 5 meters, Grey wasnt blown back all the way with as much pressure since he could maneuver the wind while he was blasted into the air. He would then land kind of roughly, hoping to regain his sight.

Chakra Used : 120/150
Name: Wind Release: Stream (Fūton: Nagare ~ 風遁・流れ)
Canon/Custom: Canon
Rank: D
Type: Supplementary
Element: Fūton
Range: 10 metres
Specialty: Ninjutsu
Duration: 1 post
Cooldown: 2 posts
Description: Wind Release: Stream is a movement technique with no offensive application, designed to allow a shinobi to maneuver mid-air. The shinobi exhales a powerful, concentrated stream of wind from their mouth. This stream has enough force to accelerate the user's movement mid-air or allow them them to rapidly change the direction they're going in. Beyond this, however, it has several unintended effects. When blown into the ground, it's force can help dislodge dirt and sand, creating a small smoke-screen effect. Naturally, this requires loose dirt or sand. The stream has enough force to knock projectiles aside, as well as to make someone hit by it stagger back a few feet, assuming the caster is 5 metres or less away from the person being hit.

8Grey vs Ikki Empty Re: Grey vs Ikki Mon Aug 19, 2013 6:49 pm


Grey had managed to part some distance between the two, leaving some good battle field space. Since the wind stream had collided into Ikki, pushing him far back into the battle field. He would have probably hit a tree or something very hard, which ment he would most likely feel pain. Toshin snickered, his sight was regaining, causing him to see better. "Finally, Im back in buisness." he had said as he smirked. Toshin wanted to finish this for good, without Ikki pulling one of his sneaky tricks. The brown haired shinobi got into a good stance, getting ready for his final attack. Grey had not wanted to use this jutsu, but it had all come up to this last moment. "Flare Blitz." he would say as he concentrated fire chakra into his feet. This cause them to turn his feet on fire, not hurting Grey at all. This jutsu was mainly to increase his speed of 50%, so he could get the upper hand on Ikki. Toshin was finally ready to end this silly battle. With amazing speed, Grey had appeared a 1 meter distance from Ikki. He quickly circled him, causing a wall of flames as he would run around him in circles. This was going exactly to his plan. If Ikki had planned to get out of the wall of flames, he would have to go threw it or some other idea, causing burns on his skin either way. He didn't have long though, soon staying in the flames for too long would make him turn out of breath. Grey had now put his final plan into set. From a good distance, Toshin had stood. Looking at his hopeless opponent in the wall of flames, [b]"Fire Style : Great Fireball Jutsu." he would say. Preforming the tiger sign, Toshin inhaled fire chakra and let it out into a huge fireball that aimed straight at Ikki within the vortex. Toshin had planned to make the damage much more better, due to fire already entrapping Ikki. The fireball could be dodged, but based on its size he wouldn't do it without getting burned. Grey had knew it was the end, and if he did survive, he couldn't compare to his speed.

 Chakra Used : 100/150
Name: Flare Blitz
Canon/Custom: Custom
Rank: C
Type: Supplementary
Element: Katon
Range: Mid (5-15m)
Specialty: Ninjutsu
Duration: 3 post
Cooldown: 5 posts
Description: A somewhat different jutsu, this is both a movement jutsu as well as a trap of sorts. The user focuses their fire chakra into their feet, which if done correctly will basically light said feet on fire. By focusing and forming the fire, they can create an almost jet-like effect, increasing movement speed by 50% for a maximum of three posts. Due to the nature of this jutsu, it leaves a trail of flame in the user's wake. This is useful for trapping opponents in walls of flame, or creating diversions in the form of the fire itself. Also useful as an ignition source for other jutsu.

Name: Fire Style: Great Fireball Jutsu (火遁・豪火球の術 ~ Katon: Gōkakyū no Jutsu) | APPROVED.
Canon/Custom: Canon
Rank: C
Type: Offensive
Element: Katon
Range: 80 metres
Specialty: Ninjutsu
Duration: 1 post
Cooldown: 3 posts
Description: The user forms the Tiger hand seal and breathes deep, filling their throat and lungs with chakra. They then exhale this chakra as a massive orb of roaring flames. It can either be fired as a gigantic sphere of flame or used as a flame-thrower style stream of flames. Either way, the released flames will engulf their target, causing second degree burns to all exposed flesh. The ball of flame will be the size of a bus, regardless of which form it is used in. When used as a flame-thrower, the attack will extend 15 metres in-front of the user. When the user stops breathing the stream of flame or a post lapses, the stream will end and the fireball will simply evaporate. When used as a fireball the sphere will travel at 30 mph. While this form of the attack can travel 80 metres, after it spans 25 metres it will begin to fade, gradually shrinking and becoming less potent. After 50 metres, it can only cause mild first degree burns.

9Grey vs Ikki Empty Re: Grey vs Ikki Mon Aug 19, 2013 9:00 pm


Grey, you're metagaming. You're making your character know things he has no way of knowing. Also, your power playing is getting dangerously close to godmodding. I'm disqualifying you. Ikki moves on.

You cannot simply have your character know things they have no way of knowing, such as you knowing of his sensory jutsu. Your character is being RPed as someone with third party knowledge, not someone in a fight against someone they don't know. Also, you're both the same rank, and therefore the same speed/strength, yet you're RPing as though you're faster and stronger than him.

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